Hello people of the Internet! After spending a week doing Christmasy-type things and clearing out my documents, I'm ready for the New Year! And with a new year comes new stories, so I present to you: Elle VS Minecraft! I may or may not change the title later on. So, before I begin, let me tell you where this story originated from.

I've decided that I want to challenge myself with this story. First of all, I hope to update every other day, and maybe every day. Those of you who followed "Equinox's Revenge" knew how long it took to update, and I feel like I lost a lot of viewers due to that. And next comes the hard challenge.

I want to put everything I hate into one person. I will make you all despise her, maybe even enjoy her suffering ;) or not. But then, I will find a way to make each and everyone one of you like (or tolerate) her by the end of the story. I might even tolerate her. As you can see, I'm working on character development. I'm going to regret doing this...

Now that I'm did mrambling, enjoy the story! And yes, there are girls who act like this, I've had friends in the past who were similar to these characters. I may exaggerate a little bit... Not really. Enjoy!

"And that's how you simplify this equation!" My teacher concluded as the bell rang. I yawned and looked at my nails. I really needed to paint them before the winter formal tonight. My dress was sapphire blue, not ocean blue. I didn't even want to think about my nails not matching my dress. I glanced at the clock and realized I could leave. Then I'd get a mani-pedi with my friends. I smiled as I picked up my books. My boyfriend Vincent was walking towards me.

"Hey babe." He said, wrapping an arm around my waist. I kissed his lips and he pulled me closer.

"Get a room!" A girl called. I ignored her. She was probably just jealous because she was forever alone while I had my boyfriend.

We pulled apart and smiled. "I can't wait for the dance tonight." He told me.

"Yeah, I have to go get my nails done, do my hair and makeup, and find the perfect pair of shoes!" I said. "So much to do."

"You'd better be over at my house by seven." He told me.

"But I need more than four hours to get ready." I explained. "Plus, I can't get my-" I stopped myself from saying contacts. "Oh, alright. I'll be there at seven."

"Good. I love you." He waved and set off towards his car. I sighed. Being with Vincent made things so complicated. It was probably my fault. He must have told me to come at seven and I forgot.

I shoved my books into my bag and walked out the doors to the school. The cold December air hit my arms, but I wouldn't dare wear a coat with this outfit. I'd rather suffer than look bad. My friends waved to me and I walked over.

"Hey, Elle!" Camille called to me.

"What's up, Cam?" I said. "Are you ready to get your nails done?"

"Of course we're ready!" Vanessa said. "Are we going to take my car? I just got a new sports car-"

"My dad bought me a Mercedes." I interrupted. "We can take that."

Her face fell. "Alright."

I lightly punched her arm. "Cheer up, Nessie. We're going to get a mani-pedi! I'll pay for it, my treat."

She smiled. "Thanks, Elle."

"C'mon, let's go!" Camille said impatiently. "We have five hours to get ready for this dance."

"Actually, four for me." I told her. "Vincent needs me at seven."

Camille and Vanessa exchanged looks. "We should go then." We walked to my brand new car and jumped in.

After arriving at the nail salon, we were greeted as always. "Hey, Elle, how are you?" The manger asked. They knew me because of my frequent visits.

I smiled. "Great. Could the three of us get the deluxe mani-pedi package? We have a winter formal tonight."

"Exciting! I'll set you up right over here, follow me."

We sat down and my favorite girl, Anna, walked over. "Elle! What can I get for you?"

"I need my nails done in this blue, with sparkles all over."

She nodded. "Let's get started."

Camille wanted a French manicure while Vanessa insisted on paying for herself. "What kind of a friend would I be if I took you out but made you pay? Listen, if you're worried about the money just get a plain color. It's inexpensive."

She finally agreed and got red to match her dress. We made small talk as we were pampered. After an hour and a half we were done, so we payed the ladies and walked back to my car. "Who's house do we want to get ready at?" Camille asked.

"We can go to-"

"My house is fine." I interrupted Vanessa. She quickly nodded in agreement.

We pulled up to my house. No, more like mansion. My mom waved to me as we went to my bedroom. The girls had thrown their dresses in the car back at a school and were now clutching them in their hands. "Alright, it's-" I checked my pink sparkly clock. "-four thirty. Only two and half hours to get ready."

"Don't worry, we'll help!" Vanessa said warmly. Camille was looking at my makeup collection in shock.

"Every time I come over here it gets bigger." She awed.

I laughed. "I just got a shipment of makeup from Paris. It's a whole line using natural ingredients."

Vanessa picked up my favorite eye shadow palette. "These colors are gorgeous! Is this new?"

"It's my favorite." I said. She quickly put it down and mumbled sorry. "Let's go get in our dresses!"

We changed into our outfits. I had a long, sapphire blue gown complete with a sequined bodice. Camille's less-impressive dress was baby pink with a slit for her leg, higher than any I had ever seen. It had a rose belt too. Vanessa looked stunning, I had to admit. She wore a ruby-red gown that was simple yet elegant. The belt hugged her hips perfectly, and she looked modest... She looked better than me. I couldn't let that happen.

"Nessie, you look so mature!" Camille gushed.

Vanessa blushed. "You guys look amazing too." It was clear she wasn't used to attention. I could fix that.

"That dress would look great with your hair straightened!" I said. "And here,
this eye shadow and lipstick are perfect together! The best, though, is this face mask. It'll make your skin glow!"

She took the products gratefully. "Thanks, Elle."

I grinned, thinking of how bad she'd look. I, on the other hand, had to look perfect. I took one of every type of product I owned and began slathering it on my face. After a full hour of work, I had finished. I glanced in the mirror and smiled. I had on enough makeup to cover up all my flaws.

Camille came over to me. "Does it look okay?"

I clenched my teeth. "Maybe a bit less eyeliner? And why did you wing it out three times?"

"I'm starting a trend." She stated confidently. "They have one wing and two wings, why not three?"

"Okay..." I said cautiously. I loved how my friends made me look gorgeous.

As I began to curl my hair, I heard sobbing from the other bathroom. "Is that Vanessa?" Camille asked.

I pretended to look concerned. "I hope she's okay."

"Are you going to help her?" Camille asked again when I went back to curling my hair.

"She'll be fine." I waved my hand for emphasis as footsteps began trudging down the hallway. The sobs grew closer until they were right in front of me. I sighed, knowing I couldn't ignore then anymore. "What's wrong?"

Vanessa sniffed. "I put on the face mask you gave me, Elle, but I must've done something wrong. I followed the directions, but..." I looked up at her swollen face and stifled a laugh. She looked hideous!

"Oh, Nessie." I said soothingly. "What could it have been?"

Camille looked at the label and frowned. "It has almond extract. Aren't you allergic to almonds?"

Vanessa gasped. "Yes! My reactions aren't deadly though, just swelling." She took a look in the mirror and screamed. "I can't go to the dance like this!"

I looked at her and almost felt pity. I mean, she was already pretty ugly. This wasn't helping things. Still, I really couldn't let anything get in the way of my beauty, even if it was at her expense. If she was as gorgeous as me, wouldn't she do the same thing? Anyone would, right?

"Elle, go grab some moisturizer, concealer, and natural foundation, but not the same brand as this. Nessie, you come sit here and leave this washcloth on your face. I'll go get some medicine." Camille ordered.

I blinked furiously, taken aback by her sudden determination. Camille was normally, well... She wasn't very smart or assertive. I didn't even have time to snap at her for ordering me to do favors before I felt my legs carrying me to my makeup cabinet. I got the things that she asked for and returned the the room. Camille was already treating Vanessa.

"Here, that will reduce the swelling for a while. Elle, may I have the foundation and lotion?" I handed it to her silently and slowly went back to my curling iron. I was at a loss for words, to be honest. I just had to pray Camille didn't know what she was doing.

I finished with forty-five minutes to spare. With a grand total of about two hours, it was probably the fastest time I had gotten ready for a dance. Smiling, I turned around feeling like a queen. Camille and Vanessa were standing with their arms crossed.

"I see Camille fixed your face, Vanessa." I said cautiously.

"We have something we need to talk to you about." Vanessa said.

"Yeah!" Camille added for good measure.

"You've been acting... Differently ever since you started dating Vincent."

"I have not!" I insisted.

"Elle, dear, you've become very vain." Camille explained.

"You guys are as obsessed as me." I scoffed.

"Can you explain this?" Vanessa pulled my dress up a bit, revealing a black-and-blue mark on my leg.

"I... I tripped." I stuttered, thinking about where I had really gotten the mark. Vincent was mad after failing a math test, he told me I should've helped him study...

"We don't appreciate the changes, Elle." Vanessa continued. "You need to shape up."

"C'mon, Nessie." I begged.

"And stop messing up Vanessa's makeup!" Camille said loudly. I glared at her and she shrunk backwards.

"See, you did it again!" Vanessa accused. "Thanks for the makeup, Elle, but you need to change. It's either Vincent or us."

"You guys are just jealous because I'm dating and you can't get a guy. Sorry if I'm too perfect!" I yelled.

Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Goodbye, Elle. You've made a bad choice." She grabbed Camille's hand and walked out.

"You need me! You'll be nobodies now!" I called after them. They didn't turn their heads or acknowledge me. I sighed and sank into my chair. Tonight was just going to be great.

I'm sorry if any of you found that painful. Writing 1,500+ words of girly topics isn't that fun either, trust me. And just as a disclaimer: I don't mean to offend anyone who shares traits with these girls or acts like them. I don't have a problem with makeup, popular girls, or girly-girls overall. I've just had experiences with people who take it to the extreme side, and this is what I've made. Don't. Judge. Me.

That aside, I promise the next couple of chapters will transition is the the actual story. I've also decided to write a legit plot unlike some of my other stories *cough New Feelings cough*. I know, I know, it's crazy. Me writing a plot? This is going to be interesting.

Leave me a review telling me if you like/dislike Elle and why. I need to know why you don't like her to make you like her :)
