Relieve Me from Pain

This will be SLASH content story featuring Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort/Tom Marvolo Riddle JR. If this bothers you, kindly exit out of this page. Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter series, as the honor goes to J.K. Rowling.

A/N and Replies are at the bottom of this page.

Chapter 7; Who Are You, Really?

"You're saying that you want to go to the Ministry?"

Ron's voice resounded within the living room where the trio was seated. Both he and Hermione were looking at Harry with vaguely worried expressions.

Harry was sitting on one of the arms of his single couch, looking down at his idle hands.
It was unusual for Harry to make such a decision. His friends knew that Harry never really left his home since graduating from Hogwarts. Even then, Harry liked to be cooped up somewhere privy. He was more comfortable and relaxed that way and he had no plans to change his clandestine life style as of yet.

He drew a thin smile on his lips and looked up. Then, he answered with a flustered attitude, raising his hands up to make meaningless gestures to look reasonable.

"Yes. Why not? I mean, if you guys are busy and-,"

"No, no. We're just a bit surprised, Harry. Of course you can visit us." Hermione quickly replied.

Harry wasn't all that subtle with his words. He told them that he just wanted to visit them and perhaps see someone significant, if possible or if fate allows him. It was awkward enough that even Ron understood Harry's not-so-subtle intentions behind his decision.

They both still hadn't been able to meet Tom and Harry was trying to breach the subject to Tom for days. But Tom seemed busy these past weeks and Harry didn't want to give Tom more pressure than what he already received from his job. Besides, he seemed to have completely forgotten that Harry promised his friends to introduce him.

By visiting the Ministry, he hoped to keep his promise and lessen the pressure on Tom.

And of course, that wasn't his only reason. Lately, Harry couldn't repress the thought that Tom isn't what he said he was. Or at least some parts of him.
By concealing any of his suspicions and intentions, he knew he was going back on Tom but he thought if Tom had nothing to hide, he wouldn't mind such surprise visit from him.

"Do you still remember how to get to the Ministry?" asked Ron, who was sitting right next to him on the adjacent couch. Harry rolled his eyes at Ron's brotherly concern. Ever since they were 11 years old, Ron was physically larger than Harry. He guessed his small and petite figure must have invoked protectiveness from Ron. Harry often told Ron that he can take care of himself, but Ron did not relent. Now, Ron stood over 6 foot tall and his muscular body was something to be ogled upon. His boyish feature matured to a manly and musky visage. Harry couldn't help but feel a bit envious; he was still stuck in his 5'6" height.

"Of course I remember. I'm not that forgetful." He couldn't forget the trip to the bathroom in London. He didn't think he would ever forget that. Of course there are other more graceful and less bizarre means to get to the Ministry and Harry would be damned if he didn't know how to use the telephone box in London.

"Great! I'll still pick you up at 12'o clock noon, three days later. Does it sounds good?"

Ron's sarcastically gleeful attitude earned a punch on his arm from Harry.

Today was a typical sunny day. A perfect weekend to go on a picnic. Harry was looking out the window and wondered if Tom was stuck in his office, doing god-knows-what. He probably was.

"Look, 'Mione. He's doing it again," Ron said, exasperated. Hermione chided Ron to leave him alone, though her voice was as amused and exasperated as that of Ron's. Harry pretended he didn't hear any of them.

Speaking of it, Tom and Harry's relationship was going great, or so he thought. He was often caught smiling and daydreaming about a certain red-eyed wizard. If Tom noticed them, he didn't complain. If only Harry knew Tom was sharing his antics.

Harry snapped out of his drifting thoughts when Hermione continued.

"I'll join you guys as soon as I submit my reports. It'll only take few minutes after lunch."

Harry only smiled and nodded while Ron received a glare from Hermione by commenting that Hermione often hoarded work on herself.

Now, all he needed to do was to convince Tom that he was up to nothing, which seems to be a bit of a daunting task.
Tom always found out.

Voldemort noticed Harry was being clumsier than usual, if his flustered antics were anything to go by. He was sitting leisurely on the couch with his legs crossed while trying to read the Daily Prophet in his hands. But his eyes behind his black glasses wandered back to Harry who kept pacing in his kitchen, trying to find something to do. When he heard a loud thud and an unintelligible cry followed by a pained groan, he let out a sigh and called out.

"Harry, love. Why don't you come here and sit by me?"

Harry looked up from his painful toes and met Tom's slightly wary, but amused gaze. The Prophet was opened in front of him and his long legs were elegantly crossed. Harry's eyes traveled up to Tom's hair which was partly slicked back and left some to fall on his temple. By the way, Harry rather liked Tom's glasses. It made him look more mature and versatile, not to mention strikingly hot.

", in a minute! I forgot to sweep the floor!" Harry called back.

One of Voldemort's eyebrows further raised up. If he wasn't mistaken, Harry was stalling. God-knows-what his little flirt was up to now.
After sending a watchful look to Harry, who was smiling prettily, he reluctantly turned his head to read the rest of the article.

Harry inwardly sighed and started to sweep the floor with a broom stick. He wasn't very good at stalling and Tom was very good at seeing through. By now, Tom probably figured out he was up to something. Soon, Harry dropped his demeanor and decided to act oblivious. He sauntered over to Tom and dropped down next to him, touching shoulder to shoulder.

"Anything interesting?" Harry asked. Voldemort gazed over with an amused and lopsided smirk and tilted the Prophet for Harry to read.

"There has been a mass breakout of owls at the emporium and people are complaining over the increased price of meads and butter beers. Do you want to hear more?" Tom answered with nonchalance, as if he was telling him the weather for the week. At his indifferent and bored tone, Harry chuckled while resting his head on Tom's shoulder. Tom took this as a positive and continued. "What else. Oh, yes. The Quidditch World Cup is coming up and one of the chasers from Falmouth Falcons was injured by a beater's bat during practice." Tom flashed him a lopsided smirk and Harry made a dishonest horrified gasp.

Voldemort watched the boy with amusement before neatly folding the newspaper and placing it on the coffee table. He relaxed further into the couch and wrapped Harry's shoulder with his arm. He knew he was going soft on the verdant-eyed beauty and it was very unlike him, but he didn't much care, yet. He knew that this peace might turn into a raging storm, if he didn't tread carefully. After all, Harry wasn't as unobservant and inattentive as he would've liked.

"What are your plans for the week, Harry?" Tom asked. Harry barely managed to look casual and aloof.

"Nothing special. Maybe I'll fly or go for a swim in the lake," Harry mentally patted himself in the shoulder for pulling that one without much struggles. He was thinking about them anyways, so they weren't completely lies. Before Tom could retort, Harry spoke again. "And you?"

After few seconds of eyeing Harry, Tom answered. "I'm afraid I'll be cooped up in the Ministry." He was being held captive in the Ministry by incompetent fools who needed his guidance over every single little things. Of course, Lucius have done well, but apparently, Lord Voldemort's standard of acceptable was too high for them.

Harry grasped Tom's hand and studied over it, flipping it front and back and lacing their fingers. His hands felt smaller and softer compared to Tom's much larger and rougher ones. He could see the veins on the back of his palm and asked himself how can even blood veins turn someone on.

Meanwhile, Voldemort let him play with his hand while he observed Harry.

Harry Potter was as alluring and beautiful as he first saw him. Voldemort often kept his temper in check at work by reminding himself how Harry will be waiting for him at Godric's Hollow like a good little housewife. It often led to more provocative thoughts, but thankfully, he learned to control them. He wondered if Harry's beauty was what made him so attracted to the boy, but he soon dispelled the thought. Ironically, Lord Voldemort, who is cold-hearted, short-tempered, cruel, and unforgiving, fell for someone with opposite personality. Plus, he knew for sure that Harry Potter had more underlying potential and power. Although, Harry, himself, didn't know them yet.

Then, Harry broke the silence.

"Tom. You know I'm not that fragile nor rash. I can be very loyal, when it comes to someone who I love,"

Upon basking in warmth of each other, Harry spoke softly. He wasn't looking at Tom, but he could feel Tom's gaze from the top of his head which was still resting on Tom's shoulder. Instead, he was staring at their interlocked hands. He suddenly felt uncomfortable, knowing his plans did not define loyalty. After all, his meaning of a surprise visit wasn't purely innocent. If he trusted Tom, he should tell him that he will be visiting the ministry.

"What brought this on?" Voldemort asked. Truthfully, Voldemort was torn between telling him the truth or keeping his secrets until he deemed the right timing. But he didn't let it show on his features, even if Harry was not looking at him. He continued to stay still and relax with a warm body pressed up next to his. He was surprised that he was even slightly affected by Harry's words. He was a man with no remorse or guilt. Or so he thought. He broke out of his inner argument when he heard Harry's soft tone questioning him.

"Is there anything you would like to tell me?"

This was his chance. A chance to tell Harry the truth and see how loyal Harry can be.


Voldemort didn't take the chance.

Harry blinked and replied with an incorrigible "oh,". He felt Tom's lips on his head, but was too distracted with his feelings to revel in the affectionate gesture. He didn't know if he was relieved or distraught. He hated himself for being too paranoid, but he couldn't help himself. Now, Tom was lightly caressing the back of his hand with a laced finger in a reassuring manner.

"Is there anything that you would like to tell me?" Although Voldemort decided not to probe further on what Harry was up to, he wasn't able to keep it quiet. At his omniscient voice, Harry looked up. Red and Green clashed passionately for a moment and he reveled in the tense but sensual atmosphere.
After a few second, Harry decided to reply with as much honesty and determination as he could muster.

"No. I don't."

It's been a while since Harry visited the Ministry. The last time he visited, he was reduced to a nervous wreck.
He always did.

The first time he visited, more like drafted to, the ministry was the day his parents were killed during the war.
Though it was a long time ago, he will never forget the ominous looks and dark atmosphere of the place. Then, he was told that his parents were killed and his uncles and godfather went missing. It was the place where he found out that his life was turned upside down.

Harry tried to shake away the unpleasant memories as he and Ron stepped into a small phone booth. As promised, Ron picked him up at 12'o clock before heading towards a specific telephone booth in muggle London.

Deep breaths, thought Harry. Harry watched as Ron punched in '62442' and looked around as the box slowly descended underground. Soon enough, the box was carefully placed on the Ministry's black marble atrium ground and Harry was eyeing the bustling crowds. He was feeling sick all of a sudden and had a half of mind to go back to London with the telephone box.

"Come on, Harry" said Ron, who already stepped out of the suffocating box and was holding the door for him.

Harry cautiously stepped out from the box and walked closely behind Ron, who was quickly making his way through the crowd without any difficulties and struggles. Harry followed closely by Ron, who occasionally looked back. Harry wondered if he would have been like Ron if he took the job as an Auror. Harry looked up when he vaguely heard Ron's booming voice in front of him, explaining all the parts of the Ministry as if he already did not know.

They decided to visit the Auror office before going anywhere else. He was distracted to the paper planes that boarded with them on the elevator and would have fell down when it started moving, if not for the arm that wrapped around Harry's thin waist. Thinking it was Ron, Harry turned his head back with a sheepish smile and gratitude hanging around his lips. But Harry soon found out it wasn't Ron who saved him from embarrassing himself.


Harry's vivid green eyes traveled along Draco Malfoy's features. After graduating from Hogwarts, it was the first time he had seen the blonde boy. Although they weren't very close to one another, they used to share pleasantries whenever they passed each other in the hall or in class. Unlike Ron, he held no ill-feelings towards the Malfoy heir.

"Potter. I can see that you still harbor a habit of falling down," replied, the ever-so-prideful Draco. Harry barely managed to snap out of his surprise before breaking into a grin. It's been a while since he heard Draco's subtle and gentle jabs.

"Good to see you too. I can see that your head is still big with pride."

At Harry's retort, Draco only smirked but Harry could see that he wasn't offended by his remark. If anything, Draco seemed amused.

Draco Malfoy was as tall as he had last seen the boy. The term, boy, was no longer fitting to the built blonde. His platinum blonde hair was parted in the ratio of 3:7 and was pushed back with gel. His attire screamed wealth to match his ego and pride. He reminded Harry of a business man in Wall Street, mind the wizarding robes and trinkets. In every way, Draco Malfoy was becoming the image of his father, the Minister.

"Malfoy. Get your hands off of Harry!"

Both Harry and Draco turned their attentions to Ron who was seething and glaring at the blonde. At that, Draco sneered as if he saw a bug but didn't release Harry. They were still in the crowded elevator and was receiving quite a lot of attention which made Harry squirm uncomfortably. He gazed back and forth between fuming Ron and sneering Draco until the blonde opened his mouth.

"I can't grasp why you still hang around with Weasley, Potter. But, of course. It isn't my place to judge." Despite Ron's shout directed at him, Draco seemed to completely ignore him. This wasn't the first time Draco said these things to Harry, and Harry was familiar with the jabs by now. However, it did not mean he will abide it and stand aside.

"You're absolutely right about saying it's not your place to judge. So drop it, Malfoy." At Harry's biting retort, Draco slightly raised one of his eyebrows. Then, he had an expression on him that told him that he knew what Harry would've said and promptly unwrapped his arms from his waist after the elevator came to a stop. Harry managed to stay put because of Draco's arm and realized he hadn't thanked him yet when the elevator door opened.

Draco stepped outside along with few other Ministry workers. "Good to see you, Potter."

If Draco caught Harry's attempt to thank him and say goodbye, he didn't show it.

When the wayward elevator trip had finally came to a stop on Ron's department, Ron was still fuming with anger and annoyance. "That bastard! Thinking he owns the world just because he's the son of the Minister!" Ron stomped his way out of the elevator with invisible smokes coming out from his ears and Harry had to bite his lips to suppress a chuckle.

"Come on, Ron. Show me your office!" At Harry's exuberant suggestion, Ron turned his attention away from the recent encounter and started to talk about his department. Although Harry already knew most of the things Ron said, he listened attentively.

He looked around the office and found it was in need of cleaning. Hermione often told him that Aurors weren't very organized and they had a habit of growing fungi in their office. He knew it was an exaggeration, but seeing the office himself made him think otherwise. He had to understand; Aurors didn't have the time to clean and organize their office. They were often called out to the field for an emergency and had loads of reports to fill out after each dispatches.

Just when he was about to stack up some papers on Ron's desk while listening, he looked up saw something flying towards his face at a fast speed, ready to poke his eyes out. In reflex, Harry fished out his wand and pointed at the flying object and enchanted 'immobulous!'. The object stopped in front of Harry's face and Harry was able to relax as he found out that the object was a paper plane that he saw in the elevator. Ron reached out to the note addressed to him and opened them while patting Harry on the back. "Quick reflexes, Harry."

Harry blushed and avoided eye contacts as he realized that he has drawn attentions from others in the office, including a Ministry official with dark wavy hair. The man was tall and he was in clad of Ministry's official robe with a dark mark engraved Ministry logo breast pin. Everyone knew the Ministry Officials were Lord Voldemort's inner circle of Death eaters. Harry eyed the dark mark before travelling up to the blackened eyes that was staring at him the whole time. Something was very familiar with the man and Harry froze when realization struck him.

"Undersecretary Black! What can I do for you?" Harry heard an Auror speak.

Harry stood froze in his stance as his eyes widened. That was Regulus Black, his godfather, Sirius Black's younger brother. Harry saw so much of Sirius in the man and he had to remind himself that Regulus wasn't his godfather. Beside, Harry doubted Regulus would even remember him. As far as he could remember, Sirius was rather fond of Regulus but they were not as close as to James and Sirius.

Regulus seem to be compelled from returning Harry's gaze but soon he turned away to the Auror who spoke to him. Harry was left in his stupor when Ron started to speak in a exasperated tone. "Looks like we'll have to wait for Hermione. She said she'll be around later. But when's later?" Ron muttered under his breath but soon stopped when he saw Harry's stiff figure staring ahead. "Harry? Are you alright?"

Harry was finally able to wake from his momentary shock when Ron tapped him on the shoulder with a concerned expression. He nodded reassuringly and shook his head to wake from dispel any distraction. But before Harry could answer, a foreign voice interrupted them.

"Oi, Weasley! Aren't you supposed to... Why, isn't this Harry Potter! I haven't seen you since Hogwarts! How you've been doing?"

Harry and Ron turned their heads at the voice and saw Dean Thomas greeting them with a grin on his face.
It wasn't that Harry was famous during Hogwarts. There was a time when everyone knew his name and that was during his fourth year. He was known as the pretty boy, a nickname he detested all the way through, who caught the eyes of two Triwizard Tournament champions and more. His new friendships with the Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory, and Durmstrang champion, Viktor Krum were quite an issue back then. While he detested any foreign attentions, he couldn't be more happier to see his old dorm mate for the whole 7 years of Hogwarts.

"Hi, Dean! Wow, it's so good to see you! I heard a lot about you from Ron," Harry greeted back and shook Dean's offered hand.

These days, the only sources of any news about his peers and everyone else were Ron, Hermione, and occasionally Neville and Luna. As such, he did, indeed, heard about Dean working as a Auror in his office together from Ron. He wondered if Dean heard anything about him from Ron.

They shared few pleasantries but they were soon cut short as both Ron, Dean, and some other Aurors in the office were called to the field for emergency. At the sudden change of event, Dean had to leave with a haste goodbye and a handshake, and Ron was muttering curses under his breaths.

"Aw, hell! Why, now for Merlin's sake!" uttered Ron. Harry was wondering if today was a bad day to visit. He should have listened to his instincts to go home in the telephone box. "Ron, I think I should go-" voiced Harry. It didn't look like he was in luck.

"No no, you don't have to go. I just need to find someone who can accompany you-..." stated Ron, as he looked around the marginally thinned out office. He only needed someone until Hermione is available but he couldn't find anyone suitable to be in company with Harry and there was no way he would send Harry to Malfoy. But his options were narrowing as time ran out.

"If it's alright, I'll be keeping Mr. Potter, here, a company, Mr. Weasley."

Harry and Ron spun around and froze when they saw the impeccably calm Regulus Black standing near them. Whilst Ron looked merely surprised at the sudden suggestion, Harry was stunned at the man's sudden approach. He hadn't been able to foresee this and his approach was completely unexpected. Ron seemed to catch on who the man was to Harry and reluctantly nodded. Besides, he didn't seem to have much of a choice but to accept.

"Sorry, Harry. I'll be back as soon as possible. And thank you, undersecretary Black" spoke Ron. With an apologizing pat on his back, Ron ran out of the office before Harry could answer.

Usually, Harry wasn't this shy or timid when it came to greeting someone. But this was Regulus Black. The closest living pseudo-family he had as of yet. And yet, he couldn't muster up any words out of his mouth.

Silence fell on them for a while until Regulus cleared his throat and spoke in a soft tone.

"Let me introduce myself properly. My name is Regulus Black. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Potter" Regulus offered his hand.

Harry was awed at the composed man who seemed different from the Sirius Black he knew. Whilst Regulus was composed, calm, and almost poised, Sirius was carefree, easy going, and humorous. He definitely knew Sirius wouldn't introduce himself like that, even in front of Lord Voldemort. When Harry realized Regulus was waiting, he quickly shot his hands out and grabbed it.

"Yes, hi. I mean, hello. My name is Harry. Harry Potter," Harry fumbled with his words and he inwardly cursed himself. Black or not, he was the undersecretary, for Merlin's sake. Harry was sure his first impression will not be very impressive.

"Yes, you're the godchild of my deceased brother. Are you not?" Regulus asked. He observed the green-eyed young man biting down his lips before answering his question. He knew who Harry Potter was and he has seen him few times when he was a child. He always wondered what Harry looked like. Viewing his record wasn't enough and now, he was standing in front of him, all grown up. Harry was a lithe and petite young man with a mob of a raven hair and captivating green eyes. He was certainly not too hard on eyes.

"I was. I didn't think you would remember me, sir." Harry answered. He was a bit surprised at Regulus's straightforward mention of his brother.

"Call me Regulus. In return, do I have your permission to call you Harry?"

"Yes. Yes, of course!" Harry quickly responded. He was flustered and felt a blush reaching up to his face from his neck. Although Harry knew of Regulus's existence, he never really felt the need to interact with him. But this was an odd, if not euphoric, experience. It was almost as if he was talking to an odd version of Sirius Black, mind the reserved manner and mysterious atmosphere.

"I see you've grown well, Harry. The last time I've seen you was when you were a toddler,"

Harry gave Regulus a small smile. Harry didn't recall seeing Regulus as a toddler and he had little doubt they did not meet often.

"Do you have any places you wish to visit in the Ministry? I'm sure this is not your first visit, but I don't suppose you would want to stay here until your friend arrives?"

At Regulus suggestion, Harry perked up and briefly bit his lower lips before replying. "If it's not a bother to you, perhaps we could visit the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures," Harry heart started to skip at the thought of surprising Tom. That is, if Tom is really there.

Regulus slightly inclined his head in a graceful movement and led Harry out of the Auror Department. Fortunately, the magical creatures department was not terribly far apart from Auror department. Although their ride in the elevator was terribly awkward and silent for the most part, Harry was thankful Regulus did not pretend he didn't know him. After all, Regulus was the closest to what he could call a relation. Harry observed as many workers who passed by greeted them with reverence. He marveled at this and thought if Tom ever bowed to anyone with reverence. It was hard for him to imagine since Tom seemed like a person who did not bow easily to anyone.

They were walking on the corridor towards the department when Regulus suddenly spoke, breaking the silence. "I've noticed you graduated Hogwarts with top grades. My brother, and of course, your parents, would've been proud of you." Harry couldn't tell anything with Regulus's neutral expression and soft voice.

Harry quickly replied with a small acknowledgement, but otherwise kept quiet. He was surprised Regulus can breach the topic with little or no contempt or remorse. He said with such fluency that Harry would have thought he was telling yesterday's dinner.

"Do you work for anyone?" Regulus asked. When he saw Harry hesitating to answer, he merely raised his hand to back-paddle his question. "I'm merely curious." After all, he was nowhere near the boy during his childhood and after his brother's demise.

"I'm not working for anyone, currently." said, Harry. He wasn't a child anymore and he didn't like the feeling of being treated like a fragile tea cup. His lithe and petite physique did not help the situation at all. He didn't want to seem like a shy introvert, although he slightly was just that.

Regulus hummed in response but did not question further.

Shortly, they arrived at the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures. At the entrance, Harry saw a bronze placard of the department's logo. The owl in the logo reminded him of Hedwig. Harry wet his lips before entering the department followed by Regulus. His heart was beating fast with mixed emotions; Nervousness, anxiety, anticipation, and a trickle of an unknown fear.

"This is the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures. The department has three divisions; being, beast, and-"

"Spirit, right?"

"Correct. I see there is no need for me to elaborate. I didn't expect any less from Hogwart's top graduate."

Harry blushed slightly before going through the entrance. The first thing he noticed when he stepped in was that the office was much more organized and coordinated than that of Auror department. But, the workers looked sleep-deprived and seemed to be working on something altogether.

"No doubt, you have heard of the recent vampire incidents." Regulus offered a brief explanation as to why the department was so hectic while nodding gracefully to those workers who have noticed them.

Harry started to search for a familiar face while pretending to look around. He did find very few familiar faces whose names he can't pinpoint. Other than that, he was unsuccessful. And of course, his obvious antics were noticed by Regulus who was curiously following Harry's eyes. At Harry's slightly disappointed expression, he couldn't help himself but ask.

"Are you looking for someone particular?"

He shouldn't be surprised if Regulus caught on what he was doing, thought Harry. After few more seconds of fleeting looks around the department, Harry decided to ask Regulus. Although he didn't know the chances of Regulus knowing Tom, it wouldn't hurt him to ask. Plus, Tom Riddle is an extraordinary man with captivating presence that one can't easily forget. Tom was bound to be known well in the Ministry.

"Yes, I'm actually looking for my-..."

Harry couldn't finish his sentence. He wanted to say his boyfriend, but his relationship wasn't an open one and he didn't know if Tom told anyone about their relationship. Although it was unlikely for the undersecretary to be interested, it never hurts to be careful.

"By any chance, do you know a man named Tom Riddle?" Harry asked in a hopeful tone. He didn't expect much, but he definitely did not expect Regulus to pale and go stiff. For few moments, Harry thought he said something wrong until Regulus composed his expression and replied in a rigid tone.

"I think I've heard his name before. But I'm not very familiar with this department."

Regulus stiffened as soon as he heard Harry Potter speak of his lord's name. The name Lord Voldemort loathed and rarely spoke. It goes without saying very select few knew about the name. Apparently, Harry Potter was someone significant to his lord. He realized Harry was looking at him warily and decided to dodge the question with as much honesty as he could muster, wanting to avoid being caught in the crossfire. If Harry was openly saying his lord's name in public, he couldn't have known the value of that name. Harry had no reason to test him. He had to tread carefully, or else he might be facing his lord's wrath.

At Harry's disappointed look, he was about to apologize until he felt his lord summoning him to his office.

"Harry, I'm very sorry but it seems our time together is up for today."

"Oh, Of course. Thank you giving me a tour. And I'm sorry I had to hold you back." Harry gave Regulus a gratuitous smile and replied.

It was a shame. Regulus was honestly curious about his brother's godson and would've liked spending time with him. But he must tend to his priority.

Despite Harry's wariness, he was very happy to see Regulus Black. It was a surreal experience for Harry, but he knew better to regard Regulus as Sirius. Regulus Black was his own person and although Harry could see some similarities between the two, he would not regard Regulus, who was many things, just as Sirius's brother.

Harry shook hands with Regulus. "I hope to see you around, Harry. Take care,"

Harry stared as Regulus retreated from the department. He couldn't ignore the feeling that something was going on. If Regulus didn't know who Tom was, he wouldn't have reacted that way. Although his reaction was short-lived, Harry was able to notice it. Also, Harry has had a feeling that Tom was hiding something from him. It wasn't anything new.

"Excuse me. Do you happen to know where Tom Riddle's office is? He's from this department..."

He grabbed a passerby who looked about a middle-aged man and asked. Knowing that Harry was with the undersecretary Black, the man stopped and listened.

"Tom Riddle? I don't think you got the right information, kid. I've been working in this department for 20 years and I've never heard of him."


A knock was heard and Voldemort didn't need to look up from his papers to see who it was. After all, he did call upon Regulus Black's presence.

"My lord. I hope I wasn't too late for your call. I've ran into an interesting acquaintance of mine."

Regulus calmly stood before Voldemort after bowing and spoke while recalling his brief catch-up with Harry Potter. He wasn't too worried that he left Harry alone. He was sure people in that department would be eager to help Harry out with whatever, seeing Harry with him. What really worried him was that Harry knew the forbidden name. He wondered if he shouldn't have left him alone after all.

Voldemort was about to dismiss the remark, but after hearing Regulus speak out, which wasn't common, he decided to ask. Voldemort raised his head from the papers and met Regulus' eyes with a slight hint of amusement. It ought to be interesting if Regulus said so.

"Oh? And who might this interesting acquaintance of yours would be?"

While he spoke, Voldemort gestured towards the folder Regulus was holding and Regulus was quick to hand over the file he brought for the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord started to inspect the file while indicating that he was listening.

Regulus wasn't surprised that his lord asked. It was known to everyone, as in the inner circle, that his lord seemed to be in a better mood these days after the Vampire fiasco. Like everyone else, the Dark Lord tends to be more patient and dare he say, indulgent, when something pleases him. He has yet to figure out what or why.

"You remember my brother, Sirius Black, my lord. I met his godson. I haven't heard from him since he was a child." said, Regulus. He didn't know what he was really fishing for, but he knew this was an uncharted water.

If his memory was correct, Voldemort remembered Sirius Black as a wanted rebel during the war. He was targeted shortly after the Potters. Then, the realization sank in and his inside froze. Surely, the only godson Sirius Black could have at that time is Harry Potter since none of the others had children. And without having to do a background check, Harry told him that he had a godfather. Then, he realized why Regulus felt like he needed to have a small-talk with him.

"And surely, your brother's godson asked about Tom Riddle?" said the Dark Lord, without giving Regulus a hint of his emotions. Regulus looked surprised but soon dropped his head lower to avoid his lord's temper.

"My lord.."

"I have high regard for you, Regulus. I expect discreetness."

"Of course, my lord." said Regulus. The Dark Lord was still flipping over the files he brought and Regulus knew better to question further. He seemed to be calm and poised which wasn't much different from the norm, but the amusement and the light atmosphere were gone.

"You're dismissed."

After hearing his dismissal, he bowed towards the Dark Lord and was about to depart but stopped momentarily to relay an information that his lord was surely interested in;Harry Potter's whereabouts.

Voldemort knew the boy was a trouble from the beginning. Albeit, a pleasurable and definitely not un-wanted trouble, but still a trouble. After Regulus departed with Harry's whereabouts, he finished up whatever he was doing and swiftly left his office to look for Harry. He didn't know to what extent Harry found out. There's a big possibility he asked around for Tom Riddle, or venture out to find him. Either way, it didn't look too bright for him.

Regulus told him that Harry was here to see his friends. But perhaps the boy strayed or had a different intention from the beginning. This was what his boy was hiding from him, thought Voldemort. He knew Harry was clever and knew Harry caught on to something about him. He lamented at the fact that he did nothing to stop this.

The Dark Lord was pacing his way through the short-cut passage, especially designed for him in case of an Emergency, or for his convenience. The latter seemed to be more accurate, since he always used these hidden passages instead of going through a crowd. Harry shouldn't have gone too far away from the department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. If so, he could always wait for him at the atrium where Harry was bound to go through.

Fortunately, he didn't need to go far.


Both their breaths caught in their throats. Harry was facing away from him and Voldemort saw his body jolt in surprise and get tense. He recognized that mob of a hair, lithe body, and even that small jolt that's Harry. He used to turn around and greet him with a blinding smile, but Harry just stood there. If only he could see him and know what he's thinking. Silence prolonged until Harry slowly turned to face him. He wished he hadn't.

"Who are you, really?"

Harry's raspy but clear voice resounded the area and for the first time, Voldemort didn't have an answer to that. Voldemort looked into Harry's green eyes that swirled with confusion, hurt, and slight anger. He had to think rationally. Harry didn't know who he was yet. But it was only a matter of time that Harry found out. Meaningless and calculating thoughts were punched in to his mind and Voldemort almost growled at their uselessness to this situation. Harry Potter and calculations did not go well together.

'Why isn't Tom Riddle working at the Ministry? Were you lying to me, Tom? Is that even your real name?' Harry never spoke any of those words but Voldemort could read them off of him. Harry seemed to be at loss and he made no move to get closer to him. Harry was silently demanding for his answers and Voldemort was about to give him answers, reaching forward when Harry stepped back and involuntarily flinched. Voldemort stopped dead at his track and stared as Harry widened his eyes, surprised at himself.

"It's not what you think." Voldemort replied in a deadly calm tone. But it was exactly what Harry thought.

"Then tell me what's true,"

The only answer Harry received was silence. They stood there for some time, staring at each other, trying to scratch the surface with no luck. It was then when Harry raised his hands up to his face and hid himself from the Dark Lord's gaze. Voldemort, once again, saw how fragile and small Harry looked. He wanted to reach out and grab him, but in fear of being rejected, he kept his hands by his sides. The sting from Harry's retraction was still tingling. The Dark Lord sighed and rubbed his temple with his hand. Trust his migraines to come back at this moment and Harry won't relieve them.

"I think I...we need time. I have to go." Harry spoke out of all sudden in a rush that made Voldemort snap his head up to see him. His name was on the tip of his tongue when Harry turned his back to him. Harry was slipping away from him. His little flirt, his boy, his Harry was fleeting from him because he couldn't swallow his pride and doubt.

The last fleeting glance Harry gave him over his shoulder as he ran away was enough to freeze the Dark Lord in place for a long time.

A/N: I'm back after a LONG and UNANNOUNCED hiatus! I apologize. I know you don't want any excuses but if you want, I started this chapter shortly after the last chapter, but the website crashed and everything I wrote was gone in a second. It took me a year to write this and although it's not much, it's the longest chapter I've ever written. I can only hope that you enjoyed this chapter.

I don't even know if the previous reviewers will look at this again, but nonetheless, I will write back.

RRW: I feel like we all feel flattered by our significant someone's possessiveness at first. But you're not wrong. Harry may get sick of it. Or will he? Thanks for reviewing!

sweetsmyles-nothingsbutterflys: Now I feel bad. My update is more than a year late. But I hope you'll comeback(; Thanks!

2012summerstar: I can't help but love innocent Harry. But he may not be so innocent anymore as the plot thickens. But, thanks anyway!

Shannon the Original: Always grateful to you! I appreciate it(:

Kits and Kats: Your review always invokes deeper thoughts. I laughed out loud when you said he will need more backbones if he's going to date Voldemort. You're correct. I also want Harry to portray more power and show his potentials but the timing is not now. Don't worry, I have something in my mind already. Thank you for your review!

Lendrir: I'm glad you seemed to enjoy jealous Tom(; Thanks!

Phaedra Coopers: aww thank you very much! Hope you'll come back(;

Princess Mariana: Oh ho-. To answer your question, no. Voldemort will not turn abusive towards Harry! But the thing is, Voldemort is already an authoritative/abusive character without regards to remorse. Let's hope Harry will change that. Thanks!

KatzeIason69: Thank you very much for your compliment! Hope you'll come back and read this(;

Anaelyssa: I appreciate your review! I think Harry's past will be partly revealed in the next chapter.

jgood27: Thanks! Hope I'm not too late(;

wetsakura: It seems I'm getting quite a few compliments for Tom and Harry's interaction. I'm glad you also liked it. Thanks!

Q3APo: Thanks for your review! And I think this chapter is on the brink of climax, don't you think?

LunaMorningstar: That's a quite a compliment! I really appreciate it, thanks!

Not only the reviewers, but I also want to thank those who read, followed, and favorited my story. Hope this chapter will be read again.

What do you think about this chapter? Please Review!

NEXT CHAPTER: Quidditch World Cup, Confrontation, and Confessions.