One Piece: The Child of the Storm

It all happened on one stormy night, Luffy and the Strawhats crew rushed frantically trying everything to get the Thousand Sunny out of the storm that they are in. Just then out in the fainted winds of the storm Nami heard a cry nearby; she leaned over the guardrail to find a small boat with a crying baby inside it.

Nami: "Guy there's a baby over here! Someone come help me get him up!"

Being the closest one, Chopper in his Heavy point, was the first one to reach Nami. Nami grabbed a loose rope and jumped overboard with the rope tied around her waist, as Chopper held on the other end. When Nami landed in the small boat she quickly grabbed the baby and gave the signal for Chopper to pull her up.

Chopper: "Who in their right mind would leave their baby out in this kind of storm?"

Nami: "I don't know but he's burning up with a really bad fever."

Chopper: "That's not good, I'll take him to my room and I'll begin treating him, you should try and help the others and get us out of this storm as quickly as possible."

Nami: "I'll do my best, good luck to you as well Chopper."

Chopper rushed straight to his room and quickly made some baby fever medicine. While Nami rushed to the helm to tell Sanji which root he should take. After a few hours they were able to make it out of the storm. With everything now calm, Chopper came out of his room and joined up with everyone in the aquarium.

Nami: "Hey Chopper, how is the baby doing?"

Luffy: "Huh?! What baby?"

Nami: "Back in the storm there was a small boat that got caught on to Sunny, in that bout was a baby. Luckily Chopper and I got him out of there just in time. How is he doing now?"

Chopper: "Well actually he's a she, and her fever broke just a few minutes ago, so right now she is resting.

Nami: "That's good to hear."

Luffy: "I'll say what kind of baby would try and sail a small boat in a storm like that anyways?"

Nami gave Luffy a big hit on the head.

Nami: "That's not the point you idiot!"

Sanji came into the aquarium room where Luffy, Frankie, Nami, and Chopper were at.

Sanji: "What's going on in here?"

Luffy: "Nami just had a baby."

And once again Nami hit Luffy on the back of the head.

Nami: "No I did not! Back in that storm we found a small boat that was carrying a baby on board no one else was on it."

Frankie: "You know I heard a rumor about something like this. Back when I lived on Water 7. I overheard a couple of pirate crews talking about that in a ship so often would come across a baby in distress. When someone saves the baby it would cry nonstop, no matter what they did they couldn't make the baby stop crying until the ship's captain came forth. And with just one touch from the captain the baby stopped crying. The rumors call it the child of the storm."

Nami: "That's a good story and all but somehow I just can't believe that this baby is one of those 'child of the storm'."

Sanji: "Baby or storm baby I'm sure she'll be hungry when she wakes up, I'll go and try to make something that she'll be able to eat."

Nami: "Good idea Sanji, oh, and Luffy it's your turn to be the lookout."

Luffy: "Ok I'll go and be the lookout."

Nami: "Frankie it seems the rutter is stuck, can you go and see what's wrong?"

Frankie: "Sure thing."

Chopper: "I'm going to see how the baby is doing."

Nami: "Thanks Chopper, as for me I'll go and inform everyone else about the situation."

After a couple of hours, everyone was able to sit down and have lunch. When Nami walked in and saw everyone else at the table except Robin.

Nami: "Has anyone seen Robin today?"

Usopp: "I saw her in the library a few minutes ago, why?"

Nami: "Well I was hoping to inform her about the baby but I couldn't find her."

Sanji: "I'm sure she'll be along shortly."

Nami: "I guess you're right there's no rush, is there?"

Just as everyone was about to sit down; the baby let out a big cry that could be heard from all over the ship. Everyone, but Luffy, dashed towards Chopper's room to see what was wrong. Chopper went over to her to examine her but he found nothing medically wrong. He then smelled to see if the baby had a bad dipper, but nothing. Sanji ran down to get the food that he had prepared, but she wouldn't eat it. Usopp picked her up and tried lifting her up and down, and still nothing. Then everyone tried to do silly faces, but even that didn't work. After a few minutes, Robin came to see what the entire ruckus was about.

Nami: "Hey Robin I'm sorry did we disturb your reading?"

Robin: "No I was already done when I heard the crying. But I'd never guessed that you had a baby Nami."

Nami: "She's not mine!"

Everyone else: 'that's exactly what Luffy said.'

Nami then explained what was going on to Robin. Robin gave a small smile to Nami and walked over to the baby. Robin lifted her up and put her on her shoulder and gave her a pat on the back until the baby made a burp. After that the baby's whine grew smaller as Robin swigged the baby in her arms, and finally the baby was back to sleep. Everyone was speechless at the sight of Robin being motherly. Robin placed the baby back to bed and left with everyone.

Chopper: "Hey Robin how did you know that she needed to burp?"

Robin: "Back on my home island I baby sighted once and I also read it in a few books, when a baby cries it has a different sound for different reasons."

Chopper: "I see, do we have books like that in the library?"

Robin: "Yes would you like me to show you where they are?"

Chopper: "Yes please."

Robin smiled at the cute Chopper.

Sanji: "Hey Robin if you're ready to eat, your lunch is ready."

Robin: "Thank you Cook."

Frankie: "Still believe it's untrue?"

Nami: "Of course like Robin said she read it in a book."

Frankie: "I don't know, I placed the books in the library myself and I don't remember ever putting baby books in."

Nami grew quiet.

Nami: "I guess we'll see what happens."