"He's requested that I join him on a journey," I told my father, praying to the All-Father that he wouldn't let me go. I've never left Asgard before and even though I craved for a life outside of the temples, Loki was the last person I wanted to experience that with. "He seeks knowledge at the Temple of Mystics in Muspelheim."
My father nodded, barely looking up at me from his work. I shifted uncomfortably, wondering if he had even heard me when he put his quill down in front of him and regarded me with a cold gaze, the blue of his eyes almost as white as chipped ice. "You serve Prince Loki," my father slowly said as if I had forgotten what Odin commanded of me, "You do not need to come to me for permission. If he requests you by his side for this journey than you should have already been gone."
I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks, burning them as if I had slept on a pillow made of coals. My throat closed, leaving little room to swallow, and all I could do was nod to keep the tears at bay. My father would not see my tears.
With one short look before he returned to his work I was dismissed. There would be no farewells or wishes of safe travel. There were also no parades like there were for Thor or Odin when they journeyed outside of Asgard. Citizens of Asgard continued with their daily routines, their parades saved for another day. I looked at Loki as we walked through the golden streets, curious if he was upset that no one came to see us off. His face was rigid, and his thin lips were straight across his gaunt complexion. I knew not to say anything but self-control was not my forte.
"Does anyone know that we are leaving?" I asked him, tugging on the reigns of my horse that followed behind me.
Loki didn't answer. At least not right away. He kept his eyes, the color of the moss that liked to grow in the cracks of the walls inside the temple basement, forward on the gathering crowds in front of us. His slender fingers gripped onto leather reigns attached to a beautiful black mare whose head was bigger than I was wide. I watched him for a while, noticing the long strides that he took with his chest puffed outward and his shoulders flat with a cloak the color of emeralds billowing out behind him, catching at the back of his knees and flapping with each kick of his leg. It was the walk of a King, I mused to myself.
"I am unable to leave Asgard," he admitted in a sour tone, "unless given permission by the All-Father."
I nodded, unsure if I should say anything else. The punishment for Loki's indiscretions on Midgard had been light in my opinion. His bitterness toward his father wasn't exactly justified. My father would have led an angry mob with torches crying for my head if I was to try and take over another world by force. Though, unlike Loki I would have gotten away with it. I mean, the Chitarui were brainless animals. It was his fault for using them as an army thinking that they'd help him get what he wanted.
Loki and I stopped in our tracks, turning at the booming voice of Thor. The soon-to-be King greeted Loki with a crushing hug and a smile to match that sparkled brighter than the stars in the Sea of Space. His golden hair hung around his shoulders, tangled and damp against his shining forehead. With wide eyes I watched his large chest move up and down in a rhythm tic that was calming to watch.
"Father says you are going to the Temple of Mystics. I think this will be good for you. It's a wise step, Loki, even though I know how hard it is for you take," he sympathetically said, wrapping a muscular arm around Loki's scrawny neck.
Loki's lip curled as he slithered out of Thor's hold. "Yes, well, we must be going," he said, unfazed by what Thor was saying to him.
Thor nodded, patting Loki's back so that he stumbled forward. "Be well, brother. I shall await your return. We'll have a party fit for the gods." He laughed, as if his joke had been particularly funny; adding to me, "Take care of him." I nodded, though I knew there was little I could do to help with Loki other than being his patsy.
We watched Thor leave returning to whatever it was that he was in the middle of before – my mind wandered to him in the middle of the training arena, shirtless, with a sword in his mighty hold. Sweat glinted down the spine of his back, rolling down the crease and into his trousers that hung precariously above his hips. Neither one of us said anything as we made our way to the edge of the City of Asgard. My thoughts were a little preoccupied and I figured Loki's were as well, though his were most likely not as exciting as mine were. His lip was still curled and he looked as if he had eaten something fiercely bitter.
I left Loki to his sour thoughts, saddened that mine were being trampled by the vast grasslands that stretched out in front of us. Not a city within miles, I frowned, recalling the maps that I had studied all my life. We were to cross the Plain of Ida which led to Asgard Mountains. We'd most likely make camp at the base, crossing in the morning until we reached The Boiling Plains. Past the erupting geysers that filled the dangerous territory was The Kingdom of Rivvak where I hoped we would be able to spend at least a day in.
From the books that I had read, Rivvak was a grand city. Not in the way that Asgard was but it held its own charms. In the vast wasteland of The Boiling Plains the city stands like an oasis that travelers often describe it as a silver mirage in the desert. Prince Rivvak was a man that enjoyed showing off and the city he named after himself was proof of that. From the photos that I had seen it was covered in luscious gardens that filled the streets the way that waste fills the streets in Midgard's cities. Exotic flowers that were rare even on Asgard were said to bloom with confidence in Rivvak and I was excited to see the sort of concoctions that could be made from extracting them.
"We'll ride as far out southeast as we can until Asgard is no longer in view," Loki said interrupting my thoughts as he climbed onto his magnificent steed. Following his lead I scrambled onto my borrowed mare, patting her thick brown neck with my hand as I eased into the saddle. "We'll make camp at the base of the mountains."
I nodded, feeling smug with myself for being able to anticipate what our travel plans would entail. I might not have ever left Asgard physically but I had left numerous times through others stories. When my mother was alive she would read me tales of long fallen warriors and their adventures that they took throughout our realm and others. Staring out into the grassland that stretched for miles against the clear, blue sky I felt a stirring of butterflies shift inside my stomach. This was it, I smiled to myself.
It was far past nightfall by the time we reached the base of the mountain. My bottom and legs were sore and I never wanted to ride a horse again. It was uncomfortable and bumpy – oh, I groaned trying to stifle my dinner from leaving my stomach – and boring. There was nothing around us but grass and hills and more grass and hills. Every so often I would spot a woodland creature but it was not enough to stifle the feeling that Loki and I were completely alone. It was a feeling that I found I wasn't particularly fond of and it seemed my grand adventure had been nothing but a big, fat disappointment.
Loki and I made quick work of setting up the tent and while he lit a fire I tethered the horses to a stake Loki pounded into the soft, grassy ground. Both horses instantly set to grazing, their large teeth chomping at the grass beneath their feet, pulling at chunks with hungry rips that shredded into the night air. Exhausted, I plopped down by Loki feeling a sharp pain in my lower back. My fingers set to work at the muscles and I regretted not taking any remedies with me in my bag that I had hastily put together.
Loki leaned against his elbows, his head tilted back to look up at the blanket of stars that shined down on us giving us more light than the glowing fire did. His eyes were closed, and the pale light of the moons made his skin appear waxy. The more I stared the more I noticed that despite being a vile person he was sort of attractive in his own way. His long was long and slender – as was everything about him it seemed – and his thin, pink lips were quirked into a smile as if he were amused by something. His cheekbones were high, something to be envied, and his skin was flawless, which I also envied.
As if sensing that I was staring at him, Loki peeked open one eye, loudly sighing, "you're gaze trembles little rabbit."
I looked away, feeling the rush of heat rise to my face. "I'm just tired," I said, and it wasn't exactly a lie. I felt like I could fall asleep and never wake up again.
"Go and sleep," suggested Loki, and I was taken aback by the lightness of his tone. "We leave at the light of the first sun and I need you fit."
I nodded, rising to my feet. I slipped inside the tent, curling up on my patch of blankets that I tried to keep as far from Loki as I could. They were soft against my skin and I brushed them against my face as I started to drift off to sleep. When I woke it was still night, the fire outside had been long extinguished and Loki's light breathing was all that filled the quiet. Rolling over onto my side I came face-to-face with the sleeping prince, taken aback at how much smaller the tent felt with him inside, and quickly rolled back onto my other side.
To my surprise I felt Loki's hand flop over my waist. Every muscle in my body tensed as he pulled me into him feeling a familiar bump against the back of my hip. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my breathing even as his fingers trailed down the cloth of my top and lifted it so they could caress my skin. Every inch of my body tingled, filling up into the middle of my center where a longing ache began to pulsate.
"Is it true that all the priestesses are virgins?" asked Loki, his voice husky and laced with sleep.
I stiffened at the heat of his breath against my ear. "Just as true as you think," I told him closing my eyes as his fingers continued to brush my stomach.
"Do you enjoy being a priestess?" he asked, sliding his hand under the fabric of my trousers.
My back arched at his touch, surprised at the tenderness of his strokes. "Of course," I lied; it would be unforgivable to tell the truth. "Though, I am only an apprentice," I corrected him.
"Will the task of aiding me down the path of redemption be your path to priesstesshood?" he inquired, his breath was hot against my neck now as he lowered his head and placed his lips beneath my tangled mess of dark brown hair.
"Yes," I whispered.
His fingers moved the fabric of my undergarments, sliding against the wet pool that formed between my thighs. I shifted against his touch, spreading my legs to make his access easier. I wasn't a fool. I knew he was doing this to claim power of me, that I was his servant, and that I would have to do his bidding until he no longer saw any use in me. It was a secret that the priests did not speak of, the way that people would treat us as if we were slaves in their hold. In a way we were despite the fact that we were free citizens of Asgard.
But, I was a slave. I was a slave to the temple, to their teachings, to Odin, to my father, and now to Loki. If my father were to hear that I disobeyed the Prince of Asgard I would be cast out from the family, he would be ashamed to call me his daughter, and I would have nowhere to go. There was always Midgard, where the downtrodden liked to hide their shame in exile but I knew I wouldn't ever be brave enough to leave the temples and live on my own. Not when I had nothing but the temples and their teachings, even if I didn't take them seriously they took me seriously and that was the most love I had been given since the passing of my mother.
I had to do Loki's bidding, and if that meant pleasing him, then what choice did I have? Exile? A few rounds of moaning wasn't going to kill me. And, I knew straight away that this was not an emotional trite. This was not about love or passion. Loki wanted to prove he had control. And, he had been locked in a cell without visitors so he was probably aching to relieve himself.
From the hardness that pressed against my back, rubbing against me like a persistent pet wanting to attention, it was obvious that he wanted me. And, I could lie to him and to everyone else but not to myself. I wanted him as well. It had been a while since my last round of tangling the sheets and I was wide awake now anyways.
"Milah, I want you to do exactly as I say," he breathed, his voice rough against my ears. I nodded, whimpering as he thrust two fingers inside of me. He slid his fingers in and out, hooking them each time he pulled out. My mouth dropped open and I turned my head to the side, brushing my nose against his. "Undress."
I did as he said, trying to focus on pulling off my top and bottoms as he continued to slide his fingers in and out of me while his thumb rubbed against my core making it difficult to wiggle out of my pants. Once I was completely naked he took his hands away to undress himself. I swallowed, taking in his lithe, long body in the moonlight that poured through the slit in the tent, catching my breath at the defined muscles that etched along his stomach and arms. He wasn't built like most Asgardians, where they were wide and bulky he was thin and lissome an attribute I hadn't considered attractive until seeing it in the flesh.
"I want you to touch yourself," he commanded and I found that I was instantly frozen. Touch myself? I've never touched myself. Not in the way that he wanted and I wasn't sure that I would know exactly how he wanted me to do it. I didn't have much of a choice because his fingers wrapped around one of my hands and tugged them down until I jolted at the sudden coldness of my fingers pressed into my warm center. "Now move your fingers back and forth," he instructed, directing my hand with his own while small spurts of tingles vibrated through my stomach.
Loki moved his hand and I started to stop. "Keep going," he growled, watching as I slid my fingers up and down my lips, spreading them at the sinful sensation. His green eyes glinted in the moonlight catching like a wild animals as he continued to stare, licking his lips and grabbing at himself, pulling the length of his hard cock over my stomach.
"Don't stop," he breathed, grunting as he tugged himself, touching the tip of his penis underneath my full breast. With his free hand he twisted a soft nipple urging it to rise with a little flick. It hurt, but not in the way that I thought it would, and with another flick on the other breast I let out a moan. "Put your fingers inside," he ordered and I did, ignoring the embarrassment that spread through my cheeks.
It was warm, and wet, and the walls were squishy like a sponge. Something rough with the feel of an almond shell brushed against my fingers and I gasped in response at the twirling sensation that spread through my center. I touched it again, bucking my legs together, deciding that it was best to leave the almond alone unless I made myself sticky.
It didn't matter anyways because my hand was ripped away as Loki plunged himself inside, filling me to the brim that I screamed in ecstasy at the tingling pain that flowed through me. My hands pressed against his back, digging my nails into the soft flesh until blood was drawn. I wanted to apologize, to ease my hold or move my hands but I worried that if I didn't hold onto him I would have fallen into an ambit that I wouldn't be retrieved from.
I was no virgin, my experience was limited, but I had my fun a few times before. They were boys, young men that I thought I might have loved but turned out they were looking for nothing but what I could make their cocks feel. Loki may have been no exception in that area but he was no boy. He was a man, a god with years of experience and with each thrust that sent my brain slamming into my skull I knew that this was going to be the best that I'd ever have.
"Do you enjoy that?" he asked, shoving himself so deep that I felt tears sting my eyes. "Do you enjoy this more than your priestly duties? Is this more desirable than learning the teachings of the Asgardian Temples?"
"Yes," I cried, writhing in his hold as his hands clamped down onto my breasts and kneaded at the tender flesh. My back arched into his grasp, urging him to hold them, aching for his mouth to wrap around each teet and suck. Oh, how I wanted that mouth on me. "Yes," I cried again, uncertain if I had answered him out loud or not. It was getting hard to concentrate.
"What would your father say if he knew?" he mused, and I closed my eyes wanting to block out his words. My father was the last person I wanted to be thinking about right now. Not to mention I found myself in a serious predicament. I was supposed to be a virgin – which he believed that I was – but I was also supposed to do as Loki commanded.
"Turn over," Loki growled, slipping out of me to help ease me onto my stomach. He situated my legs into a sitting position lifting my arms to hold my weight so that I was on all fours like an animal. Without warning he slammed into me and I thought I was going to fall forward if it wasn't for the tough grip he had on my hair.
"What a disappointment you would be to him," Loki continued, grunting each word with each rough thrust that made me weaker in my arms every time he reared into me. "His pretty little daughter defiled in the middle of the night without thoughts of the teaching in mind," he laughed, grabbing my ass roughly with his hand. "Do you want me to stop?"
Stop talking? Stop hurting me? Stop fucking me?
"I've never heard a priestess scream," he told me pulling me up into a sitting position so that my back leaned against him with just below my neck and the other on my thigh. Loki gripped onto my tender flesh and I bit down on my tongue, stifling a moan. "I've had my fair share but never a priestess."
I couldn't take it anymore. I was going to burst. "Loki," I panted, crying out as he roughly dug his fingers into my thigh.
"I am your king," he gloated, dragging his teeth against the bottom of my ear. "I am your master, I am your ruler, I am your king." His hands slid up my neck to my chin, lifting my head so that my lips almost touched his, "do you understand?"
"Yes," I trembled.
"Do you understand?" he asked against sliding his hand on my thigh to the center, rubbing the nub that quivered at his touch.
"YES!" I cried out, arching my back into him, "yes, I understand, my King."
Loki shoved me back down onto all fours, slamming harder than he had yet causing my weak arms to crumble underneath the sudden weight. I wiggled against him, lifting my bottom as high as I could, his hand moving to help so that he could continue to play with my tender center, rubbing and rubbing until finally I couldn't take it anymore.
My thighs grew instantly wet, and I felt my entire body wrack with shivers as my stomach clenched and twirled and I screamed like never before. Loki quickened his pace, tearing himself off of me and spraying a warm liquid across my back like paint to a canvas. He fell forward, catching himself with his hands around my head, his breath heavy against the back of my neck. We stayed like that for a few moments, catching our breath while I started to feel all the aches that moments ago had been pleasurable.
Without warning Loki rolled over, pulling his blankets around him. I remained where I was, flat on my stomach with his juices splattered across my back, holding back hot tears at what had just happened. Inhaling deeply I cleaned myself off, carefully pulling my clothes back on and wrapped myself in my apprentice cloak feeling a sudden shame wash over me. This was going to be a difficult servitude and as I laid awake in the dark with my eyes wide open waiting for the first sun's morning light to break through the slit in the tent I wondered if it would all be worth it in the end.