The ordinary day at Bumblyburg turned out… not so ordinary. A giant robot attacked the city and the people ran rampant around the streets, panicking. Every time the robot stepped, the ground shook. Inside the robot was a veggie driven to a goal to rule over Bumblyburg.

"Ha ha ha! Scream all you want, pests! Soon I will rule Bumblyburg!" the villain laughed.

"Not so fast there, villain!" someone yelled.


"I AM THAT HERO!" Larry-Boy yelled.

All eyes turned to see Larry-Boy swinging with his super suction ears, building to building. He targeted on plunger ear to the giant robot's legs and he wound around its legs to avoid it from stomping and walking. The villain let out a cry of annoyance as his robot fell to its knees, defeated.

Larry-Boy made his way inside the robot and he scowled at the villain who scowled back at him.

"Sorry, buddy. But you're spending your days in detention." Larry-Boy smirked.

Cops appeared behind him and picked the villain up, officially arresting him.

Moments later, the TV screens of Bumblyburg fixated on one channel where Petunia Rhubarb reported Larry-Boy's latest feat.

"And so, Larry-Boy once again saved our lives in the wrath of a treacherous villain. With me is none other than Larry-Boy himself." Petunia turned to Larry-Boy. "Larry-Boy, how is it you maintain to be brave in all you missions? Your foes either outnumber you ten to one or are much larger than your size!"

"All it takes is the thought of saving my people and trusting God. Those are the words I live by. I'm sure everyone in Bumblyburg can do the same in their everyday lives." Larry-Boy replied.

Petunia turned to the camera. "And there you have it, folks. This is Petunia Rhubarb, reporting live in Bumblyburg park."

"And cut!" Jerry said.

"Nice job there, Petunia." Larry-Boy commented.

"You did way better in saving the world today." Petunia smiled.

"So… do you mind for a walk in the park?" Larry-Boy asked.

"A walk in the park sounds nice."

Few hours later, Petunia and Larry-Boy were sitting on a bench holding a cup of latte in their "hands", laughing and talking with each other as the sun began to set. Their laughing ceased and was replaced with awkward silence. Petunia hung her head and bit her lip. Then she turned to Larry-Boy.

"Larry-Boy, do you trust me?" Petunia asked.

"Of course, I do! You're one of the people I trust the most." LB replied.

"Well, I was thinking of asking you something."

Larry-Boy got suspicious. He looked at Petunia and asked, "What?"

"We've known each other for a really long time now. You helped me escape from villains and I help you informing about the new dangers in the city. I know this is a very big favor to ask, but…"

"But, what?"

"Who… who are you? I mean, the real you. The guy under the mask,"

Larry-Boy's eyes widened. He turned from Petunia and looked somewhere else. Petunia hated it if Larry-Boy did that.

"Um… see… it's complicated." LB muttered.

"I thought you trusted me!" Petunia reasoned.

"I know! I do! It's just that…"

"What? Is it because I'm a reporter? I promise, I won't tell anyone. This secret is between you and me."

"It's not that. Look, I know you won't tell anyone, but the fact is—"

Larry-Boy's signal beeped and he rolled his eyes. Petunia sighed and sulked.

"Give me a minute?"

Petunia scoffed. Not that LB didn't do this before, but it sort of broke the moment. Larry-Boy pulled out his phone and the screen buzzed. Alfred appeared there.

"LB, we're having some serious problems in Bumblyburg," Alfred started.

"I'm having a serious problem here." LB mumbled.

"I need you to go back to the Larry Cave. Alfred out,"

The screen turned to black and LB faced Petunia again.

"Look, it's not that I don't trust you or anything. But… I—"

"You what?" Petunia scoffed grumpily.

"I- I'm afraid of what you'll think of me when you find out I'm just someone else."

Petunia froze. Larry-Boy braved evil villains and giant robots. But he's afraid to spill a secret to his friend? She watched as the Larry Mobile dashed to Larry-Boy's side and as LB hopped in it. She watched him before he left her. He gave her an apologetic look, his eyes sending a clear message: I'm sorry. The Larry Mobile dashed out of sight as her hair whipped against the wind. All she could think of was one of Larry-Boy's greatest fears: the revelation of his identity.

Just a heads up, I'll be including Larry-Boy Cartoon Superheroes in the story. Just the superheroes. No villains, other characters or whatever. Just the superheroes that showed up at Bok Choy's class. Oh! Bok Choy will be here, too! But that's just it. :]

Disclaimer: Larry/ Larry-Boy, don't own him. Petunia? Nope. Larry Mobile? I wish I had one, but no. Veggie Tales? I plan on working there and becoming an apprentice, but the rights aren't mine. :(