Back by popular demand I am going to report this Twilight/Harry Potter crossover. Hope everyone enjoys it again. Bella/Snape pairings. I don't own anything. MATURE CONTENT.

This is a Harry Potter/Twilight crossover. It is a darker version. Bella is not Isabella Swan but really Isabella LeStrange. She's a death eater Daughter of Bellatrix and the dark lord. Was sent to Forks as punishment from Dumbledore for using a Crucio on a student. The punishment was to live as a muggle, Dumbledore was hoping the Cullen's could turn her good. The Prophecy is Harry and Bella are supposed to kill the dark lord but only if Bella turns good, which she won't. While there she used this time to gather information on the Cullen's for the dark lord who are friends of Dumbledore, She never loved Edward. She is not as old as they thought she was. This will take place after Edward leaves. She goes back home during her 6th year. In this story Snape is really loyal to the dark lord. The Cullen's come to Hogwarts to help protect Harry Potter and Bella comes back. She's a Slytherin and evil. This is a dark winning story. Light bashing and some Cullen bashing. If you don't like this kind of Story please don't read. Also this will be a Snape/Bella mature story as well. I don't own anything. Also the time lines will not match the Twilight books. In this story Edward left during the summer not after school starts again.

Chapter 1

"Welcome back my daughter." the dark lord said as Bella step through the floo into Malfoy Manor. The dark lord was her father and Bellatrix LeStrange was her mother. Her name was not Bella Swan but Bella LeStrange and she was proud of it. She was also a death eater that ruled by her fathers side since his return. She was the only one the dark lord loved and cared about. Her dark mark was different from the others. It was smaller and on her left wrist. Her father said she was above the others and deserved something unique.

"It's good to be home father. I am so tired of living as a filthy Muggle." she spat hugging her father. She didn't care about his new appearance to her it made him look powerful.

"Yes I know. But your back now and Dumbledore will get his this year. Don't you worry about that." the dark lord laughed as did everyone else in the room.

"My baby." Bellatrix cooed as she hugged the life out of her child that looked so much like her.

"Good to see you to mum." Bella replied trying to breath. She hugged her Uncle Lucius and Aunt Cissa as well as Draco. She also hugged Snape as he was there as well to great her. They had been keeping contact through letters and slowly developing feeling for each other.

The dark lord and Bellatrix watched amused as Snape and there daughter hugged. They knew when she was born that she was Snape's soul mate, they did a spell to tell them, but made him promise to take it slow with her.

"So tell me about the Vampires child." the dark lord ask after they all sat down to dinner. Bella had used her time to help her father by gathering info on the Cullen's, that Snape said Dumbledore invited to Hogwarts this year. Looks like she will have to put up with them again.

"Well, there are 7 of them. Carlisle and Esme are the 'parents' of the coven. Then there's Emmett and Rosalie, Emmett is the strongest of them all and Rosalie's just a bitch. Alice and Jasper are next. Jasper is an empath and Alice is a seer. Then there's Edward, Carlisle turned him first. He can read minds but he couldn't read mine. They drink animal blood and live like muggles. And they fear the Volturi, the Vampire royalty family. They make sure Vampires follow all there rules." she told her father who nodded.

"They disgrace there own kind, do they? How sad. Very good now we know there powers and I will have a meeting with this Volturi, they may want to help our cause. I assume the reason he couldn't read your mind was due to Occlumency that you got from me?" the dark lord ask and Bella nodded. She was a natural Occlumens, Leglimens and Parseltongue.

"Good so he wont be able to hear yours and Draco's plans this year. You are to fix the Vanishing cabinet to allow death eaters and I into the castle. After that we take Hogwarts. I will kill Potter. Snape wants Dumbledore." the dark lord repeated and everyone nodded in agreement.

"And the Cullen's?" Bella ask.

"Will be killed along with anyone else who refuses to join me, Vampires are not immune to magic. All spells work on them. However, once Dumbledore is gone and we have everyone rounded up, we will give them a choice. Join or die. Minerva will help us take Hogwarts as well." the dark lord said and several people chocked.

"What. Professor McGonagall is a death eater?" Snape ask.

"Oh yes, Minnie has been in my service for over fifty years. The perfect spy. Close to Dumbledore and a Gryffindor. She will help as needed. She has slowly started poisoning Dumbledore. By the end of the year he will be so weak disarming him and killing him will be easy. I want it done in front of the whole school. So you will let in the death eaters while everyone is at dinner. Then we will all make our way to the great hall where we bound anyone that dares fight. I will kill Potter and Snape has ask to kill Dumbledore, since he has had to put up with his manipulations for far to long." he explained. Everyone was shocked about McGonagall but it was good to have her on our side. She was a powerful witch.

"Do the Cullen's know who I really am and that I'm coming to Hogwarts this year." Bella ask Snape.

"No, Dumbledore said he would wait and see what happens when you see each other again. He knows of your 'relationship' with Edward and is hoping you will fall back in love with him now that everything will be out in the open." Snape sneered.

"Ha, fat chance. There was never any love on my part I just used his attraction to me to get close to his family. Almost got me killed for it to." Bella said.

"Yes we all heard about the Vampire that almost killed you. We were tempted to come take you back ourselves. The redheaded Vampires has been taken care of though. No one threatens my child and lives." the dark lord said and Bella smiled.

"And the Mud blood's, like Potter's friend?" Draco ask.

"Most probably wont join or like my changes but I'm sure we can think of something fun to do with them." the dark lord grinned as did everyone else.

The wizarding world was about to change for the better. All there plans where coming together and Bella couldn't wait. She also couldn't wait to see the look on the Cullen's faces when they realize who she really is.