A young seeker sparkling walked into base. He was looking down at his peds, then he mumbled something about someone outside of the base." I sware gonna get that little pipsqueak if its the last thing I fraging do." he mumbled, his optics were wide and flame-full. In the front of the base, a indigo and black sparkling walked in throught the front doors. He had his wings hicked into the air and was laughing his spark out." what are you laughing at Galaxy?" a femme sparkling asked. She walked out in front of her friend. She was all black with one blue and one red optic." Im laughing at Hailfire. Oh my dear Sybershock your missed the whole thing." He turned to face her as he walked back to his dorm room." My friend, I hate to tell yah, but one day your cousins going to kick your aft. You do reasize this right?","Yah.","Also, you know that you have compleatly lost it right?"," Well Syber, it's about time you noticed." the Male sparkling answered, he pressed a button that opened the door to his room and bolted in.

"Hail, you ok?"," Yes Beat, im fine. I just wish someone would teach Galaxy a lesson." Hailfire told The pink and grey sparkling." II wwiillllllll." a voice came out of nowhere. It had a texture of a snake's hiss. A few minutes later they heard a loud scream comming from the back hallway. Hailfire was the first up and off of his berth. He bolted out of the room to be met by his younger cousine, Cloudscatter, in the hall." Galaxy, Galaxy open the door." Hailfire screamed into the room."Hail, help me" was the first thing Hailfire heard befor slaming down the door." Get back you ugly thing." Galaxy shouted befor falling off the side lf the berth. His wing had been twisted and ripped. Energon was gushing from the wounds." Thundertrail, set up a life support system.","I'm a bit busy right now. " the light green sparkling called out to the seeker." I don't care if your busy. Set up that system."," Whats wrong, you broke a wing?!","yes. Accually Galaxy did."," your mad,you dont need a LSS for a broken wing. Just set him on the berth in Ratchets old room." Hailfire helped Galaxy up onto his peds, and walked him over to the berth in the medic's room.

" It's the second attack this month." a small black and torquorise sparkling pointed out." yah, first it was Divestream and now Galaxy." a red-orange and blue femme yelled to her partner."Spiritflame, do you know who's doing this?" her partner yelled back. The male sparkling was a deep brown with grey and white spots on his chassis."No clue Windsurge. Do you Streak?"," No clue." Once they finished their conversation, Streak left the room. " Hey, Hailfire, have you seen Sybershock or Shatterstorm?","No, I haven't seen eightor one of them. Plus, does it look like I have time to, I have to help Galaxy since someone..hmhmhm..won't be able to."," Oh, thanks anyways."," welcome." Streak ran back to his room and grabbed his flute and started to play. Then the door opened, a dark creaure slithered in." Why hello there young one. Do you know who I am?","Yah. Your someone who just broke into my room." the creature slaped him leaving a mark over his eye." No you idiot, im a spirit. A spirit that wants your spark.","well you cant have it."," why, well see!" it lunged at his chest and departed with his spark in its claws." well that was easy." it said befor shapeshifting into Hailfire, and leaving the room.

"hey um guy's," Hailfire said as he walked back to the group" has anyone seen Streak."," not since earlier, why?"," just wondering." then he walked away." ok im gonna go check on Streak, anyone else comming?" a Blue and black sparkling asked."sure. Ill come."the navy blue sparkling anwered."are you sure Stream?","yes Shatterstorm." the two transformers ran to the back of the hall, what they saw desturbed them greatly."What the. He said he missed his father, not that he was gonna kill himself over it."," this wasnt souaside, this was murder." they went and looked for Hailfirde, seeing to as he told them they should check on Streak."Hailfire?" they called into the darkness of the room.

After the war ended, a new one began. Most of their parents had been killed, so they sent a group called the Stormfliers to take the young sparklings to earth. One of them had died, but Thundertrails father, Redalert, had found a way to revive him. And did so. All decepticon and autobot sparklings were sent to live on earth. But there was a legend, a myth, told back on cybertron. The sparklings remembered it well. It went like this: a ship, haunted by the life of a amazing autobot. Lied into stealing sparks for, it was told that was the only was the only way to the well of souls, As the others began to call it. The ghost would kill one for its spark and collect the rest when they fell. One bye one more would fall until one was left, it would then kill that one off. Chaos struck all bases located on earth. So all transformers joined forces to destroy it. They succeded, until two years ago a new sparkling was taken over by the attacker named Rage. Many went down. Untill Rage gave in and left.

"Hailfire, we know what you did."a femme called from darkness."What, I didnt do anything.","STOP LYING. YOU MURDERED STREAK."Sybershock stepped out of the shadowy area. She held her Bow, her tail was turned to face him and Galaxy." Shattedstorm told me what you did."," What exactly was this he told you?"," that you had told him to check on Streak.","lie. Ive been here the hole time." they heard a loud knock on the front door"Someone gonna get that. Accualy I got it." Cloudscatter called. "hi","hi can we come in?"," um... Sure" Two sparklings walked in, they were both black and white. Like a yingyang sorta. One was all black with white tipped tail and a white spot around the optics. The other all white with a black tipped tail and a spot anround the very same optic."im terror, and this is my sis, trace."

The black one said."oh well, just dont go back in to the last room on the right.","ok, on and um, well I was raised by Megatron, and her Ultra Magnus." he said after."well we dont judge. I was raisef by Starscream. Im Unicrons Energon related kid."Sybershock said walking over fron Hailfire to great the new commers."oh..um...interesting. " Terror said."yep, now Hailfire fix up a room for these two. Also, dont think ive forgotten. Now I have a piston to pick with you."," im tellin you Syber. I didnt so anything to Streak." He transformed into a cat and tried to run the other way. Syber grabed his wings and tossed him down to the basement." Well that gets rid of one of the idiots." She said befor running off." I think there something weird going on." Trace told her brother." I can here you perfectly fine people. Now make them feel at home."

Sybershock walked to her room and sat on her berth."ugggg. Why did Streak have to go." A nerly- silent voice anwsered her." Because he was the weakest opponent in this place. Now I have chosen you as my vessel. Syber now, dont let me down." It lunged at her chest. It was taking over her"oh.. and im Fury."it called out to her. It needed her help. She had heard of this happening. It happend to a friend of her' it was happening TO her." Yes finailly. Now get mad." Fury called to Syber. "No. NO I wont." She told Fury. Her door started to open. Hailfire stood in the doorway. " you, get out." Fury took over. Syber became a mahogany color with a strange arrow symbol on her head and ears." Run, run now." ," ok." He went to turn around when Fury compleatly took over." Where are you going."," you told me to leave.","NO SHE DID." Fury yelled at him. Fury grabed one of Sybers blades and tossed it at him as a diversion. She grabed the second one and tossed it." Miss..." he looked down as the pain hit him. The second blade landed directly above his spark. "Darn it." Fury screamed. Hailfire laid back his ears as he fell back onto the ground. Fury slunk back as Syber re-gained controle."HAILFIRE!" she screamed . Half the team ran back to see what was wrong."What happened to him?" Spirit flame asked ." I...I dont remember." She mumbled befor falling back onto the floor."What the?" Terror and Trace appeared around the corner." Oh my goodness, what happend to them".Trace asked pushing in between two of the sparklings.