A/N: Hello again, readers! I've decided to continue the story now that very nice and cool reviewers have given me inspiration to continue. I've done some story outlining/planning for this, and now I believe that it may take a bit longer than anticipated. But that's not bad! It's my first time so I might as well get some experience with many multi-chapters. Also more Leo POV for you Leo fans! (yey!) Please tell me if I made mistakes to optimize this story, thanks!

Also special thanks to: (Guest) Adriana, (Guest) Nightfall, LeoIchibanTurtle03, Nancy2013, and everyone who so far has reviewed. I really couldn't have continued this without you! :)

Let's begin!

Chapter 6: Unexpected Help

"I'm not here to fight." said Karai in a taut voice.

Was she nervous? I knew Leonardo trusted her, and so did I(although not as much), but I couldn't stop but feel jealous of how she instantly drags Leo's attention like a magnet attracts metal bolts while I've (kind of) been trying to do that in months. I didn't want ti satisfy her by just letting her do as she pleased, so I just continued to struggle under her form.

"Oh really? Are you here to bring me early Christmas presents then, Santa? What did you bring me this year?"

I felt her smack me in the back of the head with her hand.

"Shut up and listen, Donatello. I heard about Leo."

That did the job to shut me up. There was a long pause afterwards, until I sighed. I knew what she wanted.

"I do not need your help, Karai. I'm fin-"

"Oh really?" She began. 'A taste of my own medicine, huh?' I thought.

"You were surprisingly easy to sneak up on and take down, if you ask me. It sure seems that you have a bug by the way you were swaying around in this roof, and I would definitely not head straight for my father in that condition if I were you."

Giving a small stubborn "hmph", I spoke again. "Why do you want to help me, anyways? Aren't we enemies? Rivals?"

Suddenly, it seemed as though she wasn't using as much force to pin me down anymore. I turned my head, despite the cold wind that brushed on my face , to see what she was doing. She was looking down at the roof floor on the side. 'Ashamed?' I wondered.

"I've heard from some of my troops that they took Leo, that your brothers got hurt, and that they're going to execute him. I... don't see the honor in that." There was a small pause, before she mumbled something almost inaudible, but I managed to make out the words. "I don't want him to die..."

A noticeable weight appeared on my chest as she finished, even though she had hardly even increased her hold on me. A hopeless feeling also came with the thought that she had a better chance than I did with Leo, but I quickly shook the painful thought away for now. I didn't need any distractions in the current situation, so I reluctantly nodded to let her continue.

"I would go there myself, but I would clearly be seen as a traitor before I even get to him. So I came looking for you, who I knew would be searching for him. Please, trust me on this." She voiced almost pleadingly.

Another long pause. Suddenly, she stopped her hold on me and I stood on my knees. I coughed a bit from a sore throat before giving a defeated sigh and turning to meet her eyes for any sign of lies. Unfortunately, I found none. "Fine, I trust you. So how can you help?"

I saw as she noticeably gave a small smile and got up from where she held me down on the floor. I also stood up carefully, trying not to fall from the sudden dizzy spell from postural hypotension(A/N: when you get up too quickly and your vision goes black temporarily), and rubbed my arms and legs to get some warmth.

"I can just get you closer to Leo...although it might make things a bit more complicated for you."

Complicated? That word caught my attention.


"Just play along and you'll be fine. Good luck, Donatello."

I felt a sharp pain on my head and my vision met darkness before I could even ask what she was talking about.


Sweet blissful darkness that didn't last long before I was suddenly brought to reality with another shock.

I let out a scream and a string of colorful curses that I had learned from Raph, before being slapped in the face. I tried blinking rapidly to improve my view, even though barely anything was visible under the dim lightning of the warehouse dungeon. However, I didn't need my vision to recognize the low laughter in front of me.

"Time to get up, turtle. I've got a surprise for you..." Shredder said in a honeyed voice.

Great, I love surprises.

Suddenly, I felt the shackles that held me up to the wall go out and guards holding each limb of mine. I tried to struggle against their grip, but they wouldn't let go so easily. I quickly tensed as I felt my beloved blue mask being snatched from my face. I gave a low growl in response before my head was held in place by some ninja behind me, too tired to object. Shredder was right in front of me apparently holding my mask in his hands. He began to extend it before... raising it towards my face? Why did he take my mask off if he was just going to put it back right after?

I immediately felt a terrible headache-like pain when my mask was back on my again. It felt as though there were some fire ants inside my brain.

"AH!" I shouted instinctively at the unexpected pain.

I struggled more against the ninja and shouted as the pain continued, trying to somehow make it go away. I begged the pain to end, as if it was some conscious being. For someone to please make it go away.

"STOP IT!" I finally begged, but no one seemed to care enough to help.

"Goodbye, Leonardo." I heard Shredder mumble as darkness began to cocoon me again. It seemed that the darkness was pulling me away against my will, but I didn't care as long as the pain went away. Is this how my life ends? In a dingy dungeon and surrounded by enemies? I sighed weakly. It was all I could do in such a hopeless situation.

'Father, guys...Donnie, please be safe. Goodbye, I love you. Sorry for failing you...' was my last thought before the black void fully drowned my mind and I met darkness once again.

Sweet blissful darkness...

So...how was it, wonderful readers? I think this chapter felt exceptionally short to me compared to the long hiatus I took, sorry. ;(

I'll try to update more and more often as I continue to outline the story(which I should've done before I even began). I'll also try to fit in many medical terms I've learned in school(I'm studying for the medical career). :)

I already got a few chapters ahead ready, but I just need to type them up. Thanks so much for being with me in this story, and for your wonderful ideas!

Thanks again and until next time!