(A/N: Hello Awesomesauce Fans! First of All, A Very Happy New Year 2014 :D.

Secondly, I'm Soo Nervous :P. Thirdly Please enjoy this story and don't forget to review!

The Demigod Secrets will have all those stories which have been said to happen in the PJO/HoO series, but never depicted. The chapters will be from different POVs (and there will be a lot of chapters i assure you!)

As for the first chapter, it's from Nico's POV (quite a challenge isn't it?). In this short story you'll see what's going on in his mind as he revives Hazel Levesque from the Underworld.

As most of you already know, these awesome characters belong to Rick Riordian. Happy reading!)

(September, after Titan War)

Nico di Angelo

Nico di Angelo was strolling in the Underworld, which was almost a daily occurrence. But Today he was restless, deep in thought of the last conversation he had with his father, about an hour ago. What did he mean? Nico kept asking himself again and again. The keys on his belt jingled as he walked. He tried to recall the moments again.

His father, the so-called Lord of the Underworld , was having a huge problem. Though this problem was nowhere near the Titan war last summer, it could definitely cause a serious trouble if not solved. Thanatos, the incarnation of Death himself, was nowhere to be found. He had suddenly gone missing a few days ago, though it was hard to tell time in the Underworld. Nico knew that there could be only one explanation to this- Thanatos has been kidnapped; as for obvious reasons he wouldn't take a holiday (though the dude deserves a holiday, Nico thought). Anyway, when Nico had visited the throne room to report, he'd found his father sitting on his throne.

The Lord Hades sat there in a very regal posture, his face stern, the horrified faces of the damned souls glinting silver and white in his black robes. He was rubbing his golden keys at one side. His brows were creased in tension, his eyes looking at a random spot as if he was thinking how to pulverize that very spot. Nico had the same expressions when he was worried and angry at the same time. He always wondered why did he get to have more traits of his dad.

"My Lord." Nico called. Hades looked at him, his expression softening just a little. Nico bowed.

"Did you find Thanatos?" Hades asked in an irritated tone, though Nico suspected he was trying to hide a roar of anger. Always so grumpy Nico thought.

He sighed "No, Father. I think..I think he's been kidnapped."

Hades waved his hand as if trying to deny it, his scowl deepening "Not again! The last time it happened, it caused so much trouble here! So many souls to reap..." He sighed in exasperation, looking at another random spot, rubbing his fingers on his keys, and, then focusing at Nico again "Any idea who kidnapped him?"

"No" Nico replied in a lower voice.

Hades straightened on his throne "I ought to do something about it. The dead must not wander on the Earth, especially not now when-" He stopped suddenly.

"Wait, What?" Nico asked. "What are you talking about?".
Hades ignored his question "The point is that we have to find Thanatos before things get more complicated." Nico suspected he was hiding something. Gods always hide something, but Nico knew better than pressing Hades with the questions.

Just then a gentle pleading voice called out of a chamber "Hades! I can't find my Kadupuls. Oh where are my rare wildflowers?!"

Hades sighed and shook his head "Not Now!" he yelled towards the door that led to the chamber of Persephone, the Goddess of Springtime. Ugh! Not Persephone again, Nico thought.

He wasn't anxious to meet his stepmother, who stayed in the Underworld in winters, so he said "I'll be going now."

"Wait, son." Hades said.

Nico frowned "What is it now?". Nico tried not to show his irritation. Even though he was glad that his father has accepted him more or less, it didn't mean he liked to do all the 'duties' given by Him.

Hades stared at Nico for a moment, as if about to take a life-threatening decision (or it seemed to Nico), then in a single smooth motion, tossed his golden keys at Nico. Nico barely caught the bundle, looking surprised. These were really special keys; the Keys of Hades they called it; which had almost gotten in the hands of a Titan, about an year ago. The keys were one of the source of Hades power. They held the force enough to lock or unlock death (not Death as in Thanatos, but 'death').
Hades smirked, which was better than the scowl, but really creepy. "You might need them. Guard the keys for me." he said. Then he dissolved into the black mist.

What did he mean? Nico thought, coming back to the present. He was getting a little irritated from thinking too much. After all he wasn't an Athena kid. Plus he had ADHD, which means he couldn't exactly focus on one thing for too long. He tried to ask the basic questions to himself, like Bianca used to advice him whenever he got too confused.

You might need them Hades had said. One thing he was sure, the keys couldn't help him to find Thanatos..

Suddenly Nico tensed. Could Hades be talking about Bianca? Oh No, he couldn't. No Way!Hades would never allow to revive any soul from the Underworld. But then why did Hades gave the keys to Nico to guard? Hades had said he might need the keys. What did Nico want? Well, a lot of things Nico thought bitterly..

But what can he get from the keys? A soul obviously.

Nico wanted only one soul to revive right now. He really wanted Bianca to be alive again, to walk on earth besides him. He desperately needed his sister back, the only person in the world who understood him completely and cared for him.

Well, technically Hades couldn't let any soul escape, because it would be against the very ancient laws, but Nico could. "That's it!" he exclaimed. He has lost too much, but now he had the chance to get some of it back. He ran towards the Elysium.

Nico walked back from the Elysium, his eyes stinging like crazy. He blinked them away, determined not to shed a single tear. How could Bianca go? How could she not even tell him?! He didn't even get the chance to say her goodbye. Now his sister was truly gone, her past life forgotten. Nico tried not to feel resentful. A little part of him was actually happy that she'd chosen to reborn into the world, but for now he was mostly sad and a little angry too. After all he too was going to bring back her back, and she'd be still Bianca.

After Bianca had died, she was waiting desperately to reborn, even though Elysium had everything she desired (except for, well, Life). It was Nico who had convinced her not to choose that option yet, to at least wait for the Titan War to end. Of course she wouldn't have waited anymore, he thought. She has always been a restless soul, an ADHD soul.

He noticed he was walking through Fields of Asphodel, because the spirits were crowding around him, like people in a marketplace, except that Duh! They were dead, and were chattering uselessly. Usually he'd draw his sword to keep them at bay so that he can walk through. This time he didn't even bother, he was feeling too numb for that. He decided to let his thoughts drown out by the useless chatters. He didn't want to think too much of Bianca's decision, though images of his sister still poked around his head, like a shadow. He kept walking, listening to chatters. Sword or not, the spirits still parted a little for him. His thoughts drifted to the keys which were now in the pocket of his black overcoat. Maybe the keys had no use for him , just another 'responsibility' handed over to him, he thought with a bitter taste in his mouth.

Suddenly he sensed something different; he sensed a demigod somewhere nearby. But he kept walking. He could sense the demigods easily, and he had found a few of them in the Fields of Asphodel. He suddenly stopped in his tracks. This demigod had a very powerful aura, Just like him , maybe even a little more powerful than him. Without thinking too much, he walked towards the way he sensed that soul.

He spotted a girl of about 13, sitting under the poplar tree, staring at nothing. Nico came closer to her, and she looked at him. She had coffee-colored complexion, with curly brown hair, and sunken eyes which were maybe the color of luminous gold when she had been alive. But she wasn't chattering, her eyes were actually focused. A child of Hades Nico thought for a moment. No, wait. She's Roman. He came to know about Roman demigods a few months ago, when he discovered a Roman Camp named something like 'Camp Jupiter'. But he never dared to actually go in there, being genuinely afraid of what he might found in there.

He focused on her memories (he could read any soul being a child of Hades) and literally saw her whole life. Her memories were more vivid than the other ghosts. Wow, she was pretty brave, standing up against such a huge deity like Gaea, and then sharing her mother's guilt. So much potential wasted. So Powerful! He read her life almost in a second. He showed no emotion, but he was completely awed of her powers and courage.

"You're different" Nico said, which sounded too obvious. "A child of Pluto. You remember your past", he elaborated.

The girl whose name was Hazel Levesque replied "Yes. And you're alive."

Nico was a little taken aback by her answer. Suddenly all the events of today in the Underworld came back to him, forming an idea. But should I? He thought. She was very much like Bianca, though she looked nothing like her. Unfortunately Bianca's memories came to him again, and he couldn't contain them any longer.

"I'm Nico Di Angelo" he introduced himself to Hazel "I came here looking for my sister. Death has gone missing, so I thought.." he hesitated, then continued "I thought I could bring her back and no one would notice." Part of him thought why he was telling all this to a random ghost. But she is different, he thought. She wasn't like any of the ghosts he'd ever met, and he had met a lot of ghosts.

Hazel looked surprised "Back to life?" she asked. "Is that possible?". "It should have been." He sighed. Oh well, why not tell the whole thing? "But she's gone. She chose to be reborn into a new life."

Hazel looked at him with sympathy. "I'm sorry" she said.

She was such a pure soul, so to say. She bore no guilt, no resentment, no hatred towards her mother, her fate and her death.

Nico came to a conclusion. His one hand clutched the keys in his pocket, the other hand towards Hazel "You're my sister too. You deserve another chance." He spoke with determination, because it was all true. She didn't deserved to die, just like Bianca. He now had a pretty good idea about what his father's intentions were.

Meeting this girl wasn't a coincidence. It just couldn't be. She had a very important destiny; he didn't know what but he was sure of it. He would take her to Camp Jupiter, that Roman Camp. She would be safe in there. A little part of Nico knew all the risks he was about to take- going into that new Camp that Gods know what held, using Hades powers to revive a soul. Worst of all, once Thanatos came back, he would bring Hazel back here again. But another part, the bigger part of him thought This time she may achieve Elysium. She will get what she wants, and I will protect her. I'm doing the right thing. I'm freeing my sister.

He added further to her "Come with me."

Hazel hesitated for a moment, as if it was all a dream she never thought she could achieve. Then she held his hand. The keys glowed hot in Nico's other hand in the pocket and the world dissolved before him.

(A/N: So...How is it?)