Have you ever looked back on your past writings and felt the need to print it out so you could tear it up and burn it? New Feelings and I had a nice reunion today, and let's just say I facepalmed so much I slammed my head on my keyboard. I regret nothing.

So with a heavy heart, I present the final chapter in Elle VS Minecraft and stories in the series modeluchosen1 and I are doing (check him out!). This is extremely long and I don't know why.


I bolted upwards. "What? What happened?"

Jack looked at me with wide eyes. "I just left to get a mouse, and you fell asleep."

I looked around and gasped. "Circles! Oh my god, this is a basketball!"


"It's not square!" I ran over to basketball and hugged it. "I did it! I won!"

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Unfortunately, our time is up. Maybe I can win another bet soon."

"Oh, I've had enough Minecraft for a while. See ya!" I opened the door.

"You didn't even get to play..." He muttered.

I ran to the bathroom, thinking things over. Was it all a dream? I had appeared to have fallen asleep while playing, but did I really? No, it couldn't be. Adam, Jordan, Steve, Prince, King... They weren't figments of my imagination! Right? I didn't even know what to believe anymore.

I opened to door and firmly closed it behind me. I needed a few minutes to myself, and people interrupting me would really be annoying. I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror and gasped. Oh my god. Did I really wear that much makeup? My emotions went from disbelief to humor and I held in a giggle. I looked like a clown escaped from the circus. I was so used to seeing myself without makeup now that this was just awful. I couldn't go to the dance like this, not without being embarrassed. I grabbed a tissue and began dabbing at the thick eyeliner. Thankfully, my skills with makeup were still present. I left myself with foundation (which I had mostly dabbed off anyways), mascara, and lip gloss. A pile of dirty tissues filled the garbage can, but that wasn't my concern right now. I'd apologize later, but right now I had people to talk to.


Vincent banged on the door. I couldn't resist checking my reflection one last time before opening up. I gasped at something I hadn't seen before. A small, partially-healed scar sat on my right cheek. It looked as if an arrow had grazed my cheek... "Oh my- It was real." I muttered.

"Elle, open up!" I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Vincent, sweetie!" I pulled him into a light, friendly hug. "Listen, we need to talk."

"No time." He said, grabbing my wrist forcefully. I resisted the urge to cry out. "Between you being late, my brother's game, and your bathroom break; we only have five minutes to drive to the dance."

"This is really important!" I insisted.

"You can tell me while we slow dance." He dragged me into the car and I gulped. He climbed into the driver's seat. "I'm so sorry you had to do that, by the way. My brother is a total nerd."

"It actually wasn't that bad-" I started, but he hushed me.

"Don't be saying that! It's one thing to say it to me, but that could ruin your social status!" He hit my cheek, not forcefully but enough to get the point across.

My eyes narrowed into slits as I tried to murder him with my glare. 'Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.' I thought to myself.

We sat in silence the rest of the ride. The car felt unfamiliar to me since I hadn't been in one for over a month. I kept dwelling on what I had to do, but I knew I didn't have to. It was what I decided, but I knew it was the right choice. First, though, some apologies were due.

As soon as we walked into the dance, glowing lights hit my face. A DJ played music at an unhealthy volume, and kids socialized everywhere. Some kids stood off in a corner alone, while groups of girls were closely knit together. Some couples chatted and danced, while single guys tried to gain enough courage to ask a girl to dance. It was intimidating yet comforting. I knew I'd be safe later in a group of people.

One particular guy caught my eye. I smiled at Mike but didn't dare wave, for I knew Vincent was watching. He seemed to understand and turned back to his small group of friends. I would talk to him later, but I had some priorities. "Vincent, babe, I need to talk to some people." I said sweetly.

He shot me a look of warning. "Stay within my sight and don't talk to any guys." I nodded, took a deep breath, and began looking.

I spotted them by the punch talking. "Nessie! Cam!" Camille gave me one glance and looked away. "No, wait. I need to talk to you."

"Not in the mood, Elle." Vanessa muttered, sipping punch and turning away from me.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry."

"Oh." Camille said, twirling a strand of hair. "This should be good."

"You don't understand!" I continued. "It may sound crazy, but I've been through a lot. I know I've been a jerk to everyone, and I regret it! I shouldn't have been so vain, and I'm hoping I can fix what happened with Vincent. I'm actually going to break up with him after this, so..." They each other a weird look and said nothing. "I know you'll probably never be friends with me again, but at least acknowledge me!" Silence. "Fine. I hope you forgive me eventually." Vanessa tossed her black hair and winked, I could've sworn. But when I blinked and looked again, her emerald green eyes showed no recognition of it. Could it possibly be...?No, I was just sleep deprived. It wasn't possible.

Sighing, I looked around for Vincent, but a new idea popped into my head. I scanned for the familiar face and spotted her. "Anthea!"

The girl looked up from her phone. She wore a blue gown that was simple yet elegant. "May I help you?"

"Do you remember me?" I asked earnestly.

"Everyone knows you. Elle Meadows: Most popular girl and known bitch."

This was going to be a lot harder than I thought. "Yeah, but I meant from middle school. I don't know if you remember Esmerelda, but there was another girl named Madeline-"

"I'm trying to forget being friends with you, to be honest." She said. "Now will you go away? I'm trying to write a character death scene for my book."

"Marilyn Monroe. Please tell me you remember that."

She froze, but slowly looked up. "Yeah, I do."

"Esmerelda. Do you remember her?" I urged.

She looked at the ceiling, deep in thought. "Maybe. Why are you talking to me anyways? Don't you have boys to flirt with?"

Ouch. "Listen, I've realized I was wrong. I can barely remember why we fought, but I know we were great friends in middle school. Now Esme's gone and Madeline's gone. We're the only people left."

"Didn't Esme die in a car accident or something?" She asked.

So she did remember her existence, at least. "Yeah, something like that."

Anthea sighed. "Would you just go away? I don't care about the past, your current personality is in shambles."

"No, I've changed!" I insisted. "Listen, I just explained to my current- now ex- friends about how sorry I was. I just want to make things right. Something happened to me tonight that made me understand what a horrible person I am, and I want to change."

Her gaze softened. "You aren't a horrible person, from what I remember. You just made some mistakes." She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, too. Neither of us remember why we fought, yet it's kept us apart for so long. If you're willing to change and start over, than so am I."

I smiled gratefully. "Thanks." There was something so familiar about her voice though. "Wait. You're the one who told me to get a room!"

She laughed. "You and Vincent aren't exactly shy."

I laughed with her. "I'm actually going to break up with him now, so..."

"Good luck." She said, pulling me into a hug. "Call me sometime. You have the number."

We smiled and departed. I only had one person left to talk to, and they scared me the most. Vincent wasn't the best with surprises. He caught my gaze as I walked over. "Why did you take so long?" He demanded.

"I just had some friends to talk to." I said quickly. "Speaking of that, I need to talk to you."

His eyes narrowed. "What?"

"This isn't easy to say..."

"Spit it out!" He glared at me.

I took a deep breath, but my voice trembled as I spoke. "Vincent... I'm breaking up with you."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm tired of you pushing me around like I'm nothing. I'm breaking up with you." I said, glowing with confidence.

I didn't think his glare could get more terrifying, but it did. "Unacceptable." He growled, and gripped my wrist.

I winced as he started walking. "Where are we going?" I squeaked. My gaze met Mike's for just a moment and he raised his eyebrows. I saw him set down his punch before my line of vision was blocked by the gym doors. My hip hit the doorway as he pulled me outside and cornered against the brick walls. "Vincent, we can talk-"

"You dare break up with me?" He yelled.

"I gave you three years of my life, and all you do is take me for granted." I said as firmly as I could. "I don't want to be your punching bag anymore. Contrary to popular belief, I have feelings!"

He snarled. "As if. You are a girl, and I am in charge."

"I got my independence in the 20's. That's a ridiculous argument." I replied calmly. 'Stay calm, Elle, stay calm...'

"Oh? How's this for ridiculous?" He grabbed my collar and lifted me into the air. I slapped him on his cheek. "How dare you-"

"Don't lay a hand on her." A soothing voice said from behind Vincent. I cried out as Vincent threw me into a wall to face his challenger.

"And you are?" He laughed at the boy's petite figure.

"Elle's friend. Don't you dare think about hurting her. I won't let you." He replied.

"You? You couldn't kill a fly if you-" Vincent gasped as the sound of bone hitting flesh echoed throughout the school grounds. "That's it, you're going to get it!"

"No! Please don't!" I cried, but neither listened. I buried my face in my knees, unable to watch. I still heard the sound of the fight until someone loudly screamed.

"Go away, and don't ever touch her again." I heard the sound of feet pounding against the ground as one of them ran away. Vincent must have won, and now he was going to murder me. I jumped as I felt a hand on my back.

"Don't touch me!" I cried, inching away until I made eye contact with a pair of blue eyes. "Mike?"

"It's okay, I scared him off." He said. "He's gone now."

I looked up at him with watery eyes. "Really? I'm free?" He nodded and I lost it. He wiped the tears off my cheeks and pulled me close to him. I sobbed into his chest and he rubbed my back.

"It's okay, Elle, shh..." He said calmly. He had leaned us against a wall and the rough bricks scraped my ribs. "You were very brave."

"Me? Brave?" I choked out as I raised my head to meet his gaze. "I cried like a coward. You, on the other hand, singlehandedly beat up the toughest guy in school. That's brave."

"No, that's doing the right thing." He said as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through my hair. "You had enough courage to stand up for yourself. That's not something I would've expect from you."

We had a moment of silence. "If you weren't there, I don't know what he would've done to me."

"Let's not think about that." He said. "It's okay now. I'm here with you and that's all that matters."

"Thank you." I said. "For everything. I wouldn't have stood up to him if it weren't for you. Your words were running through my mind the whole time."

"Thank you for keeping me alive, back in the End." He said. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "When I was laying there dying, all I thought about was how I wouldn't get to apologize to you if I let go. That's how I woke up." He took a deep breath. "I heard your voice and I felt strong enough to get up."

"Well, I'll take the credit." I laughed weakly.

He studied my face. "You look beautiful tonight. I think getting rid of some of the makeup is really an improvement."

I laughed, the compliment flying over my head. "It's weird, how quickly I got used to no makeup. I looked in a mirror and thought I was an escapee from the circus."

He chuckled. "No offense, but you sort of looked like it."

I smiled. "I've learned that mascara and light foundation goes a long way."

"Isn't that what you considered a risk?" He asked.

I glared in a joking way. "I rode a dragon about an hour ago, so don't mess with me." We laughed again and I leaned in closer to him. Our shoulders were less than an inch from touching.

"So what are we going to do now?" He asked. "We've beaten the game of Minecraft, you're free of your boyfriend, and you're basically a new person."

I sighed. "I think I need to find who I really am. I mean, that girl from so many years ago you thought was perfect is an option..." He smiled.

"I would be interested in getting to know the real you. Facades are a stupid invention." He said.

"Well, I'll take you up on that offer." I said. "Some day soon you can help me be a better person."

We smiled and looked straight into each others eyes. I felt his warm hand grasp mine as our fingers interlaced. And in that moment, with his warm and caring gaze meeting mine, everything was perfect.

At last, I was happy.

I have a love-hate relationship with the Complete button. I'm happy I don't have to stress about writing demons perfectly, but still... Over time, the characters grow on you. I love each and every one of them (which is partially why I can't kill them off :p) Even Elle, believe it or not, has a special place in my heart. I'll miss her.

Enough with being sentimental! I have important questions for you guys!

1. What did you like about this story? Who was your favorite character/why?

2. What did you dislike about this story (aside from Elle's annoying personality)? What can I improve on in the future?

3. This is just for my own enjoyment: What would you rank Elle on an annoyingness scale?

Finally, leave me any questions you have. If I get an overwhelming a mount I'll post a small chapter answering them, otherwise I'll answer by PM. I'm sorry guests, hopefully I can do a chapter!

Before I go I have some final thanks to say. Thank you to all of you who've supported the series. Though it has slightly less views than New Feelings, I can honestly say this is my most successful story. I honestly can't believe the number of views and reviews I have, it's breathtaking. Some of you have been here since the beginning and some of you are new, but I still can't thank you enough. Specifically I'd to thank modeluchosen1 for supporting me, putting up with my inability to understand complex things, and being all-around amazing. If I haven't said it enough, go check him out. Now. I'm watching you to make sure you do.

If any of you are planning on reading my stories in the future (I don't know why you'd want to but...) I am planning on continuing writing. I will be doing a non-YouTuber, in Minecraft with original characters story eventually, but I have this problem. If I think of a story plot and put some effort into it, I have to write it. I literally can't start anything else. So expect a short story, aprox. 15 chapters, to go up once I have a plot. So never :p

Thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you all!
