District Five- These Games We Play

Trec (District 5 Male)

I don't how I made it this far. It's down to two of us. I have no skill with any weapon and I'm not fast or strong. I've been hiding in the mountainous region of the arena, praying the Gamemakers forget about me. I guess they did because when the boy from One kills the girl from Seven they sound the trumpets. I jump from my hiding place and yell. The trumpets stop abruptly and a voice sounds throughout the arena.

"He's in the mountains."

I climb as fast as I can to the top of the mountain. Below me, the boy from One is already scaling the rocks, blood in his eyes. He's gonna make me pay for taking his glory away.

When there's no more mountain left to climb I stop, gasping for breath. One is faster, stronger and probably smarter then- He slips. I blink and look again. The rocks beneath the career's feet crumble and his grip falters. He makes a sickening, bloody smack when he hits the rocks below. At least his death was quick and I didn't cause it. But the image of his crumpled, disfigured body is burned into my mind. I hear the trumpets blare in the back of my mind but it barely registers.

As soon as I get out if here I'm going to do everything in my power to forget this.

Iree (District 5 Female)

Sponsors. That's how I've made it to the final eight. I'm one of the lucky tributes with what some would call natural charm. I call it acting for the cameras. But I guess a lot of people liked me because a silver parachute containing a solar panel is dropped in front of me. It's small, but just the right size for my trap.

With the wires and metal I received earlier I set up my trap. It's simple. The solar panel will collect and store heat. When the others come into contact with the trip wire it'll set the area around them on fire. It's ruthless but I've got to win this. For my family.

And I do win, but it's not pretty. Five out of the eight left are burned alive by my fire traps. The other two I never encounter, but I would assume killed each other. That's good, I was only responsible for the death of five kids. As my victory is announced I think about my return home. I wonder if my family will see me as the same person I left as?

A/N: They mention Trec (yeah, I gave him that name) being an alcoholic so the end just seemed to fit. I just want to send out a big thank you to my wonderful reviewers! Love ya'll!