Chapter 1: The Four Fairy Tales

She sits there. Paying respects to someone of great importance to her that has passed away. And here I stand, in the distance, watching.

And feeling like a creeper.

I mean, I'm an eighteen year-old turned I-have-no-idea-anymore year-old just watching a fifteen-year-old at what looks to be a grave marker. And she doesn't know I'm there.

I feel like a horrible person right now.

Her semblance is going off, indicated by the rose petals that seem to fly off her red cloak. She starts to walk away. Finally, I mean still can feel cold, since I often forget that I can just make myself not feel cold what with all my power.

So I follow undetected, having disguised myself as the shadow of a tree. Soon enough she reaches a clearing.

It's filled with, Beowolves, I can't tell. They don't have the white and red bone masks all Grimm possess. Either way they're there, and they look rather bloodthirsty, evidence being that all their teeth are colored crimson. Then they charge her.

The biggest and last mistake they will ever make.

As they are about to reach her she is gone. A flurry of rose petals the only evidence that she was ever there. But they manage to hear a swoosh above them, and look up. She is there staring down at the wolves.

And with that, Ruby Rose pulls out Crescent Rose. And begins to slaughter the creatures.

She is fast like nothing else. Having quickly turned her weapon into a scythe that is way bigger than she is. I will never understand how she holds the thing.

She finishes them all off gracefully, the shells falling from the sky. No need for me to be here.

But, wait. I hear more approaching. I see more approaching. And Ruby looks exhausted.

Why're these ones here? They weren't in the tra- Oh, wait. I forgot. I wasn't there in the trailer. They likely are sensing me as a threat, but all they see is Ruby. And my presence alone can alter reality around me sometimes. Well, I'm one to show off nowadays. Why would this time be any different?

I shed my dark disguise, appearing behind her in the woods. And I pull Machina from its holster. I take aim, pointing it at her back. And pull the trigger.

She already was in a stance to try and hold them off. She wouldn't need to. She hears the gunshot. It's as loud as thunder. But as the bullet is five meters away from her, it breaks into beams of light moving around her, and towards them. Each streak of light is a headshot, none of the beasts are standing.

Ruby Rose was shocked. "What just happened!?" She asks herself aloud. She turned around to where she heard the shot come from, and sees a stranger in a black and red outfit, a hood shadowing his entire face.

"Who are you?" She asks the stranger, loud enough for him to hear. The shadow concealing his face shift enough for her to see the smirk plastered there.

'You'll know soon enough.'

And then he disappeared before her very eyes before she could respond, or run up to him and ask how he got such an AWESOME gun.

Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, stood before a crowd of at least over a few hundred. She was singing a song she proudly composed herself, aptly named Mirror, Mirror. Nothing less than perfection was acceptable to her, or her parents. And she knew she was perfect.

Quietly to herself, she feels nervous. But she doesn't show it. She is above that.

And out of nowhere, an odd feeling of confidence fills her, one she felt only recently. She remembers that time.

She is training. A final test before she truly is perfect enough to attend Beacon Academy. An automated suit of armor, larger than any man faces her. And she strikes.

Mrytenaster in hand, she blitzes the automaton, as fast as lightning, using the Dust powered device in her blades hilt to aid her. But then, an imperfection in her movements. Small, but enough for the armor to exploit.

It punched, flinging her a dozen meters backward. The skin above her left eye is cut, bleeding.

'No. Years of training, and a slight misstep ruins this.' She thinks to herself.

But before the despair fully kicks in, a foreign sense of absolute confidence fills her. She doesn't know where it came from, and she finds herself not caring.

She powers Mrytenaster again, and blocks the armor's next blow. Then her stance is absolutely flawless, perfected even. She disarms and defeats the suit even faster than she expects. She idly wonders where that confidence came from.

And now she feels it again. And she feels it emanating from someone in the crowd. Right in front of the stage, sat a, what she assumed to be, young man with a hood. Showing only enough facial features to let her know he is responsible for this sense of sureness.

She quietly thanks him, and sings. She sings perfectly, her voice matching the notes at just the right time. The crowd applauds her with much enthusiasm once she finishes.

She looks for the stranger, but finds that he is gone. No one else but her knowing that he was even there.

She is tired. Tired of the hate her kind is given by others. Tired of her kind only receiving respect due to the fear of a once peaceful organization turned terrorist group. But most of all, she is tired of helping that terrorist group.

Blake Belladonna plans to leave after this one last mission. Whether or not Adam will let her, she would leave.

And so, she and her partner race through the Forever Fall Forest, their target in mind. They find it, and launch themselves onto the top of the train.

They enter one of the cars, and quickly find resistance.

The machines are no match for Gambol Shroud. Nor for Adam's Rose and Blush. They move the fight outside fast enough, dispatching even more robots.

Soon they are in one of the cars with their objective.

"Perfect." Adam said, unaware of the danger crawling above. "Move onto the next car. I'll set the charges."

"What about the crew members?" She doesn't know why she asks. She knows they're all human. So does Adam. And that makes him care even less.

"What about them?" He coldly asks her.

Before she can object, a larger, arachnid-like mech drops from the ceiling, weapons aimed at them both.

The machine is more than a match for them. It quickly forced them back outside.

Adam asks her to buy him time. Enough for him to ready his aura.

Once she is in the air above the machine, I strike.

Bright Shadow is fast and true, the sound of thunder following the initial attack. The strikes I make not even registering to their eyes. Once I finish my assault, the mech falls apart into many pieces.

I stand there, having already sheathed the sword back into Samantha. And Blake is already in position behind Adam.

He stares at me and begins to ask "Who are"-

But before he finishes his question, I jump above his head and stand beside Blake.

He rushes to us, having figured out what was about to happen.

Blake is too shocked by my arrival to strike between the cars, so I do it. But not before I warn Adam.

"Do not follow." I stated.

The sound of thunder is heard again, and the train cars separate.

Once Adam is no longer in sight, Blake turns to me. Obviously she had questions. Her intention was to leave anyway. But she really didn't expect a complete stranger to help her.

"Who are you?" She asks me.

I let more of my face be seen underneath my hood, enough for her to see my green eyes.

"I'm an impossibility allowed to exist." I told her.

"I don't understand."

"You will in time, my fair lady."

And with that, I disappeared before her very eyes. Leaving her shocked with the tenderness in my voice as I said that.

'Goddamnit, this club is bright. You don't need this many neon lights in a dance club.' I thought to myself.

The owner of the club, a man named Junior, asked if I should be here. I responded with animalistic growl. He got the message to fuck off pretty quickly.

He was still close by, speaking to local crime boss Roman Torchwick, i.e. his boss. I knew what I would do with that problem eventually.

As Torchwick leaves, a rather, um…. buxom young woman with long, flowing golden hair approaches. The twins near Junior also leave.

Yang Xiao Long approached the bar. "Strawberry Sunrise, no ice. Oh. And one of those little umbrellas." She ordered.

"Aren't you a little young to be in this club, 'Blondie'?" Junior asked her. You'd think he wise up to don't underestimate a person after my little intimidation tactic. He's not very smart.

She giggled "Aren't you a little old to have a name like 'Junior'?" She asked in return.

The conversation went as it was supposed to, right up to the point where Yang grabbed him by the balls, which still amuses me, right to when she tricks him into trying to kiss her.

Once he tried, he was met with a well-placed punch to his nose, flinging him into the bar. To add insult to injury, I "dropped" the glass above his head, shattering on impact with his cranium.

"Oopps." I said.

Yang's brawl with the goons went uninterrupted as I quietly finished my beverage. Once I heard the DJ get offed from his perch I decided to join in. Just sitting there was boring anyway.

"Melanie, who is this girl?" Miltiades Malachite asked her twin sister.

"I don't know Miltia, but we should teach her a lesson." Her sister answered. Then I stepped into the mix.

"And what's up with this guy?" Miltiades asked.

I looked back up at Yang. "Which one do you want?" I asked her.

She raised an eyebrow, then said "I'll take the uppity one."

"That doesn't really differentiate." I sighed after looking back at the twins and back to Yang.

Having enough of being insulted, the Malachite twins charged, Melanie taking on me, and Miltiades taking Yang.

They mostly used their legs to strike at us, and were easily parried. Soon enough they were both tired out. Once that happened, the spotlight was on Junior, showing pieces of glass in his hair.

"You're gonna pay for this." He stated. Then he proceeded to fire at us with his Bazooka.

Yang used Ember Celica to fire at each mini-missile, while I used Machina. Eventually, Junior rushed at us, changing the Bazooka into a bat. He managed to hit Yang while I evaded the blows.

This only amused her. Activating her semblance with a smile, she charged the idiot. Her rapid, shotgun-assisted blows breaking the Bat-zooka. Unfortunately, he still got some of her hair.

Knowing what was about to happen, I braced myself for the inevitable meltdown. And once I heard Yang's roar of utter rage, then came the explosion.

With both Yang and Junior out of the now decimated club, I decided to take my leave. I had one more destination in mind.

Outside the club, with its owner on the ground, Yang Xiao Long and her sister Ruby Rose stood.

"Yang? Is that you?" Ruby asked her sister.

"Oh. Hey, Sis!" She responded.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ugh, it's a long story. Speaking of where's that one guy?" Yang asked looking back at the club.

"What guy?" Ruby asked. Was Yang seriously picking up guys in the middle of a fight?

"There was this guy helping me out in there. He wore this black and red hoodie, couldn't really see his face." Yang answered her sister. She was confused at the look of shock and excitement on her sister's face.

"IS HE STILL THERE!?" She might finally see what kind of guns that guy had.

Yang quickly checked through the windows. "No, he's gone."


"Mind telling me where you saw this guy?"

"It's a long story."

Professor Ozpin, the head of the prestigious Beacon Academy, didn't know what he was dealing with. This didn't annoy him overmuch, but he really didn't know what to make of this.

He was walking down the streets, when out of nowhere, this hooded young man approached him. He didn't seem aggressive, so Ozpin allowed him to come forth. When he reached him, the stranger said he was trying to apply for Beacon but couldn't find where he could send his application.

Ozpin said he could review them once he got back to the school. The boy smiled and simply said great. Then, with a snap of his fingers, the strange young man teleported them both to his office.

He didn't really know what to make of this.

"So you want to join my school and learn how to hunt monsters?" Ozpin asked him.


Aw, what harm could it do? "Well, I think I can overlook an application this one time."

"Could you do it for one other guy too? His name is Jaune Arc. He'll likely try to give fake transcripts, bot he's got a lot of potential. He's worth it, I'd say."

"Well, alright. But, I've had yet to hear your name."

The stranger smiled and removed his hood revealing a young cleanly shaven young man with unruly short brown hair, and green eyes holding no small amount of mischief. He held out his hand.

"Verser. Duncan Verser, at your service."

And Ozpin shook Duncan's hand.

Whoo. This was the longest one so far. I have to admit, I might pay a bit more attention to this particular book in my Multiverser series. Monty Oum was just too good in making RWBY awesome. Which reminds me. I forgot to write this before, I won't again. I, in no way, shape, or form own RWBY, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, or any other video game or movie I use or reference. I am only paying tribute to these awesome stories. Again, rate, review, and constructively comment. Until next time, this has been VindictiveDunc, and I'll serve your glorified, over-powered, self-insert, crack-fic needs later.