Author's Note: Okay, if you haven't seen Grounding Fae, don't read this…HUGE spoilers…that being said, things are a bit different as you will see…this is my first attempt at writing Lost Girl, so hopefully I won't disappoint :)
Bo needed to talk to talk to Trick now that she heard about the Wanderer from Tamsin. That was the only thought running through her mind and she was terrified more now than she was when they escaped Bad Christmas crazy town.
Her and Tamsin walked passed Kenzi as she tried to get their attention, Bo throwing a quick, 'not now Kenz' over her shoulder as her pace quickened. She burst through the bathroom and grabbed Trick slapping him to get his attention.
Seeing he was out of it, she breathed a small amount of Chi into him hoping it would make him lucid enough to answer her questions, but not enough to allow him to hide what she needed to know any longer.
"Trick, I need to know, is he my father?!" Bo demanded shaking him when his attention drifted to Tamsin for the tenth time that night. "Trick!"
"My succudaughter…oh…Please Bo, leave it, don't make it easier for him!" He seemed to gain some of his lucidity back, is gaze no longer wandered, but held fast with hers.
"Trick please, tell me! What are you so frightened of?" She could feel Tamsin's hand on her arm trying to get her to calm down and look at her, but she couldn't do it. She shook her hand off while starring at Trick.
"You don't know what he's capable of Bo…"
"Then tell me so I can fight hi…"
"Bo." Tamsin broke in grabbing her shoulders and turning her to face her straight. "Bo…you can't fight him, he is pure evil." Tamsin needed her to see reason, needed Bo to understand.
"Tamsin, he took me and kept me prisoner. He marked me!" She yanked the side of her shirt down to show the glowing print on her chest.
"No…no, Bo, why didn't you tell me!" Trick exclaimed grabbing her arms with a look of terror covering his face.
"Really, why didn't I tell you, why didn't you tell….Trick…Trick, what does it mean?" Bo's fear was escalating as she watched Trick stumble out of the bathroom and started looking around her house.
"Bo!" Kenzi said running up to her and giving her one of those hugs she needed.
"Kenzi, where are they, where are Dyson and Lauren?!" He demanded stumbling into the small Goth
"Chill T-Dog, they passed out drunk on Bo's bed…Trick…Hey, Trick! What's his deal?" She asked as he ran as best he could in his drunken haze towards her bedroom. She looked at Bo expecting to find a similar expression of confusion only to see a look she'd rarely seen on her friends face, terror.
"Bo, what's going on?"
"The Wanderer" Tamsin answered when Bo stumbled slowly after Trick frightened of finding out what was causing her grandfather to act so scarred.
"Easy there mate! I didn't do anything!" Bo could hear Vex shouting which made her pick up her pace even more, when she rounded the corner she saw Trick holding a dagger to Vex's throat. Knowing Vex would be able to get away if he really wanted to, she assumed he was Drunk to.
She was distracted for a minute before she saw blond hair handing off the side of her bed. She followed that and saw Lauren passed out hanging slightly off the bed with a look of anguish on her face. She ran to her noticing Dyson looked the same. She checked their pulses and found them both extremely weak, weaker than if they were just passed out.
She could feel the Succubus in her stirring at the sight of them lying lifeless on her bed. "What happened?!" Bo commanded grabbing her dagger and shoving Trick out of the way, her dagger now pressed into the Mesmer's throat.
"Nothing! Nothing happened!" He said then seemed to remember when he looked at the bed. "No, they were arguing over what to do with that." He pointed to the box lying open between Lauren and Dyson on her bed.
"What is it?" She yelled refusing to let him go without answers.
"Bo, you need to calm down…"
"Back off Tamsin!" Tamsin quickly shut up and backed away hands up in surrender as Bo blue eyes pierced her own.
"I don't know! But the Doc said you sent it to yourself…they were arguing about what to do with it…"
"What'd they say? Everything!" She asked wanting to know before going to see what it was. To figure out if she actually wanted to know or not.
"Doc said you like the truth, Wolfy said they may lose you to some locomotive in the sky, he got burned from the Doc about knowing you more than just your bra size and underwear line but needed to use caution with the box because you're and I quote, "very sexy bull in a china shop". Doggy breath brought up sacrificing his love to save you instead of lying countless times he's learned you can handle yourself and it's not a good idea to get in the way of your destiny. I got sick of it, jumped in, said to present cases to me and I'd decide who was most worthy of your box…and your girl called me your pet, your pet! Can you believe that!"
"Vex! Focus!" Bo shouted just wanting to know what happened already.
"Alrighty then Succubunny! Wolfboy went on about how he knew you were special and trouble the first time he met you, no one argued there. Then that if he wasn't there to give you the, again, I quote, "Wolf Chi power up" you wouldn't have survived. Your girlfriend over there didn't buy it. Then he said that since he's responsible for you being there, he should get to decide what to do with your box…boy did she object to that one, and he didn't even notice my jumbles!" He pouted finally remembering he could control people and pushed her back to walk to the pair on the bed.
"Vex, I swea..!"
"Alright sweehart, I'm getting there!" He interrupted grabbing some more beer. "Doc argued her point saying that when she first met you, you didn't know your hole from an ass in the ground and, I quote, "She was all like Ima killer, get in my way and Imgonna kill you, that's what killers do! That's right, and then I curbed her hunger and she was like maybe I'm okay, I'm not so bad! And I love her also…"
"What?" Bo didn't believe it. "She said she loves me?"
"Are you serious right now?!" Vex couldn't believe how stupid the succubus was sometimes, EVERYONE knew the Doctor loved her!
"Did she say that?!" Bo asked making to charge him until both he and Tamsin held her back.
"She said it three times actually…wanted to know how she could love someone so much and keep letting them down...a question you ask yourself a lot eh succubus?" he taunted "Does she know you're back with the wolf?"
"Vex, easier there dude, you don't want to mess with her when she's like this…" Kenzi said just catching the end of his explanation seeing Bo's eyes. The blue had faded when he was telling her about them fighting, but it was back as she started walking towards him.
"Wait, wait! There's more!" He said holding up his right hand and pointing at it with his left.
"Dude! You got it back! Congratulations man! Wait…what?" Kenzi was confused now, but she noticed that Bo stopped her prowling and her eyes dimmed back to brown with a tint of blue glow.
"Right, well, they made up, and then the Doc said for my part she was gonna reattach my hand…Drunken surgery, and Dyson offered to be the nurse, kinky am I right!"
"VEX!" All of them shouted, rousing Trick from the slumber he'd fallen back into from the fall.
"Wha…?" He said to which all ignored him and let him catch up on his own.
"Oright, sorry! She got my hand and went to start reattaching it, Dyson gave some compliments, and she went to work…brilliant this one aye? Drunk and still it works perfect!" He held up his hand to wiggle the fingers but at everyone's look and the blue growing stronger he continued.
"After she finished, and I mean like right after, that box there sprung open and some black smoke…"
"Black smoke?!" Bo and Trick jumped at moving closer.
"Yes, black smoke!" He enunciated like they were deaf. "Anyways, black smoke leaked out and shot through both their chests and knocked me into the wall…which mind you, I still hurt from! And the rest you know!" He said collecting the box and attempted to give it to the succubus.
"BO!" Trick and Tamsin yelled halting her grasp of the box and causing everyone to stare at them like they'd grown two heads.
"Don't touch it!" Tamsin yelled running forwards to make sure she didn't touch it. She grabbed the box and brought it to Trick who opened it and saw the jar of smoke unopened.
"It's what I feared. Hale, get Kenzi out of here now…NOW!" He shouted when Hale didn't move.
"No! I'm staying here with Bo!" She said trying to fight Hales grip to get to her but lost to the fae when Trick ordered him to get her out.
"Hale! Bring me back! Something's wrong! Please Hale! Please!" She begged fighting the whole way as he ran her out of the house and into his car away to get as far away from the crackshack as possible.
Author's Note: So? Should I continue? I know it doesn't go with what happened in this episode, but what I want to happen in the next few chapters I've been wanting to do for a while but couldn't find the reason…well, here's my reason :)