Stiles was bored. He'd done his homework and he'd text most of his friends but they were all revising for their exams. He should be doing the same but he really couldn't be bothered. He looked at the clock it was 10 to one in the morning. He sighed and debated whether he could get away with going on his laptop. He moved over to his desk and picked up his laptop before moving back to his bed. He waited for his laptop to come back to life and typed in his password. He aimlessly checked Facebook and tumblr and then decided to talk to some strangers. He'd only been on omegle a few times before but he always found it good for a laugh. He clicked on to interests and typed in bisexual before clicking start chat. Stiles waited while it connected and then…

You're chatting with a random stranger on Omegle!

You both like bisexual.

Stranger: hey

You: hello

Stranger: asl?

You: 19, m, usa you?

Stranger: 19 m Canada

You: That's cool I've never met anyone on here from Canada before

Stranger: lol really?

You: Yeah! You're my first Canadian!

You: That sounds weird, I'm so sorry!

Stranger: lol I don't mind :P

You: Okay good :) You doing much?

Stranger: lol not much, just chillin in my bed watching tv :P hbu?

You: Laid on my bed, watching Law and Order SVU :)

Stranger: lol nice :P

You: What you watching?

Stranger: The Big Bang Theory :P

You: Oh you have great taste!

Stranger: lol do I? :3

You: Yes big bang theory is a fantastic show, have you seen the new season?

Stranger: season 6? Not yet :P

You: No I mean season 7

Stranger: lol still no :P

Stranger: sadly

You: oh no its so good! I won't spoil it for you :P

Stranger: lol alrighty thanks :P

You: So what did you do today?

Stranger: lol nothing all too interesting, hbu?

You: University that's about it…a random man felt my ass on the train

Stranger: lmfao really? :P

You: Yes really, it happened very fast and I was kind of just left standing there

Stranger: by accident or did he do it on purpose? :P

You: He looked pretty please with himself so I think it was on purpose

Stranger: oh wow :P

You: You ever copped a feel on a train

Stranger: lol no :P only time I've been on a train was when I was young :P

You: Do you not like them or something or just no need to go on them?

Stranger: lol are you talking about ass's or trains :P I have no real need to go on trains :P

You: Lmao I meant trains but I can see where the confusion comes from sorry haha

Stranger: lol don't be, I was just messing with you :P

You: Thanks lol you know there wrong not all Canadians are nice

You: :P

Stranger: lol oh really?

You: Yeah really but you're the first Canadian I've talked to so you're like representing all Canadians right now

You: :D

Stranger: lol oh shit I should be on my best behaviour then :P

You: Yeah you should! Like show off your best sides or something I don't know :P

Stranger: lol even though the context of this conversation started with the topic of something dirty :P

You: That's how all of my conversations start :P

Stranger: lol really?

You: I have a habit of saying things that can be taken very inappropriately lol

Stranger: lol like? :P

You: Haha no you can't put me on the spot it'll be too much pressure

Stranger: lol ah, don't work well under pressure? Me neither :P

You: I cave under pressure, its so hard like how people can be better workers with someone breathing down your neck I will never know haha

Stranger: lol I find that straight up uncomfortable

You: It is! Okay I like you, your representing all Canadians well, go you!

Stranger: lol go me! Do I get a cookie? :P

You: Okay, what cookie do you want, theres a lot of good flavours?

Stranger: chocolate chip is the best lol

You: I think you need two cookies for that

Stranger: lol why's that?

You: Because chocolate chip is the best and people who think it isn't only get half a cookie

Stranger: lol damn right :P

You: Haha this is a very odd conversation but its actually the least odd I've had tonight

Stranger: lol is it really?

You: Earlier someone literally said What up, I said nothing what up with you and he said nothing but my cock. So yes this is the least odd I've had

Stranger: lmao that's usually how most conversations go on here :P

You: Yeah I know aha im not new to it but really he couldn't come up with a better line! :P

Stranger: lol so its not the complete up frontness of it that you don't like? :P

You: Omg…I'm not saying THAT im just saying that if you're gonna proposition someone make it effective haha

Stranger: lol yeah, I guess most horny guys don't understand how to make it effective then :P

You: Yeah I know :P How much control do you have when your turned on?

You: I am just genuinely curious

Stranger: lol I don't mind :P I usually have a good amount of control :P

You: Lots of practice?

Stranger: lol what do you mean by practice? :P

You: See this is where I'm probably gonna put my foot in my mouth – but you know practice with being turned on and controlling yourself with women or men haha

Stranger: lol don't worry about social landmines, I'm hard to offend :P but yeah, I'd definitely say so :P

Stranger: you may not understand this but I probably have more control than most.

You: You're right I don't understand. Are you saying that you go solo a lot or something?

Stranger: haha maybe ;)

You: see all my conversations go this way

Stranger: Don't worry very few of my conversations even last this long

You: Well I am enjoying this conversation, so I don't really see how you would have problems with long conversations

Stranger: I don't know I guess it's a little hard for me to open up to people, so I just choose not to

You: Well maybe you just need to go on an adventure

Stranger: Will you come on it with me?

You: Why of course! Life can get pretty boring around here, so what kind of adventure?

Stranger: How about one where we go and fight dragons in search of a golden banana!

You: Haha! Why not, it'll be something new and different.

Stranger: Well maybe we should exchange names or something before we go on this great adventure.

Connection has been lost.

" .No!" Stiles tried disconnecting his Wi-Fi, and re-connecting, he refreshed the page but the conversation was lost. He groaned and hit his head of the wall.


"Oh, hey Dad."

"I thought I told you to go to sleep hours ago."

"Well yeah you did but you see I remembered this really important thing I had to do."


"And now I've done it! So I'm obviously going to turn off my laptop and go to sleep."

"Glad we understand each other."

"Night Dad." John folded his arms and leaned against the door frame.

"You're not going to leave till I put this down are you?" John smirked at Stiles and watched as he slowly closed his laptop and set it beside his bed. "Goodnight Stiles."

"Night Dad." John pulled the door closed behind him and left Stiles alone to think about his conversation on omegle. However Stiles didn't have much time to think before he fell asleep. Well there was always plenty of time to think about it tomorrow in school.