The wine glass clinked as he held it up in a mock salute. 2014...already and he was in a pisser sort of mood. He was sitting Indian style, his eyes hazy from too many jelly shots and champagne (should a guy admit that?)All of his friends, yes, his best-friends, were all around like usual, but he was the Lone Ranger. The reality is that he was always the life of the party, with his personality and all; but never the one benefitting from it! His deep, brown eyes encased in super long eyelashes fell half way closed with a deep frown etched in his forehead. So, he stood up swaying a bit, while his glass of champagne tipped over the edge of the glass.

"Here's to 2014...Happy New Year everyone," he said as he staggered closer to his friends.

All of friends smiled in amusement, not that he noticed, the world was swirling for him at the point. It wasn't like him to be drunk so they definitely we're aware of his state.

"You know what guys...I have a revolution!"

"Resolution," they all corrected him in unison.

A pair of kitty cat eyes green and yellow eyes met his. "What is it then?"

"You know, everybody knows, that I am a nice guy. But, I am tired of being just the nice guy. I am a great catch...loyal, funny, and smart. Sure, I might not have a six pack, a tad bit thin, but not that bad to look at."

Everyone stopped chattering because they could feel the seriousness of his statement. For once, the comic comedian and steadfast companion was demonstrating a dissatisfaction with his life. Something was obviously wrong, especially for the one who was forever providing a light, a light each and every one in that room had partaken in.

He raised his drink towards the cold night sky. "This year is going to be different. I am going to go for things and not be afraid to take chances!"

They all raised their clinking glass bottles together in support and cheered. His best friends and his family.

She had to ask him. "What has gotten you so down?"

His sarcastic smile reappeared as his fingers rustled through his crazy locks. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously!" She gave him a look that said get to the point.

" It's New Year's Eve and I am alone AGAIN! It is so damn frustrating."

She smiled at him like she felt sorry for him which made him feel so much worse. "So, do something about it!" (She always went for what she wanted and could not understand ones who didn't do the same).

His pupils raised for a moment, followed by a heated glare, than a wide smile. He inched closer as he backed her towards the wall. He repeated what she said verbatim, turning her own question into a question just for her. She looked confused.

Her back was pressed against the wall with his hands splayed against the wall and her head sandwiched between his strong arms. He lowered his head until she could see his dark eyes than all hell broke loose. Before she knew it, he was kissing her like crazy...nipping her lower lip, pulling her face smack against his, kissing her like she was his, drowning her senseless to all the cheers of their friends who thought it was about damn time that Stiles finally took charge. Which he did very well.

Suddenly, almost as quickly as it at started he stopped. He took her arms which had somehow managed to reach around his back, and laid them down to her sides. He shook his head and faltered back. She heard him mutter happy New Year Lydia as he walked drunkenly to the nearest couch. Within seconds, he was snoring loudly.

Allison walked up to her and whispered in her ear. "Maybe, he should get drunk more often...that was, what's the word for it, yeah, epic. Stiles, go figure!"

She was like frozen, literally. "What was he drinking, seriously, you guys?"

Scott looked at Lydia who was clearly in shock. "Nothing unusual, just some champagne and jelly shots!

Scott smiled as he watched a Lydia exit his house in a daze. His bud had finally made a move, but judging by his hearty snore, a move he probably would not remember tomorrow morning!