Chapter One

A/N: Okay guys, here's the deal. XD This series is not technically related to my other series HOWEVER they are sort of 'companion series'. There might be some mention of events in the HTCYD series but nothing major, thus making them unrelated.

This takes place almost two years after the movie (and one year after the events of Escarpment), meaning Hiccup is a little less than sixteen years old. Admittedly...he hasn't grown much. XD Don't worry, he's still our little shrimp. LOL!

I hope you guys enjoy! Get ready for a bumpy ride...

"This is Berk. Over the past two years, this frigid little enclave has made a lot of changes. Namely, the addition of dragons into our everyday lives. Of course, it's not as easy as it sounds having giant, fire-breathing lizards wandering around outside your house all the time... But we've learned to get used to it. However, there's one thing here that never seems to change... And that's the annual 'gathering of the chiefs'. The day when all the leaders of the various islands in our archipelago get together to discuss treaties, alliances etc...etc... I usually don't attend because, well, I'm not exactly the future-chief type...even though I technically am going to be chief someday. But since defeating the Red Death and becoming a hero, my father insists that I go. So I guess I don't really have much of a choice this time around..."

"Oh come on, Hiccup! Quit fidgeting, you look fine!" Astrid groans as she, once again, attempts to straighten the collar of her friend's cape. Actually, the cape isn't his, per actually belongs to Stoick, his father. But since Hiccup is going to be meeting all the other chiefs and their heirs, Stoick wanted his son to look as...regal as possible. Which is rather difficult, considering the teen's...petite size.

"Fine?" Hiccup shakes his head and sighs, picking at the scratchy fur that tickles his neck. "Astrid, I look like a twelve-year-old trying to fit into his father's hand-me-downs."

She smirks. "But you look like a handsome twelve-year-old."


The blonde girl laughs and reaches up to brush the bangs from his eyes. "I'm just kidding, Hiccup." She assures him. "You look great. Very prince-like...although you could do for a haircut."

He mock-scowls at her, holding back the smile that threatens to break out on his lightly freckled face. "No way. Last time I let Gobber touch my hair, I almost ended up with a mohawk!"

Astrid giggles at the idea of Hiccup with that sort of hair and shrugs. "Then I'll cut your hair." She pretends to look around Hiccup's bedroom, where the two of them are standing in front a full-length mirror. "Now where did I leave my sword...?"

Hiccup jumps away from her. "Sword?!"

"Yeah, how else would I cut your bangs?" She asks, innocently.

"Um, nevermind. I'll ask Gobber later..." He squeaks, holding up his hands in a defensive position.

Astrid nod, satisfied that he won't look like a mop for the annual gathering of the chiefs. Normally, it's at this point that she would ask him if he's excited about attending...but there's something about the awkward, self-conscious way he's standing now that makes her pretty sure that he is the opposite of excited. "So when does your boat leave?" She wonders instead.

"A few hours..." He mumbles, absently tugging at the cape again. "Speaking of which, could you do me a favor? Could you keep an eye on Toothless while I'm gone? The last time I left him behind for any length of time, he nearly destroyed our house."

Astrid laughs, remembering that incident quite well. "Sure thing, Hiccup."

He smiles at her through the mirror. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

"It's not a problem." She tells him as she walks to the other end of the room. Then, picking up her satchel and shawl, she flashes him a smile. "I'll see you later, my prince. I've got to go feed Stormfly before she burns down the barn..."

He turns and watches her head for the door. "Okay, thanks again for your help! I don't know what I'd do without you."

She chuckles and says, "Well you'd have a crooked cape, that's for sure."

His hand freezes where it is at his collar again and he flashes a sheepish grin before lowering it. "Uhh...see you at the docks." He says, awkwardly shifting his weight.

She winks at him and disappears out the door, closing it gently behind her.

As soon as he's sure she's gone, Hiccup breaks out into a big, beaming smile. His face lights up with bright, red blush and he looks back at the mirror, eyeing up his reflection in slightly less critical position. Astrid called me handsome! He screams in his head, his face burning.

Over these past two years, many things have changed on the island of Berk. One of them, is that Hiccup has finally stopped denying his crush on that lovely girl named Astrid. In fact, almost the whole village has some level of suspicion about it. Ranging them from 'childhood sweet-hearts' to 'practically betrothed'.

Of course, that last bit isn't quite true. They're only fifteen for Thor's sake! Hiccup plans to be a bachelor for many years before exploring that part of life...

Suddenly, his thoughts are diverted by a heavy thump on the roof of his house. He looks up, watching as dust and wood chips trickle down from the rafters. A very familiar voice roars overhead and he finds himself laughing as he runs to the window.

"Hey, bud!" He'd nearly forgotten the Night Fury was waiting for him.

Toothless roars again, bouncing on the roof as if to hurry his Rider outside. The excited look on his face and the glimmer in his eyes says it all. It's time to go flying! He jumps one more time, wiggling his butt and flapping his wings.

The viking smirks and calls, "I'll be out in a second!" Then he disappears back inside his room. Hiccup goes to his bed and drops down to the floor, dragging out Toothless's saddle and his riding gear. But then, he pauses. Looking down at himself, he frowns. Oh right...I'm all dressed up for the meeting... He bites his lip and sits up, debating what he should do. Astrid'll kill me if I ruin all of her hard work...

But then comes another thump on the roof and more dust trickles down. Hiccup shifts his weight and stands up, chewing on his lip in that bad habit he picked up a few years ago.

Then again, He rationalizes. The boat doesn't leave for a few more hours. I'll probably get dirty before then anyway... He smirks at his faulty plan and decides it's good enough. He makes quick work of shrugging off his clothes for the meeting and hurriedly slips on his tunic and vest before running out to meet Toothless.

The dragon is already standing by the door when he gets out. Toothless coos at him and jumps to his feet, bowing his head so Hiccup can strap on the saddle.

"Alright, bud." Hiccup pats the Night Fury's head once the saddle is on and hops in. "Just a quick lap around the island. I've gotta leave soon, remember?" He immediately regrets reminding his dragon about that.

Toothless's pupils narrow and he growls, his retractable teeth sliding through his gums.

"Tooth-less!" Hiccup scolds. "I'll only be gone for a few days. It won't be so bad! Besides, Astrid is gonna-AHHHHHHHHH!" He fights to regain his balance as Toothless suddenly rockets into the sky, almost blowing Hiccup right out of his seat. "What is the matter with you?!" Hiccup demands as he quickly straps himself in.

But Toothless only growls again and folds in his wings.

"Oh no..." Hiccup screams as the two of them begin to drop out of the sky like a rock. He slams on the foot pedal but that only serves to make them flip over and over and over until he feels sick. "COME ON, TOOTHLESS!" He shouts over the wind. "DON'T BE LIKE THAT!"

But the dragon only drones, imitating laughter as he fans open his wings and twirls through the air, effectively making his Rider dizzy.

"Uggh...come on, bud..." Hiccup tries again. "I'm sorry but it really isn't my choice! You know that!"

The dragon levels off for a moment. But only a moment. Then, he begins to climb. Higher and higher into the air until they can see the entire isle of Berk at once.

Hiccup's ears pop at the sudden change of altitude and he shakes his head. "Toothless, what are you do-"

The dragon cuts him off by flipping around and firing a blast of purple fire into the sky below them. It ignites, creating a pool of flames below them.

"Toothless..." Hiccup leans back, his eyes growing wide. "Don't you dare-"

But he does dare. Toothless flips once more and then tucks in his wings...and falls straight into the fire, Hiccup clinging to his back for dear life.

The docks are packed full of vikings wishing their chief a safe voyage. It seems that everyone from the entire island has crowded onto the sturdy pier and are shouting for Stoick to be careful and come home soon.

Stoick, Berk's chief, is standing on the deck of his ship, looking bright-eyed and optimistic. It seems he's just finished some grand speech and is now wishing his own people safety while he and his son are away. "We will return no more than three days, Thor permitting." He announces. "Until then, Gobber will be my stand-in. Any dragon related problems or questions should be directed to the Riders."

It's at this point that Hiccup arrives, looking like he simultaneously burned himself with three hundred matches. His hair is sleeked back and black at the tips, his face bright red with embarrassment and burn marks. They don't hurt much...only when he moves. Or blinks. Or talks.

Stupid, useless dragon! He curses to himself as he attempts to slip through the crowd, unnoticed. Then, with a disgruntled sigh, he attempts to straighten the collar of his cape, which is brushing a burn on his neck in a rather uncomfortable way. Stupid cape!

"Ah, Hiccup!" Stoick's voice booms through the crowd. "I was wondering when you'd arrive!"

All eyes turn to Hiccup.

He freezes, smiling awkwardly at the three hundred faces that are watching him, expectantly. "Uhh...haha, hey was just...uh..."

"By Odin, son! What happened to you?" Gobber suddenly appears beside him. "You're burned to a crisp!"

"Uhhh, yeah..." He sighs and leans close, whispering in Gobber's ear. "Toothless and I had a little disagreement this morning."

"Ahh..." He nods, understanding what his pupil means. "He's still sore that you're leaving him behind?"

Hiccup nods as he slowly makes his way through the crowd, toward the ship where his father is waiting. "Yeah, he can be a real baby sometimes."

"Well it's only 'cause he'll miss you." Gobber points out.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm a big-boy. I can handle myself." He grumbles as he climbs on board. "I'm having Astrid keep an eye on him so maybe she can talk some sense into that head of his..."

Gobber laughs and pats Hiccup's shoulder, causing him to wince in pain from the burns. "Ha, maybe you should look into treating those burns instead of worrying about your dragon."

Hiccup chuckles and rotates his sore shoulder. "Yeah, maybe I'll do that." He watches as the gangway is pulled up, separating the ship from the docks. "I'll see you in a few days, Gobber."

"Good luck, lad."

And with that, the ship's sails fan out and are caught by the wind. The vessel is tugged out into open water and Hiccup watches as his home disappears behind the horizon.

A/N: Yay! No cliffhangers for once! LOL. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter (I know I had way too much fun writing it).