Well these are just one-shot of married life. They can be considered drabbles but I love long stories. That's what is waiting. Rated T: Suggestive themes and alcohol.

Happy New Years eveyone. I hope you have a lovely day ahead.

More than a Drawing

Hiccup peeked slyly before burying his eyes in his sketch book once again. His hands flowed flawlessly: enchanting every turn, every twist, and every feature like a master artist. He peeked again.

Astrid smirked. Her husband had been doing that since they had gotten out of bed, though reluctantly. She flipped the egg, humming a soft tune. She had to admit, married life was glorious. Every day was a new adventure, a new story waiting to unfold and every night, was the best moments of her life.

Hiccup had surprised her, like blissfully startled. Why had she not signed the deal at sixteen? Every night was a memorable event, an event that will forever only be experienced by her adorable, her lovable and her pleasurable husband, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock.

Astrid smirked again as she saw her husband stealing a glance. Now what is he up too? She walked to him, balancing the frying pan and two plates on respective hands. She divides the egg, giving her husband the bigger portion, sits down and gazes at her husband as he instantly closed the book.

"What were you doing?" Astrid asked.

"Me, uh nothing of course." Astrid gave a ghost of a smile.

"Well why did you close that book?"

"Uh nothing of course." Hiccup gobbled his breakfast in one mouthful, grabbed his book and routed his way to the door. "Goodbye honey, I'm off to the forge."

"Without a goodbye kiss?" Astrid asked innocently, raising an eyebrow.

"Now why should I?" Hiccup asked seductively, leaning on the door. Astrid rolled her eyes, she hated the turn of events. He can just ignite something inside her that irritated her the whole day. No matter how many times she tried to relieve it just couldn't be helped without him.

Astrid got up, approaching him ever so slowly. She snaked her hands behind his neck as he gripped her waist. She leaned in, Hiccup mirroring her movements but evaded the kiss.

"Hey wh-"

She bit his neck, rendering him speechless. Her hand rubbed lustfully on his ripples of muscles on his chest. Slowly she trailed long lingering kiss toward his lips. She pushed him against the door and slammed their lips together. Astrid begged for entrance and he gave willingly. Their tongues caressed and tasted the sweetness of each other. Astrid braced herself on him, grinding her legs up and down. Suddenly the door swung open. They fell hard, Astrid legs spread between his waist, into the outside world.

"Oww, well that was fun," Hiccup muttered.

In the snowy morning, ground coated in white, the villagers stood petrified, staring at the couple.

"Get a room you two!" a man shouted.

"You're a disgrace little girl." a lady said.

Astrid slowly raised her head and stared menacing toward the lady. She poked her tongue out as she flashed her indecent middle fingers.

"This is my husband lady and I can do whatever I want with him!" And to prove her point she kissed Hiccup like never before. She raised and trumped into the house, whispering Hiccup a rough 'goodbye'.

Hiccup got up. He waved awkwardly to the villagers, lidding his lips together.

"Hi there everyone, show is over; you can all go home..." Sensing no one was snapping out of their shocks he shot off to the forge, book tucked between his hands.

"Hey Hiccup, you heard the news around town?" Snotlout asked, muffling a giggle.

After work, Hiccup had hurriedly walked home, hoping to see his wife. But it looks like she had other plans, for she wasn't anywhere in their property. So worriedly he searched for his friends, hoping she was with them. But his hope was crushed.

"Where is Astrid?" Hiccup asked, evading Snotlout's question.

"It's the two married couple who can't get enough at night."

"Well that's great Snotlout but where is Astrid?"

"It's about you and Astrid, Hiccup" Snotlout deadpanned.

"Oh that's great, now where- WHAT?"

Snotlout and the rest sniggered. "Everyone is talking about it. Villagers said you two were getting it on your porch, in plain view."


"Hiccup I never knew you were like that. God I respect you," Snotlout said.

"But Astrid and I weren't having SEX in public. We still had our clothes on. Now where is Astrid?"

"She's on Raven point," Fishlegs answered.

Hiccup stormed off angrily and embarrassed.

"Try not to get it on on the mountain Hiccup."

He ignored the Villagers stares and disappointed looks. His only goal was to get to Raven Point, with his anger in check.

He halted as he saw her sitting on the edge of the mountain. God she was beautiful. He couldn't believe his luck. Her blond hair flowed so breathtakingly down her back. He slowly sat on the grass, careful not to make a noise, took out a charcoal and his sketch book and begun drawing her once again.

She had known her husband had been there for quite some time. Bored, she threw a glance over her shoulders.

Hiccup heart skipped a beat. The way her hair fell in front her face when she jerk her head was so lovely. His mind compelled his hands to draw it.

For a moment she watched him, wondering what in hell he was doing in that wretched book. She approached him. Hiccup hurriedly closed the book.

"Would you tell me what you're doing?" Astrid asked, annoyed.


"No? Oh..." Astrid smirked. She brought her lips ever so slowly to Hiccups. He fell flat on his back. Astrid bit her tongue to resist the laughter and saddled him.

"Astrid you know if the villagers see us like this-"

"They can go to hel. I want you," she whispered seductively as she closed the distance between them. One hand intertwined in his hair as the other sneaked its way to his book. She grabbed it, between their moans of pleasure and reluctantly but swiftly shot out his reach. She flipped the page, trying to find what Hiccup was doing.

"No!" Hiccup tackled her to the ground, regaining his book. Astrid rolled her eyes and flipped them over. She pinned his hands under his knees and begun flipping through the pages.

Suddenly she stopped, her eyes widen in amazement and her heart soared. It was a beautiful drawing of-.


"It's horrible Astrid." She traced her long fingers on the breathtaking charcoal lines. She unsaddled him and muzzled herself in his arms, still staring at the drawing dreamily.

"Hiccup you made me so, so, how can I say this, so beautiful." The way he drew her standing next to the stove, the very lines her body curve, the way her face rounded, her long hair: everything was so beautiful. "Am I- am I this beautiful?"

"Astrid, my drawings can never compare to your beauty," he whispered, kissing her cheek. "It's just a drawing."

"No Hiccup. It's more than a drawing. Finally, after all those years of doubting and doubting myself, I finally realize something. Before we were married I always used to question myself if you loved me or not. Now I know, you always did."


"Let me finish Hiccup. This is more than a drawing. To me, it's your endless love, it's everything Hiccup."

"Everything," she whispered. And she found his lips, and they kissed with passion, undying passion that none will ever feel for anyone else.

"You do now, if the villagers saw us, they'll be more rumors?"

"I don't care. Now kiss me!"

The drawing laid between their bodies, so enchanting. The pictures of her were so vivid, so clear, like if days were consumed with it. And it was, Hiccup took days and weeks to finish those drawings. It was indeed more than a drawing, for he had taken so long. Only love had driven him to complete it.

On the bottom of the drawing scribbled a small note for keen eyes.

'Astrid Hofferson, the beauty unlike no other.'

Quite lemony at the starting. I did rated it T though ;).