I can always see her. She's always there.

I see when I fly the TARDIS correcting me and laughing, sometimes I smile to myself thinking what she would say about my driving. Clara sees me sometimes and asks what's funny and I tell her I just realized my bowtie is stupid. Clara doesn't believe me of course.

I see her when I'm fighting; I remember what I'm fighting for.

I see her in Clara sometimes, very rarely but sometimes.

I see her in Amy, when I look at photographs or in the past when I saw her.

I see her in the TARDIS library, stalking between the shelves, picking out books. Every time I walk past her favourite book on the shelf I think of her reading it, lost in the story.

I see her by the pool, her hair wet and lank. Swimming in the warm water and laughing.

I see her in Earth, I see her on her home planet. She loved Earth even though she wasn't born there. She often talked of the country lanes and fields of the village she grow up in.

I see her dancing to music; she always let the melody sweep her away. Lost in the music, dancing so beautifully.

I see her in planets I save, every victory I see her and remember her sacrifice. The sacrifice of her childhood, her freedom and finally her life.

I see her in the TARDIS wardrobe, wearing her dressing gown and trying to choose an outfit.

I see her in the TARDIS corridors, her hand running along the wall, her high heels tapping.

I see her in my dreams, laughing and happy. Her smile was so bright, her real smile that was. When she smiled for real there was nothing like it. But she wasn't a woman you could get a smile out of easily

I see her in everything beautiful, she was so beautiful, her hair, her eyes and her soul.

I loved and still love River Song and I see her in everything and I hear all the time. And I always will.