I would like to humbly thank every one of you personally so I'll get to that in a second.

This is not a new chapter, but it is about a new chapter. The first chapter was intended to be the only chapter but in my personal taste I left it open so I may continue it if I so wished it. I personally wouldn't have a problem with continuing Beauty and the Streets. I don't have an elaborate plot set up like my previous ongoing fics but I believe I could casually write this when I am in the mood for simple and fluffy.

I certainly did not expect to get so much love from this one chapter that wasn't origionally plotted for Fanfiction online. I certainly don't regret putting it up seeing that quite a few people liked it. So my question is... should I continue onto a chapter 2. I'm leaving the decision up to the readers because I want you to have a say in the content that you read. I won't be taking request for this fic, don't get me wrong I would love requests for a separate fic but this one is meant to be simple and an easy write. Casual my dear reader, casual. I will certainly take your sujestion into account, if you think I should just leave well enough alone; then I will. But if you wish for me to continue... well who am I to say no to such loyal readers?

I would like conclude my little note my saying that I am flattered my the positive feedback I've been getting about this particular story. And if you do have some minor sujestions, I will look at them and take them into consideration. I will not take requests, sujestions are- however- welcome with open arms. Thank you for the support and continue on to the author's mentions.

Special thanks to the reviews:

Killeret: I am glad you enjoyed Claude's inner humor, I didn't want the fic to be too serious and I wanted to break the tension that was bound to form. If I made anybody laugh than my goal was met. I hope you support or enjoy any new chapter that may arise.


Grell4574 (Guest): I am glad you enjoyed it and I hope that you support and or encourage an extension of chapter one.


Mini (Guest): Thank you for your review and if you comment as well as others for an extension; it just might happen!


JJ (Guest): Again, thank you for the review and as stated previously if you comment again as well as others it just may be a possibility that you will find out what happens next!


NightingaleNightThief: I am always beside myself with joy when you review my stories. I am tickled that you find my writing remotely 'great' seeing how you are a very good writer in my opinion as well. I welcome your review and hope that you will support any future chapters if any should arise.


Kuro The Dark Ringmaster: I am not too sure if we had talked previously about it, but again thank you for your gracious review. I am pleased that an astonishing writer as yourself could read and ligitimately enjoy what I have made. I cannot express how happy I was when you agreed to help me revise the first chapter. I have to say that most of the transition aspects were deliberate and were previously thought out so I could pick right up with Sebastian's reaction if I wanted to do another chapter; sort of an indefinate cliffhanger. I hope that you may support any future chapters if any should arise.


A great thanks to the favorites:


Books Favorite Girl




Kuro The Dark Ringmaster


PetrifiedStatuesque (Awesome name by the way)

Saelis Avarinox




And a final thanks to the story follows:



Saelis Avarinox

If their is anyone or thing that I am missing I am truely sorry and I am beside myself with happiness. I hope that encourges a new chapter! It makes me happy to see people enjoy my work and the least I can do is respond personally. Thank you!
