I don't own Harry Potter.

I was not joking in the summary. If you can last through the first four chapters, then good job. It actually starts taking shape once you get past all that. Without further ado, enjoy the fic… if you dare. Ah, love Puss In Boots.

It started when he was six.

Dudley had been chasing Harry around the house with a dead rat he'd found out in the street, attempting to make Harry eat it. Harry raced through the house, opening doors and running around the room as his cousin followed in pursuit. Dudley was relentless and Harry, not seeing where he was going, ended up barging into his aunt and uncle's room.

Petunia and Vernon both looked up from the bed, glaring at the black-haired menace before them. Petunia pulled the blanket up to cover her bare chest as Vernon simply used his many rolls of fat to cover his erection as he pulled from his wife.

"What are you doing in here?" he demanded in a low growl, watching as his son raced in with the dead rat.

"He won't eat the rat, Dad." Dudley whined, brandishing the animal. Petunia turned her head away, praying her son wouldn't take that into her nice pristine kitchen. "I've been chasing him, trying to get him to eat it."

"Dudley, can't you see your mother and I are busy?" Vernon hissed to his son, beady eyes narrowed on the boy.

"What are you and Mum doing anyway?" Dudley asked, cocking his head in curious confusion.

"Well, uh, actually-." Suddenly, an idea came to Vernon's mind. One that most would not tolerate on most levels on any day, but it was a sure fire way to get his son more experienced and to keep Dudley's little mind occupied. It helped that it would keep Harry out of their hair as well. "We were showing emotion, Dudley." He went on, a mischievous smirk twisting his lips in a way that both small boys found unsettling. "You see, when there's a family member that's irritating you or making you happy or upset, you show emotion to them by doing this. Petunia dear, lower the blanket so that the boys can see it."

Petunia shot him a strange look, but lowered the blankets and spread her arms. "Boys, watch closely. I usually only do this when Petunia makes me feel happy."

Turning back to his wife, Vernon winked at her and took his erection in hand, slipping it back in with little difficulty. Petunia moaned in approval, her head rolling to the side and facing away from the boys for a moment as she lifted her hips to meet her husband's. Dudley and Harry both watched in fascination and partial disgust respectively. Petunia had already been fairly high by the time the boys had barged in so only a few quick thrusts and one or two hard ones sent her over the edge easily, moaning and shaking as she held tight to Vernon's shaking form as he released himself within her.

When both had finally calmed down, Vernon turned to Dudley and motioned to Harry. "Now you try it, Dudley."

"On Mother?" Dudley asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

"Oh no, that would be dreadful." Petunia snickered up at Vernon.

"No son." Vernon said, turning to Dudley. "Try on your cousin. It shouldn't be too hard. Just catch him."

Harry's eyes widened to the size of baseballs as he took off out the door once more, but this time, Dudley's cunning little mind had figured out a way to trap him. All he had to do was run Harry to the downstairs. Once Harry reached the kitchen he would have to defenestrate himself if he wanted to get out of this.

Dudley raced after his cousin, grinning maliciously as he chased Harry all around the downstairs, at one point, Harry almost hid inside his closet before relizing tht that was the absolute worse place to go when Dudley wanted to do something to him because he was completely trapped when it came to his closet. Running into the kitchen, Harry glanced around and gulped as Dudley moved a chair in front of the door to stop quick exits.

Grabbing Harry by the back of his neck, Dudley forced him to his hands and knees and pulled his pants down. "I'm not sure how this is supposed to work." He grunted, pulling down his own drawers while keeping a firm hand on his cousin.

"Dudley, let me go!" Harry ordered, fidgeting as he tried to escape from his cousin's grasp.

"Not a chance." Dudley sneered, using one hand to position himself right where he wanted to be. Taking a breath, Dudley began trying to push in, his attempts proving unsuccessful.

Harry screamed when Dudley attempted the penetration, squirming as he tried vainly to get away from his cousin. "Quit movin'!" Dudley ordered, using his large meaty hands to keep Harry still. Finally, the penetration was complete and Dudley grinned, pulling out and thrusting back in. Harry let out a howl of pain and Dudley grinned. "I'm doin' it right!" he cheered, thrusting once more.

Harry could feel himself going numb so as not to feel the pain, but his cousin was making it hard to feel nothing. The burning sensation was intense and Harry hoped it would end soon, his knees were getting too weak to hold him up. Finally, Dudley relinquished him, believing that to be enough.

"Now you know how I feel about you." Dudley snickered cruelly to his cousin. "That was fun. I think we'll do it again tomorrow."

It continued on that way for years to come. Once when he was ten, Harry had refused to clean the bathroom when his uncle told him to. Vernon had shouted at him and Harry had retaliated, the argument going on for at least five minutes before Vernon turned to his son. "Dudley, show Harry how you feel about him." Harry paled instantly and took off for the cleaning supplies, racing for the bathroom so that his cousin had no reason to torture him. Once the bathroom was finished, Harry hid himself inside his closet.

As his eleventh birthday drew near, Harry began thinking that there was no way he could escape Dudley forever and hoped that he could survive long enough to move out when he was eighteen.

I know you think it's gross or disgusting or that I'm twisted and sick. Quite frankly… tell me anyway, I do so enjoy hearing it. *Grin* Review and tell me what you think. And I also offer a challenge. Do you think you can really make it through the next three chapters? I suppose we'll see, now won't we?