Days after the revelation of the League of Incredible Vegetables, Larry/ Larry-Boy felt glum and lonely since three of his friends dispersed to various towns and won't really be seeing each other unless there's superhero business going on. Larry walked groggily around town, remembering his memories with Bob, Mr. Lunt… and, most especially, Petunia. Suddenly, he bumped a random citizen out of being distracted.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't see you, ma'am!" Larry quickly apologized.

The stranger giggled. Her voice was familiar. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going."

She was a redheaded rhubarb, wearing a journalist's uniform. Her long hair flowed down to her waist and on her head was a purple hairband. She carried a notepad and a pencil with her. Her ID tag clearly stated that she wasn't from Bumblyburg. Though she wore eyeglasses, Larry could tell that she was cute.

"What brings you here to Bumblyburg?" Larry asked.

"Oh. I'm a journalist from the neighboring town and I get to travel Bumblyburg every once in a while to get some reports about our trading businesses. It seems that I'll be visiting Bumblyburg more often." The woman replied.

"Really?" Larry beamed.

"It appears so."

The two decided to walk together. One thing did get the girl's eye.

"'A New League of Incredible Vegetables Saves Bumblyburg'?" the girl read the headlines.

"Yeah. Awesome team. Larry-Boy and Vogue looked great defeating Dr. Flurry." Larry complimented.

"No kidding! I'm a fan of Vogue and Larry-Boy, too! Well, I'm mostly a Vogue fan myself, but I do like the two superheroes working together." The girl swooned.

"By the way, you never told me your name. And I haven't told mine." Larry cleared his throat. "I'm Larry."

"I'm Petunia."

Larry gasped. Petunia pulled down her eyeglasses slightly. She was Vogue's secret identity! Petunia winked at him and Larry smiled. The two spent the villain-free day by spending time with each other. On the same park bench where Larry-Boy and the old Petunia sat before, there sat Larry and Petunia. They were enjoying the sunset and eating ice cream when Larry had an important question to ask Petunia.

"Petunia?" Larry said.


"Will you go out with me?" Larry blushed.

Petunia smiled at Larry. "I would love to."

Larry grinned. For once, he felt like he could be himself again. Suddenly, the Larry-Boy signal beeped.

"Larry-Boy! An angry pumpkin is invading the City Hall! I'm signaling the League to regroup! It's a very dangerous task!" Alfred warned.

"No worries, Alfred. I'm on my way." Larry straightened.

Having heard of this, Petunia and Larry rushed to their respective cars. A flash of pink was seen in Petunia's car and there were violet and yellow streaks appearing in Larry's. In a matter of seconds, Larry and Petunia's cars changed to the Larry Mobile and the High Heel Mobile respectively. As Larry-Boy and Vogue started their engines, Larry-Boy looked at Vogue for a moment.

"Hey, Vogue! Last one at the City Hall buys at Aye Scream!" Larry-Boy boasted.

"Challenge accepted!" Vogue smirked.

The two mobiles dashed to the City Hall. It was yet another adventure for the League of Incredible Vegetables.

Finally! The story's done! Thanks to everyone who supported this! Especially Music Person and Zee126 and... I can't mention all names, but you know who you are! Thanks, guys! There's still an alternate ending coming up so hold on...

BTW, I realized that I was ready to publish another story and I realized it would be unfair to you guys if I didn't give you a choice. So leave your choice on a review or send a PM! I have a deadline and the selected story with most vote will be published first!


-Alice and the Prince (revised, refined and renewed)

-It's a Beautiful Life (A sequel to Puppy Love, Dates and Weddings. About Larry and Petunia's married life.)

