I've been stuck with all my stories but I finally got this chapter! Hope you enjoy!

I don't own OUAT

"Lillian…" Regina said as she slightly shook her sister "Come on, Lillian, wake up!"

"You can't wake her, your Majesty" Hook said.

"Shut up!" she shouted at him and kept trying to wake the girl.

"Hook's right, Regina, it happened the same to you. Lilly said that your eyes glowed purple and then you blacked out" Snow explained "We all tried to wake you, but nothing worked. You woke by yourself…"

"Nobody asked you for an explanation" Regina said turning to the woman "And her name is Lillian"

"But she said-" Emma began, but the Queen interrupted her.

"I think I know my own sister's name, Miss Swan, thank you very much" she said bitterly. When she turned around she noticed everyone's confused and surprised expressions "What?"

"You never mentioned any siblings, dearie. How do you know she is your sister?" Rumple asked.

She sighed. She knew she would have to explain everything to them at a point, so she told them about her dream, the shadow, Lillian's powers and the potion she gave her to forget.

"That explains her Majesty's obsession with fireballs" Hook whispered to Emma. She elbowed him and mumbled a 'shut up'.

"And your parents never noticed her absence?" Snow asked when she finished.

"She put the same thing she gave to me in their glasses during dinner"

"What did she say to break the curse?" Rumpel asked.

"Curse?" she asked.

"Yes. Your sister gave you a curse that only brakes with a specific phrase or word" he explained "I'll repeat my question, what triggered your memory back?"

"I don't know" she said truthfully.

"Do you mind if I try something?" Regina hesitated a moment before nodding. He approached her and extended his hands in her direction "Take my hands"

Regina took his hands and he closed his eyes. The man took a deep breath and she felt his magic run through her body. Images of her last conversation with her sister before she blacked out and her dream filled her mind before he pulled away. When he let go of her she felt dizzy and fell on someone, who caught her in their arms.

"Careful, your Majesty, you may feel dizzy" Rumple warned a little too late.

'No, really?' she though bitterly and looked up to see who caught her. She suppressed a growl when she saw the pirate's face.

"Are you alright, your Majesty?" he asked.

Her breath caught in her throat at the feeling of his breath against her neck and her heart threatened to leave her chest when his arms around her waist tightened their grip. But then she remembered the kiss and quickly pulled away.

"I'm fine" she said and turned back to Rumple "What made me remember?"

"The promise she made to you before leaving" he said "That is precisely the last thing she said to you"

"That doesn't explain why she is unconscious" Emma said gesturing to Lillian.

"As the Captain said before, it's the same that happened to her" he said turning to Regina "But what I don't understand is how you broke the curse. Usually the person that casts it is the only one who can break it. There was no way for you to give it to her"

"Then who gave it to her?" Snow wondered out loud.

In that moment Lillian stirred and her eyes fluttered open. She sat up and looked around.

'Where am I?' she thought. Then she remembered what happened. She came to Neverland with the shadow instead of her little sister and now she was with a group of people trying to find the boy with the heart of the truest believer, who happened to be her sister's son. 'Wait…' she thought 'That means Regina-'

"Lillian?" a voice called interrupting her thoughts.

She turned around and saw a woman with short black hair, wide-open brown eyes and the perfect resemblance of her sister, but older.

"Regina?" she asked, her eyes tearing up as she stood from the ground.

The older woman smiled and ran to her before wrapping her arms around her in a tight, loving embrace. After a moment Lillian pulled away to look at her, her eyes welling up with tears. She couldn't believe this was her sister.

"Look at you! You've grown so beautiful" she said as she cupped Regina's cheeks and wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

Regina, who couldn't stop smiling –and crying–, caressed the back of her sister's hands. She wanted to ask her and tell her so many things, but the first that came out was:

"You left me. Why? Do you have any idea of what I've been through without you?"

"I did it to protect you… I'm sorry" Lillian said hugging her sister tightly again "And I know you've been through hell and back. But I'm here now, with you" she paused "And I won't let anything else happen to you"

They pulled away after a while, noticing the group staring at them. Regina cleared her throat and tried to ask in a more serious tone.

"What happened? Why didn't you remember me?"

Everyone gathered near her to hear what she had to say about that matter. the girl's eyes darkened.

"Pan" she said.

As Lillian flew into the night, away from her home, she knew that by doing this she left Regina at their mother's mercy, and that wasn't good. Even though she gave them all new memories, she was certain that Cora would still try to make her 'only' daughter a Queen and that if she refused to do something she would punish her…

Lillian took a sharp breath. She knew what it felt to be punished by her mother if she didn't do as asked, and that was something no one should ever do to a 12-year-old girl. She only hoped her mother wouldn't do the same things to Regina that she did to her. If she did, Regina's life would be a misery.

She was trying hard to remind herself that she was doing this because it was the best for Regina. That life was so much better than what was waiting for her in Neverland… She's heard many stories about that place, and none of them were good. She couldn't even imagine her little sister in that dangerous place, alone and scared, without anyone to protect her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the shadow's voice.

"We're about to pass through the portal. Don't let go" it said.

She didn't say anything and held tightly onto the shadow's hand as they went through the portal to Neverland. After they passed, she looked around and her suspicions were confirmed for that place looked as bad and scary as she'd been told. It was a very dark group of islands surrounded by a thick fog that barely let her see the few campfire lights.

The shadow descended near the main island and dropped Lillian. Her dress got caught in the branches of the tall trees as she fell, cushioning the fall a little before she landed on the ground with a loud thud.

Lillian helped herself up holding to a tree trunk. Her body hurt from the fall and the scratches on her arms and legs were bleeding. She looked around to see if the shadow was near, but she saw nothing, except for the small light of a dying campfire that seemed to be close by.

Sighing, she started to walk slowly to it. Lillian felt like she was going to either throw up or pass out, but she had to get to a safer place. Every inch of her body hurt with every step she took. That short walk had taken all her strength, so the moment she got there, Lillian looked around to see if she was alone before collapsing to the ground from pain and exhaustion. The girl crawled towards the fire to warm up while she rested her eyes only a few minutes, but she was so hurt and drained of energy she slowly let herself drift to unconsciousness.

She was awoken hours later when someone threw water on her face. Lillian sat up with a gasp and shook her head.

"Well, what do we have here…? A dirty, noisy, little girl" said a voice. She looked up and saw a boy over 18 with the shadow that had brought her here floating next to him with its arms crossed. The boy, who clearly was the infamous Peter Pan, put his hands on his hips and turned his gaze to his shadow before yelling "I ordered you to bring me a boy, a boy, you impertinent thing! Were you even thinking what you were doing?!"

The shadow seemed to be explaining something to Pan while Lillian was trying to sneak away from them without making any much noise, but her cuts and bruises made her wince in pain as she crawled. Suddenly, something that looked like a hand caught her and lifted her up in the air. For a moment, she thought it was her mother by the roughness of the magic's grip on her before Pan stood in front of her, arms on his hips and a very smug and evil look on his face. She tried to free herself, but it was in vain.

"Look like we have a fighter here" he said as he watched her struggle "I'm sorry about the… misunderstanding"

"If you send me back home I'll consider accepting your apology" Lillian said. Pan chuckled.

"Now, why would I send you back somewhere no one remembers about you?" he said. The girl looked at him, shocked. He laughed again "Yes… my shadow here told me all about what you did back there in your land, from trading yourself for your sister, to the memory-whipping of everyone who knew about you"

"What are you talking about? I only gave the potion to my family"

"But you're forgetting you used a spell"

"What spell? I never-"

"Yes, you did, dearie" he said, cutting her off "When the shadow was taking you here, it sensed you were releasing magic. Your emotions took control over you and your magic and cast a spell over the realm"

Lillian was dumbfounded. How could that have happen without her knowing it? He must be lying, that way he could try to trick her into something. She was pulled out of her thoughts by Pan's voice.

"What?" she asked. The boy rolled his eyes.

"Your name!" he said. Lillian didn't say anything "I'll ask one last time. Tell me. Your. Name!"

There was no answer from the girl. A long while before Pan snapped and slapped her across the face. Lillian kept quiet

"Fine. If that's how you want it to be, let's play a game" he said as he started to cast a spell on her "I'm going to take all your memories about you away. Just like you did to them, and you shall not have your memories back until you hear me call your name…"

"But somehow I managed to change it into the last person that called my name" Lillian told the group.

"How strange that you have such powerful magic that can let you change a spell…" Snow said.

"Well, considering that Cora is my mother…" the girl said.

"What?" Rumple said. He looked shocked at the girl's 'confession' "You are Cora's daughter?"

"Weren't you paying attention? Of course I'm her daughter! How else would she be my sister?" Lillian said gesturing to Regina.

Before Rumple could answer, Emma spoke.

"Guys, can we please get to what's important?"

"For once, I agree with Miss Swan" Regina said and turned to her sister "What do you know about Henry?"

Thanks for reading :D