A/N: Firstly, there are no excuses for how long this update has taken. Only that life and university have been at the forefront of my mind and unfortunately, this has taken a step back. Hopefully I will be back for a while and finishing my other fic and perhaps starting a new one. This chapter is the end to this story though dear readers. I never intended it to be long and I would like to think that this chapter rounds things off nicely. There may well be a sequel one day, who knows? Anyway, apologies again and I hope you all enjoy. Some reviews would be lovely. Sorry for any mistakes in advance and as usual, I do not own Harry Potter.

Hermione had been dreading this meeting all week but it was safe to say she could put it off no longer. The kitchen at Grimmauld Place had never seemed so cold and empty as it did now. It was hard for the brunette to ever imagine Bella here, a young girl, innocent and untouched by war and what life would have in-store for her.

'You're tea is getting cold.' Harry commented dully, causing the brunette to smile awkwardly. Her hands safely tucked underneath her legs to prevent them from shaking too badly. The boy sighed.

'Why can't you just talk to me, 'Mione? After everything we've been through, you owe me this much.'

'I don't owe you anything, Harry Potter. If anything, after everything, you perhaps owe me some privacy. Along with the ability to make my own life choices.' Hermione smiled apologetically after witnessing the guilty blush that spread on the boy's face.

'Sorry.' He mumbled. 'I guess I just worry. You're like a sister to me and I need to know you're okay cuz' if you're not I'm gonna damn well do my best to help you.'

'I know, Harry. It's just this isn't easy to say.' For a moment, the brunette just stared in wonder at her friend. He truly had grown up in the months after the war. Then again, could anyone go through what he had and not have aged and changed in the ways he had?

'I don't even know how to begin...' She admitted, her eyes not quite able to reach his. 'For a while now, I haven't been happy with Ron. In fact, I wasn't ever happy with Ron. You see, Harry... Sometimes you get swept away with emotions and what's deemed right and wrong by society, what's expected of you and well, you get caught up in these moments that make no sense, caught up in these lies that trap you and hold you hostage while an entire part of your life just crumbles around you. You know?' The brunette sighed.

'No, Hermione. I don't know.' The girl laughed at the bewildered look on Harry's face. 'For someone supposedly so clever, you really fucked that one up.' The boy grinned sheepishly. 'I'm not going anywhere-' he assured, 'Just say it.'

'Harry, for a long time now I've been in love with Bellatrix Black. Since before Ron. But things were so complicated and I was so lost in a world I cannot even begin to describe. But I love her, Harry. By God I do. She's so incredible and well, she loves me too. Only it took us both far too long to admit it but now, now we're both ready to accept it and be together.' Hermione's face flushed as she risked a glance up at her oldest friend.

The boy who lived smirked bemusedly at her. 'Blimey, I can't say I was expecting that. But, on the other hand, I also can't say that I wasn't.' At her questioning gaze he continued. 'You're not as subtle as you think, either of you. I thought it was just a crush though. I wasn't quite expecting you to both be so serious about it.' He took her hand into his own, squeezing gently. 'I'm happy for you, really I am. If this is what you want then who is anyone to stand in your way? Not that anyone would be stupid enough to stand in the way of you or Bellatrix for that matter.'

'I can think of someone.' The brunette grumbled.

'Ah, yes. What are you going to tell Ron?'

'The truth. It's no less than he deserves. I didn't have to put him through this, I accept that it was wrong of me. I just hope he doesn't judge me too harshly.' Hermione smiled half-heartedly, earning another squeeze from Harry's hand.

'Rather you than me.' Harry laughed at the look of contempt his friend shot him. The poor girl was in for one hell of a night, and not in the good way.

Bellatrix had been pacing in front of the fireplace for most of the evening, much to the chagrin of her youngest sister.

'Bella, for the last time, some of us are trying to have a civilised conversation. Could you please just sit down!' The blonde growled, her usual facade of grace and elegance fleeing.

'I'll sit down once I know that Hermione's okay. I should have never let you talk us into coming home.' The eldest sister snapped in reply.

'She'll be fine.' Nymphadora Tonks piped up. 'Ron isn't a patch on 'Mione. If it comes to it she could floor him in an instant.'

'That may be so, but I'd still rather she let me go with her.' Bella replied, a frown marring her features.

'You can't always be there, Bella. There are going to be several times in your future when Hermione will have to do difficult things without you by her side. This is just one of those things.' Narcissa tried to reason.

'I may agree with Bella on this front, Cissy. Of course the two of them can't hold each others hand through every difficulty but Ronald has been known to have somewhat of a short fuse. I for one would not trust him further than I could throw him, and have you seen the size of that boy lately.' Andromeda calculated as she helped herself to a finger sandwich.

'I'm sure Potter wouldn't let Granger tell Weasley alone though.' Draco reasoned. His views on his aunt's relationship with the muggle-born had been kept fairly close to his chest to begin with. But after seeing his aunt's worry throughout the day increase he could now see that this was no fling. His aunt seemed happy, which was unusual in itself. Maybe Granger was a good influence. Maybe love was as powerful as Dumbledore had said.

'And knowing Potter he wouldn't have even been mad. Disappointed maybe, that Granger had lied to him but the saviour of the wizarding world wouldn't be able to hold a grudge against the only person who ever really stuck with him.' Pouring a firewhiskey, the young wizard handed it to the dark witch.

'Only time will tell how things will play out. But wearing my carpet away is not going to help anyone. Sit down, drink up and more importantly shut up.' Narcissa chastised much to the amusement of everyone but her eldest sister who glared menacingly at her before complying.

To say that Ronald Weasley had taken things badly would have been the understatement of the century. At least they were passed the angry, shouting, threatening stage. Although, the brunette didn't know if this stage was any better. This was the weeping, 'I don't understand', please don't do this' stage. A stage that was both physically and emotionally draining. Hermione had tried to tell herself she wouldn't cry. She'd be brave. Go in, tell him the truth and leave. Of course things weren't that simple. It was around the second time he had referred to her as a 'Deceitful little slut' that the tears began to cascade down her cheeks. This was not what she had wanted, the idea of causing anyone this much pain broke her. Especially when it was someone she loved.

'Would I have ever been enough for you?' The red-head asked suddenly, in the midst of a quiet spell.

'Oh, Ron. I don't even know anymore.' The brunette admitted sadly. There was no point in lying even more, even if it was to save his feelings. Lying was what had caused such a mess to begin with.

'You have to understand that none of this was ever meant to happen. I never intended to fall in love with Bellatrix, I never intended to date you. Things just got so complicated. I was hurting and it was all so fast. Before I knew it I was engaged to you and loving her. None of it was supposed to happen. I was torn between what was expected of me and what I wanted.' The girl tried to explain, though she realised it probably fell on deaf ears. Ron would take from this whatever he wanted to. He was never one to listen fully and try to understand the bigger picture.

'You really love her?' He asked, his blue eyes filling with tears again.

'Yes. More than I could have ever imagined.'

'Well then who am I to stand in your way?' Ron sighed as he attempted to smile at his now ex-fiance. 'Just don't expect me to be okay with this for a while. If not ever. ' He frowned, a single tear falling down his cheek.

'Of course, Ron. Thank you.' Hermione smiled before squeezing his shoulder and heading for the floo.

Balls had never been Bellatrix's thing. From as young an age as 7 she was forced to attend. To honour her heritage and show off her beauty to the world. Although, if her mother had known beforehand the sort of mischief her eldest daughter would get up to at said balls, it would be safe to say Bella's attendance may not have been pushed, or expected at all. This one, however, was in a league of its own. The grin that had etched itself onto a usually stoic face only continued to grow as a young Gryffindor made her way through the hoards of people in her direction.

'You look breathtaking.' She whispered to the young brunette in front of her. 'Truly.'

'As do you, Bella.' Hermione replied, a faint blush marring her cheeks. 'I do wish I could have seen you before now, to have had time to explain everything. But, I have to say, seeing you here, such a beautiful surprise is also quite nice.'

'Only quite?' Dark eyes teased. 'Perhaps you need a lesson in compliment giving, Princess. Especially if you are to become a Black.'

'Perhaps. You are all so devilishly charming after all. How ever am I to keep up with such an act?' Hermione teased back, her lips curling into a smirk as she stepped closer to her dark lover.

'Oh, I don't know, Gryffindor. You seem to have quite an air of charm surrounding you tonight. And these fools haven't seen how charming you are wrapped in just a bed sheet.' Bellatrix purred as her arms slid securely around the girl's waist, holding her closely as she began to move in time with the music.

'Nor will they, Bellatrix Black.' The girl replied, her arms looping around the older witch's neck. 'I'm so happy to see you.' She whispered into dark curls. 'At the risk of using such a dull word; I feel content. As though nothing at all could ever ruin this. It's just so...' She trailed off, unable to finish.

'My my, I never thought I'd see the day the brightest witch of her age was left speechless.' Bella hesitated before continuing, 'How did it go today?'

'Better than I could have ever hoped.' Hermione smiled earnestly. 'Harry is more than willing to support us, he's just going to need an adjustment period, as expected really. And, Ron, well he was the biggest shock of all. He doesn't support the idea of us, and its likely we'll never regain much of our friendship but he won't be standing in our way.'

Bella hummed before pulling back to gaze into soft eyes. 'So, we're free?' She queried, hope tingeing her voice.

'Yes.' Hermione whispered, her eyes drifting to burgundy lips, slightly parted.

'Are you sure?' Bella smiled awkwardly. 'Once we do this, there's no going back, princess.'

Hermione chose not to answer. She had everything she could ever need and more stood in front of her. With a smile that could only be described as angelic, she closed the gap between her and her love; their lips melting on impact.

Bellatrix couldn't help but smile against those lips sweetly pressed against hers. She could faintly hear the murmurs of people around them. Whispers and gasps as everyone turned to see the golden girl kissing the assumed death eater. Let them look. Bellatrix finally had everything she had yearned for; Hermione Granger, her own princess for the rest of her life if all went to plan.

'They truly are perfect for one another aren't they?' Andromeda mused to her little sister, an amused smile on her face as she watched the shock ripple through the venue.

'Well, it appears Miss Granger also likes to make a scene,' Narcissa smirked, 'But we'll soon see how she really fares with the Black ways. She's going to have her hands full, that's a certainty.' The two sisters laughed softly as they helped themselves to more champagne. Did Hermione really know what she was letting herself in for? Perhaps, perhaps not. But it would sure be fun watching the rest of their lives play out.