Uhura Walked Into a Bar...

By Ma Anders

Author's Note: While most women and (some) men give Uhura credit for being competent, capable and able to handle herself - the Klingon scene being the most obvious (Thank you, Ms. SaldaƱa, for insisting on stunt work), I have yet to see her show her BadA$$-self like the boys do in fan fiction. Consider that oversight addressed.

She's a bridge officer and the ONLY female department head. If she can throw down Jack shots, she can handle herself in a bar.

Believe that.

IMHO Uhura is the best take-down artist on the bridge.

So here's another set of musings about Uhura.

These episodes start after Nero and graduation from the Academy but move on from there through my Spock/Uhura universe. They are NOT in timeline order.

Some episodes are K+ and some are firmly T+.

Update 11Sep14: As I write this, the view count for this 45,000+ word mythology has topped 31,000. That's a lot of folks giving my stuff a chance. Thank you. There are a LOT of Uhura-in-Bars myths to be captured from eye witness accounts but I am singularly uncomfortable with stories that top about 60,000 words (even anthologies). I know when I have time to read someone's creation, word counts above 70,000 intimidate me because I won't be able to read it all in the few days my schedule permits. So there's ONE more story for this volume then it ends... And I start volume 2. Look for the title change to "Uhura Walked Into A Bar... Volume 1".

For an explanation of Uhura's psionic skills read my universe's foundation canon "Adaptation" or either of the stories "Chocolate and The Art of Zen Negotiations" and "For the Love of a Child".

For background on the love triangle between Uhura, Spock and Kirk, check out "Chocolate and The Art of Zen Negotiations" first, then "Adaptation" and "For the Love of a Child".

These Uhura legends are part of my extended canon in my Spock/Uhura universe. They may be changed to suit the needs of the universe. Consider these drafts.

After all, the myths surrounding legends often differ in details but not in results...

All non-original characters belong to their respective owners. Story concept, settings and plot belong to the author in whole or in part. No portion of this material may be reproduced, transmitted, used or modified in any matter on any media without the author's and/or owners' express written permission. Portions copyrighted.