Chapter 1: The forgotten rose

Large brown orbs looked out the window. It was beginning to snow. She couldn't tell if the feeling that stirred in her stomach was good or bad.

She sighed and walked back to her bed. Lately a lot of things caused a strange reaction in her but it was mostly snow.

She looked at the clock, which stated it was 7 am. She still had an hour to kill before her shift at the shop began but she couldn't take it anymore. Being cooped up inside her flat was doing her no good. If she walked to work she make it with at least ten minutes before she had to go in.

Quickly, she threw on her large black jacket over herself. She then stuffed her long blonde hair inside her cap and grabbed her bag and walked out of her flat.

She closed the door slowly and locked it. Turning towards the flight of stairs, she began to make her way down.


She had less than a block to go when she saw the couple. She had just turned one the corner and their voices grew louder.

"I've told you already," she woman shouted at the guy in a Scottish accent. "It didn't mean anything, he's just a friend."

The guy's eyes quickly looked at her. Once they were back to the Scottish woman in front of him. They seemed to be having a private conversation with just their eyes.

She looked away. It wasn't any of her business what happened between the couple she didn't even know them. She continued walking as if nothing was wrong and since their argument seemed to have ended she assumed it was because of her presence. Once she was gone they would probably continue.

It wasn't until she past right next to the red-headed Scottish woman, that she felt something bumped into her. She really couldn't tell if it had been her but it didn't really matter now. Not when a huge truck was heading straight for her.

She couldn't move. She knew she had to if she wanted to live but she found no will to get up and move out of the way. What was wrong with her?

She closed her eyes awaiting impact but instead she felt two pairs of hands lift her up back onto the sidewalk. The large truck blew its horn as it passed them.

She turned to look at the owners of the hands to see the faces of the once bickering couple.

Both had one a worried expression.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Can you walk alright? Do you feel any pain?" the red head launched the questions onto her without breathing.

To her, she sounded just like any other worried mother.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern," she paused. "And thank you for saving my life."

The woman smiled at her though worry was still evident in her eyes.

The man let out a breath of relief. He said something under his breath that although she thought she head wrong was "He'd kill us if anything happened to her."

She quickly dismissed that for it made absolutely no sense to her.

The woman caught her attention once again.

"Do you have anything to do? Any place you have to be?" she asked.

She checked her watch. She had 30 minutes left until her shift began.

"Not at the moment. My shift begins in half an hour."

Once again the red head smiled.

"Good then you can come and have breakfast with us, our treat," she said as she got up.

She extended her hand for her to take.

She heisted at first but took it.

"Come on." She looped her arm around the man's arm.

She let out a nervous laugh. "I know you guys saved my life and everything and are inviting me for breakfast but," she looked away. "I don't even know your names."

The couple looked at each other. The woman laughed.

"That can be fixed." She motioned towards the man. "This is Rory and my name is Amy."

Amy smiled at her. "And yours?"

She felt a little more at ease knowing their names. "Lily."

Amy and Rory exchanged glances but before Lily could say any more Amy took her hand.

Although she had a smile on her face, worry was in her eyes and a little fear.

"Come…Lily, let's go, I'm starving."

I know this is short but it's kind of more of an intro than a chapter.

This is not my first fan fiction although it is my first Doctor Who fanfic. This idea has been on my mind for quite some time and I wondered if I could make it into a story so her ya go.

One thing, I'm not British so there will be certain terms I will not get right. Also I just recently returned from Mexico so my English writing skills are a bit rusty so bear with me. I do have a spell checker so there shouldn't be any mistakes but if there are please tell me.

I hope you fellow whovians enjoy this and if you do please feel free to review, favorite, follow and even pm meJ