Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Ouran High School Host Club!
A.N. A continuation. Don't hate me! XD
Prologue: Please see first 2 chapters of "Nana Sawada, Master of Death" before reading this!
This time around the Master of Death wanted a break from "magic" and "special powers." It was beginning to bore him. Well, he had always wanted to live as a muggle, a well learned, and successful one in a world much like his own, but without any magic.
He spent weeks examining worlds that might be suitable, invisible and out of site. Mutants..scratch that off the list. Aliens?! After many weeks he finally found a comfortable world; Moderately advanced technology, in good economical condition, and crime was lower than several other countries. It was, from everything he remembered about muggle schooling, much like his own world, except about 20 years advanced.
Within a day of deciding to stay in this world, his "Death Senses" went off. A newborn baby had passed away in the maternity ward, a day after birth. What alerted him was the mark of the reapers shifting over several individuals as she passed. In her life she was going to be a hero just in the influence she brought to others; Without her in their life they would want to pass on.
After those markers started to form, there was a chain reaction; entire populations were being marked with those deaths markers. Somebody who was originally going to die was high influence in society… Perhaps a doctor or a politician.
Without this little girl, society was going to fail and this peaceful world would end. In theory, he had researched merging with young souls and DNA; it was much like he did to alter his Occulmancy shields to make a convincing personality as Gourry, as the memories and personality would reorganize his own shields to mimic her own. The DNA of the soul would latch onto the metamorphmagus trait and replicate it as his own.
It was a risky procedure for him; if anything went wrong, he would destroy his core memories and personality, and mutilate his body. He could die, but only over time would he be able struggle to regain himself, if at all.
But there was huge benefits to this as well; not only would he save this society, he would have a family, a childhood (with an original child's mindset to truly enjoy it!) and parents! Loving parents, he said, watching the couple lovingly interact, unaware of their daughter's death.
It would be the Master of Death's first life as a female, but that didn't mean much. She had long discarded human inhibitions that came with a gender identity. That wasn't unusual for a metamorphmagus, but she was more of a meta-everything. Even species identities had been chucked in some occasions.
She had always stubbornly stuck to the one form she initially choose; for an immortal, continual change of form was as dull a life as never being able to change was to a mortal, normal metamorphmagus was. Living was, to her, better to be done as an individual, with a wholly unique personality, body, and life. Everything was different, better.
And this time, this time she was going to be a little girl with a big and loving heart, parents. She was going to study hard enough to make even Hermione proud and learn everything.
But little Haruhi's heart was broken into two when her mother died. She did the best for her daddy, who also decided to become her mommy.
Ranko, Ryuji, they both did their best. Work was hard for Ryuji, so on a rare trip to the beach Haruhi just "happened" to find a small chest of (Lina forged) rubies and gold coins (part of the Potter inheritance).. there was a piece of museum worthy mug (his coffee mug for Amestris, ironically, but since Gourry lived a long life..)
It was enough for a two bedroom house with an actual bath. It wasn't big, it wasn't grand, but it was hers. Haruhi refused to use the money on herself alone; her entry into Ouran was going to be on her own merit.
She had an eidetic memory, something she had wanted for a long time, but could only vaguely emulate, for she had no genetic basis to do so. This was something Haruhi had inherited from the little baby, who grew and merged with her.
The innocence from Haruhi's soul was like breathing clean air for the first time after a millenia. This was something that she captured and became an integral part of her, and even in later lives she would guard it from her experiences and bring it out when she was at her worst to breath life into her soul again. Haruhi was light, and that was all there was to it.
And so she joined Ouran High School… unaware of the adventures that awaited her.