So it has been decided that as we fly through the years, they will mostly be explained through letters between Majima and Harry. Unless I plan on something happening, like Majima just popping in randomly at least once a year.

There will be some Japanese in the letters, translations will be in brackets, don't ask me why I'm doing the letters like this, I just am.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, even though it's a bunch of letters.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Yakuza

Here the Chapter Starts


Thank you for sending the oden, and make sure you have Kiryu-ojisan thank Yumi-chan for making it. I would ask who had the idea of making it lightweight and small for Hedwig to carry without effort, but I think I already know, so thank Nishiki-ojisan for me on that as well.

Not much has happened here in school. A lot of these children are so naïve or undisciplined. There is this one boy, named Malfoy Draco, who thinks that he rules over all simply because his father is high ranking in the school Board of Governors and because he's from a long line of 'purebloods'. If he was yakuza, he would either have no fingers left or he would be dead. Dead seems more likely.

Also, I met a girl, Granger Hermione, who is very smart but friendless. She puts too much of herself into her studies and not her social life. She reminds me of someone who would only take so much before snapping and going on a killing spree. Any advice about what can be done about her? I've tried talking to her, but she kind of shouted at me. Kureijīgāru. [Crazy girl.]

That baka that I told you about in my last letter, the Weasley boy, has been following me around a lot, trying to be my friend. Judging from how famous I am in this world, he probably only wants to be my friend thinking it will get him far in the world. Watashi wa sore o utagau. [I doubt it.]

There is not much to say about my kyōshi [teachers]. McGonagall-sensei is the Transfiguration Sensei, though for now, we're trying to turn matches into needles. I got it after a couple of tries. You already know Snape-sensei, though now that I see him in a school environment, I really don't blame you for wanting to choke him before. He favors his sukoshi hebi over the other students. [little snakes]

There is one kyōshi here who makes me nervous, Quirrell-sensei. He stutters a lot, but I've seen someone with a stuttering problem before. They never stuttered on every word like this guy. Not to mention, my kizuato [scar] hurts when he's around, and there's this strange scent coming off of him. Students say it is garlic he hides in his turban to thwart off a vampire that hunts him, but it doesn't smell like garlic.

Anyway, nothing much is happening so far. I will write again as soon as I am able to. Try not to be such a pain for Kiryu-ojisan. And tell him and Nishiki-ojisan I said 'hi!'.


PS Stop throwing things at Hedwig!



Punch that little asshole in the face and show him what a real man is like. Or he may just grow up to be a sukoshi gaichū used to getting his way. [little pest] Would probably hide behind his 'daddy' all the time.

As for the broad, leave her alone. If she cares more for study than social life, then it's not your problem. You don't need to be around bitches like that, anyway. They all think they're better than you because they have high grades. Trust me, you don't need them. And if she goes on a killing spree, you can take her down easy.

Punch that Weasley kid, too. He may get the point then.

I choked that Snape guy before because he said you were most likely spoiled and stuck-up. Like hell I'm going to let that fly. But if you need him to behave, just tell him I'd like to meet him again. I may leave a bit more color on him, other than red.

Though that Quirrell-sensei, keep an eye on him. Don't put yourself in unnecessary danger. And what do you mean your kizuato hurts when he's around? It never hurt you before! Something is not right, Hari-chan.

Keep me up to date, musuko. I don't like the fact that you're so far away with weird things already happening.

Kiryu-chan and Nishiki-kun say 'hi'.

Anata no Otōsan [Your Dad]

PS I didn't throw anything at your damn bird this time!



I am hesitant to send you this letter. I feel like it may upset you.

First of all, I was challenged to a duel by Malfoy-san, and I accepted. I really wanted to punch him. We were to meet at midnight, but he never showed up. Weasley-san and Granger-san followed me, each for their own reasons. Weasley-san said he would be my second, not that I needed one. Granger-san just didn't want for our 'House' to lose anymore points.

Anyway, Malfoy-san did not show up. Instead, the kanrinin came looking, informed of students being out past curfew. [caretaker] We left the room and ended up on the third floor. Dumbledore-san said that floor is forbidden to those who don't want to die painfully. I saw why he said such. Kyodaina 3-tō no inu, Otōsan! [A huge three-headed dog, dad!] In a school full of kodomo! [children] Granger-san said it looked like it was standing on a trapdoor, but still!

We managed to get back to our dorm without further incident. I can't help but wonder, though, why such an inu is in this school.

Don't try anything rash, though. We don't need to give this Headmaster a reason for him to take me from you.


PS Also, I became the Seeker for the Quidditch team.



How dare that asshole disrespect you by not showing up at the challenge! Cut off a finger! You have a dagger, use it! And ditch those two idiots! You don't need to be around bullshit like that!

And a fucking 3-tō no inu?! What the hell is a thing like that doing in your school?! And in a place that students can easily get into?! What the hell is going on over there?!

Kiryu-chan may be able to stop me from going over there and giving that kuso jijî a reason to take you away, but that teme is definitely giving me reasons to get you out of that school.

Anata no Otōsan

PS What the hell is Quidditch and what do you do in it?



I can't go running around cutting fingers off. As much as I would like to do so with certain people, I can't. I would get into trouble and no one here would understand.


PS I fly on a broomstick and dodge two animated balls of metal while three other people on each team toss one ball around and try to score into three goals that are in the air and at opposite ends. One person guards all three goals of their team. Two people per team have bats to hit the animated balls into the other team players. I get the fun job of finding a golden golf ball with wings.



Try it and see what you can get away with.

Anata no Otōsan

PS Baseball is better. You get more exercise. And it's not so complicated.



Don't freak out and before you read any further, get near Kiryu-ojisan. If you try anything, he will be able to hold you down until you're calm. Well, as calm as you can be.

Halloween came by. I did not really like the feast, there was a lot of candy. I got sick to my stomach just looking at it. Then Quirrell-sensei comes running in, screaming about a nagashi-dzuri in the dungeon. [troll] Students were supposed to be escorted back to their dorms while the kyōshi handled the situations, but I didn't follow. Granger-san was teased by the akage no baka and was hiding in the bathroom. [red-haired idiot] She did not know about the nagashi-dzuri.

So I went looking for her, but I found the nagashi-dzuri instead. It went into the bathroom she was hiding in. It took a lot of quick maneuvering, but I managed to grab her, get both of us out of the bathroom with just a few scratches, and locked it inside. The kyōshi came into the hall just as the nagashi-dzuri broke down the door. They handled the situation.

Something weird is going on around here, Otōsan. First my kizuato hurting, then the 3- tō no inu, and now the nagashi-dzuri. Things are getting very strange.


PS I have a bad feeling about my upcoming game.



Majima-niisan is unable to write you at the moment. He kind of ran off to do something that involves pain or drinking. But Nishiki and I read your last letter and we are feeling that urge as well.

What kind of school is that place? It is far from safe. You really should come back home. I'm sure there are safer schools in Japan.




Don't let him do anything too stupid. You know how he gets with these fits.




You find me some way to get to that damn school of yours right now so I can drag that kuso jijî to Hell! He says you're not safe here with yakuza?! You're in more danger there than in Omi Alliance HQ! We're about ready to hunt that place down and drag you back home!

Anata no Otōsan



Well, after that reaction, I don't think I'll tell you any more about my school year. But there is one thing I would like to share first. My game went well enough. My Head of House bought me the newest broom model. It's really fast. I love it!

Except for the fact that during the game, someone was charming it to try and throw me off. I held on, so no broken bones. Granger-chan, the girl I saved from the nagashi-dzuri, said that it looked like Snape-sensei was the one charming the broom.

I find that strange. He may not have liked me at first, but he doesn't hate me. In fact, he even told me he was a childhood friend of Okaa-san and told me a little about her.

It is entirely possible that someone else was trying to harm me, but Snape-sensei was countering the charm with another.


PS Tell Kiryu-ojisan and Nishiki-ojisan not to try and hunt down this place. They'll get lost. They don't even know what country it's in. You better not try either!

PSS Found out the 3- tō no inu is named Fluffy.



Well at least someone is there to keep you safe. This whole thing still unsettles me. Figure out who is trying to kill you and slit their throat.

Then go after that kuso jijî.

Anata no Otōsan

PS Tell us.

PSS Fluffy?

PSSS Plan on coming home for Christmas?



Thankfully, yes. There is someone watching out for me.

Also, I will be coming home for Christmas. Snape-sensei said he'll Side-Along Apparate me back home. I'll be home soon!


PS No, not telling you.



I made it home well enough. I told you Snape-sensei could be trusted, did I not? He won't try anything, but Otōsan still tormented him a little bit. He's crazy like that. He's still trying to get me to tell him where the school is. I hate to think about what he has planned. I may just die of laughter.

Don't spend your entire vacation trying to find out who Nicholas Flamel is. Try to enjoy yourself and spend some time with your family.

See you when school starts up again!




Merry Christmas, first of all. Hope you are enjoying it.

Thank you for the Chocolate Frogs. I don't think anyone has ever had as much fun with those as Otōsan did. He was chasing them all over the room. One landed on Nishiki's head and was partially melted. Poor Ojisan. Kiryu-ojisan had to stop Otōsan from letting the lot loose in the building to scare everyone else.

One of my presents is very strange, though. It looked like a cloak, but when I wore it, no one could see me. I don't know who sent this to me, there was no name on the note. But it apparently belong to my birth father.

Hope to see you soon,



Dear Harry,

I'm glad you and your family had a lot of fun with the Chocolate Frogs. Tell Mister Nishiki sorry for me, I wasn't expecting anything like that happening.

As for the cloak, it sounds like you have an Invisibility Cloak. They're very rare and valuable. Though judging from your last letter, I would suggest keeping it from your father.

Also, I did find something on Nicholas Flamel. I'll tell you when we get back to school.





I made it back to school just fine. No need to give Snape-sensei the Death Glare.

Though I did find this strange mirror. I was standing there, then suddenly, you, Kiryu-ojisan, Nishiki-ojisan, Fuma-jijî, and Yumi-chan were around me. And behind you all were two people I don't know, but I think they were my birth parents. I showed it to Hermione-chan, but she saw herself with high honors for the best grades ever.

Dumbledore caught me the second night I went there. He told me a bit about the mirror. He said that the happiest man on Earth can look into it and see only himself. Try and figure that one out.

Fair warning, things are getting a little crazy here. I may end up in some trouble eventually.




The mirror shows what you want or something? Things are messed up in that world.

What kind of trouble are you worried about?

Anata no Otōsan



Well, I did end up in trouble. Hermione-chan and I tried to interrogate Hagrid-san. He's a very large man that tends to spill the beans. He told us that there was a link between Dumbledore and someone named Nicholas Flamel, and he was somehow linked to whatever is happening in school.

Believe it or not, he hatched an egg. Not just any egg. Doragon no tamago. [A dragon egg.] No, you can't have one. Anyway, Malfoy-baka saw, reported us as being out past curfew, only that backfired on him. He received detention as well.

The detention wasn't so bad at first. We were to help Hagrid-san find a unicorn that had been hurt. Yes, apparently they do exist. We separated to cover more ground, Malfoy-baka was with me while Hermione-chan went with Hagrid-san.

We found the unicorn. It was dead and a strange creature was drinking its blood. Malfoy-baka shouted and ran, exposing us. I stood my ground, and yes, I did have my dagger on me. I didn't get a chance to use it since a centaur scared off the creature. Hagrid-san arrived shortly after and we went back to the school without further incident.

You know how I get bad feelings and they are generally right? I'm getting those now, and they're strong.




While I am glad to hear you're safe and that you are keeping that dagger on you, don't go looking for trouble anymore. Shit is going on at your school and even way over here back home, I'm not comfortable with it.

Keep us informed before you do anything.

Anata no Otōsan


Dear Mr. Majima,

There has been an incident at school involving your son, Harry Potter-Majima. Your presence has been requested by your son and Headmaster Dumbledore.

This letter is a Portkey and will bring you straight to the school's front gates where I will be waiting for you. Mr. Potter-Majima has requested the password be Maddopappu. [Mad Pup] Simply speak the phrase and it will activate.


Deputy Headmistress

Minerva McGonagall

"Kiryu-chan! I'm going to Hari-chan's school! Be back in a while!"

"Don't kill anyone, Majima-niisan."

"No promises. Maddopappu."

It felt as though a hook grabbed him by his navel and then he was suddenly spinning out of control. Colors swirled around him, the wind screaming in his ears. Finally, it stopped. With as much grace as possible, considering the harsh travel method, Majima landed on his feet, staggering a little bit. He blinked and looked around. Not much was there, a rusty old gate and a pile of rubble. He felt this unexplainable urge to go somewhere else and do something else, but the woman standing near the gates caught his attention.

She seemed momentarily shocked before her face turned into a stern expression. "Mr. Majima, I presume?" she asked.

He quirked an eyebrow, only understanding his name from her. Assuming she was asking if he is who he is, he nodded. "Hai," he replied then looked at her curiously. "McGonagall Minerva?" The name sounded strange rolling off his tongue.

"Yes, give me a moment," she said, pulling out her wand before doing a complicated motion with it while saying strange words. Once done, she tucked her wand away. "Can you understand me now?"

He nodded. "Where is my musuko?" he asked impatiently.

"Follow me, I will take you to Mr. Potter-Majima," she said, turning away and walking past the gates.

Watching her closely, he followed behind her. A large stone castle soon replaced the pile of rubble, towers with flags on top and all. Off in the distance near the forest, he saw a hut with a steady stream of smoke flowing out.

All in all, it actually looked just as cliché as Hari-chan warned him it would be. Entering the school, he was a bit startled by the moving portraits, speaking to each other and moving from frame to frame to share whatever story they heard from another. Seeming to be used to looks of wonder and curiosity, McGonagall basically ignored the man's antics as he inspected the portraits while still following her, occasionally looking at a suit of armor when he noticed it moved on its own.

"Please stay close as the staircases move," McGonagall warned him as she started climbing upstairs, Majima close behind her. True to her word, they moved. This did not bother McGonagall at all, being used to it, but Majima was starting to get a little irritated. He wanted to see his musuko, not play with the stupid stairs. He can look at the paintings and statues as he walks, but he can't do anything while the stairs decide to move around.

Finally, they got off the moving staircase, McGonagall continuing to lead Majima down another hall. The walk to the Infirmary seemed to lag on forever in Majima's opinion. True, the moving pictures and occasional ghost was interesting to look at, but he just wished that they were at their destination already.

Finally, McGonagall stopped in front of a large door. "This is the Infirmary," she informed him. "Mr. Potter-Majima is inside. I will have to ask you to please remain calm and do not stress him out."

"Hai," he replied before the woman opened the door. At first, it was hard to spot his musuko, but still easy to locate him. After all, where else would he be but behind the mountain of candy and treats?

Sitting on the foot of the bed was a young girl Harry's age with curly, bushy hair. She looked at him and her eyes went wide. Harry leaned back a bit to see him from behind the sweet mountain and grinned. "Otōsan!" he greeted cheerfully.

"Hari-chan!" Majima greeted in turn, approaching the bed. "Nani ga kono-jikan o shimashita ka?" [What did you do this time?]

"Naninomai!" Harry replied in defiance. "Nozoki seikatsu ni modotte kyōjin o motarasukara kureijī kyōju o teishi shimasu." [Nothing! Except stop a crazy professor from bringing a madman back to life.]

Majima's single eye blinked a couple times before the man threw his head back and let out a bark of laughter. The girl jumped at the sudden action and noise. Harry put a hand on her arm and smiled gently at her, calming her somewhat. "Anata dake!" the man exclaimed. [Only you!] Harry snickered as the Mad Dog calmed himself to the occasional chuckle. "Musuko, kore wa daredesu ka?" [Son, who is this?]

"Ah! Korewa Granger Hermione-chan," Harry introduced her. Then he looked at her. "Hermione-chan, meet Majima Goro, my Otōsan." [This is Hermione Granger]

Hermione offered him a small smile and a nod of her head. McGonagall seemed to realize then that the translation charm did not extend to the girl, so cast the spell again for her to understand the pair as well.

"Nice to meet ya," Majima chuckled. "Keeping my musuko out of trouble?"

Hesitantly, Hermione answered. "Trying to."

"Otōsan, I don't need a babysitter!" Harry protested.

"Yes you do," Majima chuckled. "Now, what happened?"

Thus Harry told him everything since he sent his last letter. Everything from them jumping down the trap door, nearly being strangled by a plant that Hermione saved them from, to the room of flying killer keys. Then the large chess set, thanking Kiryu-chan for teaching the child and encouraing practice dring down times, all the way to the Room of Logic (as Harry has taken to calling it) which Hermione figured out within a few moments. Hermione stayed quiet the entire time. When he told of how he fought against Quirrell, Majima looked very angry and upset at the fact that Harry was so close to danger. Granted, he did teach him how to defend himself, but it did nothing to soothe his inner turmoil.

Once Harry was done telling him about that fight, Majima had already lit a cigarette to calm himself. He pulled it from his lips before asking, "Any idea why he burned when you touched him?"

A shrug was his response. "Dumbledore said that when Hahaoya sacrificed herself for me that night, it left a mark under my skin that would protect me from Voldemort. He says it's love, but I don't think that's it." [Mother]

Majima hummed, putting the cigarette back between his lips and inhaling deeply. A cloud of smoke poured out of his mouth as he exhaled harshly. "Safer back home," he commented. "What's the damage?"

"Nothing much," his son answered. "I'll be healed before I head home."

"Anata wa ki mo yoi kamo!" the man suddenly shouted. Hermione jumped at his sudden temper flare. "If you get any last injuries coming to this school, I will pull your ass out of here faster than you can say 'Tojo' and have you in a school closer to home!" [You damn well better be!]

"Otōsan," Harry sighed before the doors opened to reveal Dumbledore. "Uh-oh…"

Majima turned around, spotting the old man before rising to his feet and marching over to him. "Ah, Mr. Majima!" Dumbledore greeted calmly, as though he was not facing a rabid animal.

"You lied!" Majima accused him, stopping only when they were toe to toe. Dumbledore took a small step back, but all that did was make the Mad Dog push even closer. "You said he would be safe! You said nothing would happen! You fucking lied!"

"Now, now, Mr. Majima, Harry has been perfectly safe until this incident," Dumbledore attempted to placate.

"Perfectly safe?" Majima scoffed with a sneer. "Going into that dark forest over there and being attacked by this same professor is 'perfectly safe'? Nearly being killed in a game because said professor was cursing the damn broomstick is 'perfectly safe'? Nearly getting eaten by a fucking Cerberus is 'PERFECTLY SAFE'?!" His hands were clenching and unclenching, wanting to wrap around the old man's throat and choke the life out of him. "I only let him come here because he wanted to know more about his birth parents. But if he is going to be going against this shit every year, he's going to school closer to home."

"That is unnecessary-" the Headmaster began, but was cut off.

"The safety of my musuko is 'unnecessary'?" Majima went on. "The fact that I am more interested in him staying alive than you are in killing him is 'unnecessary'?! I don't know what is in your head, old man! But keep this in mind: I have a very short fuse, shorter patience, and I don't need any goddamn magic to kill you. Stay the hell away from my musuko. He'll stay until the end of this year, but after that, I will need a lot of convincing to let him come back here. All you have shown is your fucking incompetence to keep one child safe!"

"Otōsan," Harry suddenly called to him. "If I leave, Hermione-chan will be all alone here. No one else wants to be her friend and everyone picks on her."

"Not our problem, musuko," Majima sternly informed him.

"It is mine!" Harry argued. "She's my friend, Otōsan."

"Then she can ask for a fucking transfer!" his father shouted at him. "The point is, musuko, is that I will not tolerate you being put in danger while this kuso jijî ignores everything and keeps saying you're 'perfectly safe'! He can go the hell for all I fucking care!"

"Otōsan!" Harry shouted. "Everything you are ranting about, are you any better?"

"I put myself in danger, Hari-chan," Majima pointed out. "I'll take a blade for you or a close friend. I will take down a fucking army if I have to. I put myself in danger. Never you. Never! And I will not accept you being thrown into life-or-death situations needlessly and pointlessly! So unless I get a damn good explanation for all this shit-"

"I like it here," Harry interrupted. "Kamurocho is just as dangerous as this school. Can't turn a corner without spotting a gang. Otōsan, I can't explain it but this is where I belong. Just like you belong with the Tojo, I belong here."

"Which would be a good reason for you to return to your aunt and uncle's home," Dumbledore spoke up, feeling slightly confidant about this argument once more now that he believes Harry is on his side.

"I don't belong there," Harry growled at the headmaster. "I belong here so that I may learn. But the Tojo is my family and my home."

"Harry, it is perfectly safe for you to-"

"By now, we know what you mean by 'perfectly safe'," Majima spat at him, glaring over his shoulder at the old man. "Shut the fuck up and butt out." He looked back to Harry and sighed gently. "This is how you really feel about this?"

"Hai," Harry replied with a smile. "Watashi wa jibun no chōnai de sore o kanjiru." [I feel it in my gut.]

"Sono zen ni anata ga machigatte sōjū shita koto ga nainode," Majima muttered under his breath, running his fingers through his hair. [Because that has never steered you wrong before.] He sighed harshly then grinned widely. "That's unfair, Hari-chan. You know I can't argue with that." Despite how often Harry ended up getting into trouble, when his instincts was leading him somewhere or trying to tell him something, they were never wrong.

Sometimes, Majima wondered just how in touch with his instincts his son truly is. "Fain. [Fine.] You can stay. But we are taking precautions from now on. I don't like it, musuko, but I sure as hell am not going to sit on my hands and do nothing. Your training is doubled and you'll practice advance magic over the summer. We'll work on blending it together. I'll talk to Fuma, see who we can dig up to help with that. By the time we're done, anyone messing with you will be a fucking idiot."

"Mr. Majima, I'm afraid Harry cannot perform magic outside of school until his education is complete," Dumbledore said. "Which is why it is wise for him to-"

"Say he goes back to those monsters one more time and I will strangle you with your own beard," Majima warned him through clenched teeth before chuckling. "Laws here are different than back home. Did some digging. He can perform magic under the supervision of his legal guardian or private teacher. He already has one, we just need to get the other because I don't know shit about magic."

"How did you find that out?" Harry asked, tilting his head before looking to Hermione. "Is that even true?"

"It is," she answered. Out of her endless curiosity, she had researched magical laws for other countries when Harry told her the differences he knew of concerning Japan's magical laws.

"One of the previous magic kids from the orphanage Fuma funds is now a magical lawyer," his father pointed out. "Meaning if you keep pushing it, kuso jijî, we will fight back in as many ways as we need to and you will be powerless when we are done."

"Unless I see proof saying otherwise, you are NOT Mr. Potter's legal guardian," Dumbledore shot back warningly.

Showing his shit-eating grin, Majima pulled out his wallet before removing a card from it and holding it out to the headmaster. "Legal guardianship over Majima-Potter Hari through adoption. I am very much his legal guardian. So fuck off."

"By Muggle means, not magical," Dumbledore pointed out. "In which case-"

Majima's grin never faltered as he flipped the card over to reveal the backside, visible only to those with magic or know about it. It glistened in the light of the Hospital Wing, smugly showing off its words to the flabbergasted Headmaster. "I'm not magical, but I'm still his guardian. Both in your world and ours. Again, fuck off."

Harry was only impressed by the fact that his father had all this done before coming here. The regular Muggle adoption was done within the first month of living with the Mad Dog. Of course, the man, while random and impulsive, was not stupid. In certain circumstances. He would do this as a 'just in case'.

"Try and fight this, and I will kill you," Majima warned him, grin suddenly fallen from his lips. "Not a threat. A promise. Hari-chan is my musuko, my son. So unless he says he no longer wants to be my son, no one is going to remove him from my care until he's of legal age. I will kill anyone who tries."

"He will," Harry agreed stoically, as though he were merely announcing that the sun was out and the breeze is light. Hermione stared at him in surprise.

"This is your father?" she whispered to him.

"Toughest badass you will ever meet," Harry answered her in a low tone with a wide grin. "Few people have ever beaten him. And when they do, he just keeps on fighting until he wins. But until he does, so long as he can trust them and call them friend, he'll protect them as well. He's got weird logic, in some cases."

"Like what?" she asked, still whispering.

Harry gave her a small shrug. "Kiryu-ojisan is one person he can't beat," he explained. "He calls him friend, and he will protect him. In his words, Kiryu-ojisan is his friend, so no one is allowed to kill him except for Otōsan." Hermione stared at him in shock. "Hey, I never said he was normal."

"I can hear you, Hari-chan," Majima pointed out with a smirk. "Anyway, I will let you come back here if you really want to, musuko. But if anything else goes on, I will yank your ass out of here and you will go to school closer to home. Deal?"

"Hai," Harry replied with a sharp nod of his head. "Arigato, Otōsan."

Majima rubbed the back of his head. "Dōitashimashite," he grumbled under his breath. "Watashi wa mada sore o sukide wanai." [Don't mention it. I still don't like it.]

"Shitte iru," Harry said lowly, bowing his head a little. [I know.]

"You are still taking those extra lessons during the summer, though. I don't give a damn whether or not you approve of what I teach my musuko, teme," Majima growled at the elderly Headmaster, who started slightly at the sudden hostility when the man was calm not seconds before. "I am not letting him come here without some way to properly defend himself since you obviously don't give a damn about whether he lives or dies." A low hum escaped him before he smirked.

"The safety of the students of Hogwarts are always my first priority," Dumbledore sternly informed the man, looking at him with a firm gaze down his uneven nose.

"You don't act like it," Majima argued with a jerk of his chin. "And don't think I won't bring this up with your government. I will feel much better knowing my musuko is coming to this school when you are gone and someone more competent is in your seat."

Hermione gapped at Harry, not believing that she just heard someone threaten to overthrow Dumbledore. Harry just shrugged. This he was expecting. It definitely was not the first time. He remembered when he first started grade school. His sensei was not the nicest of people and when Majima found out that he struck Harry, one could only imagine what his father did. If he didn't involve the Clan in any way. Tough as they were, a child (especially one of their own) being harmed is definite taboo.

Here the Chapter Ends

To be perfectly honest, I have no clue how to keep going with this chapter. If I'm lucky, I will find a way to start the next. I have the scenes in my head, it's the 'working to those scenes' part I'm having issues with. Hope this will be enough for now. Ja ne, minna-san!