Falling through the viel Harry kept a tight hold on Teddy, who had wrapped himself around him. The little boy was sobbing, muttering sorry's over and over.
As Harry comforted him telling him that it was all going to be ok, he noticed that the no longer seemed to be falling just... floating. Hesitantly he stretched out his foot and was shocked to find it seemed to be touching solid ground, so with that he straightened himself up adjusted the grip he had on his son and began walking.
It was hard to tell where exactly it was that he was going, everything around was a pure white so bright it almost seemed blinding, yet it also felt incredibly calming, after awhile he also noticed how it all seemed to shimmer and change, but it didn't at the same time.
He had started walking in what he felt was the right way, when he felt it, the presence of someone. Standing still Harry turned around and felt his eyes widen.
"No." The James look alike said.
"I merely chose this face as it was one from your past that made you feel content."
"In this current situation I am not to sure how you would react to my true form, particularly with the young one present."
"So you're..."
"That's right Master."
Harry was shocked that the entity known as Death smiled calmly at him, if someone had found a way to become his master he wouldn't be too happy about it.
Death chuckled, Harry had a feeling that Death could read his mind, despite Harry's occlumency lessons.
"I call you Master as merely a form of irony, perhaps it is lost on you, perhaps one day you will realise. In actual fact we now have a more intimate relationship. Something akin to father and son perhaps? Or maybe brothers? Yes we'll be very close indeed. There isn't much of a choice."
"What do you mean? I don't understand."
"I know. For now let's just call ourselves... business partners. You see all the stories you heard about the one that masters the hollows is true, you become that which you have obtained, you haven't attained mastery over Death. You have become Death, or one of the many forms."
Harry took his time to absorb all the information he had just heard, it almost seemed to make sense.
"So there's more forms of death out there?"
"Yes and No, there's only one true entity of death, and the entity does not just have to be one thing, you must also not confuse Death for one of the angels. For there are many angels, in all shapes and form, with time you will learn to differentiate between them.
"I feel however that at the moment I am merely confusing you. So we shall save this conversation for another day, right now however it's time for you to... go home."
"Why do I get the feeling that it's not going to be the home I know."
Death/James chuckled, walking closer to Harry as he said, "You're home is with your family, and your family just so happens to clinging on to you with all of his might. No where you are going will be a new place, a new universe. Somewhere your hero complex will help you fit in."
Death placed an arm around Harry and began walking him over to a portal, it looked the archway back at the ministry he looked questioningly at the man... entity next to him.
"These are stored all over and out of time, only some places are able to see them, and not all of them look the same. I sense you have many more questions, but for now Harry I ask you be patient. You'll understand one day, after all." Death back away grinning, Harry could see him slowly start to fade away.
"You have all entirety."
And with that Death was gone. Harry took in a deep breath before looking back at the new viel/portal, he hugged Teddy a little tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, and then walked into the veil.
Hey, I'm really sorry for making you all wait for such a long time, for a chapter that isn't that long, but kinda lost the track of this then got it back, like I say on my other stories, I write stuff and then my mind changes story route. Anyway I'm back with this one now and I hope there's still people out there who are still interested. Ace~