Code Geass: Assassin Creed

The Prince and the Assassin

Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass nor The Creed from Assassin Creed.

Author's note: This is not a crossover. The story does not follow CG storyline. Please review and tell me what you think.

Babel Tower, 2017 atb

Babel Tower, the newest skyscraper built in Area 11 stood tall among the buildings around it. It was a magnificent structure but to the Elevens, it was just a filthy skyscraper full of sins. The tower serves as a casino that allows only Britannians to enter. No Numbers nor Eleven are allowed to step their feet into the place except for those Eleven who works there.

Ever since Britannia had taken over Japan, it was a nightmare to all Japanese. Britannia discriminated them, from taking all their rights as a human to not allowing them to marry Britannians. The Elevens, the Japanese given names after Britannia had taken over the land. With total discrimination upon them, jobs opportunities for Elevens were scarce. No Britannian employers will take them in as a worker. The mindset of Numbers are useless bunch of scums had been set into the minds of most Britannians. Moreover with the protest and chaos caused by Elevens, every Britannian branded Elevens as terrorist and shall not deserve anything.

And that was why the casino in Babel Tower was built. It was the only place where they take in Elevens to work. The operators of the Tower made those poor and weak Elevens into their slaves, making them to do dozen of rough jobs in a day and also made the females as prostitute in the place. The Elevens had no choice but to bow to them as they have families to be fed and debts to settle. It was of Samson's choice. Seeing Elevens bowing to them, it made the hearts of Britannians happy. It boosted their superiority and mightiness as the master and them as the slave. Babel Tower is the symbol of Britannia's power over the Elevens.

But Britannia was wrong. Not all Elevens bowed to them. They refused to be Britannian dogs and rather live as outlaws. Most Elevens went to hiding and be freedom fighters, they fought to reclaim Japan back from the empire. While Elevens chose to be slave and freedom fighters, there were also certain individuals that chose to be Britannian dogs.

"And one of them is Kururugi Suzaku, the traitor" Kallen Kozuki whispered. Dressed in a pink bunny suit, the red headed 17 years old girl walked around the busy casino with a tray of champagne. Feeling a bit uneasy with the tight and revealing outfit, Kallen could do nothing but to just sigh. It was not her choice to be dress as the bunny girl. She was forced to.

Kallen was an undercover assassin sent by an organisation known as The Creed that recruits and trains Numbers who wanted to topple down the empire. The Creed gives intensive assassin training to Numbers and get their oath to serve the Creed in a special ceremony. Every member of the Creed had to swear to be loyal to the organisation no matter what happens and give their lives to the Grandmaster. The Creed orchestrated most of the assassination of famous figures in Britannia ever since its establishment fifteen years ago.

The assassins had killed generals, minister, government servants, spies and the most famous assassination was the Empress of Britannia's assassination, Marianne vi Britannia a decade ago. It was the kick start for the Creed to terrorise Britannia. The case shook the whole world and forced the Emperor to declare war upon the Creed. Britannia's Intelligence had been tasked to track the Creed and they still are on war with the Creed until today. It never end like a merry go round.

Kallen moved around and tried to avoid meeting the eyes of the lustful Britannians who were watching her like a predator. Those eyes made her shuddered upon thought. While serving drinks, her cerulean eyes caught upon a man in black coat and flat cap sitting near the windows. He lifted his left hand up and turned to have his palm facing her.

Her eyes widened. It was the symbol of the Creed! The man quickly hid his hand and said nothing. Instead he pointed at a certain figure about 50metres away from him. Kallen looked at the direction. She saw it. It was her target, a big size dark skinned man with blonde hair. He had a few men standing around him and Kallen swore she saw guns with them. Behind him were a group of bunny girls tied together. Each had fear drawn across their face. Some were weeping while others could only stared at the floor. It was clear that Black King had intentions of bringing them home to either selling them off or making them his whore.

"Damn Britannian!" She cursed. Gritting her teeth and clenching her fist, Kallen felt like punching her target. He was a well known chess player who played dirty tricks on his opponent and goes by the name Black King. The man never played honestly in any games. Besides being a chess player, he was also a corrupted and useless government officer in the Governor of Area 11 office. According to the files she received from the Grandmaster, Black King misused tax payers money for his own good and sold off Elevens to human traffickers. He was a man full of sins and should not be allowed to live any longer in this world. The Creed are heroes of justice and they shall eliminated humans who heart had been consumed by evil.

In anger, she headed towards her target and slid down the hidden blade hidden beneath her right sleeve. Her eyes were locked on Black King that she did not realise of a certain raven hair lad heading towards her direction. In a split seconds, the two entities collided with each other and a loud crash could be heard.

Kallen was too slow to react. The glasses of champagne had topped over the lad's pants and shoes. Pieces of smashed glass were all over and the champagne had soaked the carpet floor. All eyes were on them.

"Please forgive me sir! How careless was I!" Kallen squeak like a mouse. To avoid suspicion, she was forced to adapt a weak personality just like the other Elevens who were told to do so by the operators of the casino. They wanted the Elevens to act like weaklings to the Britannians.

Kallen wiped the lad's leathered shoes with a clothes while avoiding gazes from the public. She glanced at Black King who was eyeing at her with interest. Just as she wipe the shoes, a hand caught her wrist. Feeling startled she looked up.

"It's alright. I can do it by myself." The lad replied. He grabbed the cloth away from Kallen. He was a tall boy about her age with porcelain skin, sharp nose, soft wavy raven hair and extremely rare violet eyes. His eyes looked like it belong to a mystical creature on Earth and she felt a strong force pulling her into staring at the eyes. Bright cerulean met violet as they two gaze at each other.

"I am a mere Eleven and you are a Britannian, sir. What you are doing is unnecessary," She answered meekly and bowed.

"Don't brandish my status like that. I don't like it" he replied and helped her to pick up the broken pieces of glass. A blue haired man beside him whom Kallen believe to be his bodyguard or assistant tried to stop him.

"Your High-" before he could finish his words, the lad cut him off.
"Jeremiah, how many times I told you to call me by my name?" He hissed and shot him a glare.

The blue haired Jeremiah Gottwald kept quiet. He bowed in apology and said "My apologies, Lelouch. But I don't think you should be picking them. Let the Eleven do it"

Lelouch Lamperouge bit his lips. He disliked people calling the Japanese as Elevens. It was a discrimination to them. He had witness countless number of times of how Britannian treat the Elevens like dirts. It was like the Elevens had lost their dignity as a human. Without any reason, the Britannians would just punch and kick any Elevens they see and even did humiliating things at them. The female Elevens were raped while children were made into labourers at such a young age. There was no law protecting the Elevens, thus granting Britannian to do anything they want on them.

"They are Japanese" he snapped causing Kallen to feel shock. It was rare for a Britannian to call an Eleven a Japanese. She eyed at him in puzzlement. Who is he? A half breed like her too?

Lelouch realised he had caused the girl to be suspicious of him. He brushed it off and pulled her up. "Forgive me for asking but may I know what is that thing doing there?" He asked, his eyes glancing at the hidden blade protruding out from Kallen's sleeve. He managed to get a good glimpse at it. The blade was custom made with well shaped design and sharp pointed tip. The handles were made to be easy for the person to yield it. But a symbol on the blade interest Lelouch. It was the symbol of the Libra, the symbol of Justice.

Kallen gasped and quickly slid it back under her sleeve. She looked around, making sure no one other than him had seen it. Then she looked back at Lelouch again, this time with a serious face. She can't risk letting her identity revealed!

"I...I..." She stammered. Before she could finish her words, a hand pulled the two bunny ears on her head up.

"My, my what a nice catch. Such a beautiful girl but to bad you're of Eleven blood" Black King said and licked his lips. Kallen was startled at the sudden turn of events and she froze. She saw the man from the Creed smacked his own face and shaking his head. Was the plan starting to fail?

"What do you say girl? Follow me and I shall comfort you" he continued and whispered to her ears, sending shivers to her spine. Kallen felt her heart pounding hard and fast. Her target was so close to her and yet why wasn't she attacking?

"Leave her alone" Lelouch interrupted. Black King and his men stared at him and burst into laughters.

"Who are you to tell me that boy? Is she your girlfriend? An Eleven as your woman?" Black King sneered and cackled. Jeremiah clenched his fist and moved towards him but was stopped by Lelouch.

"It's because I am Lelouch vi-"

A loud scream cut him off. In a blink of eye, Black King was on the floor, clutching his chest and soon he was in a pool of blood. A blade was stuck right into his chest. Lelouch turned and realised it was the red haired girl who did it. He gasped in shock and also amazement. But he couldn't really see what happened next as the lights were shut off in a sudden sending the place to be in pitch black. The only light source was the sun rays from the windows.

Black King men surrounded Kallen and tried to catch her but Kallen was faster. She did a back flip and kicked two men right on their face. Then she dealt punches on another two chest and break their necks. Three more came and they landed on the ground in a pool of blood with flying blades piercing their bodies. Agonised screams could be heard followed by loud stomping of Britannians heading out from the place. The emergency siren buzzed and the whole place was in chaos. Scent of blood filled the air as more groans could be heard.

Kallen flipped her cell phone and read the message in her inbod. It was from the Ohgi! He, Tamaki and Kallen were members of the Creed after the resistance group founded by her brother was disband years ago. A mysterious letter was sent to Ohgi inviting him, Kallen and Tamaki to join the Creed with no conditions. The Creed had no rules or regulations except they must swear the loyalty to the Grandmaster.

Leave the place now, the bomb had been activated! ASAP!

Kallen nodded and immediately closed the phone. She slid pass the crowd and headed down the stairs. With a torchlight with her, she led herself in the darkness until she reach the back door where Ohgi and Tamaki who were also in the Creed were waiting in their van.

She jumped in and the van sped off as the bomb blasted right on time. The explosion was so powerful that it sent people surrounding the area to be thrown 100 metres away. It even managed to uproot trees in the area. Babel Tower had been bombed and was on fire. People scurried out from the tower as the ambulance and police arrived to the scene. It was a total chaos.

"Is he dead Kallen?" Ohgi said as he took off his flat cap and black coat. Tamaki glanced at her while driving on the main road.

"Dead as a doornail" she grinned. As she grabbed a jacket from the seat to cover herself, her eyes spotted a luxury car parked beside them at the traffic light. It was a black Aston Martin. Tamaki drooled at the sight of it and couldn't take his eyes off. Meanwhile Ohgi showed no interest and was typing a message to the Grandmaster in the phone.

"Must be a big wig's car!" Tamaki exclaimed.

Kallen snorted. She wasn't really interested in cars and luxury cars were not a rare sight for her as the Stadtfeld family always received rich guest. All the guest came with their luxury cars and clothes into the Stadtfeld Manor which made Kallen resistance to admiration of any luxurious things. Her father was an Earl while her mother who worked as a maid in the house was a Japanese. Thus making her a half breed. But after a turn of events, Earl James Stadtfeld had issued a stern warning to his only daughter not to mention of her parentage. The scandal of a Britannian noble fathering a half breed child would cause a great shame to the noble Stadtfeld family and might have their titles pulled back.

Then she realised something. The windows of the car wind down revealing a familiar raven hair lad. It was him! She exclaimed in her heart. Her eyes widened and her face turned ashen pale as the lad, Lelouch if she was not mistaken of his name smirked at her.

"Tamaki?" Kallen muttered. Tamaki raised his eyebrow.
"Yes? What's the matter? Ah...the big wig is staring at you. Your lover?" Tamaki teased. Ohgi turned his head as he heard the word 'lover'.

"Just" she paused and looked at Lelouch. He was shooting her a weird look and was mumbling something. Then he pointed at a familiar blade with stain of blood in a plastic bag he was holding up.

"Wh-wh-what? Ho-How did he get that? That's my blade!" She blurted out. All heads in the van turned and eyed at the blade. Kallen felt like killing this guy in the spot. Why did he take the blade that ended Black King's life? Who was he? A detective? A police? Oh god! Kallen Kozuki will be dead now if he was!

"Tamaki! Drive! Get away from him! Now!" She shouted promptly. She had no idea what to do. She can't killed someone without the orders from the Grandmaster. It was against the rules of the Creed!

"I say drive! DRIVE!"

The van sped off in a remarkable speed, ignoring the traffic lights and cars on the street. Lelouch and Jeremiah stared as the van vanished.

"Why is she so panic? She's making herself more obvious as the criminal. My my" he sighed. The Prince dropped the plastic bag on the cushion and chuckled causing Jeremiah to raise his eyebrow.

"What should we do now Lelouch? If we chase them what about Princess Cornelia? The Princess is waiting for us in the Governor's Office for a long time" he said, checking his watch. They were already 30 minutes late for Lelouch's meeting with Princess Cornelia and Prince Clovis.

Lelouch leaned his head against the window while criss crossing his leg. He watched the scenery outside the car. On his left was the ghettos, the slums for the Elevens while on his right was a prosperous city built by Britannians. The two different scenes were so in contrast of each other, like yin and yang. This is how Britannia called themselves as world's superpower but they don't even care of the well being of the Numbers, he whispered.

"Forget about her. Dealing with my siblings is far more important although not as amusing as her. Cornelia must be discussing with Clovis to choose a personal knight for me. The old mundane topic again" Lelouch yawned. According to the Imperial family rites, every Prince and Princess need to choose a knight when they reached 17. It was a compulsory act under the orders of the Emperor. The Prince hated undergoing all those piles of suitable candidates to be his knight. It was super tiring and he felt bored with it.

"But Lelouch. You have been rejecting almost 500 applicants. What's wrong?" Jeremiah asked. Lelouch rejected them all without even looking at the forms. This caused Cornelia to boil in rage as Lelouch disposed all those papers in the incinerator.

"A knight should be a person devoted to protect his master at his own will. I wouldn't choose from those forms. I am sure they only wanted fame and wealth to be a prince's knights. They don't have the heart to protect me at all." Lelouch explained. Jeremiah could just nod. The Margrave was Lelouch's bodyguard and his temporary knight. He hoped the Prince would choose him to be his knight but it seemed the Prince had no interest. Jeremiah could only hope for it.

"But I think someone had caught my eye" Lelouch chuckled. His thoughts were on the red haired bunny girl in the casino. She was not only beautiful but was as brave as a lion, agile, elegant and...dangerous. The sight of the girl with the assassin like blade had caused his heart to skip a beat. The Prince felt a certain connection with her and had an urge to meet her again. Is this what they call love at first sight? Lelouch sensed something different in her from the other girls he had met before in his life. She was different, very different.

"Your Highness? Who do you mean?" Jeremiah asked in curiousity. It was rare for the Prince to be interested in someone. Prince Lelouch vi Britannia was famous to have a heart as cold as ice and emotionless face. No one had ever caught his attention after his mother's assassination. Not even his own siblings could bring the old Lelouch back. Perhaps the poor boy had suffered from a trauma.

"You will see. Anyway I have to visit mother's grave today. She must be lonely there. I bet no one visited her" Lelouch replied and sighed. He peered out from the windows and saw black ominous clouds rolling in the sky. The storm was coming.

Jeremiah nodded. He swerved the car to a small street as they headed to the Governor's office. He glanced at the Prince and saw trickles of tears on Lelouch's cheek.

He's crying. The Ice Prince is crying. Forgive me, Your Highness. If it wouldn't for me, your mother will not die.

Gripping the steering wheel hard, Jeremiah felt a sudden feeling of guilt in his heart. he could sense fingers pointing towards him for the incident and he could never forgive himself over the mistake. It was him who had destroyed the life of Prince Lelouch and Princess Nunnally. Jeremiah Gottwald was a failure.

In the Shinjuku Ghetto, Ohgi's apartment

Kallen threw herself on the couch after a long tiring day. Her legs felt like they were gonna break that she couldn't lift herself up. Who is not tired after running 20 floors down from the Babel Tower?

Cuddling up in the comfy couch, she turned towards the TV set and switched it on. Ohgi and Tamaki had went out to buy bento boxes for their lunch and dinner. There was an old grandmother who sells delicious bentos at the corner of the road to Ohgi's apartment. Her tempuras were so crispy and tender that its rich flavours burst in one's mouth. So does her salmon sushis. Kallen changed the TV channels until her eyes caught of a footage of the explosion in Babel Tower.

A newscaster from ABC Channel was reporting the news. From what the newscaster reporter, it seemed that the explosion had injured quite a number of Britannians And damaged several nearby buildings. The operators and eyewitness of the incident had been summoned to give their statements to the police. Kallen spotted the paramedics putting two men on the stretcher. The men were those perverts who tried to touch her while she was serving drinks to them.

"Serve them right" Kallen cackled. The police were still investigating the case and had concluded it to be a terrorist attack. And the murder of Black King and his men who were government officials had caused the Britannia Intelligence Agency (BIA) to enter the case. The BIA will always enter cases where Britannian officers or noble blooded Britannians are murdered or die of unnatural causes. Most of them are of murder cases done by The Creed.

"We shall investigate whether is this the Creed's work" Viletta Nu, the spokesperson of BIA said to the reporters. The silver haired baroness then walked away with the BIA agents into the crime scene, ignoring the reporters.

"Sooner or later you will know" Kallen muttered. She adjusted herself on the couch as she changed the channel. Just then her phone rang. Groaning in slight pain, she reached for her phone on the table.

"Hello?" She answered. She didn't even check who was calling her.

"Kallen Kozuki, I suppose?" A cold and raspy voice said. Kallen's eyes widened. She recognised the voice.

"Grandmaster!" She exclaimed in shock. It was the first time the Grandmaster had phoned her although she had been a member of the Creed since she was twelve.

"Well done, Kozuki. But this doesn't mean I am satisfied." Grandmaster said.

Kallen raised her eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"My agent found out of a certain important trump card present in the scene too. I need him to be wiped off"

Kallen smiled. She was glad the Grandmaster had finally trusted her after the successful mission. The Grandmaster needed her. "Who will it be then?" Kallen asked.

The Grandmaster took a deep breath. There was a long silence. "The son of the dead Empress Marianne, Prince Lelouch vi Britannia, the 11th Prince of the Empire. He is your next mission, Kozuki. Kill him and prove your loyalty to me" he said, emphasising the word loyalty. There was a note of finality in his voice. Kallen had to complete the mission no matter what happens.

Hearing the name, Kallen was taken aback. He wants me to assassinate a royalty? Moreover a Prince? But it was impossible to penetrate the defence surrounding a Prince! Kallen had never assassinate any high ranking nobles aside from a Lord she assassinate with Ohgi a year ago. She wouldn't dare to even lay a finger on a royalty although she despised Britannia's Imperial family more than any Britannians. They were the cause and root of evil in the world. Because of their ruling, Numbers in the empire suffered much. Her mother was divorce by her father and became a maid to the family, her brother died fighting against them and she couldn't even acknowledge her own mother in public!

"Kallen Kozuki? Your word"

Kallen was speechless. She was unsure whether to defy the Grandmaster's order. The risk of failing in this mission was extremely high. She might be caught and sent to prison or worse gallows for treason to the Empire. She couldn't risk that. What would happen to her mother if she die?

"I...I..." She paused. Gripping the remote control of the TV, her mind wandered around.

"You will be able to revenge against the Imperial family. Remember how Prince Clovis sent your brother and his friends to gallows?"

Kallen bit her lips. Her brother, Naoto and his resistance group were caught by the Britannian Police and convicted of being a part of terrorism. Prince Clovis quickly sent them to death without hearing the begs and pleas from their families. He shut them off, paid some money and told them to get lost. That was how the Governor of Area 11 treat the Elevens. Since that day, her mother had suffered mental breakdown and was no longer like her usual self. She went on to drugs and suffered from multiple implication to her health. The happy family Kallen once had was shattered into pieces by them! The Imperial family of Britannia!

She had sworn upon her brother's grave to have her revenge after the event. It was her promise and she had never forget it. Her brother's legacy against Britannia was passed down to her, his only sister. Kallen Kozuki was born to be a fighter and she will never step back. Never.

"Deal. I shall bring the head of the Prince to you" she finally replied. At the same time a flash of lightning forked across the sky and rain poured down from the dark skies as if the Gods were angry over Kallen's decision.

Forgive me, she whispered.

Should I continue?