A/N So hi! :) Um, this idea has been playing in my mind for the longest now and I just thought I'd give it a swing because Finchel is forever and who doesn't love a bad boy? ;) Anyways, fair warning, this story is going to be super heavy and deal with some very heavy topics. It will include drugs, domestic violence and the obvious massive amount of smut ;) But I'm trying to capture that kind of love that drives you insane and makes you do anything. Warnings will be posted before chapters. But yeah, let's enjoy from Thug!Finchel, in their very own Bonnie & Clyde form.
I obvs don't own Glee because if I did Rachel Berry would get on the screen for the entire forty two minutes ;) Just borrowing their precious precious babies.

Loose brown curls bounced against the material resting against her back as she made her way down the vacant hallway, her bright pink notebooks pressed right against her chest. The seventeen year old's head snapped to the side as she heard her name echoing down the hall. Well, not exactly her name, but same thing.

"Hey sexy short stuff!"

Rachel couldn't help the smile that played up on her features at the voice as she turned her attention back towards the main doors of her high school, only a few steps away from freedom for the weekend. "I told you no already, flattering me still isn't going to work."

"But, Rachel!"

The whine echoing down the hallway nearly made her chuckle out loud as she reached a hand out and pushed the doors open, foot steps already heard quickening behind her. A sweet sigh escaped her lips as she exhaled deeply. She was in her Senior year at one of the best private high schools for the talented children of New York City. The school year had just started in August and it was the first week of September and Rachel was over it. She had managed to take three steps away from the building before the doors opened behind her.

"Mira, you fucking puta, you can not leave me hanging tonight."

Rachel hugged her light jacket against herself, adjusting her purse over her shoulder as she continued to walk away from the school and into the busy New York streets. "I can, and I am." She could see her best friend's profile out the corner of her eye as she continued to walk, causally falling into the quick pace of the other pedestrians along the sidewalk. She knew she had made a commitment to the girl to join her for a night out on the town but she had been assigned a term paper that would clearly get in the way of her singing schedule set for that weekend so those plans were out the window. It wasn't till two hands gripped her shoulders that her pace halted.

"No, Rach. This is bullshit, you pinky promised!" Santana knew she was being childish at this point but the smaller brunette did in fact swear, locking the promise with their pinkies and that was one thing the Latina didn't mess around with.

Rachel exhaled loudly before carefully plucking Santana's hands off her shoulders and picking up her pace once again. She could see the train station and knew if she could fend off the Latina for a bit longer she could go home and get lost in her own little world. "Santana, what you're suggesting I do tonight, is not only illegal but very much so against my fathers' rules."

"You didn't give a shit about daddies' rules when you gave me your pinky." The raven haired girl fired back.

"You nearly forced my pinky into yours."


Rachel blew her bangs out of her eyes as she sat down in her seat, purse perfectly balanced on her lap. "Fine." She realized Santana was just as stubborn as she was; and she did in fact pinky promise.
"Wait, what?" Santana had been coming up with a plan B just incase Rachel wouldn't budge with just the mention of their promise.

"I will dress up like a bimbo and dance around a trashy nightclub with you." Rachel stated in a monotone, eyes glued to a map of all the trains above some blonde's head sitting opposite her on the train. Her mouth formed a perfect O when she felt a sloppy, wet kiss being pressed against her cheek.

"Fuck yes, Berry, this is the exact reason why I love you so much."

Rachel had waved a hand in dismissal as she wiped away Santana slobber and lipstick from her cheek. "So you only love me when I agree to illegal things?"

"Of course not, but I love you extra when you agree to be a bad girl with me." Santana finished her sentence off with a wink as she stood from her seat beside Rachel, grabbing onto the diva's arm when the train stopped at Rachel's stop.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked as she began to follow Santana's lead towards her house; well towards her penthouse in the richest part of the Bronx.

"Making sure you don't bail." The Latina shrugged a single shoulder before offering the doorman a smile as she stepped inside Rachel's building. "We're going to see your fathers, I'll chat them up while you pack your things for tonight."

The only reaction Rachel could give her best friend at this point was an eye roll. She quickly slipped Martin, the door man, his usual twenty dollars when she came in from school before making her way towards the elevator. "You know daddy thinks we're sleeping together?" Rachel stated once the elevator was nearly to the penthouse, making Santana's eyes go wide.

"Shut the hell up!" Santana stepped off the elevator once it reached the penthouse and began pulling off her school shoes in the hallway before the main entrance. "I mean, you're all sorts of hot; but you'd please someone with distinct kinks much better." Santana chuckled at her own joke, leaving Rachel behind in the hallway as she entered the penthouse.

"L and H, where are you guys?" She called, already making her way towards the kitchen.

Rachel quietly made her own way into her bedroom. She could hear her parents and Santana talking in the kitchen. Her mind was racing, trying to think of valid excuses why she'd be staying at Santana's on a Friday night. She sighed dramatically at her lack of valid excuses so she could only hope the Latina had already thought this plan out. She quickly got rid of her school uniform, changing into leggings and a oversized sweater, hair up in a messy bun on top of her head. The diva eventually found herself packing up a few outfits she thought were very 'club appropriate' but not too much. It wasn't until she was zipping up her bag that Santana strode into her bedroom from downstairs.

"Your daddies said it was perfectly alright if you spent the weekend over my house since my parents are on a business trip and I don't like staying alone." The Latina stated in an amused tone as she plopped herself down across Rachel's bed.

"You're always one step ahead, huh?" Rachel stated in a sweetly bitter tone as she began to pull her coat on. It was already nearly seven at night. She always stayed after glee club let out and Santana always hung around trying to charm girls; but really waiting on her best friend.

"You know it." Santana winked playfully as she hopped off the bed, adjusting her book bag on her back before grabbing Rachel's packed bag and leading the way back to the kitchen.

The Berry men were in the middle of a heated discussion when their daughter and her best friend entered the room.

"Darling, Sanny informed us all about the exciting plans you ladies are going to execute this weekend." Her father, Hiram dished out as he stirred something in a simmering pot, an arm open wide for Rachel to tuck herself underneath; which the diva quickly did while Santana took a seat at the island of the kitchen.

"We may have to join you ladies for those facials in Manhattan." LeRoy stated as he crossed through the kitchen to place a hand on Santana's shoulder, leaving a small squeeze to the girl's shoulder.

Rachel's eyes went wide at her fathers words, but Santana, just as usual was one step ahead of the diva and quickly replied to LeRoy's words. "That'll be awesome, Mr. B. Just shoot me a text and I'll call the spa and get the package for two turned into a group one." She flashed a smile that could cure cancer before she stood from the stool beneath her. "But, Rachel and I have to get going. It's getting late and we know how Detective Berry hates us running the streets late." The raven haired girl teased the man closest to her and Leroy just rolled his eyes.

"These streets are full of criminals and drugs, of course I want my little girl and her very best friend safe."

"Of course, daddy, we know." Rachel replied before her father could go in to full on protection speech mode. She pulled away from her daddy after the man left a kiss on top of her head, moving into her dad's arms and receiving a kiss to the side of her forehead. Being the daughter of a detective and a doctor had earned her massive amounts of lengthy speeches so whenever an escape to one of those speeches presented itself, Rachel all but ran for it.

She pulled from LeRoy's arms, standing beside Santana as her fathers went over the rules and all the phone numbers needed.

"Make sure you call us when you get to Santana's so we know you're safe." Hiram shouted to the girls as they ran out the penthouse.

Rachel could hear her father and noted to call once they got to Brooklyn, her mind wrapped around the present night, not that she'd ever actually admit it to Santana, but she was thankful for the night out. She needed some excitement, life was beginning to become too routine for the organization junkie. Little did Rachel Barbra Berry know that her life was definitely going to get a full swing of excitement.


"I think you're being a tad bit dra-"


"But, Rach, how the hell do you expect to get in with no I.D?"

"I don't fully understand why I can't wear one of the outfits you made me pack?"

"Because you look like an oversized third grader." Santana quickly spat back. There was no way in hell she was going to take Berry out in a fucking owl sweater. "Sometimes I wonder why you're still a virgin because with legs like those.. I mean damn, but then you do things like this.." She pointed to the sweater in her left hand, a disgusted look on her face.

Very much in diva mode, Rachel crossed her arms underneath her breasts, glare wishing to peel the skin off of her best friend it was so strong. "So you're trying to tell me that my deflowering hasn't happened because of my very trendy sweaters? Not like because I respect my body and I haven't found the right person?"

Santana's face softened as she sighed. "No, Rachel I know not everyone is a little slut like me, but these sweaters for the club?" The Latina shook her head, dropping the item onto the floor of her bedroom before subtlety kicking it beneath her bed. She made her way over to her best friend, uncrossing the girl's arms and turning her around so she could look at herself in the mirror.

"You look sexy, Rachel. I'd fucking bone you if you finally let me."

The smaller of the brunettes allowed her eyes to look up, meeting with Santana's via the mirror, offering a shy smile before she scanned her body in the mirror. Okay, maybe she really did look fucking hot, but she looked like a hooker. The skin tight black leggings Santana had apparently purchased for her prior to the night; had cut outs from the middle of her calf, all the way up to her hips along the side of her thighs and legs. She was basically exposed. Not to mention the five inch gold heels she was sporting on her feet and the gold sheer cropped top, that only covered her breasts. She let her eyes scan over her body from head to toe, and back up one last time, noticing every perfect curl cascading her exposed shoulder blades and clavicles. Her eyes darted back up to Santana's in the mirror, and she shrugged a single shoulder.

"Fuck it."

Santana's grin was devilish as it pulled against her lips. "Bad little Berry." She pulled her hand back and slapped it against Rachel's ass, turning away from the diva to check her own look in the mirror. When satisfied with her red, leather, strapless dress, that barely covered her ass, she stepped into her closet for a final time. She handed Rachel a leather jacket with gold zips and snaps, before tossing her own half jacket; also leather over her shoulders.

Rachel pulled the jacket on, pulling her curls from underneath the jacket before she looked at Santana. "Please just promise we won't get into trouble." She licked her lips, her face scrunching when she could taste her blood red lipstick against her taste buds, hand already out and reaching for the door after Santana had given her a nod to answer her question.


A/N So be as harsh as you'd please! Critics get me going! I hope it wasn't too bad and I promise it gets better!