(A/N: Fair warning, before any of you start this, Gilbert does start off with blonde hair and blue eyes, but it's for a reason, so don't freak out on me yet.)

In a time and land forgotten by history, there were four kingdoms. The Kingdom of Air was known for its peace and alliance with the Kingdom of Fire, which was famous for its metalwork and ability to hate the other kingdoms and not go to war. The Kingdom of Earth was known for its wars and ruthless leaders. The Kingdom of Water was not known for much; it often stayed on the sidelines, no allies or enemies.

What made the land of the four kingdoms so special was the magic it held. Each Kingdom held a Heart in the depths of their castle, which spread magic throughout the realm. As you could probably tell, each kingdom had an elemental magic. Normal citizens could barely wield the magic, though it sometimes helped with normal chores. The soldiers were the most skilled at using the magic, though it still was not very powerful. The royalty of the Kingdoms held the majority of the magic.

It is said that the first born child of the royalty will have the most potent magic and so they are chosen as the next King. It had been that way for generations, nothing interrupting it. However, everything must change.

After all, the Kingdom of Water would have to be famous for something.

Gilbert Beilschmidt, the soon-to-be 50th king of the Kingdom of Water, was the start of the change. He was very troublesome, always messing around with the maids or pulling pranks in the kitchen. He even messed around with his little brother before the poor boy had a chance to grasp his own magic. Gilbert would cover hallways in ice, dump boiling water on top of servants, and even steal things from his own father.

After all, he was the next king, so he should be able to do whatever he wanted. No one could tell him no, and if they did, his pranks would only get worse. The other Kingdoms worried of what would happen if the prince was allowed to take the thrown after coming of age. It was a rather good thing that would never happen.

It was Gilbert's thirteenth birthday and he stood proudly in front of the mirror, admiring his awesomeness. His awesome blonde hair was ragged, just the way he liked it, and his awesome blue eyes showed just how mischievous he was going to be that day. He really didn't like the un-awesome blue clothing he was forced to be dressed in; he figured he would look way cooler in the red of the Kingdom of Fire.

Gilbert stretched happily, admiring his muscles that he was already getting. Today, he would be able to finally hang out with his best friends, who he hadn't seen in, like, a week. Since they'd been kicked out for a prank Gilbert had planned. Francis Bonnefoy was the son of an ambassador from the Kingdom of Air and apparently also close friends with its king. Antonio Carriedo was the son of the Captain of the Guard for the Kingdom of Earth, the poor bastard.

Hardly able to wait, Gilbert left his room and, seeing a maid carrying quite a lot of plates, created ice under her feet at just the right angle. He cackled as he saw her fall, the plates shattering around her. She was so going to be fired.

"Brother," Gilbert's little brother, Ludwig, sighed from the other end of the hall. "Don't you think you should be a little more careful? She could have gotten hurt."

"Why the hell should I care?" Gilbert shrugged. "Besides, you shouldn't be talking back to me, in about 8 years, I'm gonna rule you."

Ludwig just shook his head and knelt down to help the woman stand back up. Gilbert just rolled his eyes and continued walking. Ludwig was two years younger than Gilbert, and yet he was already taller than him. It pissed him off to no extreme, to the point where Gilbert often shrunk Ludwig's clothes or froze over his bed, or made his bath boiling hot. He was blonde with blue eyes as well, something that evidently ran in the family. That also pissed Gilbert off. It was not awesome to be just like the rest. He wished he had a different hair and eye color.

Looking at the huge clock in the main foyer, Gilbert let out a massive groan, seeing how much time was really left before his friends came. It was then that an awesome idea popped into his mind. Running through the multiple stairs and using ice to help him glide along quicker, he soon appeared at the large oak doors to his parents' room. His room in just a couple of years.

Without even looking around to ensure that no one was looking, he loudly opened the door and proudly made his entrance. He didn't even have to look around before he found what he was looking for. It was an ancient scroll, something only the king could look at. Gilbert smirked. He was going to be the king in just a few years, so he might as well get his head start.

The scroll was sitting on top of the table beside the bed, a perfect place for someone to steal it. Gilbert swiftly swiped the scroll into his hands and left the room, not bothering the close the doors. Gilbert laughed happily as he made his way down the hallway, opening the scroll as he walked.

"Brother," Ludwig stated and Gilbert groaned, nearly dropping the scroll to the ground and looked over at Ludwig. "You shouldn't have that."

"And why the hell not?" Gilbert snorted. "I'm going to be king, remember?"

"Not for another 8 years," Ludwig pressed. "You have to put that back."

"Make me," Gilbert smirked before encasing Ludwig's feet in ice and attaching them to the floor. Gilbert knew full well that Ludwig still didn't grasp his powers well enough to melt it without hurting his own feet. "Don't worry, I'll get you out eventually," Gilbert hummed as he walked past him.

Just as he was about to walk into his room, he heard the ring of the front bell, signifying a visitor.

"Awesome, they're early!" Gilbert smirked, dropping the forgotten scroll and racing down the stairs. He hit the servants about to open with water in the back of their heads. "Like hell you're opening the door for my friends." Gilbert rolled his eyes at those stupid servants before he happily pushed open the massive, oak doors. What greeted him, however, was not his friends, rather it was a woman. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm a traveler, brat," the woman scoffed, walking past him. Gilbert grit his teeth, the nerve of that bitch! She had long, brown hair and bright green eyes, something Gilbert would have been happy to have because it would make him different from his family. But why the hell was she such a bitch?

"Get the hell out of here, we didn't invite you in," Gilbert snapped.

"I am here to talk with the king," she turned around to the kid. "It would do you good to stay quiet, prince."

"Yeah, well I'm gonna be king in just a few years," Gilbert snapped.

"Gilbert!" a loud, deep voice yelled from the top of the big staircase just in front of the main foyer. Gilbert's father, the king, stood there with an angry expression on his face, holding the scroll in one hand and comforting Ludwig with the other. "Did you steal this from my room?"

"Yeah, what does it matter?" Gilbert scoffed. "It's not like I'm not gonna see it in the future."

"And you froze your brother to the floor?" his father sighed.

"One sec, Dad, I was just telling this bitch to leave," Gilbert turned back to the woman, who looked at him with an expression that could kill.

"You have such ice in your heart, it's amazing you're still alive," the woman growled. "Maybe I should change that."

"Just try it, hag," Gilbert spat at the woman.

She simply took a deep breath before reaching a simple hand towards Gilbert. He stumbled back, but the woman pressed her index finger to his heart. Gilbert was about to laugh at how stupid she was before a horrible feeling suddenly washed over him. Gilbert stumbled back, his hands beginning to shake from a sudden cold that surrounded him.

"Gilbert!" his father yelled in worry as Gilbert's breath began to quicken.

He had never been this cold in his life. He couldn't even stand, so he stumbled onto the ground and tried to hug himself in an attempt to get warm. He could just barely see his hair as it began to turn white.

"Dad!" Gilbert called out in worry. His father was the king, he could do something against this. If it was cold, of course his dad could stop it, cold just meant that it was ice. The ground around him slowly turned into a thick sheet of ice as Gilbert began to panic more. "Dad!" Gilbert moved his freezing hands to his head, gripping at his freezing, white hair. His feet were freezing, too, to the point where he could barely feel them.

"Gilbert, you are going to be okay," his father stated, but Gilbert could hardly see him. Without his knowing, he'd started a blizzard around them. He was too panicked to stop it. "Just calm down!"

"Dad!" Gilbert screamed for his father. He had to make this stop, he couldn't control anything that was happening and he was too cold to try to think.

Eventually, Gilbert did see his father, who still looked calm as he held out a hand for Gilbert. Without a second thought, the child grabbed onto the hand. With just a single touch, the hand turned into solid ice and Gilbert screamed. He looked up at his father, who started to looked panicked himself as the ice quickly covered his arm. Then his chest. Then his legs. Then his head.

"No!" Gilbert screamed. The ice statue of his father began to tilt and Gilbert caught a quick reflection of himself. His hair and turned snow white and his eyes were red; the mark of a curse.

Gilbert's father fell and shattered onto the ground and Gilbert screamed again, scrambling to get away from it. He slipped on the ice beneath him. He tried to cry, but all that came out were painful chunks of ice. When he looked down at his hands, Gilbert saw that the tips of his fingers had turned blue.


"This is your own fault," the woman from before stood in front of Gilbert and he screamed again, trying to scramble away from her, but the ice was too slick for him to be able to move. "You would have only gotten worse. You deserve this curse."

"G-g-give me m-my dad b-b-back!" Gilbert barely stuttered out. He was too cold to speak coherently or without stuttering.

"You can still use all of the magic that you have," the woman sighed. "But you'll only be able to use it in the form of ice. Every time you use it, the frostbite will go further towards your body. Once it reaches your heart, you will die."

"D-die?" Gilbert's voice cracked as the frozen tears came faster. He had no control over them, no matter how much they hurt.

"You brought this on yourself," the woman stated. "No matter how much you think you've learned your lesson, this curse will not break. It never will."

"W-w-what k-kind of m-m-magic d…do yo-you h-h-hold?" Gilbert asked.

"I'm a witch," the woman chuckled, "I don't play by your rules. I just have magic. I've seen into your future and you'll only get worse unless this curse prevents it. You've just had to learn the hard way."

And she disappeared. Gilbert was left alone, in his own blizzard, freezing and looking at the shattered pieces of his dad.

This is what I get for watching Frozen. Twice. It's such an amazing movie, I'm totally gonna get it on DVD! Anyway, not the point, I came up with this idea while watching Frozen, but it's not the same plot, I promise. This is basically the prologue, for the rest of it, Gilbert will be an adult. And this will be PruCan with a few side pairings like Spamano and GerIta, the fluffy stuff. Also, if you were wondering, the witch was meant to be Hungary, mainly because I needed her to be a Hetalia character, but everyone else was taken. She'll come back, don't worry, and she's not all evil.

I will update all of this today, as a New Year's gift to all you lovely people! All of it is written and it's not very long. So, enjoy and review if you wish at the end.

And I do not own Hetalia. Or Frozen.