I sat up in my bed and remembered everything that happened. I saw my hair all over the bed and the floor. It was strange to have it back. It had been a couple days since everything but, it was still weird. I looked around but, Eugene wasn't there. I got dressed and spent an hour brushing my hair.

By the time I was done Eugene had come back.

"Good morning," He said giving me a quick kiss.

"To you too," I smiled.

"We're almost completely loaded on the ship," He said, stroking my hair

"Oh," I said, feeling sad "I forgot we were leaving today. I wish we didn't have to go,"

"I know but, we have to get back. When you finish packing we'll put your stuff on the ship and we can say goodbyes,"

"Alright," I said.

I threw all my clothes and shoes into my trunk. I finished packing everything else and locked the trunk. Eugene took the trunk out to the servants in the court yard who took it to the ship.

I walked around trying to find Anna and Elsa. When I finally found them, they were sitting on Elsa's bed laughing and talking. It was quite a sight. I knocked on the door and walked in.

"Would you mind braiding my hair?" I asked

They looked at each other then jumped up and got to work. We talked and had lots of fun while they work. I was so happy to be there with them. When they were done, I thanked them, and went to find Eugene.

We were all packed up and ready to go but, I wasn't ready to leave yet. I walked up the gang plank onto the ship. Eugene boarded behind me, and I turned around to take his hand. We looked back on the town of Arendelle. We had already said goodbye to Anna, and Elsa, and Kristoff. Oh, and Olaf the snowman. Elsa made him with her magic, he's so funny!

As the ship pulled away from the dock we watched. I saw Elsa and Anna skating in the court yard. Elsa had made it into a skating rink with her magic. We were almost out of sight of the castle when a shower of ice and snow shot into the sky and formed the words 'Goodbye Rapunzel!' I was so happy I'd been able to meet Elsa and Anna. I couldn't wait to see them again.

Eugene and I walked down to our cabin and sat on the bed.

"I'm going to miss them," I said

"It's okay, because we have each other," He replied, taking my hand.

It was the sappiest thing he'd ever said to me and, for some reason, it made me feel better. I was glad that Elsa and Anna had a happy ending.

This adventure was over but, I knew better than anyone that another adventure would be just around the corner of this frozen, tangled, trail called life.

Well, there you have it. That's the end. I hope you all liked it! If you did, you can check out my colab story "Forbidden Treasure". You can also check out the profile/stories of my colaber tombraider123. Thank you all for your support! See ya round!