AN: Alright guys, I'm back with a new chapter for a long time friend, OOO! It has been a long time since I published this story so I'm gonna try to make up for lost time. Now, Showtime!
Disclaimer: I do not own Kamen Rider or Accel World.
Chapter 3: Meeting New People
Ankh looked at Chiyuri and at Haru with Kuroyukihime in confusion while Fuuko and Andrew were running to him.
'Who are these humans?' Ankh thought.
"This is Chiyuri, Haru, and-." Takumu started.
Ankh then brought out his Greeed arm out, surprising the newcomers.
"T-Taku, what is with the arm?" Haru nervously asked.
Ankh didn't answer but touched his host's head. Soon he went through Takumu's memories and looked through the ones pertaining to any of these people in front of him. Soon he stopped and looked at them.
'I see…' Ankh thought before grabbing Chiyuri's neck with his Greeed arm.
"T-Taku, what are you doing!?" Haru asked who was obviously surprised and scared while Kuoryukijime was just surprised.
"Ankh, stop!" Takumu begged in the head but Ankh ignored him.
In self-defense, Chiyuri grabbed Ankh's arm and tossed him, separating the two. Takumu landed on the ground with his normal look.
"Ow…" Takumu let out.
Chiyuri and the others soon looked at Ankh with surprised faces.
"What?" The arm said.
Chiyuri screamed before fainting while Haruyuki just hid behind Kuroyukhime while whimpering.
Andrew checked Chiyuri with Ankh while Fuuko checked on Takumu.
"Are you okay!?" Fuuko asked.
"Yeah…" Takumu asked before Fuuko helped him up.
Meanwhile Andrew and Ankh were talking over the unconscious Chiyuri.
"Why did you have to do that!?" Andrew asked as he shook Chiryuri. "Hey! Are you okay!?"
"Is she human?" Ankh wondered, recalling the toss she did.
"Of course, she is! She's Takumu's friend along with these people right here! What's your problem!?" Andrew asked.
"That's exactly it." Ankh answered. He didn't want any loose ends when it comes with his host especially when it comes to collecting Medals. "If any of them follow us around, they'll just get in the way of collecting Medals."
"What about Fuuko then?" Andrew replied as he gestured towards her.
"I can actually see some use for her besides you brought him along, not me. Now get out of the way!" Ankh said. He could use someone like her to watch his host's body in case he does anything funny plus OOO could use another person grabbing Medals. Ankh then smacked Andrew away. He then looked at Haruyuki and Kuroyukihime and slowly flew towards him.
"Uh, nice arm. Good arm." Haruyuki prompted.
Andrew got up and saw and saw a sewer grate. He looked at Fuuko and the barely standing Takumu.
"Help me out here." Andrew said when trying to open the sewer gate.
Before Ankh can touch either Haruyuki or Kuroyukhime….
"Ankh! This is bad! We're in big trouble!"
The arm turned around.
Ankh saw Andrew holding the OOO Driver with one hand over the open sewer gate.
"If I can't transform into OOO, I can't help you gather Medals!" Andrew pleaded.
"And you'll be stuck as an arm for a long time!" Fuuko pleaded as well.
Ankh could tell just how annoying this was already and starting to regret making Andrew OOO.
"You little…" He started.
"Oh no, I'm about to let go!" Andrew screamed as he hand slowly let go until it was just his index finger and thumb left.
"Stop!" Ankh commanded.
That was when Andrew stopped the act and went into a calm and cool attitude like nothing happened.
"Okay then, but you have to get your hand off them." Andrew proposed.
Ankh gave out an irritated sigh before flying back and attaching himself onto Takumu's body. Haru and Kuroyukihime were watching as Ankh was dusting off the dust off Takumu's or his clothes before looking at them.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing." Both Haru and Kuroyukihime said.
Andrew and Fuuko then check up on Chiyuri.
"Do you know where this girl lives?" Andrew asked.
(Somewhere else)
Poseidon and the Greeed were looking down from the top of a building and kept their eyes on the humans to see if there were any changes during the last 800 years.
"Humanity has certainly changed since we were sealed away." Mezool noted.
"They still seem irritating to me." Kazari noted.
"True enough, they do seem to be as foolish as ever. Kind of sad, isn't it?" Mezool replied.
"Dammit, just where the hell is that traitor?" Uva wondered as he was getting irritated on finding the brother that betrayed him and the others.
"Just calm yourself. You'll find Ankh soon enough." Poseidon assured. 'Along with OOO…'
Out of all of them, Gamel was walking the slowest and seemed extremely tired.
"Mezool…I'm running out of Cell Medals." He complained. Gamel was the one who was missing his Medals the most and is lucky to hold a form.
"You use them up so quickly. Here, you can have some of mine." Mezool stated but Poseidon stopped her.
"Allow me." Posiedon offered as he went into the pockets of his coat gave Gamel a few handfuls of Cell Medals.
"Thank you." Gamel stated before taking the Medals and absorbing them without anyone noticing.
"Why do you have those?" Mezool asked with a skeptical look.
"Does it really matter? I only have a short supply and we need some more real soon." Poseidon stated and the only way to get more was to create Yummies and let them fatten up.
"I'll do it." Kazari volunteered. "Humans have changed, but you can say the same thing about their desires. They're larger than ever, and insatiable…" He observed before noticing an angry human.
He had spiky red hair and seemed very irritated over something. Kazari looked at him.
"I suppose he'll do…" Kazari noted.
(Play Anything Goes! by Maki Ohguro)
[You count the Medals! One, two, and three! Life goes on! Anything goes! Coming up OOO!] We start by seeing the screen replaced with a rocky surface and the Taka Medal is on it followed by the Tora and Batta Medals. We then move to see OOO with a magnifier glass on him. As it goes on OOO, we see OOO with different parts. Finally, we see OOO in his default form posing behind the Tatoba symbol.
A Cell Medal is flipped through the air by Andrew as he soon catches it. He places the Medal in the Ride Vendor before allowing it to transform into a bike. Andrew, as OOO, drives the bike down the street as the title appears.
[Iranai motanai yume mo minai! Free na joutai sore mo ii kedo! (Koko kara hajimaru! What you've been waiting for! Count the Medals! One, two, and three!)] We then see Andrew wandering a desert carrying his underwear tied to a stick, while Fuuko was walking through a forest and a puddle shows Sky Raker in her place, and while Ankh was walking through the ceiling and in a nearby mirror his Greeed form was there and was replaced by Taku. Andrew placed his stick on the ground and relaxes as Ankh (As an arm) flies around the screen before showing the Taka, Tora, and Batta Medals.
[Unmei was kimi hottokanai! Kekkyoku wa susumu shika nai! (Michi naru tenkai! Give me energy! Count the Medals! One, two, and three!)] Andrew relaxes but gets up as he notices the Taka Medal and picks it up. Fuuko notices the Tora Medal and picks it up while Ankh picks up the Batta Medal. The three stand back to back with their Medals as Ankh's arm flies around the screen again before showing all three Core Medals.
[Daijobu! Ashita was itsu date Blank!] The Greeed are showing placing their colored sheets on the beach as they appear to relax. Chiyuri, who turns into Lime Bell for a moment before reverting back, runs after Ankh but a red curtain gets in between them. Chiyuri tears it down to find Ankh gone.
[Jibun no kachi was jibun de kimeru mono saa!] Ankh grabs a bunch of Cell Medals and looks at them while Andrew stares at him. Andrew looks at the Medal in his hand as Fuuko looks at him. Andrew soon uses the O-Scanner to scan the Taka, Tora, and Batta in his Driver.
"Henshin!" Andrew says before transforming.
[OOO! OOO! OOO! OOO! COME ON!] We see OOO posing, then appearing in this chapter, on his bike, and then him attacking. We then see him on his bike before going back to the desert where he raises his arm out and several medals burst out of the ground.
[Anything goes! Sono kokoro ga atsuku naru mono!] OOO drives on his on his bike and the next thing we see are the Tatoba Medals appearing in Andrew's hand with a smile. We then see him actually transforming into OOO. We then get a close up on his helmet.
[Mitasareru mono wo sagashite!] We see Haru, on one side with a Taka Cell Medal, who was replaced by Silver Crow for a brief second before turning back. And Kuroyukihime, on the other side with the other side of the Cell Medal, who is replaced by Black Lotus for brief second before turning back. Chiyuri gets in between them as she is looking for Ankh.
[Life goes on! Honki dashite Tatakau no nara!] OOO gets his Tora Claws out before charging. We then see OOO driving his bike on a ramp which consists of Tako Candroids. Chiyuri hugs the red curtain; hugging Ankh from behind. Ankh has a somewhat sad face with a transparent Taku next to him.
[Maker ki shinai hazu!] We see the rest of the Greeed, including Poseidon, in front of their respective curtains. OOO gets Medajalibur, charges it with three Cell Medals, and slashes the ground. As he slashed the ground, Medals burst from the ground and the song ends with the Tatoba Medals appearing from the ground.
(At some other part of the city)
Kuroyukhime and Haru were planning to celebrate Haru's first victory in Brain Burst but it looks like they have other plans especially since a floating talking arm possessed Haru's friend appeared and tried to kill them.
They were talking to each other via Direct Wired Connection while Andrew and Fuuko were arguing with Ankh while Andrew was carrying the unconscious Chiyuri on his back. The only reason that they were with them is because they wanted answers especially when Ankh's host was one of Haru's closest friends.
'You did a great job in there despite the recent events that happened. You'll make it to Level 2 if you carry on like that.' She mentally said to him. Haru, like Andrew, is a new player to Brain Burst and has just won a second match against the player known as Ash Roller.
'Thanks, but I can't really imagine leveling up…especially in our current situation.' Haru thought back to her as they looked at the arguing bunch ahead of them.
Ankh was eating another popsicle and Fuuko stared at him.
"What?" Ankh said, feeling a bit annoyed by her stare.
"Eating that much ice cream is unhealthy for you." Fuuko answered.
Ankh scoffed with a look of annoyance.
"As if I need some human telling me what to eat or not eat." Ankh said in a bitter voice.
"Ankh, she's probably just worried for your heatlh." Andrew reasoned.
"I'm fine enough as it is." Ankh answered as he took another bite from his popsicle.
'They do seem to be a…colorful bunch.' Kuroyukihime remarked while trying not to bring Fuuko into the conversation. 'Anyways, leveling is a long and hard road. Not many of the estimated 1000 Burst Linkers have made it to Level 4. At Level 7 and 8, you become the leader of a legion.'
'A legion?'
'Yes, like a guild or team that you often see in online games' Kuroyukihime started before…
"Don't think you two can toy with me!" Ankh said, obviously frustrated.
"Leave her out of this!" Kuroyukihime said, looking at Fuuko.
"You know Fuuko?" Andrew asked.
"It's a long story. Come on, let's drop your friend at her house." Fuuko said.
They were soon at the address that Haru mentioned and went in the house. Luckily, Chiyuri's parents were still out for work and Andrew carefully placed Chiyuri on her bed.
"I can't believe you tried to kill my girlfriend." Takumu said in Ankh's head.
'I was doing what was necessary.' Ankh replied back.
"For yourself!"Takumu replied back. Ankh just attempted to kill his girlfriend and his childhood friend all because he just wanted to cut loose ends in the pursuit of collecting Cell Medals to regenerate himself.
Haru and Kuroyukihime noticed the irritated and argumentative look that Ankh had on his face.
"Is he alright?" Haru asked.
Andrew and Fuuko looked back at him and it was obvious Ankh was arguing with Takumu. Ankh then opened the window and sat on the ledge as he looked at the city before arguing more mentally with Takumu.
"Well, uh…" Fuuko said, having a hard time trying word this as best as she can.
"It's a long story." Andrew stated and they can't lie due to them seeing Ankh as a floating talking arm already. "So get a comfortable seat, this might take a long time." He prompted before he started telling the tale.
(Somewhere else in the city)
"Damn it!" Araya cursed in the alley. He had no reason to be in a good mood today because he was arrested and expelled from school for hitting Haru. He managed to break out but he has to avoid the police. "If that brat just didn't do what I said…and the next time I see him and that black-haired whore-!"
"Man, you have some desire to unleash your anger out on people, huh?" A voice said. Araya was startled but tried to be brave.
"Who the hell is there!?" Araya asked before turning to see Kazari in his Greeed form. He screamed as he tried to back up a bit. "W-What the hell are you!?"
Kazari held a Cell Medal in his hand as he approached the panicking Araya.
"The answer to all your problems." Kazari said he approached Araya even closer and when he did, a coin slot appeared in Araya's forehead. "Let me unleash that desire for you." He said before placing the Medal in there.
Araya's eyes soon glowed yellow as he stood up and glowed in a gray aura with gray pieces of strap circling around him. The straps soon merged with him as the aura died out. Araya had a devilish smile as his eyes continued glowing yellow and gray pieces of strap were on his skin.
Soon his eyes stopped glowing and one of his gang members approached him.
"Hey Araya, I think-!" Just then Araya punched him in the face. The gang member was trying to figure out what he did wrong. "What the hell was that for!?"
"I don't care…I just want a fight." Araya said.
(At Chiyuri's home)
Andrew just explained everything that happened from the morning at the museum to meeting them. And Fuuko explained how she got into this at the bank up to seeing them and Ankh trying to kill them.
Meanwhile Ankh was playing with the Core Medals up on the roof.
"That Andrew…he's supposed to be my tool for gathering medals. And he thinks that he can toy with me?" Ankh thought out loud angrily.
He could hear Takumu's laughter deep in his head.
"I guess this is karma working its magic on you." He said.
Ankh only growled.
"Just shut it. Don't forget if it wasn't for me, you'd be dead." Ankh argued.
Meanwhile inside, Haru and Kuroyukihime were shocked over the course of events that transpired according to Andrew and Fuuko.
"No way…" Haru remarked. "Is there anything that we can do for Taku? Call a hospital or the police?" He asked, hoping that his friend will be okay.
"I'm afraid that will only bring more casualties." Andrew answered. It was bad enough for these three to be involved and he doesn't want any more considering what Ankh nearly tried to do.
"And he also tried to make you play a game called Brain Burst?" Kuroyukhime asked, recalling what she heard.
"Yeah, it was originally in Takumu's Neuro Linker but Ankh said that it was supposed to make me stronger." He answered. "I even won my first match in it. Why?"
"We're also Brain Burst players." Kuroyukihime explained as well as meeting Haruyuki and giving him a copy of her version up to his win against Ash Roller in a rematch. She then decided to use this opportunity to brief the newcomers on everything about Brain Burst.
She soon explained everything to Andrew that she did for Haruyuki before they arrived here. She then decided to go on as she brought up a map of the Accel World.
"Currently, Accel World has six major legions ruling over the different zones. Each led by one of the six Level 9 Burst Linkers. Their colors are blue, red, yellow, green, purple, and…white. They are known as 'The Six Kings of Pure Color'." Kuroyukihime explained.
"A game where only six players have reached the max level?" Haruyuki asked.
"Level 9 isn't the max level." Kuroyukihime clarified.
"So it's Level 10 then. How many people are Level 10?" Andrew asked, wondering what Ankh has gotten him into this time.
"The Brain Burst 2039 program was released seven years ago anonymously. Due to its harsh rules, no one has ever reached Level 10." She continued.
"Does it require a lot of fighting? Like 10,000 wins?" Haru asked.
"No, just five. They have to be Level 9 opponents." Kuoryukihime answered. "It takes one loss to wipe away all your points and the program will uninstall automatically."
Both Andrew and Haru were surprised by the seriousness of this fame. As if Andrew didn't have enough to worry about because if the Kings found out about OOO's power then they would do anything to recruit him into their legions and he didn't want that. He had enough problems with Ankh already.
"Did either of you know that this program has remained a secret for seven years?" Kuroyukhime asked.
"No." Both boys answered.
"It's due to such strict conditions." She explained.
This caught the two's curiosity.
"The main one is to have a Neuro Linker installed at birth. And since Neuro Linkers have only been available for fifteen years, there are no adult Burst Linkers." Kuroyukhime said. "Because there are children, they try to protect their special privilege. And since no evidence remains when it uninstalls, any talk of it is dismissed as a child's fantasy." She explained and that is a good way to cover tracks but why all the secrecy for this?
"Go on." Andrew said, really anxious to keep hearing this.
"Two years ago, the Kings all reached Level 9 around the same time and were informed that such harsh rules to become Level 10 existed."
"And what did the Kings do?" Haru asked, neither of the boys aware the Fuuko seemed to already know this.
"The Kings chose to languish indefinitely. They made a peace treaty and consolidated their realms in the Accel World. It was absurd, considering all the Burst Linkers they defeated to reach Level 9." Kuoryukhime said with subtle disgust in her voice.
"So do you plan on doing something about this?" Andrew asked, seeing the disgust in Kuroyukhime's voice.
"No, I already tried." She answered sadly.
"You did?" They asked.
"There used to be seven Kings. While they were rivals, there was a strong bond between them. Until one night two years ago, when the Black King betrayed and attacked them." She explained.
"The Black King?" The two wondered.
"That would be me, Black Lotus. I alone rejected peace and argued that we should all fight and risk it all. When my plan was rejected, I beheaded the anti-war Red King!" She said. The two boys were surprised that this seemingly nice girl actually favored violence and even eradicated one of the Kings to get what she wanted. "He lost his Brain Burst instantly. "His girlfriend, the Purple King, started screaming and the Blue King was enraged. I fought in a furious frenzy, but was unable to get any of the others. After thirty minutes passed, I linked out. I went into hiding ever since."
The boys just stared at her while Fuuko just gave her a sad look.
"In the Accel World, I'm loathed as a traitor, with a huge bounty on my head. I'm a lowly coward." She sadly said.
"But why?" Haru asked.
"I wanted to reach Level 10 more than anything. The game said that Level 10 Burst Linkers would meet the creator and…discover its true meaning, its ultimate purpose. I was desperate to find that out. We accelerate and fight for rewards of becoming rich, successful and famous, but is that all there is? There's got to be more, so much more beyond our human shell." She said before looking at the two boys. "Well are you two disgusted? Do you despise me?"
"Well, whatever game it is, it's stupid to give up just before the end and merely wander around endlessly. I'm sure that aiming for the highest level is what Brain Burst is all about." Haru said.
Kuroyukhime chuckled at Haru's answer.
"You're already more of a Burst Linker than me!" She said before looking at Andrew. "And you?"
"Well, I can understand why you said all this to Haru but why me as well?" Andrew wondered.
"Because you saved us from that arm freak…" Kuroyukhime answered.
"I heard that, Princess!" Ankh yelled from the roof.
"That's why I said it, idiot." She said. "And you told us your story so I figured it would be fair if I told you mine. So what do you think?"
"Well, it is a game and what you're doing isn't exactly right but I can agree that it's best to finish what you started." Andrew stated. He then noticed Fuuko leaving. "Hey Fuuko, where are you going?"
"Just getting some fresh air." She said before leaving the house.
Andrew, sensing something's wrong, decided to check on her.
"I see, anyways, it was nice meeting you two. But can you please watch Chiyuri until she wakes up for me?" Andrew asked.
"S-Sure." Haru said before Andrew went outside completely.
He soon saw Fuuko thinking to herself outside.
"Fuuko!" Andrew called as he ran to her. "Is there something wrong? You looked spaced out in there."
"Andrew, I'm fine, really." Fuuko assured.
That was when Andrew realized that Fuuko was in there to hear Kuroyukhime's explanation and didn't make a single statement or remark, meaning that…
"Fuuko, are you a…Burst Linker?" Andrew asked.
Fuuko nodded.
"I was also in the Black Legion with Saa-chan. The day she disappeared with a price on her head for treason was shocking for all of us there and without her, the Black Legion fell apart and we all went separate ways." Fuuko explained. "I was happy to see her again but not the way that I expected."
"I see." Andrew remarked. "Were you close with her?" He asked.
"She was a good and loyal friend. I missed the times when I was in the Black Legion but I have to move on now." Fuuko said sadly before Andrew placed a hand on her shoulder with a smile.
"Your friend seems like a nice person. And I really hope we get to meet her and Haru soon in the Accel World ourselves." Andrew said. "But how are we going to explain it to the girl who fainted? There's going to be a lot of a trouble for us when she wakes up."
"That's why I said that we should kill her." Ankh said from the roof, earning a mental sigh from Takumu.
Andrew and Fuuko just stared at him before sighing.
Just then Ankh felt Cell Medals piling up meaning that there's a Yummy nearby that is feeding on desire. He jumped down from the roof and landed in front of the two.
"It's time to move along now." Ankh said before he left.
"H-Hey, wait up!" Andrew said before he and Fuuko ran up to him.
(At Araya's Location)
Araya was beating up a few random citizens.
"Please…stop…" A bystander requested but Araya ignored him before kicking him in the face.
He soon noticed one of his gang members approaching him.
"Araya, that's enough." The gang member said.
"No…must…keep…fighing." Araya insisted before kneeing the member and tossing him aside.
Soon Andrew, Ankh, and Fuuko arrived.
"There it is! That Yummy!" Ankh recognized when he looked at Araya.
Andrew and Fuuko were expecting another animal or insect-themed monster but instead all they see was a human with out-of-control rage building up inside.
"It's nothing like any of the others!" Andrew remarked.
"It's not a monster, it's a human!" Fuuko remarked as well.
"It's inside him." Ankh explained. "It's a parasitic type that has to infect a human host."
"Parasitic?" Andrew stated, asking for a deeper explanation s they just kept watching the infected Araya beat on those innocent people.
"It causes the desire of the infected host to rage out of control, and then stockpile it as Medals." Ankh explained.
"Like a centipede in a cocoon." Fuuko observed.
"You can say that." Ankh answered as he played with the Core Medals. "Looks like it has a bit of a ways to go. We'll let it eat a bit more, and then once he's nice and plump with Medals…"
Andrew, frustrated, then turned and grabbed the Core Medals out of his hand before getting his Driver and placing it on.
"I'm not waiting for a change like that to happen!" Andrew said as he inserted the Medals and tilted the Driver.
Ankh growled before jumping a safe place while Fuuko watched from the corner. Andrew took out his scanner and scanned the Medals.
Andrew soon transformed into OOO and looked at Araya.
"Alright, get out of him!" OOO demanded as he approached Araya but Araya just pushed him away. Araya then fired energy orbs, causing sparks at OOO's armor as he was being pushed back.
OOO soon pulled out his sword and used it to deflect the orbs. He managed to get to Araya and used one arm to restrain him. He was about to slash him but Araya was a human, he couldn't do it.
"Get out of there! I can't fight you like this!" OOO said, to his dismay. Araya then threw OOO to the side.
He then approached him before grabbing OOO and smacking him.
"It's not leaving him until it's finished growing." Ankh explained. "The only way to kill it is to kill the human as well."
"I'm not doing that!" OOO said as he was dodging Araya.
The fight soon continued between the possessed Araya and the dodging reluctant OOO. Ankh had an unsatisfied face, seeing that nothing progressive was being done.
'At this rate, I'll never get any Medals!' Ankh angrily thought.
"So? I don't you can do anything about this." Takumu stated back.
'Like hell!'
Ankh turned his arm into its Greeed form and jumped down and landed between them. He grabbed Araya's neck by the Greeed hand. He soon pushed Araya against a wall.
"You're not that impressive, are you?" Ankh said as he tossed Araya aside and was about to kill him but OOO grabbed him.
"Stop it!" He demanded as he tried to pull the resisting Ankh away. "I said stop it! You promised me, remember!? No more treating Medals as more important than human lives!" OOO reminded.
"Like I care! You need to remember who's calling the shots here!" Ankh argued.
Fuuko ran up to them and tried to break it apart despite being vulnerable but no progress was made. Seeing that nothing was being done, the three decided to do the one logical thing they could think of.
"Burst Link!" The three yelled and everything froze around them before their avatars left their bodies.
Fuuko's avatar was wearing a white dress with angel wings at the back and had a little halo above her head.
"You promised me!" Andrew reminded.
"Do I care? No!" Ankh argued. "I need those Medals to make myself whole again!" Ankh said before grabbing Andrew by the collar.
"Ankh, calm down!" Takumu said through Ankh.
Ankh tossed Andrew to the floor. Fuuko went to check on Andrew.
"Andrew, are you okay?"
"Yeah…" He answered but he was mad that Ankh only cared more about Medals than lives.
"Ankh, look not everything goes to plan. It might be a good idea to spare the guy."
"Why should I!?" Ankh argued.
"You said it yourself, you want him plump with medals." Takumu reasoned. Ankh thought about it while Fuuko just helped Andrew up.
"Fine." Ankh decided before the three left the Accel World and resumed what they were doing.
OOO and Fuuko looked at Ankh to see him with not resisting anymore. Araya the punched the ground and energy surged through it until exploding in front of the three. OOO got in front of Fuuko to shield her until it soon stopped and Araya was gone. They all looked around to see Araya completely gone from the premises.
"No good! It got away!" OOO remarked before the three heard a motorcycle engine and looked to see Akito approaching them with his Ride Vendor.
He stopped the bike, got off, took off his helmet, and pressed a button to allow his bike to go into is vending machine form.
"Use this." Akito prompted.
OOO snapped his fingers in realization.
"Oh yeah! I could use the bike!" OOO realized before approaching the machine, inserted a Cell Medal, and pressed a button to allow the machine to go into its bike form. OOO was about to get on but Akito stopped him.
"You don't have to change it. You could've used the Hawk to track the Yummy." Akito pointed out.
OOO remembered the first day when he became OOO when those mechanical birds took the Cell Medals, much to Ankh's displeasure. OOO nodded in understanding.
"Oh, that's what you meant." OOO realized before turning the bike back into the vending machine.
"Hey! Don't waste Medals like that!" Ankh said as he and Fuuko saw OOO getting more Cell Medals. To Ankh, those things are as precious to him as blood and now he's seeing them being used as if they were a common currency.
"It's only a few Medals, Ankh. We can always get more." Fuuko reasoned with.
"Maybe, but right now to me, every Medal counts." Ankh said before looking at Akito. "Take it back. We didn't use that one!"
"Sorry but it's a one-time only deal. Once you used it, it's gone and nothing else." Akito said with a smile.
"What?" Ankh said, a little more frustrated at this while Fuuko quietly giggled at his loss.
Meanwhile, OOO placed a Cell Medal into the machine and pressed a button for the Taka Candroid. It soon dropped down for OOO to get.
OOO grabbed it, opened, and laid it on his hand to transform into its hawk form.
"It's so cute." Fuuko remarked.
"And annoying…" Ankh muttered, remembering his first encounter with this type of Candroids.
The Taka Candroid took the air and looked at OOO.
"Sorry to bug you, but can you find that Yummy?" OOO politely asked.
It nodded before flying off into the city to find that possessed human. OOO then reverted back to Andrew.
"Just who the hell are you!?" Ankh asked Akito. "Since when could mere humans use the power of Medals!?" Ankh asked, he was obviously not aware of what happened during the 800 years in slumber.
"You Greeed guys have been out for quite a while. In that time, us 'mere humans' evolved a bit." Akito said. "Enough to combat you Greeed guys, at least."
Ankh scoffed at that.
"So your idea of evolution is a bloated ego?" He responded. The two stared at each other and looked like a fight was going to happen until Andrew and Fuuko got in between them.
"Hey, give it a rest you two!" Andrew said.
"That's right, the only enemy here is the Yummy." Fuuko added.
Akito stared at them before putting his helmet back on, transforming the machine back into a bike, getting on, and driving away.
"Just who is that guy? He's been helping us every time we see him now." Andrew wondered. Ever since he became OOO, the three kept running into this guy and he's always been helping. Like last time when he gave OOO's sword and that ramp to the Yummy.
"Who knows? At least he's on our side." Fuuko said. That was a good point, it was good to know that they weren't alone in these kinds of situation.
"I guess they really have changed." Ankh remarked.
"800 years is a lot of time for improvement to take place in." Takumu said in Ankh's head.
"Perhaps I should do the same." Ankh said before going through Takumu's memories. While he did searched up certain terms of technology, Ankh believed that he only scratched the surface and looked into other things besides Brain Burst, the Neuro Linker, and the Global Network.
He soon stopped himself and found one memory where he could look into more of this stuff.
(At the Kougami Foundation building)
Kougami and Satonaka were sitting on the couch and looking at the footage of Ankh through his laptop.
"We've achieved an uncannily effective balance here, Satonaka!" Kougami remarked as he got up. "OOO is powerful, but lacking in knowledge and resources. But he has our Ride Vendors and the unlikely supervision of a Greeed! I can't imagine a more splendid method of cultivating Medals!" Kougami remarked.
It isn't ideal but OOO has been getting a lot of help from Kougami Foundation and Ankh since he was reborn and it was better than just stumbling blind. And with two Yummies down, OOO and Kougami Foundation were getting a lot more Cell Medals.
Satonaka was playing with a stack of Cell Medals before looking at Kougami.
"Well, we've definitely been getting more than usual." Satonaka remarked as she continued to try and erect her tower of Cell Medals only for it to collapse.
"I'll have Date continue to follow and monitor them." Kougami said before turning back to Satonaka. "Now then! Whose birthday is it today!?" He asked with excitement in his voice. He soon started making his cake.
"Well, there's one person in management…" Satonaka stated.
(With Andrew and the others)
"Hey! Where are we going?" Andrew asked. The three have been walking for a while with Ankh in the lead.
"We've been walking for a long time. Can you at least tell us where we're going?" Fuuko asked, anxious along with Andrew.
"My house." Ankh plainly answered.
"Don't you mean 'my house'." Takumu said.
'That's what I said, didn't I?' Ankh replied.
"I hate you…"
They soon arrived at the building.
"Uh, don't you mean Taku's house?" Fuuko asked, getting what Ankh meant.
"He is me. Hence, it is my house." Ankh clarified.
"No, you have my body but not my complete mind." Takumu clarified to Ankh.
"That's totally wrong!" Andrew said. Right now, he felt that they were breaking into the house plus there's still the issue of his parents. "How'd you even know about this place!? And won't his parents worry about you!?" He asked.
"It's not just his body I have control over. That goes for a majority of his mind, too." Ankh said as he pointed at his head. "As for his parents, I saw that they were going for a long business trip so we have nothing to worry about." Ankh explained before he went in.
Andrew and Fuuko decided to follow him and make sure Ankh doesn't do anything funny while he's in there. The three soon entered the house and it looked like a typical family home. They all looked around.
"I only used the Global Net for experiments but now I have to look into these humans who are gathering Cell Medals, and find out what happened to the Core Medals that are missing. Using these 'evolved' methods." Ankh said as he looked at a computer nearby.
(At Chiyuri's home)
Chiyuri woke up a while after Kuoryukhime told Haru her problem about a Burst Linker finding out about her identity. They explained everything to her about what happened after she fainted upon the sight of a floating arm that possessed her boyfriend.
"No way…" She said. She didn't believe what she heard especially about her boyfriend's status.
"I'm sorry, Chiyu but that's what happened." Haru said sadly, also fearful of his best friend's status.
"Where did they go?" Chiyuri asked, hoping to talk to them.
"We have no idea." Kuroyukhime said while her mind was preoccupied with the thought of Fuuko being involved. She was a good person and deserved to not be involved with the monster of an arm. But Andrew seemed like a good person based on his attitude so maybe he can keep her safe from Ankh.
"We'll find them then." Haru assured. It's obvious that Chiyuri might not believe them so they need to find them and prove it themselves. The two soon left Chiyuri alone and went outside and began walking.
As they were walking, the possessed Araya was driving a car and noticed them. His desire for revenge added with violence was burning up with the Yummy inside him. He then floored the gas pedal and aimed at them.
(At Taku's home)
Ankh was looking through the house and the other two stared at him.
"Hey, try not to break anything." Andrew advised.
"If I use his memories, then it'll be easy to learn." Ankh said. So far searching through his memories has been very helpful when adapting to the present's technological advancement. "Apparently, he had a secret passion for this sort of thing. So much that his parents would complain about it time to time."
"You didn't have to tell them that."
Ankh just ignored him and went through his memories again before smiling at something.
"I see, the thing he bought most recently and was hiding…" Ankh started before going through the drawers. "Should be here." He concluded.
Andrew and Fuuko continued looking around until they found a picture of Takumu, Chiyuri, and Haru as kids. Andrew walked up to it and stared at it before remembering the kind of faces that she and Haru had when Ankh tried to kill them. He had a sad face on and Fuuko looked at him.
"Andrew, is everything alright?" She asked.
"Yeah." He lied but Fuuko can see right through him.
"Andrew, are you worried about Ankh?" She asked.
"Look at this, we're practically invading another person's life." Andrew admitted. Ankh looks like he's taking Takumu's identity just to blend in with the humans. And Andrew and Fuuko are dragged into this and have to keep a close eye on him since he just tried to kill three people and placed Medals above human life.
Fuuko placed a hand on Andrew's shoulder and made him face her.
"Look, I don't like this as much as you do but, what else can we do?" She asked. She did have a point, they're dealing with a 800 year old being that has woken up for the first time in centuries and he's making Andrew use an ancient tool to collect the thing that he needs to stay alive; Medals. Who has also possessed a fifteen year old guy and tried to kill his friends. They were obviously not dealing with an everyday problem.
"Yeah, I see your point." Andrew said, thinking about it.
"And all we can do is hold out and hope that Takumu's body recovers." Fuuko suggested.
"Alright." Andrew answered, deciding to cross the bridge when he gets there.
Ankh soon found a small white box in the drawers and opened it. Inside the box was a small chip.
"That's my Neuro Linker upgrade!" Takumu recognized. "Please don't install it!"
Ankh just ignored him and took off the Neuro Linker before opening one of its compartments. He took the chip out of the box and inserted it into the Linker before closing the compartment. Ankh then placed it back on until it emitted a holographic interface in front of him, showing him the downloading bar before it quickly filled up.
"I hate you." Takumu said and Ankh smirked as a result.
It then listed the improvements that this upgrade provides. Ankh scrolled through it to see how these improvements can help him. As he was scrolling through the list, the Taka Candroid appeared at the window and chirped a little. Andrew and Fuuko both turned their heads at it and approached it.
"Oh, did you find the Yummy?" Andrew asked.
The Taka Candroid nodded.
"Well, let's go." Fuuko said before she and Andrew made for the door and looked at Ankh.
"Come on, we found the Yummy." Andrew said before he and Fuuko left. Ankh closed the interface before following them.
They were soon outside and started running with the Taka Candroid leading them. They soon heard sirens and saw a crash car along with an ambulance in the scene. They also noticed a huge group of people around the scene.
"Did an accident happen here?" Andrew wondered before they moved through the people. They soon saw something that gave Fuuko a devastated look which made her covered her mouth. It was Kuroyukihime with several injuries on her lying in a pool of blood.
"Saa-chan!" Fuuko cried out as she ran to her and Haru was also present at the scene.
"Haru, what happened!?" Andrew asked while Ankh just stared at the scene with a blank look. Haru looked just as devastated as Fuuko.
"I-It was Araya, he tried to kill us and Sempai….pushed me out of the way." Haru answered. No normal human would do this which meant that the Yummy was behind this.
Soon the men from the ambulance appeared and loaded Kuroyukhime on the gurney before putting an oxygen mask on her. They soon started to load her into the ambulance. Andrew saw the crying Fuuko.
"Fuuko…" Andrew started.
"Saa-chan…" She cried again and Andrew hugged her. Fuuko didn't do anything except cry into his chest. Soon she was in the ambulance and Haru got on. Fuuko and Andrew looked at them before Andrew looked at her.
"You need to be strong for your friend and she needs you. Go to her." Andrew said before letting Fuuko go. Fuuko nodded before getting on the ambulance and it soon drove away.
The Taka Candroid soon landed on Andrew's shoulder while Andrew and Ankh watched the ambulance leave the scene. Andrew and Ankh looked at a corner and saw Araya hiding. The Taka Candroid took off and flew to Araya before pecking him, irritating him instantly.
"Dammit!" Araya cursed before trying to chase the machine. It soon led him far from the scene with Andrew and Ankh behind him. Soon they were in some sort of parking lot building and Andrew finally caught up to Araya and held him while the Taka Candroid was mocking him. "Damn you!" Araya cursed again. "Let me at him!"
"Just settle down!" Andrew advised while the Taka Candroid continued making fun of Araya.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Araya screamed before his stomach opened with Yummy getting out.
"That's it, almost there!" Andrew said in relief, getting ready to fight the monster. Just before the Yummy can come out fully, Ankh grabbed Andrew and tossed him aside before punching Araya in the face with his Greeed arm.
Andrew got up to see Ankh and Araya having a fist fight.
"What are you doing, Ankh!?" Andrew asked.
"I told you and the girl. This Yummy can grow bigger!" Ankh said as he continued punching Araya before kicking him away.
Ankh was grooming the Yummy until it was ready for slaughter and that was feeding on its desire for violence and dominance but at the cost of endangering Araya's life. It seemed to Andrew that Ankh hasn't changed one bit.
"You…Are you trying to-!?"
"What the hell is your problem?" Ankh asked.
"This!" Takumu said before Ankh ignored him once again.
"He wants a fight and I'll give him one. That way no one gets killed." Ankh said, trying to clear Andrew's conscience but that wasn't much.
"And what happens to Araya!?" Andrew asked.
"This is his just deserts. Look, he didn't start acting like this because of the Yummy. It's his own desire causing this and putting him into this kind of situation. If he dies having his desires satisfied, then what's the problem?" Ankh asked without a care in the world as he kept fighting Araya.
"That's not…" Andrew stated before seeing Ankh kick Araya away. Araya then roared as his body was building up mass, his eyes glowed red, and a yellow aura surrounded him. Andrew had a terrified look and shook his head. "I can't let something like this happen!" He said before running over to Ankh and grabbed him before any more of this fight can continue. "Hey give me the Medals! Hand them over!"
But Ankh ignored him before pushing him away. Andrew landed o the floor and Ankh approached him.
"Get this through your thick head! I'm the one calling the shots here!" Ankh exclaimed. "And remember this, if you get rid of that belt, then you won't be able to help your fellow humans!"
"So you just expect him to do nothing about this until you deem it necessary!?" Takumu asked.
"Exactly!" Ankh answered.
Andrew got up and ran to Araya before restraining him.
"Stop it! If you fight anymore, you'll die!" Andrew warned before Araya tossed him aside and turned his attention towards him.
Araya charged at him but Andrew was dodging every attack he was throwing at him.
"Baka…" Ankh muttered as he was watching this.
Araya roared before trying to go at Andrew again but Andrew was just dodging or restraining him.
"Andrew, give it up already! Or you'll be the one who ends up dead." Ankh said, not wanting his Medal collecting tool to die.
Araya tossed Andrew away again and he got up, not minding the damage he was taking.
"Even so…" Andrew started as he got up to try and restrain Araya only for Araya to throw him onto a support beam. "Even if I die, if the alternative is doing nothing-!" Andrew stated as his mind flashbacked to Kuroyukihime's assaulted body and the children that he failed to save. Andrew then got up with a defiant look on his face, not wanting to give up now or ever.
Araya roared again before the Yummy walked out of his body, making Araya pass out. It soon evolved into a humanoid Jaguar with armor and bandages wrapped around his fists. It charged and tried to kill Andrew, who was just trying to dodge his attacks.
"Well, at least the Yummy is out." Takumu stated while Ankh only had a face filled with annoyance.
"We're doing this dance again?" He stated before getting the Core Medals out. "Andrew!" He called before tossing them to Andrew, who kicked the Jaguar Yummy away. He caught them before dodging another attack and placed on his Driver. He loaded two of them in before dodging another attack and then loaded the third one.
He quickly tilted the Driver, pulled out the Scanner, and moved it across his belt.
Andrew finally transformed into OOO before pulling out his sword. The Yummy and OOO charged at each other and OOO attempted to slash the Jaguar Yummy but its armor was too thick for his sword to get through.
The Jaguar Yummy tried punching again but OOO dodged to try to land a slash again only for the thick armor to get in the way. OOO tried again and again but it was no use.
"Oh, come on…" OOO complained before trying again but this time the Jaguar Yummy merely caught the sword before throwing it away. It then punched OOO straight to the ground before he activated his Tora Claws. He immediately got up and tried lashing the Yummy with them but, like the sword, it was no use.
Ankh was watching from his sitting place above and appeared unsatisfied with the way things are going.
"Hey Ankh, this probably isn't a good time for this but, I was wondering if I could ask for a quick favor." Takumu requested.
"Favor?" Ankh inquired before Takumu mentally requested what he needs to do.
"I'm not going to get anywhere with that thick armor he has…" OOO observed before trying one more to push the Yummy back and it did…for only a few inches. The Jaguar Yummy responded by kicking OOO away. OOO got up and the leg portion of his armor glowed green before kicking the Jaguar Yummy in the face, causing it spill out a few Cell Medals.
OOO kicked him in the face again and more Cell Medals came out.
"I see now, its face is its weakness." OOO said in realization before getting his Tora Claws out again. He slashed the head and kicked it again causing more Cell Medals to come out. OOO kept this going and a lot of Cell Medals were pouring out and with one last kick, the Jaguar Yummy flew out of the building and landed hard on the floor.
The Jaguar Yummy got up only to be met with a punch to the face by OOO before landing hard on the ground. It got up and tried to get away again only for OOO to jump over him. He quickly got his Scanner out and scanned his Medals.
The leg portion of OOO's armor glowed green before turning into human-sized grasshopper legs. He then jumped up, did a backwards flip in the air, and a red, yellow, green ring appeared in front of him. OOO aimed his legs before flying down on him. When he passed the red ring, OOO had ethereal red wings but soon pillars started to float in between OOO and the Yummy and Ankh noticed this before going down.
OOO tried going through them as he went through the other two rings but by the time he went through the green ring, an explosion occurred. OOO landed on the ground, hoping he hit the Yummy instead of the pillar.
"That damn thing is still alive!?" OOO remarked.
"Someone got in your way." Ankh explained as he appeared behind OOO. "Kazari, it's you, isn't it?"
Just then Kazari emerged from his hiding spot and chuckled a bit as he looked at the two.
"Nice to see you again, Ankh."
The three stood silent as they all stared at each other while OOO was wondering what happens next.
(Omake: Ankh's Ice Cream I)
"Ice! Ice! Ice!" Ankh chanted as he walked up to the fridge. If there was one good thing he could say about being in a human body is that he's able to eat and taste ice cream.
He opened the freezer and grabbed the box before opening it. His smiling face turned to despair as he turned it upside down and only sticks fell out of it.
"There's not even one! My luck is terrible!" Ankh remarked as he dropped the box and went into despair.
Just then Takumu started talking in his head.
"You should use your lucky color to prevent things like this."
"Which color?" Ankh asked.
"Hmm…why not….green?"
"Ice! Ice! Ice!" Ankh chanted as he walked up to the fridge with a green scarf.
"Not bad." Takumu complimented before Ankh opened the freezer and found the box but with ice cream in. He grabbed the box and took one. He then unwrapped it and took a bite. His delighted face turned into one with sour. He pinched his nose as he looked down and saw wasabi in his ice cream.
"Why is there even wasabi…" Ankh said before giving up with his head hanging down with depression. Unknown to him, Niko was hiding behind the counter and snickered as she saw the dejected Ankh.
AN: Let me be clear on this once and for all: I AM NOT THROUGH WITH THIS STORY! Look, I'm the author of 13 stories alright? I have priorities here and the real world. But I'm not done with this story, I'm done either when this story is completed or I actually put an announcement up (which is probably never going to happen). Anyways, don't be afraid to review this story or pm me about this story or anything else. Please favorite or follow this story along with my other stories if you can. Alright, that's it, I'm done. Goodnight.