Let it Snow.
Series: FE Awakening
Genre: Family/Fluff
Characters: Lucina & Morgan

Summary: the Ylisseian royal siblings create a fond winter memory.

Disclaimer: Fire Emblem Awakening is owned by Nintendo and Intellegent Systems. I am simply a fan of the series and pair the Exalt Chrom with his (female) Tactician. A Nagamas gift for Staarsgaser on Tumblr.

Snowflakes dusted the courtyards of the Ylisseian palace as if it were a frosting a cake. A young Bluenette boy, named Morgan, stood wistfully watching the snowfall. Did Lucina and I ever play in the snow at all? he thought leaning on the stone railing, his head in his hands, silently screaming his frustrations. Why can't I Remember Anything!

Almost as if Naga had heard his cries Morgan felt a cold ball land, splat, on the top of his head. He lifted his head and saw his sister, and future Exalt, Lucina staring at him from ten feet away. She smiled at him, her hands clasped behind her back. She had been so consumed with planning her upcoming wedding, that she didn't have time to relax. It was the first time she could sneak away from her aunt Lissa, and her aunt's best friend Maribelle. The two blonde women were insufferable once they heard of the princess's upcoming nuptials.

"But milady, as the future exalt, you MUST have the most elegant wedding possible. Anything less, just won't do…" Maribelle stated holding some varying colors of fabric in her arms. They had been at this all day, every day for the past six months. First she had to sit and listen to the women twitter like birds over the decorations among other things. Once the older women's backs were turned however, Lucina took to the shadows and left.

While running from the insanity of wedding planning she spied the cloaked figure of her brother. Careful enough to keep herself concealed from him, she heard his anguished cries.

"Lucina!" Morgan cried, wiping the snow from his hair. His sister caught the smile that was appearing on his face. He smirked chuckling as with a new found burst of energy leapt over the stone railing and into the courtyard.

He landed face first in a snow drift a few feet away. Morgan got up dusting the snow off of himself playfully glaring at Lucina.

"Father did tell me to protect my little brother didn't he?" Lucina laughed, pelting him with some freshly made snowballs. Morgan, his senses battle ready, rounded the perfect snowball and lobbed it at Lucina. She dodged the ball watching it splatter over Falchion's blade. Quickly deciding swords weren't welcome at a snowball fight, she sheathed Falchion.

"Protect me? Protect me from what?" Morgan whispered circling around the outside making little pit traps to catch his sister in. He was careful enough to conceal them and mask his body language. Practicing what their mother, Robin, had taught him. Both siblings were battle ready warriors, circling each other with snowballs in hand.

"Protect you from your amnesia, by creating new memories with you." Lucina replied pelting him with a flurry of snowballs.

"Because," she added, "sometimes it's better to create new memories instead of trying to rediscover old ones."

Even years later as she and her husband Inigo traveled the world, whenever it snowed. Lucina would fondly remember the day in the courtyard where she and her little brother battled with snowballs.