Disclaimer for the entire story: Defying time. I own absolutely nothing except for 90% of Ashlee. (Her family connections and last name are not mine for the claiming but her personality is mine, well hers, but written by me.) I own nothing else.

Some characters are OOC (Out of Character) and I know you may not like that but it happens with the changing the story around. You'll probably instantly know who they are once there character enters the story.

Here we go for round three my darlings. The books are getting means...? Anyone? Anyone? Which means my stories are getting longer! Now a lot of things will be different in this one. A lot. Bear with me. Oliver and Colin both got bigger parts and now a few other characters will as well. Some characters may even get smaller parts. I have a lot planned and who knows if I'll change my mind or not. So Ashlee and Shay are now how old? Anyone? Anyone? Thirteen! And that means? Anyone? Anyone? That they're getting closer! Let's get on with it then. Five points to Gryffindor for the awesome Ferris Bueller reference.

Dear Harry,

Ron's not the brightest. I hope Dursley's didn't get you into too much trouble. Also, I hope you've finished all your homework. I made sure Ron was going to but he told me he was going to do it at the end of August! What a little bugger. (I sent Percy a letter saying that Ron wasn't going to get his homework done anonymously and since he's head boy now he'll feel the need to make sure Ron does his work)

I hope you enjoy the present we've sent. It's from all of us aside from Ron, he had already got you a gift when we began pitching in. I hope you like it, Neville and Gram helped me pick it out. I thought it a great gift for you!

Anyways, enjoy your holiday's, do your homework, and see you on the train. I'm not going to London before school starts, Neville won't have completed his homework.


I put down my quill and turned around to Neville who had been sitting on my bed wrapping the Broom Kit to send to Harry for his birthday. Neville smiled at me sheepishly when I saw how rubbish Neville was at wrapping. I laughed and walked over to the bed to help him so it could be sent out as soon as possible. After a quick fix of Neville's horrible wrapping job I gave the parcel to Hedwig who was perched on my window pane. Hedwig must have been making sure that I was in fact going to send Harry a gift so that he wouldn't be one of the few people not opening gifts on their birthday.

Hedwig cooed with a tone of gratitude before fluttering off into the bright light of day. Neville scurried off to his room to finish his homework as I'd been pestering him to do since summer began. I laughed as I moved back to my desk to review all my holiday work before packing it into my trunk along with the list of books I need for the classes I chose last year in the spring, amidst the Chamber of Secrets and students being petrified I was able to thoroughly think over my class choices. Seamus sent me a letter saying he picked his classes at random and he hopes that only good will come of it.

I double my trunk for everything I needed before locking it up and carrying it, with a little extra effort, by the door to Grams house. I heard Neville call me from his room and I shook my head and made my way there slowly, not really wanting to help him with his homework even though it was inevitable. As soon as I got there Neville asked me for potions help and I gave him the help he needed with the thought that it could be worse. After he finished I suggested he look it over again but that seemed to go in one ear and out the other because he nodded while throwing it into his trunk and slamming it closed locking it.

"I have a good feeling." Neville said putting both his hands on his hips.

"Oh yeah?" I asked chuckling at the stance he was standing in.

"I think this year is going to be boring." Neville sighed dreamily and then ushered me out of his room but looked at me before closing the door. "Except for the whole Sirius Black thing but that will have nothing to do with us so.." He just slammed the door as an end to his sentence.

I walked back into my room and laid down the bed dozing off into a quick nap. I dreamt of Sirius Black. I dreamt that he came into my room while I was sleeping and attacked me but was driven off by the sounds of sirens approaching. I dreamt that I ran to Neville's room only to find him slaughtered and did the same for Gram. I dreamt that the police broke into my house and while I tried to explain what happened the cuffed and arrested me. I awoke with a start and quickly walked to Neville's door and lightly tapped.

"Go away Ash," Neville's scratching of his quill on parchment and turning of pages could be heard through the door. "I'm trying to finish this and I don't need distractions."

I chuckled at his last minute studying and made my way into the den where Gram was sitting on the couch trying her hand at knitting. She grumbled unhappily and threw it onto the couch beside and got up to walk to the kitchen. I must have been quiet walking in because she jumped at the sight of me.

"Oh dear," Gram covered where her heart was with her hand. "You should announce yourself while entering a room. Not sneak in to give your poor grandmother a heart attack."

I sighed before plopping myself on the couch and staring at the ceiling. We had a very boring ceiling, in a very boring house. It was a nice house but it was in fact boring. I had one away a couple times to visit my friends. The best time was at one of Dean's family gathering where I heard loads of stories about Dean's childhood. I also had a lot of fun when I went to a quidditch tournament with Seamus who pointed out each player on each team happily. Those were both really fun times but I wasn't having fun now. Now I was bored and really just wanted to go back to Hogwarts and see Harry. Although I missed everyone else as well, Harry hadn't had contact with anyone other then Ron because he ruined using the telephone to call for everyone else.

I sat up and leaned my elbows on my knees to think of something to do. I was beginning to wish I hadn't done my homework yet so I could at least be stressing over doing it before September first. I'd rather be stressed then bored. I was so bored that even the thought of cleaning came to mind. I quickly pushed that thought out of my mind when I decided to invite Gram to a game of wizards chess. Gram agreed and poured to glasses of tea for us to have while we played our game. I was slowly become less bored as the game progressed in silence when Gram finally spoke up.

"Where's your brother?" Gram asked sipping her tea and watching me move my piece across the board.

"Finishing his homework in his room." I chuckled as the thought of him scribbling about burning witches at the stake came to mind.

"He should've done it weeks ago, but never mind that. I want to tell you about your parents. I won't go into detail but you deserve to know. I just recently told Neville about his." Gram said seriously quickly moving her piece and looking up at me who had suddenly lost interest in chess.

"Oh okay." I muttered weakly trying to get her to start talking, I could think of anything else but that to say anyway.

"Your parents were tortured and killed by death eaters, just as Neville's were. They were great friends you see, your parents and his. That's why they took you in without hesitation. We all loved you just as much as we loved Neville. You are part of this family in every sense of the word." Gram explained briefly sparing me the grizzly details of their death.

"Oh okay." I repeated not knowing what to say to that. "Should we continue the game?"

"Of course dear, I have to see if I can finally win at this blasted game." Gram said looking over all the positions of the pieces.

I put all of my focus into the game trying not to think about how my parents died. I didn't want to think of them tied t a chair being tortured for information or anything like that. I also didn't want to think of Neville's parents that way. I wanted to picture mine and Neville's parents like the beautiful people they were as shown in the two picture hanging side by side in the hallway. They were happy in those pictures, all four of them, they had no idea what was coming for them. Unless they did, and that just made the knot in my stomach tighten.

Neville came out of his room with tired looking eyes which Gram commented on but Neville simply groaned and grabbed a biscuit and a glass f water fro the kitchen. Neville waddled back to his room with his food and slammed the door closed again. Gram scoffed at his attitude and continued to move her piece to it's new location. After the game finished, I beat Gram and she mumbled something under her breathe and walked back to her knitting, and walked up to my room.

The next few days had the same events. I was undeniably and constantly lost in my own thoughts. Neville was always in his room rushing to get done the long list of homework that should have been done weeks ago and Gram was trying and failing at knitting herself a sweater. While I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling I heard a cheer come from Neville's room and the loud shuffling of feet. I pushed my torso up and listened intently leaning on the arms that were stretched out behind me. Neville burst into my room holding scrolls of parchment in his arms. He threw them at me and I raised one hand to block my face. Once they settled on my bed I picked on up to examine it, it was Neville's homework.

"We leave tomorrow." I told him putting down the parchment I held.

"I know, and I've finished the homework." He smirked regathering it all in his arms and walking back into his room.

"What a strange boy." I whispered to myself and laid back down on my bed.

The following hours were bland. We had our last dinner for the summer while Gram gushed about me being a teenager. I had no other response but to roll my eyes and continue to eat my food. Neville had tried time and time again to convince Gram that we wouldn't get into trouble this year but for some reason, lack of trust I presume, she didn't believe us. To be fair, there wasn't a boatload of evidence to prove otherwise but that wasn't the point. After supper I went straight into my room but made a slight detour to brush my teeth and went directly to my bed.

I fell asleep faster than I thought I would and dreamt of what the Chamber of Secrets looked like. For that's what everyone aside from Harry and Ginny dreamt of. Although Ginny had told me loads of times what it looked like from the statues of snakes to what the dirty floor felt and smelled like. Of course, my dreams weren't nightmares, they were of Harry saving the day by killing the basilisk.

I woke up to Neville shaking my arm with a huge grin on his face. He pulled the covers off of me earning a groan which was much easier than taking the effort to formulate an actual complaint. When he reminded me that were off to Hogwarts again today I nearly jumped out of my bed. Neville laughed and left the room to let me get ready. I didn't waste time looking nice I threw on jeans and a random jumper. I was too excited to care about trivial things like fashion. I made my way into the kitchen and had a piece of toast with jam on it washed down with a glass of milk. Neville had already carried both of our trunks out and I followed Neville's lead out of the house.

I was so anxious that I barely knew we were travelling to the Leaky Cauldron until we were there. I ran into the building and looked for my friends who were waving me down around a table. I smiled a toothy grin at them all when Neville came up behind me struggling with both of our trunks. Dean laughed but stood up to help Neville carry the trunks over. We were catching the train in just an hour but everyone met up before hand. Parvati and Lavender both got here earlier today and all the boys arrived a few days ago, when Ron got here. I could only imagine what happened over the last few days but I decided to put it out of my mind.

"We came down when Harry sent us a letter saying that he was here." Seamus said taking a bite of some chips.

"Well, it'd off to Hogwarts in two hours. Two!" I exclaimed sitting down beside Seamus and stealing one of his chips. "Isn't it a bit early for chips?"

"Never too early." He replied eating more and laughing.

"Hey, did you send a letter to Percy saying I wasn't going to do my homework?" Ron asked looking at me. "Someone did and I can't figure out who."

"Nope," I shrugged. "Wasn't me." I muttered and Harry coughed trying to hide his laughed and I smirked.

"He made me do my homework. The title of head boy went to his head very quickly." Ron scoffed looking out the window.

The next hour and a half was us just laughing and telling stories of the summer. Dean talked forever about the football game he and I attended. He was proud that he got me obsessed with football and sent him a letters all the time asking him what happened. Parvati told them all about her trip to France with her parents and sister. By her definition everything there is beautiful and elegant. Everyone decided that now was as good a time as ever to make our way to the train station and hop aboard the Hogwarts express.

Mr. Weasley's work had provided us with a couple of ministry cars to get everyone to the train station. The whole Weasley clan, excluding the graduated two, and the seven of us fit into about four cars and we made our way to King's Cross. Harry had told everyone just before we left the Leaky Cauldron that Mr. Weasley had told him to not go looking for Sirius Black no matter what he heard. We all laughed claiming that Harry would never intentionally go looking for a wanted criminal but with our past adventures we do tend to go looking for answers. Once at Kings Cross we made our way to platform nine and three quarters. Running through the wall directly between platforms nine and ten.

We all searched for a place to sit when we found a completely empty booth next to a booth with one one occupant. Neville, Dean, Lavender, Parvati, and Ginny sat in the completely empty one and Seamus, Harry, and I sat in the other, with the man who appeared to be asleep. We quietly chatted not wanting to wake up the man directly next to Seamus and taking away his last few minutes of sleep before arriving at Hogwarts.