The two opposing forces sat at a table, their only witnesses being their respective brothers. Tobirama leaned casually on his arms on the table, while Madara's hands were folded under his chin. Both wore faces of superiority, as if certain the other would lose this battle. And what a battle it would be.

"Alright...begin." Hashirama declared. The fight began immediately.

"Your eyes are the most beautiful I've ever seen." Tobirama said with a confident smirk, if not an added star-gazed look to his own eyes. Madara wasn't phased.

"Has anyone ever told you that you possess the body of a sex god?" The Uchiha replied, brow risen.

"No, but that's nothing compared to you, Madara. I could just sit here and fan myself over you all day." Tobirama was sure he had to be getting to the raven by now.

"Why do that when we could take it to the bedroom?" Madara's eyes narrowed in competition. Tobirama glared back.

"Why, Madara, I'm shocked. I didn't think you wanted me so badly." The Senju could play this to his advantage, too. But Madara took the comment in stride.

"What can I say? You're irresistible." Madara winked, and Tobirama's eye twitched at how stubborn he could be. Not to mention how willing he was to throw away his pride like this. But, he would have to do the same, if he wanted to win.

Standing, Tobirama walked around the table and behind Madara, whose eyes followed him like a hawk. He put a hand on the Uchiha's shoulder, distracting him momentarily as he leaned down to place his lips ridiculously close to his ear. "Prove it." He whispered with a forced husky tone. Still, he smirked to himself. Now he had him trapped. Madara could always forfeit.

However, the Uchiha took an unexpected course of action. He stood as well, causing Tobirama to have to step back so the chair wouldn't trip him. He was faced with the raven, who was perhaps an inch or two shorter than he, and froze when a pale hand reached up to grab a handful of his hair. Pulling his head to the side, he latched his lips onto the juncture of his neck and shoulder, giving a rather harsh suck. Tobirama's eyes opened wide, though they quickly narrowed as he pulled the raven off of him, completely ignoring the jolt of pleasure sent to his groin from the sudden action.

Taking hold of Madara's own black mane, he yanked his head back slightly before crashing their lips together, not even hearing the surprised gasps from their onlookers. He had to force himself to make it pleasurable, else he would be wasting his time. This was a game where he had to temporarily set his hatred for this damned Uchiha aside in order to show him who the stronger one was. And he highly doubted Madara could keep up such a facade for long; Uchiha were doomed to hatred and violence was their preferred way of expressing it.

He was only slightly surprised to feel Madara respond to the kiss, even going so far as to wrap his arms around Tobirama's neck. The Senju responded to this by hooking his arm under one of Madara's legs and hoisting it up around his waist. If anything, he would take pleasure in humiliating the Uchiha to the best of his ability.

Predictably, Madara growled at this, but instead of trying to put an end to it, he embraced the opportunity to crack Tobirama. Using his shoulders as leverage, he picked himself up off the ground and wrapped his other leg around Tobirama's waist, as well. He smirked against the other's lips when he felt him falter in the kiss.

Oh, it was on now.

In the next moment, Madara's back was against the table, Tobirama leaned over him as he was still entrapped between the Uchiha's legs. The kiss was broken, and he was now trailing more down Madara's neck, to the shoulder that had been exposed during the grapple. Madara's hands had slipped to his chest, and one moved to coil around his back while the other descended down his stomach, coming dangerously close to -

Tobirama wasn't about to let that happen. Using a last-resort move, his hips thrusted forward, grinding accidental erection against a more influenced erection with rather delightful friction.

At long last, Madara's charade broke, allowing Tobirama to hungrily absorb the belated cry. His eyes immediately flew to the Uchiha's face, grinning hugely to see the red flush that had spread across it. Detaching himself from the raven, he pointed a finger at him with a victorious "Ha! You lose, Uchiha!"

With a furious growl, Madara straightened himself on the table, not seeming to have a care in the world for the red plaguing his facial features. "Not so fast, Senju!" He lept onto the albino, tackling him to the ground. "You caused this problem, and you're going to take care of it." And with that, he reattached their lips, hand fumbling blindly with his clothes. Tobirama only struggled for a moment before he elicited a deep sigh, clawing at the Uchiha just as hungrily.

And that was when Hashirama covered Izuna's eyes and hurriedly guided him away.