A Jeff the killer x OC love story

A/N: This is a story that a plot bunny dropped in my brain during Pre-Algebra. No flames or I'll send an army of Hidan's to you after telling them you don't believe in Jashin. I only own my OC.

Hi, I'm Recila Taisha Kincil, and I'm about to tell you about how I met Jeff the killer.

Walking to my cousin's house, just a little up the block from mine; I heard quick steps behind me. Now, me being myself; I immediately started running. Now I know you might be thinking, 'what if it was a dog, or something?' well let me ask you, can a dog giggle? No? That's what I thought; now if you excuse me, I have some running to do.

"Oh, I love a good chase!" The creepy dude behind me crooned. "Ah, creepy dude with no eyelids, why you case me?!" I shrieked. Turning the corner, the creepy dude's giggles started becoming insane laughter. Hearing that, I knew it was about to go down.

Stopping to catch my breath, I smiled 'If I'm gonna die, it's gonna be on my terms!' I thought to myself.

Gripping my pen when I heard the steps stop behind me, I turned. For some reason, all through this ordeal; I couldn't stop smiling. When I really saw his face, I mean really saw his face; my smile turned into a demented grin. "Damn dude, besides all the crazy; you look kinda hot!" I cooed to him. I could tell he was confused, his lidless eyes kinda got bigger and his smile got a little smaller. "What, you're not scared of me?" He asked, he kinda sounded mad. The kind of mad one gets when their confused. "Naw, I'm scared of ya alright, but I'm allowed to appreciate ya looks, ain't I?" I asked him playfully.

Sorry about the cliffhanger! HAHAH! Anyways, wait for the next chapter to find out what happens.