You wake up on a soft matress. Your head feels heavy, you keep your eyes closed and stretch yourself as your hand is touching something soft and warm, it feels like skin. You open your eyes quickly and see an elf lying next to you.
He is beautiful with his delicate features and long, golden, silky hair.
You don't dare to wake him up, instead you take a look around. Next to the bed are empty wine bottles, your robe and a long silver robe, apparently the elf's robe, right next to a crown.
Suddenly it hits you. You have entered Mirkwood without permission, were captured by guards and brought before the King Thranduil. But instead of immediately locking you up, he has circled you slowly, like a predator its prey. He looked you over with his blue eyes.
"A human." He spits the words out contemptuously.
He turned to the guards . "Do not lock her away, I still need her . " Then he grabbed your arm and pulled you along. At that point your memory got lost.

Just now you realize that the elf is awake. He sits on the edge of the bed, his back turned to you. Suddenly he stands up, puts on his robe and without looking at you, he says "Put your robe on!" in his deep, authoritarian voice. Then he leaves the room without looking back one last time.
You get up, feeling a little dizzy, and put on your robe. Slightly confused you look around again and wonder what you should do. Then you decide to simply leave the dormitory. Outside a guard is already waiting for you. "Follow me" he says and you do as you're told. You go down several flights of stairs, past some cells. Suddenly the guard stops, opens a cell door and pushes you in. Behind you you hear the door getting locked.
You sigh and sit down on the bench. With you head resting on your hands , you look outside.
"Did I really expect anything different?" you mumble, then you lay down and stare at the ceiling.

You lay there some time, you don't know how long, when a guard puts a bowl of steaming water and a rag in your cell. " Wash yourself! " instructs the guard and leaves.
You probably have no choice but to pursue this command, so you take off your robe, dive the rag into the warm, fragrant water and clean every inch of your body with it.
Then you put your robe back on and sit down, waiting for the bowl to get picked up. But instead of the bowl, you get picked up. A guard opens the door and tells you to come with him. He leads you back upstairs, but not to the dormitory.
Finally you stand in front of a large gate. It gets opened, you are sent in and the door closes behind you.
In the middle of the hall stands a long table full of food an there is a large chair at the end. Thranduil is sitting on it and looks at you intently while he points to the seat next to him.
Looking to the ground, you go to him and sit down . Your eyes wander to the food that stands between your and Thranduil's plate.
"Eat" commands the elf. You nod and put a small portion on your plate, he does the same.
As you eat, he holds a glass in his hand.
"Wine ," he says. You shake your head and say " no, thank you. "
"That was not a question," he replies coldly and places the glass next to your plate.
Now you look at him properly. He smiles, but the smile isn't meant for you but for knowing that he is more powerful than you. He looks at you so you take the glass hastily and take a sip. It is sweeter than any wine you have ever tasted before.
Thranduil nods and turns back to his meal .
After the feast, an elf comes in and cleans up . When he's done and gone, Thranduil tells you to get up. You do as you were told and you place yourself behind your chair. The elf stands up aswell and examines you just like at your arrival.
Thranduil is tall and slender, his blond hair hanging over his shoulders, his crown resting on his head.
A smile spreads across his face as he watches you. You catch yourself thinking that his smile was the most beautiful smile you have ever seen.
The elf fumbles at your robe before it slides down slowly and falls to the ground. Again, the King of Mirkwood runs around you and looks you over.
Your heart is racing, you are scared. Although the elf in front of you is attractive, he has an intimidating authority and his gaze is cold and piercing.
Now he is behind you and you feel his hand on your ass, squeezing it a bit.
He comes back to your front side and looks you into the eyes, but you cannot withstand his gaze.
With his long, tender fingers he caresses your cheeks, sliding down your neck until he finally reaches your breasts. You tremble slightly and have goosebumps. Thranduil takes the already hard nipple of your right breast between his thumb and index finger and stimulates it a little.
You look up at him, a big grin can be seen on his face and you feel like you could lose yourself in his beautiful grin. Suddenly you feel your heart is racing and Thranduil's hand has already wandered deeper. He strokes your belly, just below your belly button he hesitates a moment, then he goes even deeper.
He puts his hand between your legs and gently caresses your lips, then he strokes through the slit. As he touches your clit, a shiver drives through your spine and you feel aroused.
You moan softly, but you are frightened to admit that you are willing to surrender to your desire and to that elf.
Would it make any sense to resist? Thranduil is the king and gets what he wants anyway.
He pushes you slightly towards the table and lifts you up so you can sit on it .
When his robe falls down, you see his hard cock looming beneath his pants and now you certainly know what will happen to you.
The elf opens his pants and his full size springs out, throbbingly. He approaches you, takes your legs and signals you, that you shall wrap them around his waist . You do that without hesitation.
Surprisingly gently Thranduil pushes your upper body down until you are lying on the table.
Slowly he slides into you; you moan in pleasure but you're too scared to look at him, so you keep your eyes closed.
You hear his heavy breathing and feel a hand massaging your breast while Thranduil moves slowly in you. You draw the legs closer so that the King is pressed against you, he groans and begins to move faster .
He pushes harder and harder inside you, your moaning is now louder but you still don't open your eyes although you found pleasure in surrendering to this graceful elf.
Suddenly, you feel the elf tremble, his moaning is loud and after he reaches his climax, his body relaxed again. He pulls his cock out. You open your eyes, confused, and see Thranduil buttoning up his pants.
Was that it?
Thranduil lifts up his robe. Then he looks at you intently. "Put on your clothes " can his deep voice be heard.
You feel empty and angry at the same time. He used you an you wonder why you could ever expect anything else from him. You jump off the table and glare at him, but the king only buttones up his robe, smiling coldly, before he summons his guards.
When you're done, one of the guards grabs you by the arm and pulls you back to the cells, where he locks you up again. Then Thranduil appears at the cell door.
You look into his cold eyes and even though you feel hatred towards him, you're enchanted by his beauty.
"Get some rest. I have lots of plans for you tomorrow." He turns away and leaves.