She opens her eyes suddenly. In her position she is laying down. She sees nothing. She tries to lift up her head and hits a hard, wooden surface. She moves her arms from her sides and touches a hard wall instantly.

It's then she realizes she's in a box. Her heart pounds as she begins to push on the sides and the top, hoping to get out. Nothing budges and she starts whimpering.

She pounds on the sides of the hard box. Her voice barely comes out of her throat as she begins to scream. Hot tears flood from her eyes.

After a few minutes, she gets tired and stops pounding. She lies still, crying. She lifts her hand to touch the wood. She has no idea how strong it is.

She breathes harder and realizes she might die if she doesn't get out. She could starve, she could run out of air, something could find her. She didn't even know where she was.

Her mind whirls as she tries to think of a way out. Suddenly, she starts moving from side to side, trying to move the box.

It doesn't budge. She tries and tries, but nothing happens. She cries even harder and punches the top of the box.

A cloud of dirt pours into the box all over her face. Her eyes widen as she realizes she is buried. But an idea hatches in her mind.

She musters up all her strength and punches the lid of the box again. More dirt files in. She punches again and again. Soon enough she is punching and crying, but she doesn't stop. Even when dirt starts filling the box, she keeps punching.

Eventually she makes a big enough hole to crawl out, but she's surrounded by dirt. She gets through the hole but her body screams for air. She reaches and pulls until her hand pushes through and she feels nothing. No dirt.

She begins to scramble to push and pull herself out. Digging and clawing to get out of the dirt.

Wood splinters pierce her body, but she doesn't notice. Her lungs beg for air and just when she thinks she can't go on she pushes the top of her head through. She can feel a cool breeze in her scalp and uses the last of her strength to pull herself all the way out of the hole.

She takes in gulps of air and slumps her body next to the hole where she was once buried and sobs. She cries until she can't cry anymore. She shakily pulls her body up, and notices the nearly full moon. With the little strength she has, she begins to walk away from the hole.

She doesn't know where she's going, but she just walks. Dirt falls from her as she slowly moves. With wet tears still on her face, she walks into the night.


Allison lays in bed, tossing and turning. Her dreams are bad, she feels as though she's being suffocated yet all she sees is darkness. That's all her dreams have been since she, Scott, and Stiles had gone to The Other World to find their parents. She flips onto her side when suddenly she is shaken awake.

"Allison," her father says as her eyes flutter open, "Allison, wake up we need to go to the hospital immediately."

She quickly rubs her eyes and sits up in bed, "Why what's going on?" she asks, still groggy, "What's wrong?

"It's Gerard," he says flatly, a tone that matches his blank expression perfectly, turning away from his daughter to star down the hallway, "he's dead."


Scott sits in his bed with War and Peace sitting open to the same page it had been on twenty minutes ago. He sighs and checks the clock, 3:22 AM. He barely slept anymore. For the last three weeks all he got were a few hours of sleep at night, and whatever sleep he could get during class.

He turns back to try and read the page when he hears a crash. It wasn't loud, but his werewolf senses picked it up easily. He puts the book on his night stand and sits up, listening intently.

He hears absolutely nothing. He stays upright for a few minutes and after nothing else, he lays back and closes his eyes. They burn from lack of sleep.

He almost begins to nod off when Isaac, who sleeps on a bed on the other side of the room begins to rustle and moan.

Scott opens his eyes and sighs. So much for that.

Isaac doesn't stop though, and soon enough he sits up quickly.

"Scott, something's wrong," he says, his eyes wide.

"Yeah it was just a little noise, I heard it too, but it's nothing. Go back to bed," Scott tells him.

"No, Scott. I feel something."

Scott opens his mouth to say something, but before he can Isaac is out of bed and heading for the door. Scott gets up and follows him all the way downstairs. Their instincts lead them to the back door of the house, which is located in the laundry room.

Scott leads the way quietly, and pauses just outside of the door leading into the laundry room, which is really nothing more than a washer, a dryer, and a basket or two of clothes. He reaches around the door and simultaneously turns on the light and jumps into the room with Isaac on his heels.

There, right before their eyes is a girl, sitting on the ground. The back door is wide open, and the chilly October air blows in. Both are ready to attack when the girl looks up and they recognize her face. Although she is covered in dirt and her hands are swollen and bloody, they would know her face anywhere.

"Erica?" Scott says.

The blonde begins to sob and shake and Isaac rushes to her side.

"Isaac, don't! She's supposed to be dead!" Scott whisper-yells, not wanting to wake his mom.

"Yeah, well how do you explain this, then?" he whispers back.

Scott slowly moves over to close the door as Isaac wraps the girl in his arms.

"Shhh," he whispers to her as she sobs. "I'm here, you're okay. Shhhh."

"Isaac, this is weird. I'm calling Derek," Scott tells him.

Isaac doesn't answer him and continues to hold the girl.

Scott dials the number and listens to the ringing on the other end. He is about to hang up after a few rings, but at the last second, the other line picks up.

"Scott," Derek says on the other end, offering up no other words.

"Derek, there's something going on here," he says to the man.

"Spit it out, McCall," Derek says with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Erica's here. Well at least we think it's her."

On the other line, Derek exhales loudly, "It is."

"Wait, what? How? I thought she was dead?" Scott says, which causes Isaac to look up, curiosity lining his face.

"Yeah I thought so too. I don't know, Scott. But I can feel her. Just like I can feel Isaac and Jackson. Like I used to feel Boyd. It went away after the Alpha Pack… killed her. But I can feel it. And it's definitely her."

"This doesn't make any sense, I don't –"

Derek interrupts, "Look, neither do I. Just watch her. I'll be there tomorrow."

"So what, just let her sleep in my house?"

"Well, what else are we going to do, Scott? I don't know what this is, but all I know is she's alive. I gotta go. I'm going to do a few things here and then I'll be on my way. Be careful, Scott."

With that, Derek's line goes dead and Scott stands with his mouth open.

"What did he say?" Isaac asks.

"He says it's her. He says he can feel everyone he has turned, and he feels her again. I don't know how. But he's coming here tomorrow…" Scott trails off, obviously bewildered.

Isaac leans his head down and kisses Erica's head, even though it is covered in dirt.

"What happened, Erica?" he whispers.

For a moment, they don't think she'll answer, but in the faintest of voices she replies.

"I don't know."


The hospital is as big and as loud as Allison remembered it had been when her mother had taken her own life. It was horrifying how in the face of death everyone around her seemed to be working at the same pace – although, they hadn't suffered any major loss. She thought, then again neither had she. Gerard may have been her grandfather by blood, but that was as far as the connection really went.

Through the small window she can see the body, covered with a plain white sheet. Although a few crimson stains marked the sheet.

"It looks like he did this to himself," says a short doctor with gray hair, "the marks on the body seem to tell us that he'd gotten a hold of some scissors and… well, I'll spare you the details. I'm very sorry for your loss."

Her father nods his head curtly and then turns his back on the doctor to stare at his daughter, sitting solemnly against the far wall. He approaches her hesitantly, not sure exactly what to say.

"Can we, uh, can we go?" the dark haired girl asks, staring up into her father's light blue eyes, "There's really nothing we can do here anyway, right? It's not important that we stay?"

Again, the man nods his head, "Yeah, let's get out of here."

Allison stands up and out of the blue wraps her arms around her father, "I'm sorry, daddy," she whispers.

He hugs her back, squeezing her tightly, "He made his bed," Chris whispers, "this was bound to happen someday."

"Are you going to call Uncle Ron?" she asks, as they head toward the elevator to leave.

"I did before we left, he said he should be here tomorrow by two with Camilla."

Allison nods her head in much the same way her father had, not saying anything anymore, simply staring at the shiny elevator doors, waiting to get out.


The phone rings loudly and as Stiles reaches for it he slips out of bed and lands on the floor – hard.

"I'm awake, I'm awake," he shouts at no one, realizing he's alone in his room before grabbing the blue phone off of the bedside table and the charger as to put it to his ear, "Scott, what the hell man? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"It's Erica," Scott says intensely, "she's alive."

"Woah, woah, woah, Erica Reyes? The seizure-y girl who was turned and became super sexy hot? The dead werewolf? "

Scott sighs, "She's not very dead right now, Stiles. In fact she's sitting in front of me crying."

"How is she alive? I was pretty sure the Alpha Pack had made sure she was dead dead."

"How would I know?!" Scott exclaims into the phone.

"Dude, you're an Alpha now. Shouldn't you have some insight into all this crap?"

Stiles can almost hear Scott roll his eyes, "I'm still pretty clueless about all of this stuff, okay? All I know is that Erica is alive and that Derek, Isaac, and I can all one hundred percent feel that she's alive. Just get over here; we need all the help we can get."

The phone goes silent after that short instruction and begrudgingly, Stiles picks himself up off the floor and goes to grab a pair of jeans and a jacket. Nearly exiting the room before grabbing some tennis shoes to slip on, followed by the keys to his Jeep. He hurries down the stairs and to the kitchen, walking over to the fridge and to scribble a note for his father on the whiteboard, "The dead are alive," it says in Stiles' sloppy, circular handwriting, "Be back soon."


Aiden stares at Lydia who sits calmly on her bed, fiddling absent mindedly with her fishtail braid.

"So you're not upset," he asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

She shakes her head, "Why would I be? You and I weren't ever anything more than casual. Sure I saved your life, but that doesn't mean I want to be with you for the rest of eternity. You were a distraction – exactly what I needed."

"It's just, Deucalion is leaving and Ethan and I are both going with him. We have to, we're both part of the Alpha Pack, ya know?"

Lydia laughs and gets up from her spot on the bed, walking over to the boy in the leather jacket, "I'm not all that interested in the tiny details. Now, do you want one last roll in the hay before you leave or are you planning on just patting me on the back and saying 'Atta girl'?"

The corner of Aiden's mouth pulls into a smile as he begins to shed his jacket and shirt as Lydia slides out of her light pink nightgown.

"Atta girl," Aiden chuckles as Lydia smashes their mouths together.


"What the hell is going on here, man," Stiles says to Scott. He is pacing the floor and running his hand through his already messy hair.

"I don't know. Nobody knows!"

The two are in Scott and Isaac's room while Isaac is in the bathroom, cleaning Erica up.

"When she got here, she was covered in dirt. Her hands looked like she had destroyed something. Do you think she got out of her grave?" Scott asks.

Stiles stops pacing, but doesn't answer.

In the bathroom, Isaac runs the showerhead over Erica's hair as she sits in the tub.

She is naked, but neither one cares. Right now, they were just happy to have each other again.

"I missed you, Erica," Isaac tells her softly, making sure not to get soap in her eyes.

Erica smiles gently, still shaken up. She hadn't spoken since she was downstairs.

Isaac turns away after handing her a washcloth and lets her wash her body.

After a little over a minute, Erica quietly says, "Isaac."

He turns back and sees she placed the dirty washcloth on the edge of the tub, signifying she was done.

"You ready to get out?" he asks her.

She nods in reply. He grabs a towel from the small closet and turns back to her.

"Do you want me to hand it to you, or do you need help?" he asks gently.

"Help," she says in a small voice.

Isaac, with the towel in hand, leans in and grabs her hand. When he does, he notices the nasty bruises and cuts. His heart sinks when he thinks of why she got the wounds.

He pulls her up and carefully wraps her in the large towel. With him still supporting her, she steps out of the tub. She nearly slips, still weak, and he holds her steady. In one swift movement, he lifts her into his arms and cradles her like a baby.

He looks down at her face before moving, checking to see if she was okay with him carrying her, because he knows the Erica he knew before wouldn't ever allow it. But when he looks down, she looks calm and sad. Even still a little scared. But in his arms she relaxes and cuddles up to his chest.

He carries her out of the bathroom and enters his and Scott's room. He makes his way to the bed and sits with Erica still cradled against him.

"Guys, could you give her some privacy?" Isaac asks.

The two nod and exit the room.

"Do you need my help anymore, Erica?" he asks. She nods ever so slightly.

He takes her off of his lap and gets up to grab one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers.

He hands them over and once again turns around while she dresses. After a minute or two, he feels a hand on his back and he turns.

Erica removes her hand and scoots back on the bed. Isaac grabs a brush before he goes back to sit next to her.

He starts to hand her the brush but stops. Her hands look terribly painful.

He repositions himself behind her and begins to brush her hair. She tenses at first, but after a couple seconds she relaxes and leans back into him.

When he finishes, he puts his arms around her from behind and they sit like that for a few minutes.

"Erica," he whispers. "Did you have to break out from the box we buried you in?"

Erica nods. Suddenly, she moves out of his arms and turns around so she can face him.

"The last thing I remember is being captured. They… they did so many things to me I—"

"Shhh, shhh," Isaac says. "It's okay. I know. You're safe now, I promise. You're with your brother."

Erica nods as tears slowly run down her face.

"Let me see your hands," Isaac says.

She lifts them and lays them in his own. Not only are they swollen and red and purple, but he can see bits of wood in them.

"Why aren't you healing yet? I can still feel you like I did before, so you must still be a werewolf. But nothing is getting better…" Isaac tells her.

"Why am I alive?" she says quietly. "That's the real question."

Isaac doesn't say anything back.

After a few minutes, he stands up. He notices a bit of worry in her face and says, "Hey, I'll be right back. I'm just going to talk to Scott and Stiles, okay? Then we can go to bed. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

Erica relaxes and nods.

Isaac leaves the room and finds Scott and Stiles in the kitchen.

"Has she said anything?" Scott immediately asks.

"She doesn't know anything," Isaac shrugs. "The last thing she remembers is being tortured."

"So she just woke up?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah. She woke up in her grave and had to punch and dig her way out," Isaac says with sorrow in his voice. "I can't imagine what that must've been like."

The three are silent for a beat, thinking about the horrors she must've faced.

"And she isn't healing like a wolf does," Isaac adds. "Her hands are terrible and she has bruises and wounds everywhere. But they're staying there."

"So what, is she not like a werewolf anymore?" Stiles asks.

"No," Scott answers for Isaac. "Derek can feel her the same way he did when she was a wolf."

"And I can again too. I didn't know what it was before when she first got here, but now I do. I can feel my sister again," Isaac tells the two.

The boys ponder the predicament but come up with no answers.

Isaac turns to make his way back upstairs and says, "Erica's staying in my bed with me tonight. She needs to be with her pack. Or what's left of it anyways."

Scott nods and watches Isaac disappear into the house.

When Isaac gets back, Erica is resting above the covers on his bed.

"Erica," he calls softly.

She opens her eyes, fear apparent, but when she identifies Isaac she relaxes.

"Time for bed, okay?" he says. She nods once again.

She allows him to lift her up and place her under the blankets. He walks around to the other side of the bed and slides in next to her. She flips over to face him.

He faces her and smiles, "I'm glad you're back."

She doesn't answer, but instead snuggles up against his chest.

He breathes in her familiar scent and puts his arms around her. He kisses her forehead, glad to have his sister back.

The two fall asleep within minutes, finding a true calming in being with each other.


Lydia and Allison walk down the hallway side by side, Lydia carrying a large philosophy book with her, "So your uncle is coming to town," the red head says, "he isn't a psycho killer like your aunt was, is he?"

Allison shakes her head no, "He's much tamer than she is, at least that's how I remember him. I haven't seen or heard from my Uncle Ron in at least twelve years."

"And he's got a daughter," Lydia adds as they reach her locker. Lydia quickly puts in the combination– 12, 34, 22, - and looks back at her best friend after checking her lip-gloss in the tiny, pink framed mirror hanging on the door, "Is she a whack job? And is she a Hunter too or is that strictly your thing?"

"She was pretty regular the last time I saw her, but she was five then and she's seventeen now. A lot can change in all those years. As for the Hunter business, I'm not sure. She's an Argent so I'd imagine she is. Although Ron may not have told her yet," the taller girl sighs, "but they'll be here sometime today. Guess I'll find out. Anyway, what's going on with Aiden and Ethan?"

"Oh that," Lydia drawls, "apparently the Wolf Twins are leaving with that one head Alpha. Aiden didn't really give me a lot of details… or maybe he did, I really wasn't all that interested. Just one more man to up and leave me."

"Are you sure they both left?" Allison questions.

Lydia nods her head, "That's what Aiden told me. Why?"

All the Argent girl does is point one slim finger. Lydia whips her strawberry blonde head around to see Ethan and Danny walking down the hallway holding hands. The shorter girl, without thinking, takes off to question the remaining twin.

"Hey Lydia," Danny says as he puts his combination in.

"What the hell, Ethan?" she asks sternly, completely ignoring Danny's greeting, "Your brother told me you were leaving."

Ethan nods his light brown head, "Yeah, he left. I chose to stay, our… uh… dad said we had a choice and I definitely had reason to stay," he says as he looks over at Danny. The dark haired boy looks down and blushes.

Lydia groans and turns on the heel of her boot, walking back to Allison who's waiting patiently at her locker, "That ass-hat chose to leave," she informs her, "I wasn't enough reason to stick around. What a load of crap."

"Um, excuse me," says an auburn haired boy from beside the two girls, "I kind of need to get to my locker."

Lydia's brows draw together, "Who are you?"

"Nolan Hayes, I just moved to town," he says nicely enough to instantly get on Lydia's good side.

Lydia stares into his blue-gray eyes for a moment before saying, "Hm. Nice to meet you, Lydia Martin and this is Allison Argent," she informs him pointing from herself to her friend. The boy smiles and halfheartedly says 'Hey' before opening his locker and grabbing a Chemistry book.

"See you around," he says before walking away.

"Here's hoping he's not some supernatural miscreant," Lydia says, evoking a giggle from Allison.

It's in that moment that everything seems to freeze. It's like she's being plunged into the icy water again, Allison can feel her eyes widen as she stares ahead to see Mr. Harris, her ex-chemistry teacher, walking down the hall – he smiles at her deviously before fading away. In a moment of confusion and panic, from the sinking feeling, Allison nearly collapses to the tiled floor of the hall.

"D-did you see that?" the brunette stutters grabbing on to Lydia's shoulder to help steady herself.

"See what?" Lydia asks, turning her head to look in the direction Allison was staring.

"I just saw Mr. Harris walking down the hall."

Lydia scoffs, "That's not possible, the Darach killed him. Remember? He was missing for a while and then the Sheriff's department found his body tied to a tree or whatever. Blood, decomposition, gore. There's no way you saw Harris."

Across the building, Scott and Stiles walk down the nearly empty hallway, on their way to Economics. Their talk had moved on from the upcoming Lacrosse game to Erica's return.

Stiles looked around before asking, "And you're sure she's not some devil possessed, Werewolf nut-job who's going to go crazy and try to slaughter all of Beacon Hills?"

Scott sighs, "I don't know that Stiles. All I know is that to Isaac and me she feels like Erica."

"Okay, but how do you know what she 'feels' like?"

"It's some werewolf thing, I don-" Scott trails off, looking ahead of him as he sees a man wearing glasses walking toward them. His mind fills with questions as Mr. Harris struts toward him and Stiles.

Stiles slaps Scott on the shoulder and spits out, "Do you see that?"

Scott doesn't move. He doesn't say anything. He just watches as the allegedly dead teacher continues to walk toward them, but evaporates before he touches either of them. The feeling the boys have then is something they hadn't felt since being in The Other World. It feels like they're sinking again – like they're being held under ice cold water.

It was like death.

"What the hell is this," Stiles asks, "Day of the Living Dead?"


Isaac sits on the couch with Erica, who is napping. When they awoke this morning, Erica's wounds were all healed and she was a lot calmer. But she was nowhere near her normal self.

Isaac decided not to go to school with the others to stay and take care of Erica. It was almost time for school to be let out, so he was expecting them home soon.

Scott's mom was cool with Erica staying, although she did need to sit down and fan herself after they told her she came back from the dead. But she understood that Erica wasn't fully herself, and needed help from the boys.

Isaac glances over at the resting girl and smiles. Unexpectedly, Isaac's phone starts vibrating and Derek's name appears on the screen.

"Hello?" he answers, trying not to awaken Erica, to no avail.

She rubs the sleep from her eyes and looks at Isaac, listening.

"Isaac, I'll be there in a few hours. How's Erica?" Derek asks.

"She's good. She just woke up from a nap, but she healed okay and ate a little."

"Ok. Well you guys have a spare key to the loft, so go there. I don't know how long I'm staying, but I want Erica to stay there with me."

Erica, overhearing what Derek said, gets a look of worry on her face. Her relationship with Derek wasn't exactly the best.

"Um, uh, can I stay there too?" Isaac asks, understanding why she was worried. "Scott's room is kind of cramped, and your loft would be… well… loftier."

"For now," Derek replies. "We need to get down to the bottom of this. So move your stuff into the loft and be there when I get here. Tell Scott to come too."

Derek doesn't say another word and hangs up.

"So we're staying with Derek?" Erica asks.

"I guess," Isaac replies. "That should be fun."


"Camilla and Ron are here Allison!" Chris yells.

Allison blows out a breath and leaves her room. When she gets to the foyer, she sees her cousin and uncle standing with suitcases surrounding them.

"Hey, Armpit," Camilla says when she notices Allison. She smiles and crosses the floor to give Allison a big hug.

Allison returns it with sincerity.

"You're still going to call me that? C'mon I was 7!" she laughs.

"Hey, it sticks," Camilla jokes. Allison takes in her cousin's appearance. She was curvy, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was basically a goddess with her naturally tanned skin.

"Allison, Camilla will be staying in your room until they find a place of their own, okay?" Chris tells his daughter.

"A place of their own? What?" she asks, confused.

"Didn't they tell you?" Camilla asks. "We're moving to Beacon Hills. Dad says that all the shit they've got going on here is too much excitement for one little town."

"Camilla watch your mouth!" Ron gasps. "And also because Gerard's death made me realize I wanted to be closer with my family, because you never know when something crazy might happen."

They all nod and stay silent until Chris speaks up, "Well how about some food? You guys hungry?"

"Starving!" Camilla exclaims, dragging her suitcase behind her.

"Okay, well you two go set up in Allison's room and we'll order a pizza or something. Camilla, you still just like cheese pizza?"

"Only cheese, please," she replies to her uncle with a smile.

The two girls make their way to Allison's bedroom and Camilla immediately flops down on the bed.

"You know, the real reason is because your dad told mine about all the things you guys have gone through here, and he thinks it will be a good way to complete my training," the pretty girl tells Allison.

"Wait, so you know everything that's happened?" Allison questions, shocked.

"Oh yeah. My dad tells me everything. Like you dating a wolf? That's gold," she says.

"Trust me, my life's not that great," Allison mutters. "I wouldn't wish it on anyone."

Camilla sighs, "I wish we had a choice, you know? Instead our whole lives are just decided for us."

Allison studies her cousin carefully, agreeing with her.

"You know, I haven't even killed one yet," Camilla says quietly, picking at her nails. "And honestly? I don't want to. I don't want this life. But moving here is just going to ensure it all."

"You wanna get out, huh?" Allison asks.

"I do. Don't you?"

Allison shrugs, "I want to. But I can't. Not now anyways."

Camilla sighs, "So are you still friends with the werewolves? How does that even work?"

"It's complicated, to say the least," Allison tells her cousin.


Isaac and Erica sit on the couch in Derek's loft. Scott stands while Stiles sits on the armrest next to Erica.

The four sit in silence, waiting for Derek to arrive.

"You know, I'm surprised you haven't asked about Boyd," Isaac says to Erica.

The blonde shrugs, "Well he hasn't been around and I don't feel him anymore, so I just assumed the worst…"

Isaac grimaces and reaches over to hold her hand.

All of a sudden, the door opens and Derek is there. Holding a duffel bag. Stiles and Isaac stand up. Erica begins to, but Derek says, "Don't. You're weak. It's okay."

Erica doesn't know what to say, so she keeps her mouth shut. Derek continues to stare at her and slowly makes his way towards her.

Isaac sits back down and keeps his eyes on Derek.

"Uh, hey Derek," Stiles says.

Derek doesn't even look at the boy, but continues moving closer.

"Okay," Stiles says in response to being ignored.

Derek stops a few feet in front of the couch and drops his bag.

"It's really you," he says, not taking his eyes off of her.

"It's me," she says.

Erica's heart beats fast, but she's not scared. She can see no cruelty in Derek's eyes. No matter what she did in the past, he wasn't angry.

Unafraid, she stands up slowly to face her once alpha.

"Are you okay?" he asks with true sincerity.

She nods and before she knows it Derek has her wrapped in his embrace.

Nobody expects it and Isaac stands up again, at first afraid he is going to hurt her. But when they all realize his true actions, they relax a little.

It takes Erica a moment to hug the man back. She is shocked at his actions, but his touch surprisingly soothes her and she closes her eyes.

"I thought you were gone," Derek whispers in her ear.

"I'm here now," she replies.


A/N: Welcome! Thanks for reading. This isn't cannon with the show. Although we might take elements from it! Please review! We're going to try and post every week, but it might not always happen! Also, we introduced original characters, so to help you visualize them, we have certain actors to take their roles. For Camilla: Sofia Black D'Elia, for Nolan: Logan Lerman, and for Ron: Titus Welliver. We hope you like what we're doing with this, so favorite, follow, and most importantly, review! Thanks again! – Narly

Also, if you happened to read it when it wasn't divided correctly, we apologize! Something messed up but it should be fixed now with TEEN WOLF as the transition between different scenarios.