Okay ... this is it! The last chapter! I hope you enjoy it! ^_^

Without You
By: FayeValentine00 (Sarah-chan)
Chapter 7 (Epilogue)

While doing dishes after dinner one night, I realized that I'd been back in Shigure's home nearly a month now. As Hatori had predicted, my shoulder was healed now and Kagura's cast would be off in about a week so things were returning to normal.

A soft kissed placed on my neck, tore me from my thoughts and caused me to nearly jump out of my skin.

"Yuki!" I turned around quickly and once my heart stopped racing, I was able to relax.

He laughed easily and then looked at me in amusement. "I'm sorry that I scared you."

"It's okay. I was just thinking."

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about something." He seemed to fidget a bit.

"What is it?"

"I ... umm ... I was thinking today that I can't stay living here with Shigure forever."

"What?" My jaw dropped. I couldn't figure out what Yuki was talking about. I mean, hadn't he been the one to make me promise never to leave again?

"I was thinking about asking to move into my own place, ... outside of the main house."

"But ... But ..." I wanted to ask so many things but the most important question was where this sudden decision left me.

"Wait. Before you say anything, let me finish." He smiled with amusement in his eyes as he spoke.

"Okay." I nodded with less enthusiasm in my heart then I outwardly displayed.

"I was wondering, if the main house approved, if you would want to move in with me." He finally said what was on his mind with a shy look in his eyes and a slight blush in his cheeks.

"Really?!" My jaw dropped in shock.

"Yes. You don't have to but ... I just can't imagine being anywhere without you."

"I'd love to." A wide smile spread across my lips as I met his eyes.

"Good." He returned my smile with a look of relief and happiness on his face before pulling me towards himself and kissing me with all the love that he felt in his heart.

Three days later, the verdict came via telephone. To my surprise, Yuki had been spared having to go to the main house in person.

"What?! Seriously?" Yuki held the phone tightly with a shocked expression on his face and I couldn't tell if the shock was because of good news or bad news.

"Alright. ... Okay. ... I understand. Thank you very much." Yuki hung up the phone and turned to me with a sigh.

"What did they say?" I asked softly once I'd walked over and taken Yuki's hand in mine.

"They said yes but we'd have to share the house."

"With who?"

"Kyo and Kagura." He rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh.

"Are you serious?!" I couldn't help but laugh a little at the irony of the situation.

"Apparently, Kyo and Kagura asked for the same thing that we did about two weeks ago and were refused but now they have reconsidered if all of us are willing to live together." He smiled again.

"Well, it's okay with me. I know that you wanted a place to ourselves but isn't sharing a place with Kyo and Kagura better then just having a room in Shigure's house?" I smiled confidently and squeezed Yuki's hand in support.

"I guess you're right." He smiled and looked at me in awe. "I love you. You always know just what to say."

"I love you too and just watch, ... living with everyone will be okay. I am sure of it."

"You've got to be kidding. NO WAY!" Kyo screamed out loudly when Yuki and I explained the offer that the main house had extended to us.

"Fine. Then we can all just live with Shigure forever." Yuki eyed his cousin evilly.

"I think it sounds like fun." Kagura added in a quiet voice.

"Kyo, I think it will all work out fine if we all just give it a try." I added with the most confident smile that I could muster.

"But why?! Just when I think I'll be able to get away, I get stuck with that damn mouse again!" Kyo whined.

"It's not like this whole thing was my idea, stupid cat!"

"Ummmm ... Excuse me but what should we tell the main house when we call. They're expecting our answer in five minutes." I stepped between the two men and hoped that they'd at least postpone their fight until a decision was made.

"It's up to him." Yuki spoke nonchalantly.

"Whatever. ... Even being stuck with HIM is better then Shigure's house forever."

"Good!" I smiled brightly but only Kagura returned the gesture. The men just seemed to sulk with dark clouds around them.

"Are we finally all finished?" Kagura asked with childlike enthusiasm.

"Yeah. I think we finally got it all." Yuki turned to her with a smile as we all gazed up at our new home.

"Geez, it's actually the same size as Shigure's house. I'm surprised." Kyo sighed in awe.

"What were you expecting?" I laughed when I saw how excites everyone seemed.

"I don't know but not this. ... I'm actually happy."

"Me too." I smiled at Kyo and then looked over to Yuki, meeting his eyes a moment later. This was going to be the beginning of our life together and having Kyo and Kagura with us would be great too.

Even though Yuki and I weren't married or anything yet, something deep down told me that we'd always be together. We'd already been through so much that I knew that nothing could tear us apart.

That night, as I went to sleep next to Yuki for the first time, I couldn't help but smile. My life was just where I wanted it to be. I was happy, healthy and able to finally spend all the time that I wanted with the man that I loved. With Yuki, everyday was exciting as we learned and grew together.

When I closed my eyes to sleep, I knew that I'd finally found my home and that I'd never be alone again.

The End


I really do hope that you guys enjoyed this story. ^_^ I will write another one soon. I guess I should really begin working on the Yukiru_ML fan fic challenge ^_^ That should be fun. I will also get around to typing up the other side stories from Lies and Deception since I wrote most of them out. Anyway, have a good day and let me know what you thought of the fic!

Ja ne!
