PHil's pOV

"You know how in those movies there's that one girl who's stupid enough to check out that wierd noise in the basement in her underwear in the dark even though you know she's going to get killed? And you're like, "Call the police, dummy!" But its too late becasue she's already getting murdered?" Phil says as he looks across the loft apartment to his potential new roomates from an armchair. "Uhm," He shifts in his seat awkwardly. "my story's kind of like that"

One Wekk Earlier

Phil is riding in the backseat of a taxi, wrapped in a trenchcoat and talking on his phone to Kate, his best female friend. "I'm going to go down and surprise him. I'm just gonna walk in and drop my coat on the ground. He's always had this fantasy of me being a stripper with a heart of gold. "

"Whats your stripper name?", Kate asks

"Thor Ultimus"

"...Thor Ultimus, really?", Kate says with disbelief

"Phil pouts in the phone. "What? Its a great name, I've been saving it up for so long!"

Kate laughs "Well he's used to your dorkiness so he probably won't mind."

"Hey!", Phil says defensively

Kate is still giggling "But really, I'm so proud of you. You go get him!"

20 minutes later, Phil steps quietly into the apartment "Ryan, I'm home early"

Ryan walks out of the bedroom door and stops he sees him. "Phil?...What are you doing here?" he replies nervously. He looks back twoards bedroom door anxiously.

"I'm not Phil,." He raises his eyebrow in a way that he hopes is alluring. I'm...Thor Ultimus" Phil tries to say in his best seductive voice while slipping off his trenchcoat.

"Uh, Phil..."Sebastian looks back inside the bedroom nervously.

"Don't you want a piece of the ultimate prize?" Phil continues to dance in a circle, holding a couch pillow to concealing his lower half.

"Uhh..." Ryan tries helplessly to get him to stop

" what you see?" Phil continues dancing with the pillow

By this time, a girl wearing just her underwear has walked out of the bedroom behind Ryan and stands next to him, watching awkwardly as he continued to dance, his back to them.

"Who's that boooooy..."

Phil whips around to face them, pulling away the pillow and freezes in place when he sees who is standing next to Ryan. There is an awkward silence "Um", Phil finally says. The ribbon he had placed around his nether regions slowly slips onto the floor.

Present Day

"So, um, that's why I need a new apartment." Phil looks up expectantly at the potential roomates he is sitting across from. "Any other questions?" Three young men sit across from him on a couch, staring at him in disbelief. Chris, the brunette sitting in the middle, puts a hand to his mouth, trying to hold back laughter. PJ, the curly haired boy sitting next to him, glares at Chris to shut. Dan, a dark haired boy with deep brown eyes, sits on the far right of the couch. Dan stares at him dumbfoundly for a moment before speaking up. "Uh, do you have any pets?" He asks.

So that's the first chapter! Sorry its so short. If you liked it, leave a review and I'll continue it.