Alright, it's finally done! I haven't had internet in 4 days and this chapter just kept getting longer and longer- sorry but hope you like it. Thanks for all the reviews and support along the way.

The Company spread out when they hit level ground, the healthier of the group moving quickly to find the best possible campsite. One that was easily defensible yet still had easy access to the river; who knew how long they would need to or have the luxury of resting here. The Eagle's flight had put a significant amount of distance between then and the orcs, not to mention put a significant dent in their enemy's ranks, but it wouldn't take long for them to make either of those up.

Oin cornered Kili as soon as he set foot in the camp. He had seen the way the young dwarf gingerly picked his way down the trail and if Fili was worried, then Kili's injured definitely warranted an examination. Although really, Fili tended to be a bit of a mother hen where his brother was concerned. "Alright lad, off with the tunic."

"Oh no, I'm fine, really."

"Do as he says Kili," Thorin ordered, joining the conversation.

Reluctantly, Kili raised his shirt. Oin gave a low whistle and Thorin physically winced and the dark purple bruises sprinkled across Kili's ribs and stomach. The healer gently prodded some of the darker spots; Kili flinched slightly but otherwise remained passive. "Well laddie, you were right, nothing broken, but you will be fairly sore for a couple days. We'll get you fixed up with a tea that might help out a bit later."

Fili and Nori brought up the rear of the group. Fili's leg shook nearly uncontrollably by this point; he kept his eyes clenched shut against the pain, trusting Nori to guide his footsteps. He knew he was leaning heavier on ginger haired dwarf with each passing step but he couldn't seem to stop himself. His clothes were drenched with sweat, he couldn't ever remember being this exhausted, and it was with detached curiosity that Fili suddenly realized he couldn't hear anything over the roaring in his ears. The only thing he could manage to do was place one shaking foot in front of the other.

"Fili?" Nori was really starting to worry; that was now the third time he'd called Fili's name without a response from the young prince. The blond dwarf didn't seem to realize that they had reached the confines of the camp and had stopped moving. Nori was starting to feel rather idiotic standing there holding on to Fili who stared unseeing off into the distance, on the other hand he knew he didn't dare let go. He was inexplicably happy when Dori approached Fili's other side with a questioning look at his bother. Dori always knew what to do.

It didn't take long for the older dwarf to size up the situation. Placing a gentle hand on Fili's shoulder, he gave it a firm shake, "Fili lad, we're there, it's time to sit down."

That seemed to wake Fili slightly from his daze. He turned a semi-comprehending look in Dori's direction and gave a slight nod immediately before his eyes rolled back in his head and he pitched face-first into the dirt.

Nori and Dori scrambled to catch their charge, but the move took them by complete surprise and Fili was already on the ground by the time they reached him.

Thorin and Kili had just settled against some boulders close to the fire ring at Oin's direction when the cry went up from around the camp. Both Durins instantly made to jump to their feet, only to be stopped by a glare from Oin and a hand on each of their shoulders from Dwalin.

"You two stay put," Dwalin growled, leaving no room for argument, "we'll handle this."

Thorin grumbled quietly about who was truly leading this company but nodded to Kili to stay put, and then smiled slightly at his nephew's sputtering. While he understood their need to be together to a degree, he knew that only Fili and Kili could ever truly understand the depth of their connection. Thorin knew Fili was in good hands and that both he and Kili's injuries would only be made worse if they tried to go over there now. That didn't stop either of them situating themselves so they could see what was happening on the other side of the fire.

Nori and Dori had already rolled Fili onto his back when Oin and Dwalin arrived. Bilbo and the rest of the company gathered around to offer moral support. Except for a pained expression, Fili looked for all the world like he was simply asleep.

"Oin, he's burning up!"

But Oin really didn't need Dori's proclamation to know the lad was running a fever, his face was completely flushed with it and the sweat glistened brightly in the late afternoon sunlight. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and asked Mahal to give him strength; it was going to be a long night. Then he started issuing orders.

"Right, Ori, Nori and Dori start getting the water. Gloin, that fire needs to be as hot as you can make it, as quick as you can make it so. Bilbo and Dwalin, layer some bedrolls over by Kili and Thorin; we'll put Fili there. Bombur, boot off and get that ankle soaking in the river; Bifur, Bofur, he'll need help. Balin, please get my kit and any spare fabric we have for bandages." Finally he looked at the wizard, "anything you can do to help would be much appreciated."

Dwalin gently gathered the unresponsive Fili into his arms. He'd lost count the number of times he'd done this for the lad; although that was decades ago and Fili's injuries had never been like this. Growing up, Fili and Kili had spent many hours in the forges with he and Thorin. Anytime they weren't underfoot there, Dwalin had been honing their fighting skills. He was proud to know that both boys had remembered his teachings in the heat of battle and proved they were among the best in the Company. While his battle skills had grown, so to had Fili's muscle mass apparently because Dwalin never remembered him being this heavy. He was very nearly sweating by the time he laid the young dwarf between his brother and uncle.

"Fili," the name slipped from Kili's lips in a prayer like fashion. Kili was at his brother's head almost before Dwalin had the blond dwarf settled on the blankets. He could feel the heat radiating off Fili without even having to touch him and the bandage that had been clean and dry this morning was completely soaked through with his brother's blood. With a small grimace, Kili wiggled himself into a more upright position before pulling FIli's head into his lap once again. He brushed the sweat-slicked hair away from his older brother's burning forehead, growing even more concerned when Fili didn't even twitch at the gentle ministrations. Kili couldn't help but turn his worried gaze from his brother's slack face up to his Uncle; logically he knew better, but the child in him still believed that Thorin could fix anything.

Thorin knew that look in his nephew's eyes, but this time he had nothing to offer. Fili's injuries were beyond his knowledge; a fever wasn't something he could glare into submission. That's why they had Oin.

And Oin was already busy; quickly readying everything he would need to treat Fili's leg wounds again. Best to do it in one go and best to do it while the lad was still unconscious. Although Oin had no idea how long the young dwarf would stay that way once he started scrubbing deep in those gashes. Out of the corner eye he saw Gandalf approach Kili.

"Kili, I believe I can ease your pain somewhat."

The youngest Durin turned wide, fearful eyes on the wizard, "you have to help Fili first."

Gandalf frowned, knowing the young prince would not like what he was about to say. "Unfortunately, my magic can not close wounds, nor can it combat an infection. No, sadly I am limited to easing the ache of bruises and returning consciousness to those that have lost it."

"So you can wake Fili up?"

"It's best Fili stay asleep for what Oin will need to do," Balin broke in quietly as he helped Oin organize his supplies.

Kili turned back to Gandalf who sat patiently awaiting an answer. He felt guilty, how could he possibly accept help from the wizard when Fili would have to endure his pain?

Thorin could see the turmoil raging in his youngest nephew; he knew there was only one thing he could say to get Kili to accept the help he so obviously needed. "Kili, let Gandalf do this for you. Fili will need you over the coming days; the stronger you are, the more you'll be able to help him."

There was no longer any hesitation on Kili's face when he nodded to the Wizard.

Gandalf laid a gentle hand over Kili's chest and mumbled several words in old speak. Immediately, the dark-haired dwarf felt a warm sensation rush through his body. The heat was gone as quickly as it'd come, and with it went the majority of his pain.

Kili looked with amazed eyes back to the wizard, "thank you."

Gloin broke the mystical moment when he appeared with a large pot of water. "Herbs are done, brother."

Dwalin ignored Kili and Thorin's protests as he gently shoved them out of the way to take hold of Fili's upper body. Gloin and Balin did the same with the injured dwarf's legs.

"Now look here, we are his kin and-"

Often the only one brave enough to stand up to Thorin when he was in full heir-mode, Balin cut off his rant with a stern look. "Aye, we know you are his kin and we know he needs your support, but neither of you are healed enough to keep him still once Oin gets started. By all means stay close, talk to him, but let us do the hard work."

Oin had ignored most of the exchange, already slicing through the soaked bandage with the knife he had borrowed from Fili that morning. He had known the journey down the carrock would be rough on the lad, but he hadn't expected this much damage. The wounds were leaking both bright red blood and a horrible yellow pus, but the worst was the dark red streaks snaking away from the wounds. Oin thanked Mahal for the only bright spot he could see in Fili's condition: the streaks were red, not black. Meaning that this was a natural infection, not one cause by the poison of a morgul blade and therefore significantly easier to treat.

Fili moaned weakly at the first touch of the herb-infused water, Kili was there in a flash. He grabbed his brother's hand tightly, "It's alright Fili, I'm here. We're here," he amended quickly when he saw Thorin latch onto Fili's other hand.

The blond dwarf quieted briefly at his brothers comforting words, but it wasn't long before his breathing sped up again. Despite being held down by Dwalin's bulk, Fili nearly managed to sit straight up with a started gasp when Oin had to scrub particularly hard in the second gash.

"Calm down Fili, we've got you but you need to stay still for Oin."

Fever brightened blue eyes darted from Thorin, to Kili to where Oin continued to clean his wounds as quickly as possible before forcing himself to lay back against Dwalin's chest. It went against every instinct he had not to physically lash out against the pain, but even his fever muddled brain knew that the less he moved now, the quicker the healer would finish. He felt a gentle tug on his arm and obligingly leaned his head on Thorin's shoulder.

His nephew's ragged breathing and the tremors that shook his body nearly broke Thorin's heart. Not for the first time he wondered if it was a good idea to bring Fili and Kili on this quest. It wasn't their readiness he doubted- both had already proven themselves invaluable to the Company multiple times, it was his own ability to handle it if something happened to one of them that truly concerned him.

"You're doing great Fili. Oin is almost done, and then you can rest."

They stayed that way for another 10 minutes as Oin finished cleaning, covering and re-bandaging Fili's wounds; the blond clutching his brother's hand tightly and his face buried in his uncle's shoulder. Poor Dwalin had been relegated to supporting all three members of the Durin line.

Oin moved on to the small slice in Fili's forearm immediately after tying the last knot to the bandage on the young prince's leg. Mahal forbid that small injury cause Fili any additional problems. The cleaning process had obviously taken it's toll on the lad since he now watched the world through heavily hooded eyes.

Kili refused to relinquish his hold on Fili's hand; he scooted up to take his place at his brother's head as Dwalin moved over to help Oin with Thorin.

Fili did his best to protest, "Kili, no, your ribs…"

"Gandalf healed me, my ribs are perfectly fine now."

Fili hummed slightly before settling his full weight back against his brother.

As he had yet to let go of it and it was just about all he was capable of at that point, Fili gave Thorin's hand a strong squeeze of support. He knew what his uncle was about to go through, he could only hope it wouldn't be as painful as his experience had been. He was brought out of his thoughts by a steaming mug suddenly appearing in front of his face; looking up he saw the hesitant yet hopeful smile of the hobbit.

"They're some of Oin's herbs. It, ah, it actually smells quite good." Truthfully, Bilbo had been thankful when Balin asked him to make the tea; he'd been feeling slightly useless as everyone else seemed to have something to do. Bifur and Bofur were busy getting Bombur settled on some bedrolls with his leg elevated after having soaked it in the ice cold river. Nori, Dori and Ori had taken it upon themselves to figure out dinner with the meager supplies the Company had left. That conversation, or rather argument, had actually been highly entertaining to the hobbit. And Gandalf had once again disappeared after doing what he could for Kili.

Bilbo quickly reached to stabilize the mug when Fili's shaking hand nearly sent the contents spilling onto his lap. "Easy there now, small sips."

Fili did his best but he'd only finished two thirds of the cup before exhaustion won out. He would have dropped the cup completely if Bilbo hadn't been quick enough to snatch it out of his hand.

Kili's attention was split between keeping an eye on his quickly fading brother and watching Oin work his medicinal magic on Thorin. From his vantage point, his uncle actually appeared to be doing fairly well. The bandages Oin had place this morning were still relatively clean and dry. While Thorin was obviously still uncomfortable, he was acting much more like the dwarf king that Kili knew and loved than he had been that morning. Even as Fili lay trembling in his arms, Kili thanked his lucky stars that Thorin hadn't succumbed to the same infection. The Company needed Thorin in top shape; they needed his decisiveness, leadership and absolute faith in this quest. Kili had no doubt that his brother would make a phenomenal king one day, but thankfully that weight of leadership was not on his shoulders yet.

Oin finished spreading another layer of his herb paste on Thorin's wounds and made one last check of the dark-haired dwarf's head wound. Thorin's vision seemed clear again and he responded correctly to all of the healer's questions. Heaving a heavy sigh he climbed back to his feet and thanked the other dwarves for their help. Looking around the camp, he took a quick stock of the Company. Bombur was resting comfortably with his leg resting on a stump and a large bowl of stew in his hand. Bifur and Bofur, the second with a new bandage on his arm, sat on either side of the fat dwarf also enjoying their stew. Dori was hovering over Ori, ensuring that the younger dwarf ate his entire portion. Nori was still busy ladling out portions for those who had been busy. Those portions were quickly gathered up by Balin, Gloin and finally by Dwalin who had just finished settling Thorin against the rocks next to his nephews.

Gloin passed another portion to his brother, "better eat before it gets cold."

Both Kili and Thorin appeared to be having a bit of difficulty eating their stew without waking a restless Fili.

Seeing Oin's eyes on their little group, Bilibo got to his feet and approached the brothers. "Fili drank most of the tea, should I refill it and try to have him drink more?"

"Nay, let the lad sleep. A good long sleep is one of the body's best tools for healing." Gathering another bowl of stew from Nori, Oin passed it to the hobbit, "best eat up. I have no idea how, but Bombur's already on his second helping."

"I suppose I shall have to get some rather quickly myself, then."

Bilbo was only slightly embarrassed that he'd jumped sky high since both dwarves had also flinched; none of them having heard Gandalf's approach. "Gandalf, where did you disappear to?"

The wizard gave an approving nod at the stew before answering, "to confer with those that might help us Master Hobbit."

Bilbo waited for the punch line but Gandalf was once again absorbed in the stew. The hobbit turned a questioning look to the dwarves hoping they could make more sense of the Wizard's cryptic statement.

"Don't bother laddie," Balin stated with a small smile. "I'm sure we'll find out soon enough anyway."

When everyone seemed to have his fill of the stew, Gandalf motioned for the Company's attention. "We may rest here safely for a brief time, but to stay ahead of the orcs we must move no later that morning of the third day."

Murmurs went up around the Company; most surprised they had gained that much time.

"It's not ideal," Oin pursed his lips slightly. "Fili and Bombur will still be moving rather slow I'd wager, but I suppose it's the best we can ask for."

Thorin looked around at each of the faces of those that had choose to follow him; they had already endured more than he could ask of them yet each still appeared eager to carry on with the quest. They all would benefit from this rest. Finally his gaze settled on his nephews, his heirs; the two things more precious to him than life itself. Kili's brow was creased with worry but thankfully Thorin could see that the pain held fled from his eyes. The youngest Durin still held tightly to his brother; unwilling to let Fili feel alone for even a minute.

Thorin brushed a gentle hand across Fili's forehead; Oin's herbs seem to have finally started doing their job. The blond dwarf's temperature had dropped somewhat and he appeared to be sleeping much more peacefully. The Durin line had always healed quickly and Fili was certainly living up to the family name.

It didn't take long for the rest of the Company to settle in for the night.

The rising sun of the next morning brought good news all around. Fili's fever had broken sometime during the night and he was already awake, contentedly sipping on another one of Oin's teas and enjoying the beautiful sunrise. He still leaned heavily on his brother who was still enjoying his beauty sleep; Kili had never been a morning dwarf. Around the camp, the rest of the Company was finishing their morning ablations; Nori had once again designated himself the chef and was frying sausages over the fire. Even Bombur was moving around the camp a little easier.

"How do you feel this morning?"

Fili turned towards his uncle who had obviously just woken and was carefully stretching the kinks from his back. "Better," the young prince answered simply. It was the truth; his leg was still quite stiff and ached with a vengeance, but overall he really did feel much better. "To be truthful though, I really don't remember much of last night."

Thorin chuckled, "I'm not surprised, you were not well."

"Your face plant was extremely funny though," Kili stated, joining the conversation immediately after waking. He didn't want to dwell on the abject terror that had gripped his heart as he'd watched his brother fall; thankfully in the morning light he could see the humor in it.

"Oh aye," Bofur chimed in. "Not quite as stylish as Bilbo's faint mind you, but still very impressive."

Bilbo and Fili shared a brief look before the entire camp bust into laughter.

The dwarf king smiled contentedly as he watched the rest of the camp enjoying themselves. He knew there was still be trials ahead, but he could stop the swell of pride as he thought about walking through the halls of Erebor with the Company at his side.

The End.