Disclaimer, I don't own the characters, apart from TALLEN and Ari :D

Come on take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane


Present Day, Storybrooke

I sighed quietly, drawing in a deep breath, needing to clear my head. Everyone was panicking about the end of Storybrooke, but I needed a break from the drama, and if walking along the pier was the best I was going to get, so be it. I had no doubt Team Good would save the day as they usually did, but this time it appeared Regina was going to sacrifice herself to save everyone, much to my surprise. The Evil Queen was the last one I would've suspected of heroics, but you learn something new every day.

I would've participated, but I had a feeling Snow White and Co didn't want an assassin sending a stream of sarcastic side comments as they attempted to rectify Regina's curse. Not to mention I had a strong dislike of anything magical, dark or not, a consequence of Gold's influence. He would no doubt be there as well, adding another reason to my list. I hadn't liked him even when I didn't have any memories, but then again, not many people liked him anyway.

I didn't have a problem with Regina, however, even though she did cast a curse that devastated an entire population. Losing my memory was a welcome escape, even if it was only temporary- temporary being 28 years worth of escape, which was more then I could've ever asked for.

Even so, Storybrooke wasn't my home. Storybrooke's realm was… confined. There was no freedom, especially when stuck in a small town that you could never leave. Being trapped in one place for long enough was hell in itself.

I loved the Enchanted Forest, but it got tiring. Always on the run, always someone to kill. Then again, being wanted with a 500,000 bounty out for your arrest didn't exactly lead to a husband and a few babies.

I cocked my head in confusion as I heard angry voices approaching from the alley behind me, figuring everyone would be sitting in circles singing kumbaya with their family and praying for their lives by now or something equally as irritating.

Was that… Tamara's voice? And Henry? Ok, either they were having a strange, messed up relationship that I had missed the memo about, or something weird was going on. I was sincerely hoping it was the latter, considering the first option made me throw up a little in my mouth. Judging by the occasional scuffle and hoarse curse that sounded from around the corner, I took it Henry wasn't going willingly.

I scanned the scene for something to hide behind, spotting large packing crates by the edge of the docks. Dropping into a roll behind them, I squeezed into the small gap between the boxes and the deep green water. I clung to the boxes in a vain attempt to stop myself from falling in, angling my head towards the noise.

Their footsteps sounded louder as they came around the corner, the voices easier to hear. I edged forwards along the side of the pier, hoping I was close enough to catch onto their conversation.

"… You tried to blow up Storybrooke!" I heard Henry's voice shout angrily, struggling away from Tamara and… Jesus, was that Greg? Greg, the douche?

Yes, yes it was. I could recognise his bald head from miles away.

I thought they tried to destroy Storybrooke using a magic crystal, not blow it up, but what do I know. Hell, they could've tried to blow it up as a backup plan. They probably didn't anticipate Team Good getting in the way.

"True, but that was never the point." Tamara explained, a vindictive smile curving on her lips as she stalked towards the end of the pier, Greg struggling to maintain his hold on Henry, who paused, confused.

"It wasn't?" He asked, sounding unsure of himself as Greg loosened his grip on Henry's shoulder.

"We came here to destroy magic, Henry," Greg began in earnest. "But then we found something more important. Something that changed everything." He stopped walking and bent down so he was eye level with Henry. "You."


I edged closer as Tamara lent in to Greg, Henry looking on in confusion at Tamara's previous words. A small glimmer of worry sparked in Tamara's eyes, encouraging a scoff from Greg. He shook his head, responding loud enough for me to hear.

"You think the sherif will forgive you for shooting Neal and then sending him tumbling through a portal? No, we can't go back. The home office will understand, and besides, how exactly are we supposed to kidnap a trained killer? No, we go now."

Trained killer?

I crept away from the boxes and began approaching the three, sinking into a crouch behind them as they walked towards the end of the pier. I didn't know what they expected- some polluted water wasn't exactly the makings of a spectacular get away plan.

Hearing a thunder of footsteps behind me, I span around the same time Greg, Tamara and Henry did. I heard Tamara's intake of breath as she saw me, and Greg's as he saw Emma, Snow, Charming and Regina emerge from around the corner.

"The last bean!" Regina cried, pointing behind me in alarm. "They've opened a portal!"

I turned around, my eyes widening as I saw an enormous green vortex swirl in the water, hence their spectacular get away plan. Tamara and Greg launched themselves through it, dragging Henry with them as they fell through the neon light.

I sighed with resignation, knowing Regina would probably torture me to death if I didn't follow them, and if I did, I would probably end up in a situation as equally as unpleasant, so either way, the outcome didn't look great for me.

I sprinted after them, throwing myself off the end of the pier just in time to see the green light close behind me.

30 Years Ago, The Enchanted Forest

"You will lead them to the fall." Tallen demanded, his eyes narrowing and his voice echoing in the vast fortress.

The two men holding my arms and pressing down on my shoulders increased their pressure, digging my knees into the cold stone floor, making me wince. I had gotten myself into another situation, not that I cared. It made life so much more exciting. But even so, everyone that sought out an audience with me either wanted knowledge on the Dark One's weaknesses or some form of immortality.

And in some cases, like this one, I wasn't willing participant.

I looked up at the leader, lounging in his chair, and smirked, knowing it just infuriated him more to see me turn him down again, even if I got hurt in the process.

"No can do, sweetheart. You see, me and the kingdom aren't exactly 'simpatico' at the moment, so I won't be leading anyone anywhere."

The guard on my right released the hand holding my arm and backhanded me across the face so hard I saw stars. If not for the other guy holding me up, I would've fallen. I smacked my lips, tasting blood, and smirked once more. I could've healed myself with magic, but ever since I had broken the enchantment and severed my ties with Rumpelstiltskin, I had been relying on nothing but my body's natural skill, rather than the dark magic I used to carry with me. It was a lot more painful, much more satisfying.

Tallen, the leader of the thieves, or of the Scarlet Dusk, as they called themselves, pushed himself of his throne and walked towards me, his footsteps loud and menacing in the deathly quiet hall. He stopped in front of me, eyes narrowed. I raised an eyebrow, my expression reflecting, what are you gonna do now, sunshine?

He bent down so his eyes were level with me as he spat,

"You are an associate of the Dark One. If the rumours are true about you, Arilis, some pesky guards wouldn't faze you. The Dark One himself saw to it to train you."

I gave him cocky grin. Some one had done their research.

"Let's just say Rumpelstiltskin and I are no longer acquainted. And as for the matter of the guards, well, with a five hundred thousand gold reward out for my arrest, I'm surprised even you haven't turned me over to the Evil Queen."

He rose to his full hight and shrugged, nonchalantly.

"I have all the money I need. That isn't the problem." His eyes snapped back to mine and his handsome face twisted into a snarl. "I know you're running from someone, Arilis, and I know it's not the Dark One. Name whoever it is, and I will have him killed. All you have to do is lead my men to the fall."

I narrowed my eyes. He was treading on dangerous ground, digging into my personal life, and by the wary look that shadowed his face, he new it.

"If he were able to be killed, I would've done it already. And I told you. I'm leading you or anyone else to the Fall of Eternal Strength. I'm not the only one capable of finding it. Go get someone else to be your guide. I'm not interested."

I could feel Tallen's impatience developing into infuriation with my refusal to cooperate. It was my specialty, really. I have exactly what they want, but they have nothing I want. The Thief Lord new this, and began pacing agitatedly in front of me, his hand clenched around the sword he had sheathed in his belt.

"It can only be found by those who know who it is! You are one of the few who do and the only one I have been able to locate."

"To hell with your blasted waterfall, there are other ways to find immortality. I suggest you look for them, because the only way I'm going to help you is when hell freezes over. The only reason I'm still here listening to your insufferable whining is because two of your lackeys are holding me down."

This time, when the guard went to slap me, I grabbed his hand and twisted it backwards, using the momentum to kick my legs up and wrap them around his neck before flipping him over and onto the floor. I rolled backwards into a handstand and stood up, flicking my wrist, the dagger in my palm flying through the air and embedding itself into the other guards forehead. Tallen withdrew his sword, his expression furious.

"I thought I told you to disarm her!" He shouted to the men by the door, who were running towards me with their swords drawn, faces wary. The first attempted to hit me with a diagonal swing. I dodged, slammed my palm into the hand holding his sword and kicked him in the face, hearing a crunch under my foot. I pushed off his chest with my foot doing a flip backwards over the other guard and using a dagger I had up my sleeve, I pushed it up through the cracks of his armour and withdrew it, blood staining the blade.

I looked back at the Thief Lord, stony faced. His jaw was clenched and his gaze burned into me with hatred.

"Whoever it is you are running from, Arilis, I will find out. And when I do, I will direct them to you."

Let me know what you think, just an experiment... I did put a Tangled line in because Flynn is amazing :3 And as for Ari, Rumple's enchantment will soon become clear if people want another chapter :D