Hello all!

Sorry I haven't updated my stories in a while, the end of Senior year has been a little hectic. Thankfully I'm almost free though! (Three more days!)

I promise that I will update all of my stories within the next two weeks!

Now on with the Story!

I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I only own Robin and a few other characters mentioned...

My meeting with the Chiron was relatively short, we ended up walking to the big house. When we got there, he mainly explained some of the boundaries of camp to me. I also couldn't help but notice how the mention of any war was conveniently left out.

"Do you have any questions Robin?"

Chiron finally asks me after his long explanation of the camp. I look up at him, now in his Centaur form, "uh just one. Do you know who my dad is?"

Chiron suddenly gets a conflicted look on his features, "even if I did, I could not say. The godly parent must be the one to claim you, I cannot just tell you, it's not right."

Yeah just like leaving kids with no idea who their parents are isn't right but the gods still fucking do it!

"Yeah...I guess it wouldn't be. Sorry for asking."

I look away from Chiron and down to the camp again, "when will I get to look around?"

Chiron smiles at me, "one of the boys who helped you from earlier should be coming to assist you in a tour." I sigh exasperatedly, "them again? They seem to have a lot of time for being heads of their cabin."

What did I just say!

I look at Chiron, fearful that he may have heard my slip up, a strange look graces his features. "Robin, how did you know Travis and Connor are heads of the Hermes Cabin?"


"Oh they told me a little about the camp in the car, they mentioned the cabins and how each one has a head. They felt obligated to tell me they were both heads, they seem pretty proud of their position."

I kept a very unsure smile on my face in the hopes that he bought my lie. Chiron's expression shifted and he was soon smiling, "those boys really should be careful what they say sometimes."

"And why would that be Chiron?"

As soon as I hear the voice I know which twin had come to be my guide. Even though the boy's resemblance is uncanny, their voices are completely different. While talking to them in the car, it didn't take long for me to realize that Connor's voice was a few decibels higher than Travis' voice. That of course didn't mean that Connor's voice was high by any means, he sounded pretty average. It was just that Travis' voice was lower than Connor's.

Connor approached me, lazily swinging his arm around my shoulders, "are you ready to have the tour of your life?"

I feel my cheeks redden at Connor's closeness, "uh yeah...sure."

Chiron looks at the Hermes child sternly. "Connor, I want you to behave on this tour, remember you and your brother are still being punished for your last prank."

Connor tightens his hold on my shoulders and smirks. "Ah come on Chiron, you know it was hilarious! I mean the way the Aphrodite girls ran away from the snakes and right into the mud outside...it was beautiful."

Chiron gives him another look that looks almost scary. "Okay, I'll behave on the tour, I promise, scout's honor."

Connor suddenly lets go of my shoulders and grabs my wrist before pulling me in the direction of the cabins. Connor was quiet for a moment, which gave me the chance to ask.

"Connor, are you even a boy scout?"

Connor smirked, "nope, which means I don't have to behave."

He suddenly stops and pulls me towards him. He grabs me by both my shoulders, forcing me to look him in the eyes, we were so close… Suddenly he leans towards me.

Wait what is he?

I jerk my face away from his, my face heating up as I did so.

"W-What in the name of the gods do you think you're doing?"

I flinch as my voice cracks, suddenly the serious look on Connor's face is gone and he bursts into fits of laughter. He grabs his stomach and hunches over, trying to keep his balance as he does so.

"Oh my gods, you should have seen your face. You are so gullible!"

I feel my face heat up, is he kidding? I feel myself begin to anger, "Connor that wasn't funny!"

Suddenly Connor straightens up, as he tries to keep himself from laughing. "You're right, I'm sorry Robin…"

He looks as if he'll start laughing any second, "yeah sure you are, and it's Robbie not Robin." I find myself saying.

Connor starts the tour shortly after the fiasco he'd started. He goes over most of the cabins, adding commentary on each one. "-That's the Ares cabin over there, yeah you should stay away from them for at least a month. Try to blend in too, you really don't want their initiation for newbies."

He points in another direction, to a very girly looking cabin, "that's the Aphrodite cabin, you should stay away from them too. Silena, the cabin leader is okay, but honestly, the rest are a bunch of vindictive bitches."

I snort at the remark but then tilt my head sideways, "is that why you guys prank them so much?"

Connor frowned, "never really thought about it. We prank all the cabins but I guess we prank some more than others. Like the Athena cabin, they just need to get the sticks out of their asses and have a little fun. We prank Ares a lot, because of how mean they are to everyone. Then there's the Demeter cabin…well that's mainly Travis...his reason is well the cabin leader actually."

Wait Traitie is real? I feel a slight fangirl moment coming on…

I smile slightly, "what does he have a crush on the leader?"

Connor smirks, "you have no idea. I swear one minute they're flirting with each other, the next Travis is pulling a prank and Katie's trying to kill him. I really can't keep track anymore, I've stopped trying."

I smile inwardly, "Travis probably doesn't want to admit how much he likes her because he's afraid she won't like him back. So to make up for it he tries to get her to notice him."

Connor rolls his eyes, "well I guess if that's how he wants to get her attention…more power to him. I mean I guess Katie must like it, but they seriously need to skip the hot and cold game, it's kind of annoying having to help him with those pranks all the time. They're normally not even good ones, 'cause he doesn't want to 'hurt' her."

I look at Connor oddly, in the books I had always only seen the pranking side of Connor. But now that I'm here talking to him, I'm learning that's not his only side. He gets annoyed by others, just like everyone else in the world. I guess he would though, he's not a minor character from a book series to me anymore, he's a person, maybe even a new friend. I need to get that through my head.

After the tour, Connor and I end up by the lake on the pier. He sits down and lets his feet touch the water, and not knowing what else do do I follow suit. We stare at the lake for a while before Connor finally sighs, " Robbie, there's something you should know…"

Here it is, I think to myself, the bombshell, that they are in a war that they might not win.

I look at him expectantly, "what?"

Connor looks out at the ocean, "well a couple of years ago a guy named Percy Jackson came to camp…"

Connor then told me everything, the story of how Percy had to retrieve the lightning bolt, and the very next year he had to go retrieve the fleece from the Sea of Monsters. He told me about Thalia, and Kronos. Also how during the past winter, a camper was taken by Hermes' Cabin's former cabin leader, Luke.

"...So yeah, that's everything that's happened so far. Chiron expects something to happen this summer, we all do. I know it's only April, but I guess I'm just telling you this so you'll take the fighting classes more seriously."

Connor suddenly looks away from me and looks back at the lake. I felt so bad for him, and Travis. They were thrust into the position of cabin leader, when they had admired Luke so much. Everything they had thought had been a lie. Suddenly Connor picks up a rock that had been on the pier and throws it into the lake.

"This sucks," he says suddenly, sighing as he does so.

I half-expected a Naiad to come up and yell at Connor, one never did though. I suddenly reach forward and touch his shoulder, trying to get him to look at me. He looks over still looking slightly saddened, "hey it'll be okay. I'm sure we can beat this Kronos guy. You said Percy was a child of the Big Three right? He must be powerful…"

Connor nods smirking slightly, "yeah he's tough. Maybe we'll be alright, I just don't know…"

I try to smile, "no one ever does…"

Except me…and I'm not changing a thing...I can't.

Connor sighs again, "we should probably head back. I haven't even showed you your designated spot on the floor yet, or the floor board you can hide your stuff under."

Connor stands up and offers his hand to me, I look up at him for a moment before taking it. He pulls me up carefully, but instead of letting go, he smiles mischievously and jumps into the lake. Still holding my hand captive I end up following him and we both end up in the lake.

I swim to the surface and glare at him, "Connor are you kidding me?"

Connor was already sitting on the pier again, smiling at me. "What? I had to make sure you weren't a child of Poseidon. See that's one god down already, you should really be thanking me." I can't help but smile as I splash water up at him. He gets doused with water again, and laughs.

Suddenly I feel a tug on my ankle and my smile disappears. I feel a hand grab on to my foot and I start to get pulled down. I kick my foot wildly, and out of the corner of my eye I see Connor's smile falter.

He leans down and reaches for me, "hey grab on. The naiads are probably pissed off at us."

I reach forward but before I can grab his hand I'm pulled under.

Yeah a cliffhanger...

It just seemed like the best place to stop, sorry!

I wonder why Robin was dragged under?

I guess you'll have to find out next time!