Second and final part. It was intended to be shorter, and completely different. As per usual it ran away in a completely different direction. Enjoy and review!

Killian Jones was a relatively patient man.

After all, you don't exactly plan a 300 year revenge scheme if you're incapable of waiting it out. He was a passionate man, yes. But he was patient. Both things that went hand in hand very well whenever he pillaged and plundered over the years. And they were very good qualities when taking a woman to bed long through the night.

Yes, in 300 hundred plus years, Killian Jones had a wealth of patience to his name. And he could wait out any storm like a pro.


There was a slight problem.

In that he was currently finding it extremely difficult not to take to the streets, hunt down his precious Swan, throw her over his shoulder like some barbarian, and lock her in the bedroom with him until the turn of the century.

God, he hated this.

This completely insufferable feeling.

Every time he thought of the chocolates, or the pen knife...or that jacket.

Trivial items to the average person.

For the pirate, they were currently the bane of his existence.

Henry had noticed his somewhat sullen demeanour before his grandparents had arrived to pick him up. Killian was so distracted by his own thoughts that he'd missed the usual threats David had made about dating his only daughter, and the odd look Mary Margaret had been sending his way.

Really how was he supposed to focus on anything but the fact that his Swan apparently had a long list of admirers that had been sniffing around her right under his nose. Those insipid fools who thought they had any rights to call upon the Lady Swan when she was already tied to himself – Captain Hook. Really, did they have a death wish?

Any other person would have pointed out the irony here. The legendary captain painting a picture of never having to suffer any humanoid worries such as envy over the woman he kept. Going as far as advising said woman's son on how to ensnare a lady's heart. And through threads of normal conversation he'd found himself inadvertently fuming from the emotions he had claimed immunity from.

Not that the Captain would ever admit it.


What he was feeling was perfectly rational.

It was not jealousy in the slightest.

Captain Killian Jones a.k.a. Hook has never been jealous a day in his life.

His three hundred year long life.

And that was final.

Emma made her way back into the apartment, her mood since having soured at the situation she'd just had to handle at Granny's. She'd hoped to resolve the problem quickly and get back to the date she'd been looking forward to for three days now.

She smiled at how her pirate had swooped into the station all those days ago, with hot chocolate and cinnamon, a small daisy for her tucked behind his ear, and a bucket-load of charm. He'd asked for her gracious hand in accompanying him to a fine establishment that had just opened up on the other side of town. An old friend of Belle's called Lenny (or Lumiere in then Enchanted Forest – yes, the candle) had opened up a new wine-and-dine cuisine, Bella Grande. It had been hyped up enough for everyone to want to grab a table, and it seemed Killian, who strangely always seemed up to date on the gossip in town, had big ideas of sweeping her off her feet and straight to one of their tables.

It couldn't be denied that the idea that he'd want to woo her made her feel warm and light all at once. There were a lot of feelings that Killian seemed to invoke in her, that she'd never dealt with before. She'd never really been all in a relationship before and though it was scary diving in head and heart first, without a life jacket and her main weapon being hope for a future, she could honestly say at this point that she had no regrets.

Perking up, she opened the door only to find herself in a very dimly lit apartment. The singular light coming from the kitchen table, where one leather-covered pirate sat staring at something on the table.

She smirked at his clothing. Though he'd transitioned early on to twenty first century clothing, most of his wardrobe still consisted of black and leather.

Not that she was complaining.

He certainly filled it out well.

(Understatement of the century).

Walking over, she noticed he didn't look up at the clacking of her heels.

She frowned, seeing him lost in thought.

"Hey, what's a girl got to do for a little attention around here?" She teased. It worked as he was pulled from whatever reverie he'd been stuck in and looked up, taking her in all over again.

"Swan" he smirked, staring her over for the second time that night. And really there was nothing innocent in the way he was looking at her. Drinking her in, lingering on every curve and flash of skin, every bit the depraved pirate in that moment.

"Come on Captain, or we're going to be late," she turned, expecting him to follow, when she felt him grab her hand.

"Where's the rush love?" she quirked a brow, something was a little off in his tone. Before she could question it, he pulled her in, seating her on his lap as his arms came around her waist. It was only then that Emma noticed what was laid out on the table in front of her. Confusion coloured her features as she saw a box of opened chocolates, her penknife (she had wondered where that got to), and wait, Graham's jacket.

It didn't matter how many times she saw it, or how many times she'd put it on, only to be surrounded by that familiar smell and shrug right out of it immediately. She could already feel the emotions curling in her gut and decided to pin her focus elsewhere.

Looking back at the man with his arms around her, she noticed his gaze was fixed somewhere else entirely.

It would seem he was thoroughly fascinated by her chest.

Now Emma was no stranger to men lingering on her assets. She'd been accustomed to the stares over the years and how her breasts, legs and ass were a huge hit with certain voyeurs. And no doubt Killian had taken in more than his fill of her figure, pretty much all of the time. But he also stared into her eyes, and liked to nuzzle her hair, and was content just to hold her in his arms for hours on end.

So it did strike as slightly odd when he seemed to just keep staring at her breasts, with no incentive apparently to look anywhere else.

Clearing her thought she added, "Like what you see, Captain?"

He jerked up startled, and she was further confused to see two spots of pink appearing on his cheek. Was he blushing?

She never thought she'd see the day...

Seeming to realise that he'd given himself away in more ways than one, she watched as he immediately schooled his features before giving her a sardonic look.

"Always love," he winked.

"Although I must say, it was a slightly different swan that had peaked my interest" He pulled up the necklace she was wearing to her bemused eyes.

Yes, that necklace. The one Neal had gifted her with all those many years ago.

She didn't understand his sudden attention to it, he knew all about the necklace and its history, much like she knew that of that tattoo on his wrist.

She looked thoughtfully at the necklace a moment, then at the jacket laying on the table. On closer inspection of the penknife and the chocolates, she realised that there was something else going on here. Something she wasn't privy to yet.

"Killian, what's going on?"

He dropped the necklace, before giving her wide shark-like grin. There was something deceptively predatory about the way he was looking at her. She could feel his fingers and hook tighten against her hips as he brought her ever so slightly closer in to him.

"Whatever could be wrong Swan?" His hand came up to glide through her soft blonde curls, pushing them back as he brought the smooth curve of her neck to his gaze. Seeing the soft skin, open and inviting to his touch, he locked eyes with her - not bothering to hide the sudden hunger he felt, the need to have her was filling his entire being.

"Killian, what-" She gasped, as his mouth suddenly lunged, latching on to her neck.

All thoughts ran from her mind as he pressed her up against him, leaving hot, urgent, open-mouthed kisses everywhere he could reach. Her cheeks, her jaw, her neck, working his way further down. He left a bruising kiss right along her pulse point, before pulling back staring wildly into her eyes. She probably looked like a mirror image of him in that moment, hungry, pupils dilated, panting breathlessly.

She felt his fingers dance along her neck, tracing a path right alongside the necklace that sat there. His eyes darted, following the movement and soaking in the look of her flushed skin under his hand.

She had no idea what was going on with him, and she knew she had to find out.

Of course it was a lot easier to reason with him when he wasn't so distracted. Before she could utter a word, he'd ducked his head back down and started sucking and biting at the sensitive flesh lining her pulse. She couldn't stop the moans if she tried. He was relentless, nipping at the tender skin, licking across it until she was a gasping mess in his arms.

"Killian," she groaned as he switched spots. He mouth moved further down, sucking at a spot on the edge of breast. He ignored her breathless sighs as she tried to grab his attention, and zeroed in on his pursuit to lave the area, tasting and biting the area until it puckered, before he blew lightly on it and moved to another spot under her ear.

Dear god, at this rate she was going to die from sensations he was pulling out from her. All she could feel was heat. Burning, swirling flames of heat between them. God she wanted his lips on her now. Not her neck, not her jaw, but on her mouth.

She grabbed his hair and pulled him away, his immediate grunt of displeasure signalling his want to continue his ministrations. She pushed forward fusing their lips together, enticing a moan from him that made her want to rip off his clothes there and then. His hand took hold of her by the hair, pressing her harder against his lips, his lips tugged insistently on hers, wanting to pillage and plunder at his own pleasure. She curled her arms around his neck and opened her mouth, where he didn't hesitate for a second before swiping his tongue inside, and taking her for all she had.

This was beyond any kind of make-out session she'd had before. It was ridiculous how they both had all their clothes on, and she'd never felt hotter in her entire life. They were joint mouth to mouth, their chests pushed right up against each other, her arms doing everything to bring them even close, while his hand kept her head angled insistently for him to plunge into her as deeply as possible. His hook was pushed up against her ass, pulling her in so that her thigh was right up against his groin and fuck was he ready for her.

They finally pulled back after what felt like hours. She felt like it might take her days to get all the breath back into her system. He looked just as wrecked as she felt, and she couldn't push away the pride that swelled in her at that.

There was still that same look in his eyes, of intense wonder and longing, and she still had no idea what had brought all this on. Clearly talking was the last thing on his mind, because he was all set to press her back into him and go another round. Before he could, she pushed against him and put some space between them.

If she wasn't looking directly at him, she may have missed that tiny sliver of hurt that flashed in his eyes. Right before he covered it up with indifference again.

"Killian, what's going on?" She had meant for the words to sound commanding and stern, when instead they just came out breathless.

He smirked at her tone, as his hand came back up to play with her hair. It seemed he was content to dismiss her question in favour of slowly trying to seduce her again. His fingers were slowly inching towards her collar, where he was brushing them against the hickeys he'd just left all over her. It was odd, but she could have sworn she saw a hint of pride in him as he took in the marks he'd imprinted her with.

"Hey," she grabbed his chin and brought his face back to her, ignoring the fact that he chose to just stare at her lips pointedly. "Come on Jones, talk to me"

"What is this about?"

He grinned at her slyly. "Well I thought that was pretty obvious love," he gripped an errant curl in his hand, as his hook started stroking leisurely at her uncovered thigh. The way it was slowly pushing the edge of her dress up was more than enough of a hint.

And hell if he was just hot for her and wanted to stay in all night while they had sex all over the flat...well she was always game.

But that incessant lie detector of hers was going off in her head. He wasn't lying about wanting her. There was however something else underlying his actions that he wasn't sharing.

She chose to ignore him a moment to try and retain some clues as to what was going on. She was only met with the same items she'd noticed before. Only she noticed the chocolate box was open, and there was note lying by its side. Ah, Jefferson's chocolates. She hadn't got onto the second box yet and was hoping to break it in one of these nights. The guy may have the weirdest relationship with hats, but he certainly knew good chocolates when he saw them.

Killian followed her smile and scowled at what held her attention.

"You found Jefferson's chocolates" she reached over and pulled them to her, not noticing his look darken at the snacks. "The man really has the best taste with confectionery," she sighed as she popped one in her mouth. Caramel truffle, to die for.

"That's not the only thing he has a taste for," he muttered.


She was staring at him confused, and delightfully rumpled in his opinion. He shifted slightly, cursing the damn brown sugary lumps from impeding his progress in having her. Gods but she looked beautiful. All soft eyes, and golden curls. He could still feel the taste of her against him, and right now he wanted nothing more than to throw the blasted chocolates on the floor and take her on the table.

"Here, try this one" she waved one before him, expecting him to open his mouth, and only grew surprised when he kept it wound shut and turned his head.

Childish? Perhaps.

But bloody hell he was not having anything from her that was sent by another man.

"Since when do you say no to chocolate?" The man had a sweet tooth to rival Willy Wonkas.

"Since it was sent by one of your many suitors." He practically spat out the word.

"My what?"

He shot her a hard look. "Don't bother denying it Swan, Henry told me everything." And he turned his head again, as if that basically explained it all.

Emma of course was just even more bewildered than before.

"Well can you tell me everything, because I'm a little lost here."

He huffed, standing with her and extracting himself from the tangled heap they'd formed. He immediately went to grab the note and pushed it at her as though it was some kind of incriminating evidence.

She read it and shrugged, not knowing what the problem was.

"I don't see the problem"

"You don't see-" he cut himself off vehemently.

She had no idea why but he seemed to be getting more vexed by the minute.

"You don't see a problem with this note?" He came up and took it, reading it out loud, "Emma, can't thank you enough for helping with Grace – I owe you, for everything, if you should ever need anything give me a call, Jefferson"

"And what's your point?"

"My point Swan is that just because I am unaccustomed to your ways in this land, does not mean I don't recognise a love token when I see one" he stressed each word as though it gave him great pain to be saying it.

"Love token?"

Of all the things she thought he was going to say...

He nodded emphatically.

"And though I may be a reformed man love, I will not hesitate to cut down any man that thinks he can take you out from under me," he had moved right up close to her, barely a hairsbreadth away and she had to remind herself to breathe again.

He really really had the wrong idea, and she really should set him straight...but there was something seriously hot about the way he was staring her down, all primal and possessive. His words were stirring up heat again in places they really had no business affecting. She was Emma Swan; stubbornly independent. Always was and always will be. She belonged to no one. She took care of herself. And she never before would have submitted to being possessed by a man.

Except of course, when it came to this man.

She really couldn't explain it, but the outright fury on his face at the idea of someone encroaching his territory was making her seriously just let him take her against the nearest surface.

"No one is trying to take me away from you," she looked at the note again, taking it from him, "And this note? It's just a thank you. He didn't mean anything more by it"

"Really?" he raised an eyebrow, in clear disagreement. "It says if you need anything, to call upon him. What did he mean by that I wonder? And why the hell would you be calling on him when you have me?"

He was honestly looking at her like he wanted to tie her to his bed and leave her there. It was such a caveman response, and all it did was stoke the heat she was already feeling between them all over again.

"Killian, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous"

She bit her lip, watching as he tracked the movement with avid interest, swallowing heavily.

"Don't be silly darling, Captain Hook doesn't get jealous"

"Sure sounds like he does"

"Not once in three hundred years Swan"

"First time for everything Jones"

He leaned in just as she moved around him, leaving him to let out a frustrated groan.

As much as she wanted him, she was enjoying this way too much. He was jealous, and she had no idea how she missed it. The way he was staring at her like a predator honing in. The constant branding of her skin, because that's what he had done as soon as she walked in – branded her. Like a possession. He irrational ire over the chocolates, her necklace, and what she noticed was the penknife from August and Graham's jacket (she had no idea how Henry managed to bring up all these things in the space of one conversation).

Not to mention she knew that he tried to make her jealous on occasion. Paying compliments to Astrid and playfully flirting with Red. She knew there was nothing to worry about and neither woman was going to take him seriously. But it still irked her a little at the time.

And well, payback was a bitch.

"So I see you found my knife," she picked up the inscribed item and she smiled softly at the words. She could remember clearly the day she received it. And by the look in Killian's eye he was aware that she was fondly reminiscing of its conception.

"Hmm the one gifted from Pinocchio" he gritted his teeth, "Seriously love, where do you find these ridiculous admirers. Whoever heard of a puppet and a princess living happily ever after?"

"Same people that would believe the notion of a pirate and princess being together no doubt"

"Not the same darling. I happen to be a dashingly handsome pirate," he lifted his arms gesturing down to himself. Cocky bastard.

Time to take that ego down a peg.

"You know its strange," she looked him over top to bottom, "I never thought about this, but it would seem I have a type"

He blanched at that.

"I mean there was Neal, the cheeky, charming, thief. Pretty much a scoundrel in himself..."

His jaw ticked.

She went on.

"And Jefferson – well craziness aside, the man looked good in leather and guyliner. And the man certainly had a fondness for tying people up so there was that,"

His fists clenched.

She smiled inwardly.

"With August, he had that whole ruggedly handsome, five o-clock shadow look. All leather jackets and dimples when he smiled, and you know I've always had a thing for guys on motorbikes"

He let out a warning growl.

She sighed.

"And Graham, quite frankly one of the most beautiful men I'd ever seen, not to mention the accent, god it could make a woman want to just drop her -"

There was a heavy crash as a chair fell somewhere to the wayside, but Emma paid no mind as in the next second she'd be thrown up against a wall, her arms pinned above her head by a hook, and her pirate shutting her up by kissing her senseless. If she thought he'd been relentless before, that was nothing. The man was not giving an inch. She could feel every single part of him right through his clothes. It was like he was fusing their very souls together. She couldn't move her arms to wrap around him, he had her completely at his mercy and that's how he wanted it. He used his hand to propel her feet up and wrap around him – his fingers shoving her dress up right around her waist, ripping off the thong she'd carefully chosen earlier and stroking right along her wet centre.

"Oh god" she groaned against his lips, and he smirked.

"It's Killian love," he ripped his mouth from hers and went about kissing his way down to her breasts. He licked and dipped into her cleavage, seeming on a mission to make her moan and gasp in his arms.

He bit down into her right breast and she whimpered at the pain, right before he soothed it with his tongue.

"Say it,"

He shoved a finger into her, not standing on ceremony and causing her to arch her back right off the wall.

"Say what" she moaned again as he put another finger into her, and started to stroke right along her bundle of nerves. He punctuated his next words with kisses against jawline.

"Say. My. Name."

He kissed her sloppily on the mouth before nuzzling into her neck and nipping at her ear.

"Mmmm...Oh," He curled his fingers inside her as she rutted against them, she needed him.

He stopped and pulled out much to her frustration. He held her against him still, but refused to do anything until she gave him what he wanted.

Pushing against him frantically, she tried to move her hands but he held them down.

"Say. It."

He held his fingers painstakingly close, rubbing them softly on the inside of her thighs. She could feel herself getting more wet by the second.

"Please...Dammit. Killian," she moaned and he grinned before plunging those talented fingers right back into her and pounding them into her at a furious pace.

"That's it, atta girl" he murmured as she moaned his name over and over. Right until he had her over the edge and falling apart as he unpinned her arms. She fell right into him, a mess of emotions and blissful pleasure.

It appears though, that he was not done.

Before she knew it, she was unceremoniously thrown over his shoulder and they were headed straight for the bedroom. Once inside, he locked the door behind them (clearly going out was no longer happening) and threw her onto the bed. He immediately set to work, pulling down her zipper and she took the hint before taking off her dress, and her bra along with it. He shrugged out of his shirt, trousers and briefs in record time, and before she knew it – she was pressed right into the mattress with his muscled frame trapping her in.

She could barely keep track of his mouth, his hand, his hook – he was all over her. Everywhere at once. Touching, licking, biting, sucking, and all she could do was give just as good in return. He moaned when she bit down on his shoulder, growled when she raked her nails down his back, and kept saying her name over and over as she kissed every part of him she could reach, grinding her hips against him all the while.

He pushed off, grabbing hold of her thighs and pulling her right up against his groin. They both moaned at the contact. He slowly rubbed the tip of his length against her opening and she almost came there and then.

"Do you feel that Emma?" his words practically dripped with sin. "Do you feel how much I want you?"

She nodded whimpering, wanting him to move into her already.

"Do you want me Emma?"

He pressed against her, but didn't go all the way in. She groaned in protest.

"Answer the question Swan"

She opened her eyes and stared at him. His face was hooded with lust and she could see the amount of restraint it was taking not to just push into her and take what he wanted.

"Yes," dammit she sounded all breathless again. "I want you Killian"

At her words, he plunged – all the way in. And the he was pounding furiously, pushing right into her as deep as he could get. Throwing her leg over his shoulder, he hit her at a harder angle and good lord she had never felt so high on pleasure in her life.

"Feel that Swan? Feel how much I fill you up?" She moaned and he brought his head down, catching her lips in a bruising kiss, before nuzzling into the crook of her neck. He kept moving, kept building her up in the most amazing away. "No one else can make you feel like this. Only me."

"Only you,"

He kissed her ear, his words bringing her to the edge. "Because you're mine Swan. No one else will see you this way. I'm the only one who will see you flushed, naked and wanting. The only one who will be able to worship this delectable body of yours, before I take you any which way I choose."

He emphasised with another thrust into her, before he increased the pace. His movements were becoming erratic and she could feel them both hitting the brink.

He continued to kiss and move his face into her neck, and she held him there by the hair. She could hear his mutterings "mine...all mine" and "my swan" in between kisses and then his hand moved to stroke her where they were connected. It was only a matter of minutes but they both ended up reaching their release together and he ended up falling onto her as they came down from their respective highs.

"Well I hadn't envisioned our date going this way," she smiled softly. She was curled up against his chest, his arm around her and his hand brushing through her hair.

"I always envision our dates going as such" he chuckled, and she whacked his chest.

She moved, throwing her leg over him and placing her arms on his chest to prop her head. "So, you going to admit you were jealous yet?"

He rolled his eyes, and pursed his lips.

She grinned, "It's no big deal Killian. If anything, its kind of cute"

He glared at her. "Captain Hook is not cute"

She leaned forward and pecked the pout off his face. "Well I happen to think otherwise"

Cocking her head to the side, she asked "How did you and Henry end up talking about all of that in the first place?"

He smiled slightly as he remembered the earlier parts of his conversation with the boy.

"The lad was looking for advice to win the heart of a young lass. Grace as it were" he frowned at the idea that Jefferson and his daughter may get more entangled with their lives.

"My son came to you for advice on women?" she laughed at that

"And what's so funny love? You should know better than anyone, the devastating affect I can have on the fairer sex" his grin widened as she rolled her eyes.

"Do tell me what sage words of wisdom you passed on"

His hand and hook came to rest on her back. "I simply told the lad how to grab hold of her attention. And keep it. Something I've become well versed in when pursuing a princess of my own"

"Hmm, she sounds like a handful"

"Oh that she is," he smirked stroking her sides with his fingers. "But she's worth everything"

She smiled softly down at him and he stared back at her, entranced with the idea that this woman was all his. She kissed him then, a slow, chaste kiss – an affirmation of all the things she felt for him, whether she was able to say them aloud yet or not.

"For the record, I'm most definitely a one-pirate kind of woman"

He grinned slyly. "Good."

He surprised her then by flipping them over. And whispered softly against lips, "Because pirates don't share."

She shook her head at him and preceded to show him just how much she appreciated him and him alone.