Kes went from fighting a guard of some sort to lying on a biobed. At first she thought this was a dream then she felt a bad wound where she had been cut. Kes sat up slowly to look at the surgical bay where the Doctor and her newfound friend were.

'Kes," Kes swished her head around to see Captain Janeway coming through the sickbay doors.

"Captain," Kes smiled a little as Janeway swept her up into a tight embrace.

"Kes, are you alright?" Janeway ran her fingers over a cut on her forearm.

"I'll be ok Captain." Kes pushed herself off the biobed and walked over to where the Doctor was busily performing surgery on the supersoldier.

"What's wrong with her, Doctor" Kes asked as she looked at a few scans of the girls' body.

"She has massive internal injuries and severe loss of blood." Came the Doctor's dry reply as he still busily moved around scanning here and there.

"Can I help?" Kes asked, with worry for her friend.

"The biggest help I can have you do is sit on a biobed and wait until I get her stabilized."

"Kes, what happened? Who is that?" Janeway motioned to the surgical bay.

"It's a long story Captain, but she's a friend."

Just then the ship shook violently and the red-alert lights came on.

Janeway tapped her comm-badge, "Janeway to bridge, what just happened?"

"The ship who took Kes is firing at us." Came Chakotay's answer.

"Get us out of here, maximum warp." Janeway told the Commander then cut off the link.

Then came several beeps from the surgical bay, Kes recognized them immediately as the patient's lifesigns were in danger.


"There's something wrong with her physiology, a toxin has appeared in her bloodstream; it's attempting to go into all of her muscles and is.mutating? This is odd, as the toxin is mixing with the bloodstream the damaged areas of her body, both internal and external, have begun to repair themselves."

Kes halfway muttered, "The supersoldier part of her, the suppression must've wore off."

Janeway raised an eyebrow, "What? What suppression?"

Kes completely ignored her, "Doctor, let the toxin stay and enhance it if you can, her cells will heal themselves if you do."

"I'll let it stay but I don't believe I can enhance it." The Doctor told her as he still scanned the girl to watch the unknown toxin to make sure it didn't harm her.

"I believe she's out of the woods for now." The Doctor speculated then went over to where Kes sat and started doing scans.