HEYOOOO! :D I wanna write more stories so I can have more ice cream marathons!

Yup. I literally have ice cream marathons every time I finish a chapter. XD I just feel so accomplished that I did something productive!

But mainly I write so I can hope my skills improve as I do so! And that's where your lovely reviews (hopefully) come in!



"Heartfilia!" the teacher called. His eyes scanned the room and there was no sign of the blonde as usual. Natsu, who always sat next to his best friend, sighed. Lucy was on call again. He wanted to tell the teacher that but...Lucy would kill him.

Instead, he looked out the window and wondered how in the world Lucy, or really how anyone, could survive a life she lived.

"McGarden!" the harsh voice cried out again.

"Here!" Levy McGarden said timidly. Natsu stared at her, the girl who was teased a lot for her small chest, sadly. She was a lovely girl, and Lucy's other close friend. They both knew about Lucy's...situation. However, instead of trying to get Lucy away from the business, Levy looked up to the blonde and regarded her an amazing woman.

"Nakamu- DRAGNEEL!" the teacher yelled. Natsu winced as he heard his name being screeched as he stood up, "You and your cat...how many times do I have to say this- no pets allowed at school!" The teacher was holding his loving and cuddly cat, his other best friend. Happy's eyes looked so sad, as if the cat himself was going to burst into tears. Natsu's heart melted every time he eyed the cat, but as of now, Natsu's black eyes flashed fear and anger toward the teacher.

"But, sir...H-Happy is..." Natsu started.

"Happy is a CAT. A FREAKING CAT. Not a friend! Get out of this room this INSTANT or I will-"

The door burst open and Natsu's savior was there.

"Cats can be friends too, bastard," Lucy said in her same monotonous voice. Her messy blonde hair that was half-way brushed and her slightly smeared makeup told Natsu that Lucy had finally gotten back from a job. Eyes flashing between the two in excitement, he knew something was about to come up.

"Ms. Heartfilia...you have the nerve to arrive at your last period class late...and then you suddenly call me a "bastard", if I heard you correctly?" his voice was cruel and cold as he spoke in a low level voice...it came out harsh for the rest of the class as they all winced...all except Lucy Heartfilia.

"Of course I do. Now set down Happy, will you? You don't want me to snap a picture of you, send it some kind of animal association, and call you an animal abuser. The people there will be all up your ass," she said quietly.

Snickers arose from the class.

"...you will see me after class." The teacher dropped the cat which Natsu dove for and caught in his arms. He flashed a thankful look toward the blonde, who nodded back in recognition.

"Yes, sir," she said, rolling her eyes before taking her place. Natsu looked over to Lucy while caressing the blue bundle of joy back to his desk. Her eyes were a hardened brown...but they looked...softer, in his opinion. His eyes turned to Levy and he saw the admiration in her eyes as she stared at Lucy, who was pulling out her phone as she pulled out her textbook.

Weird, weird, weird.

He plopped back into his seat and opened his textbook to page 145.

Her cold, dry hands reached for the door before the teacher pulled Lucy back in.

"Mr. Cobra, sir-"

"Look, I only took this shitty job so I could get the government off my ass, alright? I'm here for a reason not related to any of you shits-"

"Wait until the government hears about you swearing in front of your student," Lucy retorted.

"Shut the hell up!" Cobra said as he raised his hand in warning of a slap. "This school...Fairy Tail High...is only temporary. I can't wait until I'm replaced by someone more...enthusiastic about teaching. I want to get out of here as fast as I can, you here? So shut UP."

"You seemed quite enthusiastic about teaching me a lesson as soon as I was about to leave. Doesn't that count as being a teacher?" Lucy replied monotonously.

"Will you stay quiet?" his hand lowered and hit her ass, in which she replied with a quiet yelp.

"Perversion toward students as well. I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Cobra, sir...now that I think about it, Cobra isn't your real name...isn't your real name...Erik?"

"No one calls me that and you won't be the first," Cobra said in a venomous voice. His hands were definitely planted on her ass to which she replied.

"Look, how about this? You seem to be quite...enthusiastic about my body, by the way you've been treating it. I hope Erza and Mirajane haven't gotten the same treatment as you're giving me right now," Lucy stated again.

"They give jobs too?" Cobra asked quickly, his eyes squinted.

"And that proves your perversion. How about I give you a proper job that you have to pay for tonight? I believe I'm free as my...owner hasn't said a thing." She pressed herself onto him and that proved he was enticed. Like every uncaring bastard.

Fuck. You.

"Why are you doing this?" Cobra asked with a groan, suddenly interested.

"I need the money for..." Lucy didn't know as her eyes softened slightly as she played around with his hard-on, by squeezing it gently, causing an enticed noise to erupt from the teacher's mouth. Plue? Obaasan? Or for herself? Who was it for nowadays?

"Of course you need money! That's for nearly everyone!" Cobra laughed quietly, "Alright, alright. S'long as you promise not to tell anyone what just went down."

"I promise," Lucy said, licking her lips as she got off of him, straightened herself up, and began the long walk to her next client as she through her homework into the trash. Before she left, however, she looked at the school office and swore, seeing that they were closed.

She'd have to give the recording on her phone to the office the following morning.

She put the last touches of her mascara on as she left her house late that same evening. It was a silent, quiet night, except for the sound of her high heels pounding into the gravel. She looked down at herself and sighed in disgust about that fucked up teacher, Mr. Cobra. Whom she now had to refer as...Erik, now that he's part of her job.

She shuddered. Fucking a teacher...how...how LOW can the world get?!

Lucy checked her phone. 8:45. She had to be there by nine and after looking him in the directory, it wasn't very far...maybe...?

She stopped by Obaasan's doorstep and knocked. Almost two seconds later, the door flung open and Plue pawed at her ankles.

"Obaasan?" she called out.

"Come in, come in! I'm making chamomile tea!" Ur's voice cried out to her.

"Hey, I'm not here to have tea, alright? I just wanted to stop by to see how you guys were doing," Lucy said, fixing her hair as she checked herself using her phone's camera once again. When she put her phone away, Ur was right there offering some tea.

"Uh..." Lucy said, confused.

"Don't be shy! Take some!" Ur offered.

"I'm, uh, more of a coffee person," Lucy said, making an excuse. She had to hurry up.

"Oh, pssh, coffee. I can brew some up, if you'd like," the older woman said. She was too kind.

"No thank you. I'm in a hurry," Lucy said as she picked up the excited Plue and brushed his fur with her fingertips.

"You're all dressed up in such revealing clothing. My, are you going clubbing?"

"You...can say that," Lucy said, nodding.

"Let me just say, you look gorgeous and would do fine as a stripper," Ur replied.

"Uh..." Lucy said again. Never had she been so speechless by another human being. She was NOT expecting her to compliment her attire and call her a stripper.

"Stripping, huh...that reminds me of my old days," Ur thought out loud.

Lucy nearly choked on air, "E-Excuse me?!"

"I used to be an army-driller in the Northern countries. We'd always strip down into our underwear and train in the snow," Ur said plainly.

"O-Oh...look, I really really have to go," Lucy said quickly.

"You've only been here for about two minutes! Come on, quickly. You reminded me of something I wanted to show you," Ur beckoned. And without Lucy denying her hospitality, she pulled her in with surprising strength and into a room with a mat and a table.

"Take some tea and sit." It sounded more like an order than an offer so Lucy took the cup and sipped it before sitting down. Her nose wrinkled. If she came by more often, she needed to get used to the taste of tea.

"Thank you...I gotta go in, like, five minutes, so...yeah," Lucy shrugged. She didn't want Mr. Cobr- Erik to yell at her...though she didn't really care. She just wanted the job done and then get the hell out of that pervert's ass.

"Remember when you asked me this yesterday about how I'm able to be positive in this fucked-up world?" Ur asked.

"Of course, Obaasan..." Lucy said, the memory striking her.

"Well, it's because of these two people," Ur's voice significantly softened as she passed Lucy a photograph. Taking the photograph carefully, she saw Ur, another man, and then a little boy.

"Who are these two?" Lucy asked kindly.

"That's my husband, who's dead. The child is my grandson, Gray Fullbuster. He's about your age at the moment," Ur said, sitting down across the low table with her.

"Gray Fullbuster...he...he was one of the kids at Fairy Tail High, but left and became home-schooled last year, if I remember correctly," Lucy said, thinking about the guy. She couldn't remember him very well, maybe because he was just that kid in the corner or maybe because she had no real reason to care for him.

"Gray left Fairy Tail High because he was diagnosed with a serious blood disease. His mom and grandfather died from the blood disease as well," she sighed, "His father is an alcoholic and it's hard to tell if he even cares for his poor son. I usually am the one paying for his treatments, but...it's hard..." Lucy saw Ur's eyes well with tears and she felt something stir inside her...an emotion she hadn't felt in a while.

"I'll help you," Lucy said, standing up suddenly.

"Help me...?" Ur asked, wiping her eyes.

"I'll help you pay for Gray's treatment," she blurted out. What was she doing? Ever since she saw Plue and created some sort of connection with this woman, she's just been...different. Softer.

"You don't need to, I'm fine paying for it, even though I'm barely hanging on-"

"No, I will," Lucy said firmly, "Your family deserves it."

"Lucy-chan," Ur said in a quiet voice. Her aura was soft and thankful. "Thank you so so much..."

"It's no problem," Lucy said, fighting to keep her lips straight. Planning to...frown? Or planning to...smile?

"When whatever you're planning to do tonight is over...can you come over please? I...I just want to, um..."

"I will, Obaasan. Don't worry," Lucy said softly.

"Now go, I've held you in for too long, I think," Ur said with a smile. Lucy checked her phone and swore.

"Shit...thank you for the tea." And before Ur could respond Lucy was racing over to Mr. Cobra's house, feeling the coldness of the society she was surrounded in seep right into her skin.

Lucy had a last minute mascara check before knocking on her teacher's door. Each rap at the entrance of his apartment made shivers run down her spine. Oh, how she hated this man.

He opened it and his eyes went straight for her chest. She wasn't really expecting anything less as she was wearing a revealing black tube top with extremely short denim shorts.

But at least now, these stupid deals had a purpose in them: to help Obaasan and Gray.

"Am I allowed to come-" she was cut off as Cobra quickly pulled her inside and pushed her onto the bed.

"Naked. Now," Cobra said with wild eyes.

"How about the payment first? Cash up front is my deal. If not, then you're not getting any," Lucy said, sitting up. The room smelled of smoke, another thing she hated.

"Fine, fine, fine!" Cobra nearly ransacked his room to pay the proper price for her business, causing Lucy to raise and eyebrow. As she counted the dollars she felt something inside her stir. All she could think about was Obaasan's relieved face and a cured Gray. She didn't need the money. She could always ask Natsu for some since the guy was loaded.

"Thank you for your business," Lucy said monotonously. She had to resist the urge to sound cruel, this was business not an affair with with her feelings.

How much she hated this guy.

Hate. Hate. Hate.

Odd...more negative emotions.

"No...thank you, sweetheart," Cobra said before stripping her down.

And that disgust for human dignity rose up inside her body, but she couldn't do anything. She had to do this...for Obaasan and Gray. 150 dollars...it may not have been a lot but...

It just had to work. She couldn't...she couldn't...

She couldn't fail now.

Maybe this is what Obaasan meant when she talked about finding the positivity in life. You just had to look.

Sadly, now, all she could feel was hate. Disgust toward the man who was about to insert himself into her.

Levy McGarden was sitting in a cafe all alone, sipping her smoothie quietly. She was supposed to meet Gajeel Redfox, her biology partner, tonight, even though it was quite late for homework. She did find him slightly SLIGHTLY cute...but, as of now, her main focus of admiration was on Lucy Heartfilia.

The way she was able to talk to that teacher as if it was nothing? Pure genius.

The way she was able to help Natsu get back her cat? Savior of the classroom.

The way she could pretend as if nothing happened, although she was out being the prostitute she was? That poker face was so still you could hardly tell she was in other people's beds.

But Levy knew. She always knew. It was cause Lucy was amazing.

"Oh, great. We got a flat-chested fucktard in here." Levy winced as she looked up.

"W-What are you guys doing here...?" she said timidly, putting a smile on her face. She knew who it was already. Minerva and Angel. Those two were transfers from two prestigious boarding schools: Sabertooth and Oracion. They were the some of the new kids at school from the beginning of this semester and always found a way to bully all the flat-chested girls at Fairy Tail High.

"We're here to eat. But now that we saw you, we've completely lost our appetite, fuck-o," Angel snickered.

"I-I can leave..."

"Wait a second, McGarden," Minerva said with a smirk before turning to Minerva. "Is your...friend still coming over?"

"Of course he is," Angel replied with a cruel aura, "I see him right at the door."

"Tell him to come in...say...we got him a little popcorn before the big meal," Minerva smirked.

"Oh, this'll be an amazing thing to capture! A Kodak moment, if I might add," Angel said with a gleeful, yet cruel tone of voice as she rushed to get her...friend.

"Umm...w-who's your, uh, f-friend...?" Levy asked nervously.

"Meet...Midnight," Minerva smirked. Levy looked at him instantly and her stomach dropped. Lo and behold was the hugest pervert, yet quietest man at school, always sleeping. She looked over to the cashier in fear and she saw Angel handing over many wads of dollar bills and then having the cashier escort everyone out of the cafe.

"U-Uhhh..." Levy got up quickly, but Minerva pushed her down, "M-Maybe it's, um, in all of our best interest for me to leave..." Suddenly, the lights shut off and Levy was left alone in the dark. The only thing she could see clearly was Midnight's glaring eyes.

"We're...going to have...fun," Midnight hissed as he proceeded toward her.



The next thing she remembered was shivering in fear under a table as Minerva and Angel laughed.

"Now, remember sweetie pie...don't tell anyone or these pictures go viral," Angel said cruelly before yanking Midnight away.

Levy's sorrowful eyes cried painful tears in the darkness before passing out.

Well, poor Levy got raped. :( I said it was rated M for a reason! And now Lucy has a reason for life. Hooray!

What else is to come? You'll see!


I love you all! Bye, sweeties!