Tis not an update, but I felt kinda bad for not being able to finish this story, so I decided I might as well put SOMETHING up for it. It's not an update, but it is the very very very very first draft of Don't Judge a Book by its Cover, which means it's literally one of the first things I've ever written. I figured it might be a little different to see my humble roots as a writer from about two years ago, and just a neat little document to share. It's pretty bad, a fair warning for you, but hey, whateves!

Unknown title for now

Oh, what façade could this possibly be?

Kairi was in awe when she took an examining of her surroundings. Never had a campus been so…huge! There were tons of students roaming all over the place, conversing and socializing. A pretty standard group of teenagers.

Selphie Tilmitt, Kairi's giddy and overbearing best friend, looks at Kairi with a smirk planted on her features.

"What did I tell you? I told you you'd love it, that's what I told you!" Selphie exclaimed. She loved being right. Kairi is too awestruck to even reply to Selphie's comment.

"It's just so…BIG!" Kairi yelled with shock, and gazed at the huge school known as Destiny High before them. And oh, what a huge school it was.

Kairi had just transferred from Rutherford High, which wasn't the most excited school in all the lands. She hadn't even stepped foot in the huge building, but she knew that it was going to be ten times better.

Selphie rolled her eyes with her smirk still on her face. She grabbed Kairi by the wrist and started dragging her inside. "Stop drooling," Selphie began, "you haven't even stepped inside. I can't tell you how excited I am to have my best friend finally come to my school!"

Selphie was always one for excitement. The inside of the school looked that of a regular school. Bright hallways and red lockers trailing down, and students with their usual social endeavors. Kairi and Selphie were both by the age of 15, Kairi only being about two months older. The female uniforms consisted of a white-buttoned down shirt with a blue tie caressing the neck, with a rather short skirt.

The boys uniforms were very inevitable, also being white buttoned down shirts and jeans. Selphie gave Kairi the grand tour of the place, since they still had about twenty minutes to spare before having to head to class.

Kairi, being a very attractive girl for her age, received a lot of looks from a lot of guys, uneasy, flirty, obnoxious looks, if I may inquire.

Kairi wasn't a shy girl, in fact, she's quite outgoing. But she was oblivious to their signals of infatuation of her, and she only gave the boys a simple smile and a wave.

After exiting the cafeteria, the pair heard a chant directed towards them. "Hey!"

Kairi and Selphie noticed a boy jogging towards them, his backpack slouched over his shoulder. He was along the lines of being a little taller, and he had long silver hair that went over his green eyes by a little bit. Kairi thought he was quite attractive actually, and he had a reputation for being one of 'the hottest guys in all of Destiny High'.

"Hi, Riku!" Selphie yelled back as Riku made his way up to the two girls. He glanced at Kairi, sensing her as an unfamiliar presence before turning back to Selphie.

"Hey, Selph." The mysterious boy gave Selphie a smile. He seemed friendly enough.

Selphie turned to Kairi. "Kairi, this is Riku. He's a good friend of mine. Riku, this is Kairi, she's my best friend.

Kairi gave Riku a cheerful smile as she extended her hand out to him. "Nice to meet you, Riku."

Riku returned the favor. A sweat drop rolling down his face. Was her mere touch that intoxicating. Never was Riku a nervous person.

He's the most popular guy at school, but there was something about this girl. Perhaps he's found the one he was destined to meet, the one who truly made him feel special with a force of love.

Damn, this girl is fucking hot! Or not. They let go of each others hand.

"So, Riku, how long have you been attending here?" The auburn-head asked Riku.

"Since last year. This school seemed scary at first, but the people lightened up to me after a while.

Selphie bit her lip seductively. Yeah, only because you're like, the hottest guy in freaking town. She decided to keep her thought to herself as she perked up again. "Where you headed?"

Riku shrugged, "No where in particular, guess I'll just tag along with you guys."

Just then, the bell rang. The tree went into their bags and dug out an envelope, inside were their schedules. They looked through them together, contrasting and seeing what classes they shared.

"YAY!" Selphie exclaimed. "We have like four of the same classes together, Kairi!" Kairi smiled in response, but also not seeing the point to get all excited. It's not like they don't see each other all the time anyway. Riku put a frown on his face, he only shared one class with Kairi. So much for trying to spend more time with the gorgeous girl. Luckily, they did all have lunch together.

The three headed to class together, all sharing first period. Kairi and Riku decided to get to know one another better along the way. The three way conversation led to many chuckles and laughs. It was like they had been a trio forever already.

But it was no real surprise. Kairi had that affect with everybody. She had a lot of charisma and always made people feel welcomed.

They walked into their first class of the day, English. There were a good number of students socializing already, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Kairi was taken aback by the beautiful scenery of the large window that allowed the sun to peer into the classroom. Kairi took a sit in the middle of the room, all the while, earning a couple of stares from a couple guys, Selphie sitting to her left and Riku in front of her.

Kairi sighed as a sign of relief. She leaned back in her chair with her hands behind her head. Not the most feminine of postures, but Kairi was always a slight tomboy.

"Man, I've never felt so chill before…" Kairi closed her eyes. She opened one eye to spot a boy sitting all by himself by the window, slouched over the desk. He looked miserable. Nobody was talking to him and it seemed like his existence wasn't acknowledged at all by any of their peers.

The boy was a brunet with spiky hair that stuck up everywhere. His skin was a tan-like color, and his eyes were blue.

Kairi was confused. Never had she seen someone look so lonely before. She left her chair hit the floor as she looked at the poor boy.

"Who's that guy over there?" She asked. Selphie looked to see the lonely boy as well. She shrugged.

"He's just some quiet kid who goes here. Nothing too interesting about him. I can never for the life of me remember his name."

That left Kairi even more puzzled. She looked at Riku, using her expression on her soft face to ask Riku if he knew the boys name, but even he didn't know. He shrugged at her in response.

How could someone look so lonely and cast off? She turned to Selphie once more, "What's wrong with him? He looks pretty sad, don't you think?" Selphie looked at Kairi with a unreadable expression.

"He always looks like that. Don't know why, though. I remember back in Destiny Elementary school. From what I remember, he was a pretty cool kid and happened to be the class clown all the time. Everybody liked him," Selphie began setting her backpack down to the side of her. "But overtime, I guess he just never spoke anymore. Nobody talks to him now."

"It didn't occur to you to ask him what was wrong?"

"I figured he wanted to left alone."

Kairi couldn't help but feel disappointed in her best friend. She always thought Selphie was one to help those who seemed to be troubled, but she just brushed this poor boy off like it was nothing.

"He's kinda cute, don't you think?"

Riku and Selphie glance at each other, trying to contain their laughter.

"Seriously, him?" Selphie obnoxiously added in. "He may not be UN-attractive, but he definitely isn't in my top ten. Or top fifteen for that matter.

Kairi was taken aback once more. Were they blind? This boy was not that bad looking. In fact, the boy was really handsome. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought he'd have been on one of those girly magazine covers. Why did they fail to see his attractiveness.

Perhaps he doesn't have the most attractive expression on his face at the moment, but surely he knows how to smile, right?

"I'm gonna go say something…" Kairi began to get up, but a hand held by the wrist. She looked down to see it was Riku tugging on her wrist.

"I wouldn't recommend that," he began. "You don't know if he's a cranky guy or not."

Kairi pulled her arm away from him, Riku receiving a scowl from her before she trotted off to the boy, Selphie and Riku watching intensely.

Kairi bended over a little. The boy had shut his eyes moments before Kairi approached him. He felt a presence near him and he looked up to see the absolutely stunning girl looking at him with a smile on her face, yet concerned eyes…and looking at him no less.

But nobody ever approaches him unless it's to ask for a pencil or something.

Kairi gave the boy a grin. "Hi, there."

The boy looked at her with quirked brows. He started digging in his backpack, which was planted on the floor beside him. Kairi was left confused. Was he going to give her something? This was going a bit fast and awkward for her taste.

The boy finally dug out a pencil from his bag and handed it to the beautiful girl before him, turning his head and looking at the front.

Kairi was speechless, not knowing what the boy was trying to do. "Uh…"

The boy finally spoke. She was expecting a gruff and grumpy voice, but it was a pretty well-pitched, normal fifteen-year old voice only slightly deep.

"That's what you came here for, right? For a pencil?" Kairi then realized what this was all about. She lowered his hand and gave him a friendly smile.

"No, no, no, I just came by to say hello."

The boy's eyes widened. No one ever came to talk to him like that anymore.

Kairi giggled at the boys expression, causing the boy to have a light shade of red spill on his face, yet warmth filled inside of him. She had a nice giggle.

"My name is Kairi Lockhart." She placed a hand on his arm. "You seemed really sad so I just thought I'd come by to see if you were okay. So…are you okay?"

The boy was speechless. The most beautiful girl he had ever laid his orbs on was talking to him. Did he mention she was beautiful? This was not an everyday thing for him. Usually he is ignored and avoided.

"Uh…I-I…" After years of being known as the 'quiet kid', the boys socialization skills had deteriorated. What was he to say? He couldn't let this opportunity slip by, nobody ever talked to him!

"Er…" He stuttered. "M-my name is Sora." Sora's voice cracked slightly.

"Nice to meet you, Sora. Hold on a sec." Kairi walked back over to her seat, where she found Riku and Selphie on their phones texting. Kairi got her backpack and tossed over her shoulder. Selphie looked up at Kairi in shock.

"Where are you going?" She asked, the auburn-haired girl spoke casually.

"I'm going to go sit by him." Kairi pointed to Sora, receiving shocked looks from not only Riku and Selphie, but from Sora as well.

Selphie couldn't help but look almost disgusted. "Tch, like why?" Kairi rolled her eyes. This wasn't the Selphie she knew and loved.

"I don't know." Was how Kairi simply responded. She went over and plopped in the seat next to Sora. She grinned and turned to Sora, the boy giving her a puzzled face.

"What's the matter?" Kairi asked.

"Why are you sitting next t-to me?" Sora stuttered.

"Why not?" She responded. "You seem like you could use a friend. Someone to talk to." Kairi gave Sora a more worried look, she had to be more cautious of how he felt. "You don't mind, do you?"

No way in hell did he mind. He was ecstatic to actually have someone who seemed like they cared.

"No, I don't mind." He answered. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. But do you mind telling me what's wrong?"

Sora slouched on his desk, turning away from her. "Nothing." He answered, his voice rather monotone. Kairi pouted at the lack of a true answer.

She turned over to see Selphie smirking, as if triumphant, and patted the seat Kairi once sat.

"It's never too late to change your mind." Selphie sang, but Kairi only stuck her tongue out before turning back to Sora.

"Well, what do you like to do?"

Sora looked back up at her.

"Why the sudden interest?"

"Just trying to start up a conversation."

"Oh…" Sora slouched back on his desk, looking forward again. Kairi looked nervous again. Was she not going to get an answer?

"I never really told anybody this before, but I like to dance…"

Kairi was relieved that he didn't ignore her like that, but then put on a surprised smile after taking in what he said. "You can dance?"

"Yeah, but uh, I'm not very good."

Denial…Kairi sung in her head. "Oh come on, that's just a cover up. I bet you're terrific dancer! What type of dance do you do?"

"Uh…I don't really…uh…consider it 'type'. I just dance how I feel and how the music makes me feel."

"Oh." Kairi meekly responded. That didn't sound too promising. In Kairi's mind, when someone is dancing and using how they feel as their motivation, it usually means the dancer really isn't all that good.

Perhaps Sora isn't that good. She decided to change the subject.

"What do you like to do for fun?"

"Dance." He answered almost immediately.

"That's it?" She asked. Surely dancing wasn't the only thing he did.


"You don't like to go to the movies, or the struggle tournaments?"

Sora shrugged. "I used to participate in the struggle tournaments. I always ended up embarrassing myself, though, so why the headache."

So like I said, I feel pretty bad about not being able to finish my first real fan fic on the site. Ever since I decided to discontinue this one, I've lost a lot of motivation and inspiration for my newer stuff over at Painted With a Palette. So, while this isn't me confirming that this fic will continue, I will say that it's under high consideration that I may come back and put an end to this fic so that it doesn't bother me so much anymore. So yay, right? Maybe? Yes, no? Okay XD

Thank you for reading!