AN: It's here! After so long my baby is finally finished! I still remember when I started this fict and I've grown so much since then. I will be mentioning some things in my end AN so stick around.

WARNINGS: Violence, Character Death, BoyXBoy, Descriptive death scene (gore), Rude Language, and Murder.

Copyright: I don't own Glee or any characters. Still haven't meet Chris :'(

Chapter 11: Time

There are moments in our life that time seems to freeze around us. That moment for Kurt Hummel was when he was dropping the gun he held, down on the floor. The body in front of him drenched by a pool of blood seeming to calmly flow out of the newly formed whole in the back of the man's head.

Kurt had never envisioned himself in this position. If you would have asked him what his life was going to be like at this moment it definitely didn't include a gang war, death, or even just the thought of becoming a killer himself. Still, that is what his life was like now and it felt terrible.


"Take him to the van we'll deal with the mess."

"Why am I still alive?"

"I was going to leave that up to you." As the man said this he smirked "You have two choices. One I can kill you..."

"And the other one?"

"You could join the Warblers."

"I still believe you're here because you belong here."

"They didn't tell you? Well the fight, the killings, you walking away. It was all a setup." Finn smiled at the fond memory.

"Please, Blaine I need you"

Blaine stopped and looked up at Kurt with lust filled eyes "Are you sure Kurt?" Blaine asked in a hushed voice.

"Yes, Blaine I need you. I want you" Blaine nodded up at Kurt and quickly went back to his task.

"Kurt, do you know who Blaine Anderson is?"

"You see I have people who work for me on the inside, and they told me you and Blaine had a very, very intimate relationship."

"I have the power to make your world hell Kurt, and because you lied I'm adding a new part in our deal. Too gain my trust you have to kill Blaine Anderson."


"Wake Up! Wake up! You idiot wake up we are under attack!" The yelling voice seemed to get louder and louder as Kurt became aware of his surroundings. It had felt like such a long time between the night before and now. His head had been pounding since Meerkat, that was the name for the leader he had made up in his mind, had ordered him to kill Blaine. God, Blaine, the one person who had always seemed kind of sane in the pool of killers and gangs. The Blaine that had taken his virginity, now sentenced to death at the hands of a man he not so long ago slept with. It hurt just to think about it.

"What the fuck are you doing! Wake up!" There was that voice again. Louder and finally the cloud in his head let up.

"I'm awake! What's going on."

"It seems your little friends have come to save you. To bad they're walking into their own graves." The voice, now recognizable as Hunter's, seemed to be filled with amusement. "Here, I was ordered to wake you up and to give this to you, remember I taught you to use it." Yes, Kurt had remembered. The gun he had used to hit targets and fake dummies now laid in his hands perfectly. Now it was being used to kill the people who had come to save him. The only people who had gained his trust.

"Let's go we don't have much time." Hunter had grabbed him now, pulling him up from his thoughts and leading him to the last room in the hallway they had walked into. "Stay here, this is the last room they will check. Bas and me will have killed most of them by the time they get in here."

"Bas?" He hadn't heard that name before, maybe that was Meerkat's name.

"Yes, Bas. Now instead of thinking of stupid names why don't you shut up and go hide." That was the last word Hunter had said to him before closing and locking the door.

Guess I'm stuck in here, Kurt thought. The room he was in wasn't really that big. He guessed it was a storage room or something, as some walls were piled up to the brim with boxes. He quickly hid behind a stack of them and quieted his mind. Listing for any noise he could hear the distant noise of gun shots going off. The War had just begun and Kurt knew he was going to be here for a while.


First it was just a pair of footsteps coming down the hall that alerted Kurt of another person's presence. Then, came the banging. The mysterious person was shooting at the door lock trying to get through. He held the gun to his chest as if it were a bullet proof shield, ready to defend himself if need be.

The banging finally stopped, the door had given in and now the culprit was standing in the same room as him. Kurt had hidden himself at the back of the room, his hiding spot not letting him see who it was that had broken in. Then he heard it.

"Kurt?" The tense voice whispered into the room. "Kurt?" The voice had gotten a little louder. He recognized that voice. The voice that had been so sweet, so gentle with him. God, how he missed that voice. It was the only voice he could trust.

"Blaine!" Kurt couldn't stop himself from almost yelling out the name.

"Kurt, oh my god!" He had run out of his hiding spot and had thrown himself onto Blaine. They hugged each other, needing to feel each other like they needed to breath oxygen. Both of them feeling a sense of relief filling their bodies. Neither of them able to speak because of the sobs that racked both of them. They had each other and that is all that mattered.

It wasn't sure who made the first move, but suddenly they were holding each other in the most passionate kiss they had experienced. A sense of urgency fueled the kiss. It felt different from the last time they had kissed. This wasn't a lustful or sexual kiss. This kiss was filled with the need to be together, the need to know that the other person was real and not just some figment of their imaginations. It wasn't rushed or quick by any means. It was pure passion and love. Love neither of them knew they had for each other till that moment.

"Well, look at that, what a beautiful performance." Blaine and Kurt separated suddenly completely attentive to the man at the door. If looks could kill, the meerkat would have been up in flames by now from he look Blaine gave him. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife and through out this moment Meerkat just had a look of complete amusement on his face. "Damn, Killer you haven't changed a bit."

"I can say the same about you Sebastian." Kurt looked back and forth between them. He knew. He knew they had, had something. The way they looked at each other gave it away. Blaine looked at Sebastian like Finn had looked at Quinn after he found out the baby was Puck's and not his. Though Sebastian just looked on amused, not even a hint of regret in his face.

"So, here we are all reunited again, how quaint." Sebastian's voce sounded as arrogant as could be though neither Blaine or Kurt missed the pistol in his right hand. They knew they had to be careful if they wanted to get out alive. "Now, Kurt you have a choice to make." The man in front of them had turned to look directly at him now. "Do you want to see your dad again, or die right here with little Blaine over there to accompany you."

"We aren't the one's that are going to die today Sebastian. If I remember correctly it two against one, and if you kill me you won't get what you want." Blaine was looking directly at Sebastian, the glare never leaving his face.

"You see Blaine, I don't need you to find the location of the crystal, that is why I captured your stupid leader Finn." Those words sent a shock down both there bodies. Finn had been captured. "Oh yea and Kurt, if you don't do what we agreed upon and do end up killing me, I have instructed my men to kill your father and your low life step-brother, if they don't hear back from me in the next ten minutes." That sent Kurt reeling. He had ten minutes to make a choice. God, what was he going to do.

"Come here Kurt." It was an order. Sebastian was testing him. "Come here and finish our deal or live with the consequences."He didn't know what to do. This was it, he was going to have to make a choice and he knew this wasn't going to be easy.

He was just starting to walk towards Sebastian when suddenly a loud bang rang out. Sebastian's body fell onto the cold floor. A gush of blood running out from the gun shot at the back of his head. Kurt was in shock. His body freezing mid step. The gun Kurt held in his hand was thrown to the floor. Time had frozen for a split second as he looked up to see the culprit.

Hunter stood at the entrance still holding up a pointed gun. Blaine who had stayed behind him this whole time seemed to spring into action. He ran toward Kurt and embraced him. He looked up to Hunter and smiled.

"Thank you for keeping him safe." The words seem to be directed at Hunter. Blaine seemed to know him. It was almost as if they were friends. Confusion seemed to cloud Kurt's mind. Why would Hunter kill Sebastian, and why would Blaine talk so casually with Hunter.

"What is going on?" Kurt looked up at Blaine, his head filled with questions.

Blaine smiled down at Kurt, "Hunter is one of us. He always has been." What? Kurt couldn't process what was going on. Hunter was part of the Warblers. This didn't make any sense.

"Wait,What?" He stepped back away from Blaine trying to figure out who to trust.

"Kurt, Hunter has always been part of the Warblers. He was part of our old plan to take down Sebastian's gang but then you became part of that plan and Hunter just went along with the change."

"Wait, what do you mean by 'old plan'."

"Before you became part of the Warblers, we had made a plan to kill Sebastian. Hunter here was part of that plan." Blaine had now moved to put a hand on Hunters shoulder as he kept on explaining. "Hunter was meant to seduce Sebastian, become his right hand so we could intercept all orders and then kill him. Sadly before he became Sebastian's right hand you came into the picture."

"What do you mean by right hand?" Kurt asked. This time it was Hunter who answered.

"A right hand is the one person a leader chooses to trust with his life. Blaine for example is Finn's right hand and I was Sebastian's. Usually, the leaders give orders through their right hand. The thing is Sebastian never trusted anyone so I had to wait some time to become his right hand. By then you had already entered the picture and the plan needed to be changed."

"What about my father and Finn?" This scared Kurt. If Sebastian was dead what would happen with the people assigned to kill them.

"They'll be fine." Hunter responded. "I never gave the order because I knew what Sebastian was planning. There is no one at your house and Finn actually is explaining to the rest of Sebastian's gang what's going to happen now that their leader is dead."

"What is going to happen now?"

Both Hunter and Blaine looked at each other after that question as if deciding who would tell him. Blaine ended up being the one to answer his question.

"Well, any gang members from Sebastian's gang is willing to be loyal to us will join. If they don't they'll be killed."

"What?! Why!" Kurt was so surprised how could his step-brother be so heartless.

"Kurt, you have to understand, once you're in this life you can't ever get out. You are stuck in this life till the day you die."

It took Kurt a second to understand that this 'rule' applied to everyone. Blaine, Finn, Hunter they all are stuck in this life, but what did that mean for him.

"Does this mean I'm stuck in this life too?" Blaine and Hunter looked at each other again, neither of them seeming to want to say anything. The room became silent until he got an answer.

"Yes" Hunter's voice sounded through the room. "Sadly, you are part of our group now, meaning either you go with us or…"

"Or you run the risk of having a major target on your back." Blaine interrupted.

Great, just great. He was now stuck in a world he never wanted to be in. Now this was his life.

"What about my dad? I'm I ever going to see him again? My friends?"

"We'll set up a meeting with your dad soon, first the police need to back off from your case, Finn has already started working on that." Blaine answered "Sadly, you're friends are a different case. You need to develop new friendships, unless you want to pull one of them into this life."

"What do you mean?"

"Basically, you're friends are going to ask questions, not only that but we have no way to contact them without getting the police on our asses." Hunter faced him. "Now, we should get out of here, soon it will be a shot out again and I rather answer anymore questions when I'm not worried about you getting killed."

With that Hunter left the room, walking down the hallway toward the exit. Taking their time Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and they walked down the hallway together, reminiscing in the moment they finally felt a small bit of relief.


It took time. Time for Kurt to process everything that had happened. Time to heal from what he had been through. It had been a long way but he was ready to enter into this new world he was part of now.

Sebastian's gang was split in half after their leader's death. Some willing to help the Warblers, others stating their loyalty to Sebastian even though he was dead. Most of the rebels were killed on sight, some ran into hiding from the Warblers.

Hunter was now his bodyguard. He learned that all the training they had done undercover was actually meant for him to protect himself if anything went wrong. They actually became good friends, and Hunter apologized for the way he had to treated Kurt during his time with Sebastian.

Finn had been completely untouched. He was protected the whole time by the most loyal of their gang. He had talked to Kurt after that, explaining that the crystal was hidden in plain sight this whole time. Finn had, had the necklace turned into a ring and had worn it the whole time. He had also explained that he was talking to Burt about a reunion, being the only one who could go undetected by the police.

Finally there was Blaine. Blaine and him had talked for a long time. They had talked bout their feeling for each other, each declaring their love and devotion. They had made love most of the time after that. Completely and utterly lost in each other's bodies.

Kurt, well he stayed with the gang. He mostly helped with strategizing and after he finished his training, he trained the new members, becoming a teacher of sorts.

They had all found their place and life seemed okay in their world. They sticked together and dealt with things one by one. Life was going to work out for them.


AN: So yes this is the end, but I may from time to time write some oneshots for this verse. I wanted to write maybe Burt and Kurt reunited? Also I'm thinking of writing some M rated oneshots from this verse separate from the story for those of you who are interested in that.

All I wanna say is that this story has been insane with its up's and downs and I'm proud its finished. I know some writers are sad to see them end but I think this has taught me so much as a writer and as a person. I'm planning to write my own books and maybe even a novel.

I also want to specially thank all those that have been here from the beginning since it all started back in 2013. Thank You!

So I ask one more time. Please Review (any questions your still have?), Favorite and Follow (for some awesome upcoming one shots). Also feel free to read any of my other stories as they are also still growing but I will be writing for them.

Thank You! -A