Disclaimer - I do not own Rookie Blue

Sam sat at her side and took her hand in his "Hey" he said "The doc says that you might be able to hear us, so I guess I should talk some eh" he swallowed nervously "I…I want you to know that hurting you was the biggest mistake of my life, I should have let you be there for me after Jerry" he sighed "You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I made you walk away…this whole thing is my fault. If…when you wake up…I'm going to make it up to you. I still want a mutt and call him Boo Radley; I want kids and park on Sunday…with you. I want to go to sleep every night with you by my side and wake up to you every morning…I just…I lo…" he trailed off when he felt her hand twitch "Andy?" her hand tightened ever so slightly "Come on Andy, come back to me". Her eyelids fluttered, "Open those beautiful eyes".

It was like she was actually listening to him because she slowly opened her eyes, he unfocused gaze worried him a little, but a few moments later her gaze zoned in on him. He could see confusion written all over her face and his heart broke in more ways than one when he heard her speak for the first time.

Her voice raspy from lack of use "What…what are you doing here? You…You're supposed to be in jail!"




Sam swallowed hard "Uh Andy…what's the l…last thing you remember?"

She glared at him "Arresting you" she said "Wh…what did you do to me?!"

"I'll um…"I'll get the doctor" Sam said quietly with a lump in his throat. He exited the room and saw Dr. Lavelle conveniently at the nurses station.

"Doc…she um…she's awake"

The doctor smiled "That's great, I'll be in to check on her in a few minutes" the smile fell when he noticed Sam's demeanor, "What is it?"

"The…injury, I…she" Sam let out a shaky sigh "The last thing she remembers happened almost 4 years ago"

Dr. Lavelle took a look at Andy's chart "Based on the location of the injury and the swelling, its possible temporal lobe was affected more than I originally thought, but I won't know for sure until I do an evaluation and run some tests."

Sam nodded slowly and stayed outside as the doctor entered Andy's room "What am I doing here?" he heard her ask

"Can you tell me the last thing you remember?" Dr. Lavelle asked

"My first day as a cop, that guy that was just here…I…I arrested him"

Over the past month, Dr. Lavelle learned a few details of the goings on of Andy McNally's life, he knew enough to know why Officer Swarek looked so heartbroken when he said Miss McNally was awake "Miss McNally, you were injured on the job" For the first time in his career, Dr. Lavelle had no idea what to say to his patient.

Sam left his place outside the door; he uneasily called Tommy, letting him know that Andy was awake. He arrived just as the doctor came out of Andy's room "How is she?" Tommy asked

"She's awake and alert" Dr. Lavelle said "Her motor functions seem to be unaffected"

"There's a 'but' coming isn't there" Tommy asked and Sam looked down

"Miss McNally is suffering from retrograde amnesia, her last memory is of her first day on the job" he said "Now this memory loss is most likely temporary but I would like to run an MRI to be sure"

"Whatever you have to do" Sam said quietly, and the doctor gave him a sympathetic smile before he left to set up the MRI.

"What is it Sam?" Tommy asked

Sam sighed "Do you remember what happened her first day?"

"She arrested you and blew your cover" Tommy answered

"All she remembers is arresting me…she thinks I'm the one that put her here"

"Oh Andy sweetheart, I'm so glad you're awake" Tommy grinned tearfully at his daughter

"What happened dad? Where did that guy go? How is he out already? Why was he here?"

"Slow down Andy, I think it's best to wait for the doctor to come back with your test results" Tommy answered

"Can you at least tell me about that guy?"

Tommy sighed, he knew she wouldn't give up "His name is Sam Swarek, he's…an undercover cop"

Andy was quiet for a moment, "Is it…his fault I'm here?"

"No sweetie, it isn't"

"What happened to me dad?" she whispered "Why can't I remember?"

Before Tommy could reply, the doctor entered the room. "Miss McNally, I have your test results" he said "It shows that you have some swelling around the temporal lobe of your brain which I believe is part of the cause of your memory loss, the other being the trauma"

"What caused all this?" she asked

"You suffered a bullet wound to the head, luckily your motor functions are unaffected and the memory loss is most likely temporary"

"How long have I been here?" she asked

"Just a little over a month" Dr. Lavelle replied "You are very lucky to be alive Miss McNally" he turned to Tommy "Can I speak with you outside?" They both exited the room and found Sam just outside the door

"I know you are wondering how to approach Miss McNally's memory loss" he started "Most doctors would say to let her memories come back on their own, but I believe what's best for her is to answer her questions. But don't volunteer any information unless she asks first" he continued "It is very unlikely however that she'll ever remember what happened while she was undercover" They both nodded in understanding "It's also best that she stay somewhere familiar once she's discharged"

"Her condo was rented out after she left and she hasn't been around my new place all that much and Traci has a full house now with her mother staying with her" Tommy trailed off and Sam knew exactly what he was doing

"Is there anywhere else?" Dr. Lavelle asked

"My place…but she" Sam started unsure of what else to say

"Great, if all goes well, she may be discharged in a week or so"

After the doctor left, Sam gave Tommy a hard look "Tommy you know there's no way in hell she'll stay with me"

"I'll talk to her" Tommy said

"Why are you doing this?" Sam asked

"Because you need this as much as she does" Tommy answered

"Y…you trust me with her? After everything?"

Tommy smiled "Whether she knows it or not, she needs you, when you were together she was the happiest I've ever seen her, and that son, is why I trust you with my girl."